Wildlife Trafficking between the European Union and Mexico


Illegal wildlife trade or wildlife trafficking is a global threat to all kinds of species, not just charismatic megafauna or wildlife in Africa and Asia. This paper presents the findings of an investigation of the illegal trade in native and non-native wildlife and wildlife products between the European Union and Mexico. Using literature analysis, secondary trade data and expert interviews, this study explores the nature and extent of wildlife trafficking between these two regions, including the involvement of organised crime within an eco-global criminological framework. This is important for the regions studied and for the global community more generally, as wildlife trafficking is contributing not only to species extinction, but also to instability, violence and unhealthy physical environments for humans.

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Except where otherwise noted, content in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Published: 2019-08-19
Pages:23 to 37
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How to Cite
Arroyo-Quiroz, I. and Wyatt, T. (2019) “Wildlife Trafficking between the European Union and Mexico”, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 8(3), pp. 23-37. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v8i3.1243.

Author Biographies

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Inés Arroyo-Quiroz has a PhD in Biodiversity Management from the University of Kent (UK) and is author of publications concerning the role of Mexico in international wildlife trade. She researches Green Criminology in the context of wildlife use and conservation, recently leading an EU-funded project to analyse the dynamics of wildlife trade between Mexico and the European Union. She currently works as a full-time researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (CRIM-UNAM) and is Chair of the IUCN Green Criminology Specialist Group, a global expert network recently created to provide guidance on identifying transgressions that are harmful to humans, environments, and wildlife, regardless of legality per se.

Northumbria University
 United Kingdom

Dr Tanya Wyatt is a Professor of Criminology at Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK. She is a green criminologist specialising in the areas of wildlife trafficking and non-human animal abuse. Her research explores the nexus of green crimes, organised crime, corruption and security. Professor Wyatt has published extensively on wildlife crime, including her forthcoming book, with Dr Angus Nurse, Wildlife Criminology from Bristol University Press.