1 Introduction

Quantum Counterfactual Communication is the combination of counterfactual circumstances (where “things\(\ldots\) might have happened, although they did not in fact happen” [1]) with quantum physics, to send information between two parties without any matter/energy transfer associated with the bits sent (although in any practical implementation of it there is matter/energy transfer in the protocol as a whole). Given its interesting foundational implications, and potential for ‘unhackable’ communication, it has excited massive interest in recent years [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65].

What, if anything, makes these protocols essentially quantum [14]? To answer this, we need to determine the underlying structure of classical counterfactual communication for comparison (Sect. 2), and give a sufficient condition for a protocol to be quantum (Sect. 3).

Section 4 then examines the quantum counterfactual communication protocols proposed so far, to assess their non-classicality. We show what separates them from classical counterfactual communication protocols and how they meet the condition for being quantum.

We identify two essential differences between classical and quantum counterfactual communication. The first is that only one bit-value (e.g. ‘0’) can be sent in a classical protocol without matter or energy transfer associated with the bit being sent. The second is that the two-value quantum protocols require wave-particle duality to be able to send either bit value of each bit sent.

2 Classical Counterfactuality

Counterfactual communication long predates quantum mechanics. For instance, in the Sherlock Holmes story, Silver Blaze, Holmes infers a racehorse was abducted by its own trainer, as the stable dog didn’t bark. As Holmes puts it, “the curious incident of the dog in the night-time” was that the dog did nothing [66]. A more recent fictional example is the Bat-Signal. If there were a major crime being committed the Bat-Signal would appear in the sky, and so the Bat-Signal’s absence counterfactually communicates to Bruce Wayne that all is well. Whenever we receive information from a sign’s absence we are being signalled to counterfactually (e.g. the signal that an engine’s components are functioning as they should is that the warning light is off).

Obviously in each of these cases a single bit is transmitted, and the bit value is signalled without the transfer of matter or energy. However, only one bit-value can be communicated by an absence in this way. Had a stranger kidnapped the racehorse, the dog would have barked, and energy would have have been transferred through the communication channel; correspondingly of course the Bat-Signal and other warning lights involve the transmission of energy when they are on. A sign’s absence can transmit one value of a bit, only if the sign always occurs for the other bit value [67]. This is counterfactual communication based on counterfactual inference.Footnote 1 Counterfactual inference is not rare but ubiquitous in everyday life and in science. For example, if there was an ether then the Michelson-Morley experiment would not have a null result.

The structure of classical counterfactual communication as above is as follows. Were A to happen, B would happen. B did not happen. Therefore A did not happen. B not happening is a signal that A did not happen, only because B happening signals that A happened.


$$\begin{aligned} A\supset B;\;\lnot B;\; \therefore \lnot A \end{aligned}$$

Any instance of this structure in which B doesn’t happen can be thought of as counterfactual communication of A’s not happening. However, typically, we want a one-to-one correspondence between the signalling event A and the inferred event B, so we always recognise the inferred event’s absence. For this, we need the further condition that, were A not to happen, B would not happen (\(\lnot A \supset \lnot B\)).

3 Quantum as Non-classical

Next, to evaluate the proposed protocols we need a sufficient condition for something being quantum. There are many differences between classical and quantum physics. For optics (which all protocols so far have used), classical physics is everything up to and including Maxwell’s equations. These formulate light as the evolution of waves whose intensity can be split continuously [68]. In contrast to this, in the quantum optics needed for many situations, we must consider light as photons [69], which are quanta of the electromagnetic field that are detected as discrete packets of absorbed energy. Despite this discrete particle-like behaviour, in propagation photons retain wave-like properties such as interference. Therefore, in the context of optics it is appropriate to take a protocol to be quantum if it requires using both wave- and particle-like features by combining interference with single photon detection. The latter nullifies the splitting of light intensity across different detectors, and forces it to end in a single location.

4 Protocol Evaluation

4.1 Salih et al.’s Protocol

Of the protocols proposed so far, only one has been shown counterfactual by both Weak Trace and Consistent Histories - Salih et al’s [34, 41]. We show this protocol in Fig. 1 and give a detailed description in the associated caption. Above we argued that a sufficient condition for a protocol to be quantum is that it requires both discreteness and path-interference - which, for light, only single photons can do. We now consider whether this protocol has to meet this condition in order to be counterfactual.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A schematic diagram of Salih et al.’s protocol for counterfactual communication, where, for every bit communicated, provably no photons have been to Bob. This version shows for one outer interferometer cycle (\(M=1\)), and multiple (N) inner interferometer cycles. The region of Alice is shown in pink, and the region of Bob in blue. Each Polarising Beamsplitter (PBS) reflects any vertically-polarised (V) light, and transmits any horizontally-polarised (H) light. The Half-Wave Plates (HWPs) rotate polarisation between horizontal and vertical polarisation unitarily, by an angle of either \(\pi /2M\) (the HWPs before each outer interferometer) or \(\pi /2N\) (the HWPs before each inner interferometer). This means, when Alice injects a horizontally-polarised photon from the source into her apparatus, the outer (left) path contains only horizontally-polarised light (labelled H), while a small amount of V-polarised light is created by the first HWP, and injected into the inner interferometer chain. In each inner interferometer, the left (Alice) path contains only V-polarised light, and the right (at Bob) only H-polarised light. If Bob does not block his paths, the chain of N\(\pi /N\)’ rotations turn the V-polarised component in the inner interferometer chain to H, and so anything in the inner chain is sent to a loss channel \(D_3\). This means Alice can only receive the photon if it went via her outer path, and so arrived at her \(D_0\). If Bob blocks his paths, he absorbs this inner-chain H-polarised light, so the light is continually reset to V-polarised at the end of each inner interferometer, which stays on Alice’s side, and reaches her \(D_1\) as a V-polarised photon, having never travelled to Bob. A small number of photons are absorbed at Bob, reducing the efficiency. The probability of this happening decreases as M and N increase. Here, M is 1, but in general \(M\ge 2\), \(N\ge 2\). The only way Alice’s \(D_1\) can click is if Bob blocks; and in the infinite limit of chained outer cycles, the only way her \(D_0\) can click is if he doesn’t. Unlike the classical case, both the ‘0’ and ‘1’ bit-values are received without energy transfer across the channel, and so both are sent counterfactually [34, 41]

While the limit of many single photons may generate the same results as coherent states, the way in which they produce them differs. This is due to the discreteness discussed, which is not considered when using coherent states, but is when using Fock states (i.e. single photons).

In the quantum case, beamsplitters split a photon’s probability amplitude between the two eigenstates that correspond to the photon going in each direction; in the classical case, they split the beam intensity (and field). As interference still occurs, when Bob does not block, waves on both sides still destructively interfere, so the light never returns to Alice. However, Bob’s \(D_3\) and Alice’s \(D_0\) both detect light simultaneously. Similarly, when he blocks, light goes to his blockers and Alice’s \(D_1\) simultaneously. Therefore, in both cases, as light goes between Alice and Bob, it is not counterfactual. While the amount of light going to Bob’s \(D_3\) may be infinitesimal for an infinite number of outer cycles, and that going to his blockers infinitesimal for infinite inner cycles, this is not the same as no light going there in either case - so, regardless the number of cycles, with classical light, the protocol isn’t counterfactual. This may seem obvious, but many have not realised this and claimed this protocol could be performed classically (e.g. [14]).

The only way to avoid this is to force the light to end at only one point - to postselect, with information only travelling when nothing goes between Alice and Bob. Only single photons can do this. Therefore, the only way to make the protocol counterfactual is to use these, and so make the protocol quantum.

4.2 Vaidman’s Protocol

Alongside the proven protocol of Salih et al, Vaidman recently proposed one [54] which, while not yet proven valid by Consistent Histories, has been shown to be valid by the Weak Trace criterion. We show this protocol in Fig. 1 and give a detailed description in the associated caption. Similarly to Salih et al’s, it relies on both interference and single-photon detection - without the use of single photons, when Bob blocks the paths on his side of the inner interferometers, light could reach both Bob’s blocker and Alice’s detector \(D_1\). Further, when Bob doesn’t block, light could reach both the loss channels (marked ‘\(D_L\)’ in Fig. 2) and Alice’s \(D_0\) - in both these cases, the protocol would definitely not be counterfactual.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A schematic diagram of Vaidman’s recent protocol for counterfactual communication [54]. The region of Alice is shown in pink, and the region of Bob in blue. Unlike Salih et al’s, it doesn’t use polarised light, instead making use of ordinary (non-polarising) beamsplitters. By their design, when Bob doesn’t block his side of the channel, each inner interferometer outputs into loss channels (here, the \(D_L\)s). This means (unless the photon is lost) the interferometer on the outer arm (starting with the red beamsplitter) always outputs at \(D_0\). However, when Bob blocks, waves coming out of the inner interferometer chain negatively interfere at the final beamsplitter, causing the photon (if it stays at Alice) to go to \(D_1\). The beam-splitting values given in this example make the losses equal, for two inner interferometers, regardless of whether or not Bob blocks his path (sends 1 or 0). We discuss this further in Appendix 1

Extrapolating from these protocols, any counterfactual protocol (valid or not) whereby the interference from Bob blocking or not blocking his side of an interferometer affects the destination of light on Alice’s side, without them both simultaneously detecting that light, relies on both wave-like and particle-like properties. This means, all these protocols, from the Elitzur-Vaidman Bomb Detector, to Noh’s counterfactual cryptography scheme, to even Arvidsson-Shukur et al’s proposal (despite only sending one bit-value counterfactually), are essentially quantum by our definition above.

5 Conclusion

We have shown Quantum Counterfactual Communication is essentially quantum. This confirms that both particle-like behaviour and path interference are necessary for schemes where both bit-values are sent counterfactually. In all schemes demonstrated so far, this is the only way it is quantum (though protocols which send quantum information have been proposed theoretically [37, 38, 40, 70, 71]). Quantum Counterfactual Communication allows us to look at principles at the heart of the foundations of quantum physics - self-interference and counterfactual non-definiteness [72] - in a new and exciting way, and will hopefully motivate new thought experiments and experimental work based on this seemingly impossible phenomenon.