Collection: Doctoral Research: Learning in an Open World


Facilitating Student Engagement Through Educational Technology: Towards a Conceptual Framework



The concept of student engagement has become somewhat of an enigma for educators and researchers, with ongoing discussions about its nature and complexity, and criticism about the depth and breadth of theorising and operationalisation within empirical research. This equally applies to research conducted in the field of educational technology and its application in schools and higher education. Recognising the inherent role that technology now plays in education, and the potential it has to engage students, this paper draws on a range of student engagement literature and conceptualises a provisional bioecological framework of student engagement that explicitly includes technology as one influential factor. This paper first proposes a definition of student engagement and provides an exploration of positive student engagement indicators. It then presents a bioecological framework, and the microsystemic facets of technology, teacher and curriculum are further explored in their relation to fostering student engagement. Based on this framework, implications for further theory-based research into student engagement and its relation to educational technology are discussed and recommendations for educators are given.


student engagementeducational technologytheoretical frameworkbioecological modelhigher educationK-12
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 2019 Issue: 1
  • Page/Article: 11
  • DOI: 10.5334/jime.528
  • Submitted on 22 Feb 2019
  • Accepted on 13 Jun 2019
  • Published on 10 Sep 2019
  • Peer Reviewed