Determinacy from strong compactness of ω1 rights and content


In the absence of the Axiom of Choice, the “small” cardinal ω1 can exhibit properties more usually associated with large cardinals, such as strong compactness and supercompactness. For a local version of strong compactness, we say that ω1 is X-strongly compact (where X is any set) if there is a fine, countably complete measure on ω1(X). Working in ZF+DC, we prove that the (ω1)-strong compactness and (R)-strong compactness of ω1 are equiconsistent with AD and ADR+DC respectively, where AD denotes the Axiom of Determinacy and ADR denotes the Axiom of Real Determinacy. The (R)-supercompactness of ω1 is shown to be slightly stronger than ADR+DC, but its consistency strength is not computed precisely. An equiconsistency result at the level of ADR without DC is also obtained.


We assume ZF+DC as our background theory unless otherwise stated. (However, we will sometimes weaken our choice principle to a fragment of DC.) In this setting, it is possible for ω1 to exhibit “large cardinal” properties such as strong compactness. The appropriate definition of strong compactness is made in terms of measures (ultrafilters) on sets of the form ω1(X).

Definition 1.1

Let X be an uncountable set. A measure μ on ω1(X) is countably complete if it is closed under countable intersections and fine if it contains the set {σω1(X):xσ} for all xX. We say that ω1 is X-strongly compact if there is a countably complete fine measure on ω1(X).

For uncountable sets X and Y, we will often use the elementary fact that if ω1 is X-strongly compact and there is a surjection from X to Y, then ω1 is Y-strongly compact as witnessed by a push-forward measure.

In the absence of AC, it may become necessary to consider degrees X of strong compactness that are not wellordered. The first and most important example is X=R. The theory ZFC+“there is a measurable cardinal” is equiconsistent with the theory ZF+DC+ω1 is R-strongly compact.” (For a proof of the forward direction, see Trang [19]. The reverse direction is proved by noting that ω1 is ω1-strongly compact, hence measurable, and considering an inner model L(μ) where μ is a measure on ω1.)

Another way to obtain R-strong compactness of ω1 that is more relevant to this paper is by the Axiom of Determinacy. If AD holds then by Martin's cone theorem, for every set Aω1(R) the property {xR:xTd}A either holds for a cone of Turing degrees d or fails for a cone of Turing degrees d, giving a countably complete fine measure on ω1(R).

Besides R, another relevant degree of strong compactness is the cardinal Θ, which is defined as the least ordinal that is not a surjective image of R. In other words, Θ is the successor of the continuum in the sense of surjections. If the continuum can be wellordered then this is the same as the successor in the sense of injections (that is, c+.) However in general it can be much larger. For example, if AD holds then Θ is strongly inaccessible by Moschovakis's coding lemma, but on the other hand there is no injection from ω1 into R.

If ω1 is R-strongly compact, then pushing forward a measure witnessing this by surjections, we see that ω1 is λ-strongly compact for every uncountable cardinal λ<Θ. In general all we can say is Θω2 and so this does not give anything beyond measurability of ω1. However, it does suggest two marginal strengthenings of the hypothesis “ω1 is R-strongly compact” with the potential to increase the consistency strength beyond measurability. Namely, we may add the hypothesis “ω1 is ω2-strongly compact” or the hypothesis “ω1 is Θ-strongly compact.” We will consider both strengthenings and obtain equiconsistency results in both cases.

In order to state and obtain sharper results, we first recall some combinatorial consequences of strong compactness. Let λ be an infinite cardinal and let C=(Cα:αlim(λ)) be a sequence such that each set Cα is a club subset of α. The sequence C is coherent if for all βlim(λ) and all αlim(Cβ) we have Cα=Cβα. A thread for a coherent sequence C is a club subset Dλ such that for all αlim(D) we have Cα=Dα. An infinite cardinal λ is called threadable if every coherent sequence of length λ has a thread. Threadability of λ is also known as ¬(λ).

The following result is a well-known consequence of the “discontinuous ultrapower” characterization of strong compactness. However, without AC Łoś's theorem may fail for ultrapowers of V, so we must verify that the argument can be done using ultrapowers of appropriate inner models instead.

Lemma 1.2

Assume ZF+DC+ω1 is λ-strongly compact” where λ is a cardinal of uncountable cofinality. Then λ is threadable.


Let C=(Cα:αlim(λ)) be a coherent sequence such that each set Cα is a club in α. Consider the ZFC model L[{(α,β):αCβ}], which we abbreviate as L[C]. Let μ be a countably complete fine measure on ω1(λ) and let j:L[C]Ult(L[C],μ) be the corresponding ultrapower map, where the ultrapower is defined using all functions ω1(λ)L[C] in V. The ultrapower is wellfounded by countable completeness and DC, so it has the form L[j(C)]. Note that j is discontinuous at λ: for any ordinal α<λ, we have j(α)[σsupσ]μ<j(λ) where the first inequality holds because μ is fine and the second inequality holds because λ has uncountable cofinality.

Now the argument continues as usual. We define the ordinal γ=supj[λ] and note that γ<j(λ) and that j[λ] is an ω-club in γ. Therefore the set j[λ]lim(j(C)γ) is unbounded in γ, so its preimage S=j1[lim(j(C)γ)] is unbounded in λ. Note that the club Cα is an initial segment of Cβ whenever α,βS and α<β; this is easy to check using the elementarity of j and the coherence of j(C). Therefore the union of clubs αSCα threads the sequence C. 

If λ<Θ then DCR suffices in place of DC:

Lemma 1.3

Assume ZF+DCR+ω1 is R-strongly compact.” Let λ<Θ be a cardinal of uncountable cofinality. Then λ is threadable.


Let C be a coherent sequence of length λ. First, note that we may pass to an inner model containing C where DC holds in addition to our other hypotheses. Namely, let f:Rλ be a surjection, let μ be a fine, countably complete measure on ω1(R), let C={(α,β):αCβ}, and consider the model M=L(R)[f,μ,C], where the square brackets indicate that we are constructing from f, μ and C as predicates. (In the case of μ, this distinction is important: we are not putting all elements of μ into the model.)

It can be easily verified that all of our hypotheses are downward absolute to the model M, and that our desired conclusion that C has a thread is upward absolute from M to V. In the model M every set is a surjective image of R×α for some ordinal α, so DC follows from DCR by a standard argument. Moreover, ω1 is λ-strongly compact in M by pushing forward the measure μ (restricted to M) by the surjection f, so the desired result follows from Lemma 1.2. 

A further combinatorial consequence of strong compactness of ω1 is the failure of Jensen's square principle ω1. In fact ¬ω1 follows from the assumption that ω2 is threadable or singular (note that successor cardinals may be singular in the absence of AC.)

Lemma 1.4

Assume ZF. If ω2 is singular or threadable, then ¬ω1.


Suppose toward a contradiction that ω2 is singular or threadable and we have a ω1-sequence (Cα:αlim(ω2)). If ω2 is singular, we do not need coherence of the sequence to reach a contradiction. Take any cofinal set Cω2 in ω2 of order type ω1 and recursively define a sequence of functions (fα:α[ω1,ω2]) such that each function fα is a surjection from ω1 onto α, using our small cofinal sets Cα at limit stages. Then the function fω2 is a surjection from ω1 onto ω2, a contradiction. On the other hand, if ω2 is regular and threadable, take a thread Cω2 through the square sequence. Then by the usual argument the order type of Cω2 is at most ω1+ω, contradicting the regularity of ω2. 

Now we can state our equiconsistency results and prove their easier directions.

Theorem 1.5

The following theories are equiconsistent:

  • 1.


  • 2.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is (ω1)-strongly compact.”

  • 3.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is R-strongly compact and ω2-strongly compact.”

  • 4.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is R-strongly compact and ¬ω1.”


(1) ⇒ (2): Under AD, Martin's cone theorem implies that ω1 is R-strongly compact. There is a surjection from R onto (ω1) by Moschovakis's coding lemma, so ω1 is (ω1)-strongly compact as well.

(2) ⇒ (3): This follows from the existence of surjections from (ω1) onto R and ω2.

(3) ⇒ (4): This follows from Lemma 1.2, Lemma 1.4.

Con (4)⇒Con (1): In Sections 3 and 4, we will show that statement (4) implies ADL(R). 

Moving up the consistency strength hierarchy, the next natural target for an equiconsistency result is the theory ZF+ADR. Here ADR denotes the Axiom of Determinacy for real games, which has higher consistency strength than AD and cannot hold in L(R). To get a model of ADR we will need to augment our strong compactness hypothesis somehow, for example with a hypothesis on Θ or (R). For any set X, we write DCX for the fragment of DC that allows us to choose ω-sequences of subsets of X.

Theorem 1.6

The following theories are equiconsistent:

  • 1.


  • 2.

    ZF+DC(ω1)+ω1 is R-strongly compact and Θ is singular.”


Con (1)⇒Con (2): By Solovay [11], if ZF+ADR is consistent then so is ZF+ADR+“Θ is singular.” (In particular Solovay showed that the cofinality of Θ can be countable, which implies the failure of DC.) Under ADR we have that ω1 is R-strongly compact by Martin's measure (this just follows from AD) and we have DCR (this follows from uniformization for total relations on R.) Moreover there is a surjection from R to (ω1) by the coding lemma, so DCR can be strengthened to DC(ω1).

Con (2)⇒Con (1): In Sections 5 and 6, we will show that if statement (2) holds, then statement (1) holds in an inner model of the form L(Ω,R) where Ω(R). Note that statement (2) implies that ω2 is either singular (if ω2=Θ) or threadable (if ω2<Θ, by Lemma 1.3) so in either case we have ¬ω1 by Lemma 1.4. Therefore we can make some use of the argument for Con (4)⇒Con (1) of Theorem 1.5 here, once we check that DC(ω1) suffices in place of DC for this argument. 

Finally, we will obtain an equiconsistency result at the level of ZF+DC+ADR. Note that this theory has strictly higher consistency strength than ZF+ADR. (By contrast, ZF+DC+AD and ZF+AD are equiconsistent by a theorem of Kechris.)

Theorem 1.7

The following theories are equiconsistent:

  • 1.


  • 2.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is (R)-strongly compact.”

  • 3.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is R-strongly compact and Θ-strongly compact.”

  • 4.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is R-strongly compact and Θ is singular.”


Con (1)⇒Con (2): By Solovay [11], under ZF+ADR we have DC if and only if Θ has uncountable cofinality, and in a minimal model of ZF+DC+ADR we have that Θ is singular of cofinality ω1. Assume that we are in such a minimal model of ZF+DC+ADR and take a cofinal increasing function π:ω1Θ.

We can express (R) as an increasing union α<ω1Γα where the pointclass Γα consists of all sets of reals of Wadge rank at most π(α). For each α<ω1 there is a surjection from R onto Γα, so ω1 is Γα-strongly compact. Moreover, ADR implies that there is a uniform way to choose, for each α<ω1, a countably complete fine measure μα on ω1(Γα) witnessing this fact (namely the unique normal fine measure; see Woodin [23, Theorem 4].)

Using a countably complete nonprincipal measure ν on ω1 (which exists because ω1 is ω1-strongly compact) we can assemble these measures μα into a countably complete fine measure μ on ω1((R)) as follows: for Aω1((R)), we say AμναAω1(Γα)μα. It's easy to verify that μ is countably complete because ν and the μα's are countably complete. Likewise, it's easy to verify that μ is fine because ν is uniform and the μα's are fine. Therefore the measure μ witnesses that ω1 is (R)-strongly compact, so statement (2) holds (in our minimal model of ZF+DC+ADR.)

(2) ⇒ (3): This follows from the existence of surjections from (R) onto R and Θ.

Con (1)⇒Con (4): This follows by the aforementioned result of Solovay that in a minimal model of ZF+DC+ADR the cardinal Θ is singular of cofinality ω1 (and of course ω1 is R-strongly compact by Martin's measure).

Con (3)∨Con (4)⇒Con (1): We will show in Sections 5 and 6 that if either statement (3) or statement (4) holds, then statement (1) holds in an inner model of the form L(Ω,R) where Ω(R). The proof of Con (4)⇒Con (1) is similar to the proof of Con (2)⇒Con (1) in Theorem 1.7, although one should note that the inner model L(Ω,R) does not simply absorb DC from V; a bit more argument is required. 

The authors would like to thank the referee for a careful reading of this article and for pointing out several minor errors. The first author would like to thank the NSF for its generous support through grant DMS-1849295.

Section snippets

Framework for the core model induction

This section is an adaptation of the framework for the core model induction developed in [10] and [9], which in turn build on earlier formulations in [7]. For more detailed discussions on the notions defined below as well as results concerning them, see [10] and [9]. The first subsection imports some terminology from the theory of hybrid mice developed in [10] and [9]. The terminology in this subsection will be used in Subsection 2.3 to define core model induction operators and will be needed

From Ω to M1,Ω

Suppose (P,Σ) is a G-Ω-suitable pair for some nice operator G such that Σ has branch condensation and is Ω-fullness preserving. (Recall that Ω is the pointclass of all sets of reals A such that L(A,R)AD+.) As a special case we also allow (P,Σ)=(,); the analysis of this special case is enough to prove Theorem 1.5. In this section we assume the strong hypothesis

ZF+DC(ω1)+ω1 is R-strongly compact and ¬ω1.”

Note that this follows from any of the hypotheses of Theorem 1.5, Theorem 1.6,

The maximal model of AD++Θ=θΣ

Throughout this section, we assume the hypothesis of Lemma 3.1, namely we assume

ZF+DC(ω1)+ω1 is R-strongly compact and ¬ω1.”

Suppose (P,Σ) is a G-Ω-suitable pair for some nice operator G such that Σ has branch condensation and is Ω-fullness preserving. As a special case we also allow (P,Σ)=(,); the analysis of this special case is enough to prove Theorem 1.5. We first define the “maximal pointclass of AD++Θ=θΣ”.

Definition 4.1

Let (P,Σ) be as above. LetΩΣ={(R)L(A,R)|AR and L(A,R)AD++Θ=θΣ+MC(Σ)}.

A model of AD++Θ>θΣ

Suppose (P,Σ) is a G-Ω-suitable pair for some nice operator G such that Σ has branch condensation and is Ω-fullness preserving. As a special case we also allow (P,Σ)=(,). In the previous section we showed (under our strong hypotheses plus a smallness assumption) that there is a maximal model of AD++V=L((R))+Θ=θΣ containing all reals and ordinals. This model has the form L(ΩΣ,R) where L(ΩΣ,R)(R)=ΩΣ. In this section, we will go just beyond this model to obtain a model of AD++Θ>θΣ

Ω is constructibly closed

The main theorem of this section is the following.

Theorem 6.1


Assume there is no transitive AD+ model M containing ROR such that there is a pointclass Γ(R)M with L(Γ)(R)=Γ and L(Γ)ADR+DC. Then L(Ω)(R)=Ω.

Remark 6.2

We note that the smallness assumption in Theorem 6.1 is stronger than (). It allows for the existence of a minimal model of “ADR+DC” but not much more. The Solovay sequence of the minimal model of “ADR+DC” has length ω1. We will use (+) to denote this hypothesis.

We assume (+) throughout this

Further results, questions, and open problems

We first mention a few natural questions regarding possible weakenings of the hypotheses of Theorem 1.5, Theorem 1.7. (In some cases one could also formulate versions with fragments of DC along the lines of 1.6.)

Question 7.1

What are the consistency strengths of the following theories:

  • 1.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is ω2-strongly compact”?

  • 2.

    ZF+DC+ω1 is Θ-strongly compact”?

Are they equiconsistent with ZF+DC+AD and ZF+DC+ADR respectively?

One could try to weaken the compactness hypotheses further:

Question 7.2

What are the consistency strengths

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