Issue 4, 2021

Catalytic synthesis of benzannelated macrocyclic di- and triperoxides based on phenols


An efficient method for the synthesis of benzannelated macrocyclic di- and triperoxides by cyclocondensation of phenol, catechol, resorcinol or hydroquinone with bis-hydroperoxides and formaldehyde in the presence of lanthanide catalysts has been developed. Additionally, by using flow cytometry, it has been shown for the first time in this work that thus-synthesized macrocyclic di- and triperoxides are efficient apoptosis inducers in the tumor cultures Jurkat, K562 and U937 and in fibroblasts.

Graphical abstract: Catalytic synthesis of benzannelated macrocyclic di- and triperoxides based on phenols

Article information

Article type
11 Nov 2020
27 Dec 2020
First published
18 Jan 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 2069-2077

Catalytic synthesis of benzannelated macrocyclic di- and triperoxides based on phenols

N. N. Makhmudiyarova, I. R. Ishmukhametova, K. R. Shangaraev, L. U. Dzhemileva, V. A. D'yakonov, A. G. Ibragimov and U. M. Dzhemilev, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 2069 DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ05511E

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