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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter November 16, 2020

The Gel, the Colour, and the Complexing Agent: An Investigation of a Rigid Gel Application of Benzotriazole for Verdigris-Damaged Paper

  • Leah Humenuck

    Leah Humenuck received her MA with distinction in Conservation specializing in books and library materials from West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, UK. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Sweet Briar College, USA.

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The aim of this research was an investigation into creating a rigid gel application of benzotriazole (BTA), a complexing agent, as a new potential way of treating verdigris-damaged paper. Various gel recipes were mixed and tested on historical samples. The gel recipes varied in gellan gel concentration, BTA/solvent solution concentration, and BTA concentration. The recipe effectiveness was assessed using Hulthe’s indicator paper and MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips, two types of indicator papers which detect free copper ions. The results showed that rigid gel application of BTA is effective in complexing the copper ions which may inhibit further damage to the paper caused by free copper ions. Some of the other effects of the gel were the simultaneous removal of paper discolouration by the gel. Further research is needed to refine the gel recipes as well as the treatment process to prevent or reduce potential tidelines and other possible negative side-effects of gel treatment.

Das Gel, die Farbe und der Komplexbildner: Behandlung von kupferfraß-geschädigtem Papier mit Benzotriazol in Gellan Gum

Zusammenfassung: Ziel des Forschungsprojektes war es eine Methode zu entwickeln, die es erlaubt, den Komplexbildner Benzotriazol (BTA) in einem Gel in kupferfraß-geschädigte Bereiche von Papier einzubringen. Dafür wurden Gele in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung hergestellt und an Proben aus historischen Materialien getestet. Die Gelrezepte variierten in der Konzentration des Gels, der Konzentration von BTA und Lösungsmittel sowie BTA/Lösungsmittel und Gel. Die Wirksamkeit der unterschiedlichen Gele wurde mittels Hulthes Indikatorpapier und MQuant™ Cu-Indikatorstreifen bewertet, welche freie Kupferionen mittels Farbreaktion nachweisen können. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass durch das Einbringen von BTA in Gelen Kupferionen komplexiert werden und so eine weitere Schädigung des Papiers durch freie Kupferionen verhindert werden kann. Darüber hinaus können Verfärbungen im Papier durch das Gel reduziert werden. Weitere Forschungen sind erforderlich, um die Gelrezepte sowie den Behandlungsprozess zu verbessern, um mögliche Nebenwirkungen der Gelbehandlung zu verhindern oder zu reduzieren.

Le gel, la couleur et l´agent complexant : une étude sur l´application de gel rigide au benzotriazole pour traiter un papier dégradé par du vert-de-gris

Résumé: Le but de cette recherche est une étude pour déveloper l´application d´un gel rigide au benzotriazole (BTA), une nouvelle manière potentielle de traiter un papier dégradé par du vert-de-gris. De nombreuses recettes de gels ont été préparées et testées sur des échantillons historiques. Les recettes variant en concentration du gel BTA/solution de solvant et concentration en BTA. L´efficacité a été évaluée au moyen d´indicateurs papier Hulthe et avec des indicateurs papier tests de cuivre MQuant™, deux types d´indicateurs papier détectant les ions cuivre libres. Les résultats montrent que l´application de gel rigide de BTA est efficace pour complexer les ions cuivre et ainsi inhiber des dégâts ultérieurs causés par les ions cuivres libres. Un autre effet du gel a été l´enlèvement simultané des produits de dégradation du papier. Une recherche supplémentaire est nécessaire afin d´affiner les recettes de gel ainsi que la méthode d´application pour prévenir ou réduire les auréoles ou autres effets secondaires négatifs possibles résultant du traitement au gel.

1 Introduction

Verdigris is a copper-based pigment used since ancient times that can be found on a variety of items in paper-based collections, particularly maps and atlases. Over time a combination of different factors can cause the pigment to damage the cellulose substrate. To inhibit the continuation of this damage, various treatments have been developed. One of those treatments is the use of benzotriazole (BTA), a copper ion complexing agent previously researched by Ahn et al. (2014) and Hofmann et al. (2016). This research is inspired by their previous work as well as by the various uses of gels in paper conservation. Application methods for BTA dissolved in ethanol include brush application (Hofmann et al. 2016) or spray (Ahn et al. 2014). One of the concerns about these application methods was ensuring even application of BTA (Ahn et al. 2014) though using a brush was a preferred method for a treatment (Hofmann et al. 2016). However, both brush and spray application do not address the paper discolouration caused by verdigris on the verso. Paper discolouration has been reduced by using various gel treatments, including the use of rigid gels (Angelova et al. 2017; Iannuccelli and Sotgui 2010; Micheli et al. 2014; Warda et al. 2007). This research is an investigation into creating a rigid gel application of benzotriazole (BTA) as a new potential way of treating verdigris-damaged paper.

1.1 Verdigris

Verdigris as a substance is copper acetate, of which there are various forms (Scott 2002, 271). It is prepared by exposing copper plates to acetic acid. Verdigris as a pigment is put through processes such as dissolving in vinegar and allowing large crystals to form, or mixing with other ingredients such as the juice of plants, similar to other ways of creating pigments (Merrifield 1849, clxvii, ccxvii, cccxi, 66). It can turn brown when exposed to light, to heat, or when paired with other substances, causing many works to be kept in the dark (Scott 2002). However, there are some cases when it retained its colour quite well (Eastaugh et al. 2004, 391). The mercurial nature of the pigment has added to the challenges of researchers and conservators regarding original appearance and efforts to preserve its current state.

1.2 Damage Caused by Verdigris Pigment

One of the hallmark signs of verdigris possibly causing damage to the paper substrate is the pigment’s colour change. The pigment may turn from the original blue or green to more yellowish or brownish colours. The paper may also discolour beneath the area where the pigment was applied and cause discolouration onto the opposing page (Carlson 1997). The pigment does not necessarily change colour before discolouring the paper beneath it or vice versa. This can be seen in the top row of images in Figure 1. The top left image is a detail of the recto from the Languedoc map. There are green areas around the title and a large brown area in the bottom right corner. These two painted areas were confirmed to be copper-based pigments by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The green areas around the title have not changed colour while the large brown area was likely once a green colour and now changed to brown. The top centre image is the verso of the same area. Where the pigment was applied on the recto, the paper has turned brown on the verso. This shows it is necessary to check both the recto and the verso for discolouration. While the discolouration of the pigment or the paper may not necessarily equate to damage, known damage seems to follow after this discolouration has occurred. This suggests that discolouration of the pigment or the paper might be indicative of damage.

Figure 1: Examples of verdigris discolouration, paper discolouration by verdigris, and verdigris damage. Top row, details from the Languedoc map: Left, detail of recto showing discolouration of pigment; Center, detail of verso showing discolouration of paper; Right, detail of verso under UV showing the verdigris pigmented areas appearing darker than surrounding areas. Bottom row, detail from the Lancashyre map: Recto, area titled “Upper”, showing brittleness and detaching damage.
Figure 1:

Examples of verdigris discolouration, paper discolouration by verdigris, and verdigris damage. Top row, details from the Languedoc map: Left, detail of recto showing discolouration of pigment; Center, detail of verso showing discolouration of paper; Right, detail of verso under UV showing the verdigris pigmented areas appearing darker than surrounding areas. Bottom row, detail from the Lancashyre map: Recto, area titled “Upper”, showing brittleness and detaching damage.

The degradation of cellulose by verdigris is not completely understood due to the many factors which affect each case. However, well-studied degradation processes caused by metal ions such as the Fenton reaction are discussed in depth in other research (Banik and Ponahlo 1982; Daniels 1989; Porck and Castelijns 1991; Selih et al. 2007).

Brittleness of the paper substrate where verdigris pigment was applied is a type of damage. The paper has lost some of its original structure and flexibility and is unable to bend without breaking. Detached areas are another type of damage. In areas where concentrated verdigris pigment was applied there can be some material loss as the chemical reactions have caused the paper to degrade completely. Particularly when there is a border around an area such as on a map, this can cause a piece to become detached from the rest of the paper. See Figure 1 for examples of damage in the bottom image. Where borders were executed with verdigris, some of the paper has become brittle and has detached.

Under ultraviolet wavelengths (UV), areas with verdigris may appear drastically darker than the surrounding paper or other pigments (see Figure 1, top row, right image for an example). UV may reveal darkened halos outside the areas where the verdigris pigment was applied. This may indicate that the copper ions migrated beyond where the pigment was applied and possibly affected the surrounding paper similar to other metal-based pigments such as iron gall ink (Reissland, Scheper and Fleischer, 2007). This phenomenon was also observed by Henniges et al. (2006) on artificially aged paper with copper pigment. UV light was used during the test series in order to ensure that both the painted area and the possibly migrated copper ions were treated throughout all the phases.

1.3 Treatment of Verdigris Damage

Due to the various types of degradation of paper caused by verdigris, different mechanical or chemical treatment options have been developed. The selection of a treatment option is always case specific. This study focussed on chemical treatment using the copper ion complexing agent BTA.

1.4 Benzotriazole

Benzotriazole was originally a copper inhibitor used in industry and then adapted for archaeology conservation in the early 1960s (Sease 1978). As mentioned earlier, BTA is a complexing agent and forms insoluble CuBTA when in contact with free copper ions. BTA was researched as a treatment option for paper items with verdigris damage by Ahn et al. (2014), which was expanded through findings published in the two subsequent years (Hofmann et al. 2015, 2016). It was found that BTA was more effective than some other copper ion inhibitors, but caused discolouration of paper in accelerated light aging tests especially when the concentration of BTA increased (Ahn et al. 2014). In Ahn et al.’s research various BTA concentrations from 0.5 to 3% w/v in ethanol were applied. A 3% BTA solution in 96% ethanol applied by brush proved to be the most effective treatment (Hofmann et al. 2016). However, it should be noted that the efficacy of BTA may be dependent upon the condition of the item and other influencing factors.

1.5 Gellan Gum Gel

Gellan gum is the product of a specific type of bacteria after fermentation (Kelco 2019). It has been used in food production, medicine, and pharmaceutical developments. Because of its properties, gellan gum has been adapted and applied to paper conservation for cleaning, backing removal, and stain reduction (Angelova et al. 2017). In order to evaluate if gellan gum gel is compatible with BTA, the gel must be miscible with the solvent for BTA and the pore size of the gel must also allow BTA to move through the matrix of the gel into the paper. Gellan gum gels have been mixed and used successfully with soluble chelating agents (Prestowitz 2017). This is useful to understand that a soluble substance was successfully put into a gel matrix and then migrated out of the gel matrix onto the paper. Previously, the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was incorporated into gellan gum. EDTA is a larger molecule than BTA (Bonaldo 2015). This suggested that successful incorporation of BTA into gellan gum gel was possible. It should be noted again that BTA is a complexing agent and not a chelating agent to avoid confusion.

For this study, gels were applied to the verso of the samples, similar to the brush application method by Hofmann et al. (2016), in all test series in order to complex copper ions in the paper and inhibit further interacting. Application to the verso was carried out in order to limit negative effects such as possible unintended removal of printing or original pigments. The application of gels was not intended to remove free copper ions. Washing after the gel treatment was not considered due to the possible migration of free copper ions which may not have been complexed by the BTA.

There have been some concerns regarding gel residues remaining on the paper surface when using gels without subsequent washing treatment. A study conducted by Sullivan et al. (2017) showed that they do leave minimal residues. However, it should be noted that small amounts of residue may not harm the paper substrate as polysaccharides are similar to cellulose on a chemical level and they have a known stable aging behaviour (Sullivan et al. 2017). Additionally, in Sullivan et al.’s study (2017), it was found that sized papers had lower amounts of residue than un-sized papers.

This research was structured in 4 phases.

  • Phase 1: testing varying concentration of gel.

  • Phase 2: testing varying concentration of gel, BTA, and BTA/IMS solution.

  • Phase 3: selection of the three best gel recipes from phase 2, further testing in order to choose one recipe for testing in phase 4.

  • Phase 4: Comparison of brush and gel applications in situ.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Sample Preparation

Historical samples were used throughout all the phases because a realistic treatment-scenario result was to be gained and the abundance of material available. In order to ensure the choice for this type of sampling was ethical, the Icon Heritage Science Group’s Ethical Sampling Guidance was consulted (Quye and Strlič 2019). The author was not aware of a published method of artificial aging which mimics all the hallmark effects of aging on historical items with verdigris damage (pigment colour change without still being soluble, brittleness, etc.). Though many researchers have worked with artificially aged samples to study copper ion induced degradation of paper, an established method of artificial aging has not been developed yet. Using historical samples came with benefits. One of these benefits was the research reflecting a possible treatment scenario for a similar item, since the historical samples have had numerous factors affecting them. However, inconsistencies in the samples may have affected the results.

Through phases 1–3, samples from a historic map referred to as the Languedoc map were used. It is a mid-17th century French map made from handmade, laid rag paper approximately 109 g/m2. Figure 2 shows areas used for samples (10 × 10 mm) in phase 1 and 2 highlighted in red and areas used for samples (30 × 20 mm) in phase 3 highlighted in blue. The presence of copper in areas showing signs of copper corrosion was confirmed using both XRF and Hulthe’s indicator paper.

Figure 2: Sampling areas from Languedoc map. Red, phase 1 and 2; Blue, phase 3 samples.
Figure 2:

Sampling areas from Languedoc map. Red, phase 1 and 2; Blue, phase 3 samples.

In phase 1 and 2, one gel recipe was applied to three 10 × 10 mm sample areas. They were randomised as much as possible to avoid skewed results from unknown factors which may have affected specific areas of the pigmented region. This was done because of the unknown history of the map’s creation, storage, and unknown verdigris pigment recipe.

In phase 3, ca. 30 × 20 mm samples were cut from edges of the areas coloured by the verdigris. This was done in order to assess tideline formation possibly caused by various gel recipes. The bottom two-thirds of each sample (about 20 mm) was covered by verdigris paint, while the top third (about 10 mm) was not covered by verdigris paint.

For phases 1, 2 and 3, gels were applied on the verso of the samples with a piece of glass (∼16 g) and a light weight (∼106 g) placed on top for the duration of the treatment. For a schematic image and picture of the gel application in these phases see Figure 3.

Figure 3: Schematic and picture of how phase 1, 2, and 3 samples were tested.
Figure 3:

Schematic and picture of how phase 1, 2, and 3 samples were tested.

In phase 4, a second historical map, referred to as the Lancashyre map was used. It is a mid-17th century English map of handmade laid paper, about 125 g/m2. The presence of copper in areas showing visible signs of copper corrosion were confirmed using XRF and Hulthe’s indicator paper. Two verdigris-damaged areas were chosen for the comparison of two application methods.

2.2 Gel

For phases 1–4, gellan gum gels were mixed at 2, 3, and 4% weight-to-volume ratio using deionised water. The concentrations were chosen based on concentrations used for paper treatments (Angelova et al. 2017). The mixture was then brought to boil until no further granules were seen.

The pH of each of the gels ranged between 6 and 7. The pH was recorded to provide information for possible future work as it has been found that adjusting the pH of gels may improve treatment results (Angelova et al. 2017). Adjusting the pH was not part of the scope of this research and therefore was not performed. The gels were used within 30 min after solidification.

2.3 Assessment Methods

In order to assess the effects of the various gel recipes, two colour-changing indicator papers were used, Hulthe’s bathocuproine reagent paper (Hulthe 1970) and MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips. Hulthe’s paper was previously used in research on copper corrosion treatment by Hofmann et al. (2016). The indicator paper was created using the following instructions: Whatman 1 filter paper was cut into strips and dipped into 0.2 M solution of NaCl in deionised water. The paper was hung and allowed to dry for a minimum of 18 h. A solution was prepared of 100 ml of 50/50 vol acetone/chloroform and was mixed with 0.2 g hydroquinone and 0.15 g bathocuproine. The strips were then dipped into this solution and left to dry for 48 h. Every strip of paper was immersed the same way from the same mixed solution and only one solution was created in order to ensure as much uniformity among the strips as possible. It should be noted that mixing acetone and chloroform is potentially explosive and therefore was performed within an appropriate lab environment.

Hulthe’s indicator paper was used by dampening it with 1–2 drops of deionised water and blotting it to remove excess water. It was then gently, but firmly pressed onto the sample using a fingertip while wearing gloves in order to avoid contamination. It has been noted that changes in pressure by the hand among the samples could cause slight differences in results. If free copper ions are present, the indicator paper changes to an orange colour almost instantly, and the intensity of the colour varies depending on the amount of free copper ions present (Hulthe 1970). Overall, this is a practical, qualitative method to quickly determine if copper ions have been complexed by the BTA treatment by observing almost immediate visual differences of the indicator papers before and after treatment.

Because of the use of historical samples and to anticipate some variance in the amount of free copper ions in them, every sample had an initial reference piece of Hulthe’s indicator paper before treatment. After every treatment using the gel, each subsequent piece of Hulthe’s indicator paper was compared to the initial, before treatment paper and to unused Hulthe’s paper to judge the colour change. This was done to determine if a visually noticeable complexation of the copper ions had occurred. Hulthe’s indicator paper was used in all phases of this research. It should be noted the colour of unused Hulthe’s indicator paper was slightly yellow compared to pure Whatman paper and this hue varied very slightly among the indicator papers created.

MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips were included to perform a semi-quantitative evaluation of the gel recipes with modified directions. It also provided corroborative data in assessing the effectiveness of Hulthe’s indicator paper. The MQuant™ Test Cu indictor strips were originally developed for water testing and have been adopted for use in paper conservation (Banik and Brückle 2018). As stated in Paper and Water (2018), MQuant™’s indicator strips should not be used in direct contact with an artwork since the coloured components of the strips will stain. Instead it should be used by placing a drop of water onto the item, soaking it up with filter paper and placing the filter paper onto the indicator strip. This method was tested a few times on the historical samples, and it gave inconsistent results. Instead, it was decided to place the indicator strip in direct contact with the sample. This was done by placing a drop of water onto the sample and pressing the indicator strip on the wetted area for no more than 2 s. This provided more consistent results.

The indicator strip did stain the samples and placing the water droplets directly onto the samples caused tidelines. This approach is not suggested when treating artefacts. The MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips were only used in phase 3 of this research due to the limited number of them available at the time. It should be noted that both strips require the limited use of moisture, either directly onto the strip or onto a piece of Whatman paper, in order to interact with the sample and transfer copper ions. This may cause some migration of free copper ions in the item being treated.

3 Test Phases

3.1 Phase 1: Testing Pure Gellan Gel on Verdigris Areas

Control samples were treated with pure gellan gum gel mixed at 2, 3 and 4% of 20 ml deionized water in a 60 × 12 mm Petri dish. Each type of gel was tested on three samples.

3.1.1 Phase 1 Results and Discussion

It was found that for some samples, gellan gum gel may have slightly reduced the free copper ions present. However, the effect was negligible. This meant that there was little to no effect of the gellan gum gel itself on the samples’ free copper ions and that in the following phases the gross effects would be caused by BTA (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Phase 1 results of applying 2, 3, and 4% gellan gel onto samples from Languedoc map. The results showed negligible effect of the gel on the free copper ions in the samples.
Figure 4:

Phase 1 results of applying 2, 3, and 4% gellan gel onto samples from Languedoc map. The results showed negligible effect of the gel on the free copper ions in the samples.

3.2 Phase 2: Gel Recipes with BTA

The variables for gel recipes were gel concentration, complexing agent concentration, complexing agent/solvent solution concentration, and treatment time. In order to determine the concentrations of gel, complexing agent, and the complexing agent/solvent solution, two factors needed to first be determined 1) the baseline concentration of BTA necessary to complex the copper ions for phase 2 samples and 2) the volume of the gel to be used. For 1) BTA testing was performed on the Languedoc map samples. 1% BTA weight-to-volume in solvent was found to effectively complex the copper ions. 1, 2.5 and 5% concentrations of BTA were then chosen in order to see possible differences between different gels. For 2) because there is no previous research of treating items with BTA in a gel, 5, 12.5, and 25% of BTA/solvent: gel (volume-to-volume percentages) were chosen. This was done in order to be able to see differences between the various gels. In order to determine the amounts of BTA, solvent and gel for the chosen recipes, calculations were done for all the gel recipes as found in Table 1.[1]

Table 1:

Gel recipes used in phase 2 displaying both the percentages and the total amounts found in the 20 ml gellan gels.

Amounts of BTA and IMS solvent1% BTA 5%

1% BTA

12.5% IMS
1% BTA

2.5% BTA

2.5% BTA

12.5% IMS
2.5% BTA

5% BTA

5% BTA

12.5% BTA/IMS
5% BTA

2% gellan gum0.01 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.0625 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.25 g BTA

5 ml IMS
3% gellan gum0.01 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.0625 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.25 g BTA

5 ml IMS
4% gellan gum0.01 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.025 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.0625 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

5 ml IMS
0.05 g BTA

1 ml IMS
0.125 g BTA

2.5 ml IMS
0.25 g BTA

5 ml IMS

Since the amounts of the BTA and BTA/solvent solution are based on predetermined ratios, the recipes are presented as percentages in the following phases. Exact amounts will not be recounted since not every phase used the same volume of gel.

To avoid the BTA/solvent solution evaporating off the gel while it was being incorporated, the gel was allowed to cool until it reached temperatures between 50° and 55 °C. Visually, this was about 5–10 min after the steam stopped evaporating from the surface of the gel. After the BTA/solvent solution was stirred into the gel, the gel was then poured into a 60 × 12 mm Petri dish.

During initial testing of materials, ethanol was used as the solvent for BTA, in phase 2 the solvent was replaced by industrial methylated spirits (IMS). Industrial methylated spirits are a denatured alcohol which is about 95% ethanol and about 5% methanol (SciChem 2014). This was considered an appropriate adjustment due to the better accessibility, the amount of gel samples and the precedent of use of 96% ethanol for BTA treatment (Hofmann et al. 2016).

The samples were tested using Hulthe’s indicator paper at the following intervals: before treatment (untreated), 30 s, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, and 30 min. There was one more test a minimum of 2 h after the 30-min treatment time to observe if there were copper ions which were not complexed. Table 1 displays the gel recipes below.

3.2.1 Phase 2 Results and Discussions

Overall, the results showed that the BTA was effective in complexing copper ions present. However, determining trends in the gel recipes is difficult due to the small number of samples and variables affecting each sample. 3% gellan gum gel recipes were easier to handle than the 2 and 4% recipes. The 2% samples became difficult to handle due to the excess moisture and the 4% samples caused some small pieces of the samples to detach and remain on the gels when they were removed.

Most samples displayed no significant difference in the complexing of copper ions between the initial and 5-min treatment time. For all the chosen recipes, there was slight to no detectable presence of free copper ions by 30 min.

3.3 Phase 3

The three gel recipes from phase 2 considered the most effective were chosen based on the criteria listed in Table 2. They are numerically ranked by desired outcome. The lower the total score the better the gel recipe. Additionally, the criteria are listed in descending priority. For example, it is more important to use a BTA concentration as low as possible than to use a gel that it easy to handle during application. See Table 2 for the comparison of the gel recipes from phase 2. Gels with the best properties are highlighted in bold.

Table 2:

Comparison of phase 2 gel recipes. Comparison criteria are found on the top. On the bottom is the comparison of the gel recipes, the best gel recipes are highlighted in bold.

Criteria Rank123
% BTA 1%2.5%5%
Time to complex copper ions from initial to a reduced amount (min)1–33–55–10
Time to complex copper ions from reduced amount to no longer detectable (min)10–1515–2020–30
Effect of gel on handling samplesMost samples were able to be handled for the foil 30-min treatment with no loss of materialMost samples were able to be handled for the foil 30-min treatment with minimal loss of materialMost samples were unable to be handled for the foil 30-min treatment without occurring loss or tearing
Recipe2% gel


1% BTA
2% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

1% BTA
2% gel

25% BTA/IMS 1% BTA
2% gel


2.5% BTA
2% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

2.5% BTA
2% gel

25% BTA/IMS 2.5% BTA
2% gel


5% BTA
2% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

5% BTA
2% gel

25% BTA/IMS 5% BTA
% BTAs111222333
Time to complex copper ions from initial to a reduced amount111211111
Time to complex copper ions from reduced amount to no longer detectable121111111
Effect of gel on handling samples333333333
Recipe3% gel


1% BTA
3% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

1% BTA
3% gel

25% BTA/IMS 1% BTA
3% gel


2.5% BTA
3% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

5% BTA
3% gel

25% BTA/IMS 5% BTA
3% gel


5% BTA
3% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

5% BTA
3% gel

25% BTA/IMS 5% BTA
% BTA111223333
Time to complex copper ions from initial to a reduced amount112113112
Time to complex copper ions from reduced amount to no longer detectable122111121
Effect of gel on handling samples111111111
Recipe4% gel


1% BTA
4% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

1% BTA
4% gel

25% BTA/IMS 1% BTA
4% gel


2.5% BTA
4% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

2.5% BTA
4% gel

25% BTA/IMS 2.5% BTA
4% gel


5% BTA
4% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

5% BTA
4% gel

25% BTA/IMS 5% BTA
% BTA111222333
Time to complex copper ions from initial to a reduced amount123123222
Time to complex copper ions from reduced amount to no longer detectable112223231
Effect of gel on handling samples333333333

After three gel recipes were selected, they were compared against one another in a new series of testing. Each gel was applied to five samples from the Languedoc map in the blue highlighted areas (Figure 2). The gels were applied on the verso of the samples on the damaged areas with about 3–4 mm overlapping onto the non-verdigris area to ensure that possible migrated copper ions would be complexed. A piece of glass and two light weights were placed on top.

The gel recipes were compared by criteria listed in the comparison criteria for Table 3. They are numerically ranked by desired outcome. The lower the number the better the gel recipe (1 = best properties). Additionally, the criteria are listed in descending priority. Table 3 displays the compared recipes with the best recipe highlighted in bold.

Table 3:

Comparison of phase 3 gel recipes. Comparison criteria are found on the top. On the bottom is the comparison of the gel recipes, the best gel recipe is highlighted in bold.

Criteria rank123
Overall effectiveness at complexing the copper ions on # of # samples5 of 5 samples4 of 5 samples≤3 of 5 samples
Lowest amount of BTA1%2.5%2.5%
Shortest period of time required to produce a obvious visible difference compared to the before treatment reading across 4 of the 5 samples, (min)5–1010–1515–20
Gel recipe3% gel


1% BTA
3% gel

12.5% BTA/IMS

1% BTA
3% gel


2.5% BTA
Overall effectiveness at complexing the copper ions on # of # samples221
Lowest amount of BTA112
Shortest period of time required to produce a obvious visible difference compared to the before treatment reading across 4 of the 5 samples, (min)221

The interval of testing with the indicator strips for both the Hulthe’s indicator paper and the MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips was adjusted to before treatment, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min and 20 min. This change was due to the fact that in phase 2, no significant changes could be observed between results before treatment and after 3 min, or between 20 and 30 min. Therefore, it was concluded to test at 5-min intervals instead. When using MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips, a drop of water was placed directly onto the sample every time, saturating the sample area with water. Therefore, tideline formations could no longer be observed, and this criterion was no longer considered appropriate.

3.3.1 Phase 3: Results and Discussion

Overall, the 3% gellan gum gel, 12.5% BTA/IMS solution, 2.5% BTA gel recipe (highlighted bold in Table 3) was the most effective according to both the Hulthe’s indicator paper and the MQuant™ Test Cu indicator strips. This gel recipe was then chosen for the in-situ treatment of phase 4.

3.4 Phase 4

The purpose of this phase was to compare BTA applications by brush and gel. The most effective gel recipe from phase 3 was compared to Ahn et al.’s (2014) method of BTA application by brush. The BTA gel was applied to the area designated “Upper”. BTA was applied by brush to the area designated “Lower”. Both of these areas were chosen because they were similar in visual appearance and damage such as brittleness and areas of loss. Since this was an in-situ testing of the gel and not a real-time treatment, decisions regarding placement of the gel were made for consistency and comparison of results to previous phases. The gel was not applied to the entire pigmented region, since a previous tideline was visible in this area. In order to reduce the number of variables for treatment and assessment afterwards, the tideline was avoided, and the gel was placed on the area highlighted in red only (Figure 2). This was the area with the most homogenous appearance. Only the area outside the verdigris-pigmented section was evaluated for tidelines, since in a treatment scenario the entire verdigris-pigmented area would be covered by the gel.

The gel was 5 mm thick and cut about 5 mm larger than the verdigris pigmented area to accommodate damage beyond the pigmented area. It was applied on the verso in the following arrangement: object – gel – Melinex® barrier – piece of glass placed – two light weights. The gel was left to interact for an initial 20 min which was the amount of time needed to complex copper ions (see phase 3). If ions were not fully complexed after this time, the gel could be reapplied at 10 min intervals until the copper ions were effectively complexed.

When applying BTA with a brush, Hofmann et al.’s (2016) method was followed. The BTA solution was applied with a synthetic 3/0 sized brush to the verso in as many coats as needed to effectively complex the copper ions. The two methods of application were evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Overall effectiveness at complexing free copper ions by monitoring three specific regions (labelled Lower 1, 2, and 3 and Upper 4, 5, and 6) on the verso. Each area was tested before, during and after the total treatment time with Hulthe’s indicator paper.

  2. The overall effect on Upper and Lower during treatment:

    • Distortion

    • Tidelines (excluding the anticipated tideline in Upper caused by the gel in the homogenous pigmented area)

    • Disturbance of media

  3. The amount of time to perform the treatment.

  4. Changes in overall appearance measured by a spectrophotometer. Spectrophotometer measurements were taken before and after treatment in chosen areas of Upper and Lower on both the recto and the verso. Three areas were chosen for an average reading before and after treatments to determine the overall colour change, dE*ab.

3.4.1 Phase 4 Results and Discussion

It is difficult to directly compare each application method since each treatment is unique. A conservator will take into consideration the many factors affecting a treatment and choose an appropriate one. It is beyond the scope of this project to suggest one form of application over another, but rather to describe the outcomes of both based on the evaluation criteria listed above. Every historical item is unique and may not have the same outcome as the samples used in this research. Thus, using the gel recipe performed on samples from the Languedoc map and applying them to the Lancashyre map was done with the understanding that they may not have the same effect.

3.5 Gel Application on Upper

Recipe 3 was applied on the verso for 20 min and tested by Hulthe’s indicator paper and then reapplied for three 10-min intervals until there was slight to no detection of free copper ions, for a total of 50 min of application time.

Before treatment there were no areas of loss to the paper carrier of the Lancashyre map. However due to an accidental bump of the map while being moved from one lab space to another, areas that were vulnerable became detached. This occurred particularly in Upper as the entire verdigris-damaged area detached from the map. This damage was not caused by the gel treatment.

  1. The treatment was effective in complexing the free copper ions. This is indicated by the reduced intensity of the colour of the indicator strips, comparing the untreated area (before treatment) to the treated are (after 50 min treatment) (see Figure 6).

  2. After the Upper was fully dried, tidelines were apparent in various areas outside the pigmented area (excluding the anticipated tideline in Upper caused by the gel in the homogenous paint area) (see Figure 5).

  3. The treatment lasted for a total of 50 min.

  4. There were changes in the overall appearance. Visibly the colour shifted from a brownish to a greenish hue. The spectrophotometer showed an overall difference of 4.67 dE*ab on the recto and 6.59 dE*ab on the verso. Differences noticeable to the naked eye must be dE*ab = 1 or greater. The readings were taken as an average of three measurements, one in each of the three designated areas in Upper. This visibly different appearance may have been caused by the reintroduction of moisture. However, it should be noted that this phenomenon did not occur in the samples taken from the Languedoc map. Hofmann et al. (2016) did not note colour changes of the paper when BTA was applied by brush. Additionally, the gel drew out some paper discolouration from the area as expected. The data from the spectrophotometer for Upper is found in Table 4. The gel removed some of the yellow/brown discolouration from the verso of the paper. This can be seen in Figure 5, where the normally clear gel exhibits yellow/brown areas.

Figure 5: Lancashyre verso, detail of Upper. Comparison of before (left) and after (right) gel treatment. The area where the gel was placed is highlighted by the red dotted line. It was decided to place the gel in this area because of homogenous verdigris-discolouration due to taking spectrophotometer data and monitoring the complexing of the free copper ions in various areas by the indicator paper order to avoid potentially skewed data from original tideline and beyond. The original tideline can be seen in both images. The new tideline directly to the right of the gel on the verdigris-discoloured area was anticipated and does not reflect the assessed comparative effects of a gel placement for a treatment scenario. The inset image is of the gel after treatment showing the removal of some yellow-brown paper discolouration products.
Figure 5:

Lancashyre verso, detail of Upper. Comparison of before (left) and after (right) gel treatment. The area where the gel was placed is highlighted by the red dotted line. It was decided to place the gel in this area because of homogenous verdigris-discolouration due to taking spectrophotometer data and monitoring the complexing of the free copper ions in various areas by the indicator paper order to avoid potentially skewed data from original tideline and beyond. The original tideline can be seen in both images. The new tideline directly to the right of the gel on the verdigris-discoloured area was anticipated and does not reflect the assessed comparative effects of a gel placement for a treatment scenario. The inset image is of the gel after treatment showing the removal of some yellow-brown paper discolouration products.

Figure 6: Results of phase 4 testing. On the right are images Upper and Lower verso, marking the areas where the indicator paper was consistently applied to monitor the complexing of free copper ions.
Figure 6:

Results of phase 4 testing. On the right are images Upper and Lower verso, marking the areas where the indicator paper was consistently applied to monitor the complexing of free copper ions.

Table 4:

Spectrophotometer data from Upper (gel application) and Lower (brush application).

Spectrophotometer dataBT: Before treatment AT: After treatmentL*a*b*dE*ab
Upper recto (gel application)AT67.99−0.6420.216.59
BT delta (L*, a*, b*)−1.27−5.39−3.57
Upper recto (gel treatment)AT65.81.8419.824.67
BT delta (L*, a*, b*)−0.04−3.78−2.75
Lower verso (brush application)AT68.473.6922.232.66
BT delta (L*, a*, b*)−1.96−1.19−1.36
Lower recto (brush application)AT64.334.6721.932.63
BT delta (L*, a*, b*)−2.18−1.01−1.07

3.6 Brush Application on Lower

The 2.5% BTA in BTA/IMS solution was applied three times to the verso using a 3/0 synthetic brush.

  1. The treatment was effective in complexing the free copper ions. This can be seen in the reduction of the colour intensity of the indicator paper from the untreated (before treatment) to the final (after 3 coats) in Figure 6.

  2. There were no visible negative effects to the area during treatments.

  3. The treatment time lasted for 45 min. Each application took about 10 min and was left to dry for 5 min before testing and applying the next coat.

  4. There were slight changes in the overall appearance as measured by the spectrophotometer. However, there were unforeseen factors to the treatment and the measurements. Similar to the colour change observed following gel application, when the slightly humidified Hulthe’s indicator paper was placed in repetitive contact with specified areas of Lower, those areas turned slightly green.

  5. When the spectrophotometer was placed on those same areas, the resulting data no longer reflected the effects of the application method. Instead, the resulting spectrophotometer data would rather reflect the changes caused during application of the indicator paper. This showed one of the risks in using Hulthe’s indicator paper, in that the humidity required to use the paper may alter the appearance of the item. Colour change from using the Hulthe’s indicator paper was not seen in the samples from the Languedoc map. Two other areas not touched by the indicator paper were chosen for spectrophotometry which were visibly negligent in colour difference, but these better reflected the effect of the brush application method. The spectrophotometer showed an overall difference of 2.63 dE*ab on the recto and 2.66 dE*ab on the verso. Application of BTA with a brush did cause colour changes visible to the naked eye, but these are less pronounced than those caused by the gel application. The data from the spectrophotometer for Lower is shown in Table 4.

4 Conclusion

This project has shown that the application of BTA in a rigid gel is an effective method for complexing free copper ions on verdigris-damaged paper. The author recommends that if this was further tested, it may be used as a step for localised verdigris treatment. This should be done with preliminary testing of a similar g/m2 paper to determine the concentration of the gel, especially paying attention to the possible creation of tidelines. Also, preliminary BTA testing was used to determine the amount necessary to effectively complex copper ions. A conservator will take into account all the factors which may affect the item and possible results of various treatments.

For the gel recipes, a gellan gum gel concentration between 3 and 4% is recommended. These gels facilitate handling of the paper after the gel has been applied and pose the lowest risk of tideline formation. Additionally, the treatment may be performed on a suction table which may reduce or possibly prevent the appearance of tidelines. Gels may be tested using a barrier between gel and paper in order to prevent the gel from adhering too much to the surface and causing potential detachment of vulnerable areas. A barrier may also reduce the amount of gel residues after the treatment is completed. The concentration of the complexing agent/solvent solution does not seem to greatly change the effectiveness of the BTA in the gel recipe. One of the consistent effects was the removal of paper discolouration on the verso by the gel.

Depending on the intended use of the item or the location of the verdigris damage, this BTA treatment may be beneficial if the discolouration of the paper is obscuring information or detracting from its visual appearance. BTA gels should be used on items that have limited light exposure because of its well-known effect of causing yellowing of paper (Hofmann et al. 2016). It has been mentioned by Hofmann et al. that current discolouration of a historic item may deter from colour changes caused by BTA. Conversely, the removal of some discolouration products may reduce the overall effect. It should be noted that the colour change may depend on the initial colour of the paper and that different papers will react differently to BTA. Further research into the effects of light on historic paper items which had been previously treated using BTA gels is necessary.

Slight colour changes from brownish to a greener hue caused by the introduction of moisture when using Hulthe’s indicator paper were observed on the Lancashyre map. Conservators should be prepared for a colour change, not just from the gel treatment but also possibly from the use of Hulthe’s indicator paper. Both the removal of discolouration products and the colour shift seemed to improve the appearance of the verdigris-damaged areas on the Lancashyre map. Brownish areas changed into more greenish areas, being perhaps slightly closer to the initial appearance of the verdigris pigment. Regarding the possible colour change, it may affect a researcher’s interaction with an item. An example of this may be an item with a well-known reproduction or reported description of the verdigris pigmented areas. After a treatment which may result in a different appearance, the post-treatment appearance may affect a researcher’s impression.

This research shows the potential to be expanded to other copper corrosion inhibitors such as tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB), which does not cause yellowing. However, TBAB has not been found to be as effective as BTA (Ahn et al. 2014).

For further research, more investigation is needed to determine trends concerning the effectiveness of the different gel recipes and the effects of light after the gel application of BTA. This could be done by using more samples, samples from a wider range of historical periods and different types of paper. Additionally, this research shows the potential to be expanded to different types of gels, such as agar agar which is easily accessible and cheaper compared to gellan gum. Further research will have to be carried out in order to decide if this application method is worth the time preparing the gels. It may depend on conservator preference, time available, and desired aesthetic results of the treatment.

Corresponding author: Leah Humenuck, MA, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Chichester, UK; and Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA, USA, E-mail:

About the author

Leah Humenuck

Leah Humenuck received her MA with distinction in Conservation specializing in books and library materials from West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, UK. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Sweet Briar College, USA.


Mariluz Beltran de Guevara, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Subject Leader Conservation of Books and Library Materials. Abigail Bainbridge, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Subject Tutor of Books and Library Materials. Lara Meredith, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Subject Tutor of Books and Library Materials.

Materials List

Konica Minolta CM-2300d Spectrophotometer

Primary Illuminant: D65

Target: Target Average Measurement

Sample: Sample Average Measurement

Bruker S1 Turbo Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

15 kV, 55 μA

Vivendi water DC250 Deionizer

Special Ingredients

Premium quality Gellan Gum Type F (Low Acyl)

Batch Number: E611046



Lot #: WXBC6867V


Lot #: WXBC7739V



Lot #: WXBC6511V

Industrial Plasters

Methylated spirit 94

UN NO. 1170

MQuant™ Test Copper test 10–300 mg/l

  1. Declaration of Interests: The author declares no competing interests.


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Published Online: 2020-11-16
Published in Print: 2020-12-16

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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