Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2019-0054   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2019-0054    Full Text (PDF)

Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey)

Uğurcan AyikSedat Avcı

Identifying factors affecting the location of industrial facilities is the main approach in studies related to industrial geography in Turkey. The founding conditions of modern industry are used to explain why a specific industrial plant stands at a specific location. However, over time, the factors that caused the facility to be installed there may lose its importance. This may be the result of local factors or capital movements. Particularly in terms of land use, plans have a special place in determining the location of industrial facilities. Plans can encourage the establishment of industrial plants, as well as the closure of existing industrial plants. The closure of a factory may be the result of decentralization, relocation, or deindustrialization. Many factors such as general economic policies, political and economic conjuncture, and local planning decisions affect the deindustrialization process. Büyükdere Street shows that the function of industrial areas are changed by local planning decisions. Industrialization activities in the period 1952-1978 were replaced by deindustrializationin the 1990-2010 period. On the basis of the spatial changes created by the deindustrialization process the price of land is higher than the profit from production.

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2019-0054   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2019-0054    Full Text (PDF)

Büyükdere Caddesinde Sanayileşme ve Sanayisizleşme Süreçlerinin Mekânsal Yansımaları (İstanbul-Türkiye)

Uğurcan AyikSedat Avcı

Türkiye’de de sanayi tesislerinin kuruluş yerinin belirlenmesinde etkili olan faktörlerin ortaya konulması, sanayi coğrafyası ile ilgili çalışmalarda temel yaklaşımdır. Modern sanayiinin kuruluş şartları, sanayi tesisinin neden orada olduğunu açıklamak için kullanılan faktörlerden oluşmaktadır. Ancak zaman içinde tesisin orada kurulmasına neden olan unsurlar eski önemini yitirebilir. Bu durum yerel faktörlerin bir sonucu olabileceği gibi sermaye hareketlerine bağlı olarak da gerçekleşebilir. Özellikle arazi kullanımı açısından ele alındığında sanayi tesislerinin kuruluş yerinin belirlenmesinde planların da ayrı bir yeri vardır. Yapılan planlar sanayi tesislerinin kuruluşunu teşvik ettiği gibi, mevcut sanayi tesislerinin kapanmasına da yol açabilir. Bir tesisin kapanması sanayi alanlarında merkezden çevreye doğru bir yer değişiminin veya tesislerin farklı bir alanda yeniden kurulmaları ile ilgili süreçlerin sonucu olabileceği gibi sanayisizleşmeye de işaret edebilir. Genel ekonomi politikaları, siyasi ve ekonomik konjonktür, yerel planlama kararları gibi birçok faktör, sanayisizleşme sürecinde etkili olmaktadır. Çalışmaya konu olan Büyükdere Caddesi, yerel planlama kararları ile oluşturulan sanayi alanlarında zaman içinde ortaya çıkan fonksiyon değişimine işaret etmektedir. Çalışma alanında 1952-1978 döneminde yaşanan sanayileşme, 1990-2010 döneminde yerini sanayisizleşme sürecine bırakmıştır. Sanayisizleşme sürecinin yarattığı mekânsal değişikliğin temelinde; arsa fiyatının üretimden elde edilecek kârdan daha fazla olması ve bu kârın çok daha düşük bir risk ile sağlanması gibi faktörler yatmaktadır. 


The location of industrial plants and the process of industrialization are the basic areas of interest for industrial geography. Identifying factors affecting the location of industrial facilities is the main approach in studies related to industrial geography in Turkey. The founding conditions of modern industry are used to explain why a specific industrial plant stands at a specific location. However, over time, the factors that caused the facility to be installed may lose its importance. These changes in significance may be the result of local factors or capital movements. A closed factory may be the result of decentralization, relocation, or deindustrialization. The international deindustrialization process is mostly dependent on capital movements.

The study is mainly based on field observations and evaluation of resources. In order to create the visual material for the study, available data was processed on aerial photographs and satellite images from different dates. The aim of this study was to reveal the changes that occurred while experiencing the industrialization and deindustrialization process of a field and to determine the factors that affected this change.

Büyükdere Street, which was the subject of the study, is an example of an industrial area created by local planning decisions. Some of the industrial facilities established before 1950 remained in the city, causing various problems. With the plan, an area on the edge of the city but not far from the city was deemed suitable for the establishment of industrial facilities. The main reason for this was the ownership and legal status of the area in question. Due to the fact that this area was located within village boundaries, the legal process for cities did not have to be implemented. Gültepe, which is located to the west of Büyükdere Street, had a large number of cheap laborers and was one of the factors that promoted the development of industry. As a result, various factories were established on Büyükdere Street from 1952 to 1978. Most of these factories belonged to the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, a wide range of manufacturing from electronic goods to bicycle and motorcycle tires were produced. Factories with a large number of workers also caused population growth in the immediate vicinity. As Gültepe developed further, new slum areas such as Çeliktepe and Sanayi Mahallesi emerged. 

Over time, the factories remained in the city, as before 1950, and plans were made again to move them out of the city. The main problems arising after the industrialization process were; the transport of raw materials and finished goods, the crowds caused by the arrival and departure of workers, and the presence of factories within the settlement. The emergence of these problems in a short time period of 25-30 years was a clear indication that there were disruptions in planning and implementation.

The neoliberal policies implemented after 1980 also had significant spatial consequences in Istanbul. In the plans made during this period, new functions were given to the industrial part of Büyükdere Street. At first, it became an international business and financial center. After a while, the political power chose another place in Istanbul for the finance function and the trade function around Levent became even stronger. As a result, the industrialization process on Büyükdere Street was replaced by a deindustrialization process. Production of some of the existing factories were shifted to different locations and settlements, while others continued to operate until the completion of licenses and agreements, or have completely closed to produce in more profitable areas in other countries. This process was experienced intensively in the 1990-2010 period. On the basis of the spatial change created by the deindustrialization process the price of land was higher than the profit generated from production and this profit was provided at much lower risk.

The old industrial areas on Büyükdere Street (between 1st Levent and 4th Levent) now have the function of trade and housing. Shopping centers, offices, and residences have replaced old industrial facilities today. This also indicates a significant change in the city’s skyline. In factory buildings, the height of the floors is relatively limited and dominated by more horizontal architecture. Today, there are multistory buildings in place. Nowadays, traffic congestion and crowds are caused by people coming to shopping centers or working in new workplaces. Industrial production has ended in this part of Büyükdere Street. The dominant function is mainly for consumption. In addition, the headquarters of various companies are located in this area. Use as a home is a function that has become widespread in recent years.

Urbanization leads to many differences in landscape. In the Büyükdere Street case, the industrialization process led to many changes while the deindustrialization process changed both function and landscape.

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Ayik, U., & Avcı, S. (2020). Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey). Journal of Geography, 0(40), 203-217.


Ayik U, Avcı S. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey). Journal of Geography. 2020;0(40):203-217.


Ayik, U.; Avcı, S. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey). Journal of Geography, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 40, p. 203-217, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Ayik, Uğurcan, and Sedat Avcı. 2020. “Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey).” Journal of Geography 0, no. 40: 203-217.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Ayik, Uğurcan, and Sedat Avcı. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey).” Journal of Geography 0, no. 40 (Apr. 2024): 203-217.

Harvard: Australian Style

Ayik, U & Avcı, S 2020, 'Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey)', Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 40, pp. 203-217, viewed 19 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Ayik, U. and Avcı, S. (2020) ‘Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey)’, Journal of Geography, 0(40), pp. 203-217. (19 Apr. 2024).


Ayik, Uğurcan, and Sedat Avcı. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey).” Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 40, 2020, pp. 203-217. [Database Container],


Ayik U, Avcı S. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey). Journal of Geography [Internet]. 19 Apr. 2024 [cited 19 Apr. 2024];0(40):203-217. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2019-0054


Ayik, Uğurcan - Avcı, Sedat. Spatial Reflections of Industrialization and Deindustrialization Processes in Büyükdere Street (Istanbul-Turkey)”. Journal of Geography 0/40 (Apr. 2024): 203-217.


Published Online30.06.2020


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