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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 19, 2022

Building the First Business Relationships: Incubatees in University Business Incubators (UBIs)

  • María Redondo ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Carmen Camarero


University Business Incubators (UBIs) are ideal spaces for supporting and developing novice entrepreneurs and their businesses. In the current study, we explore whether such incubators can also be considered an ideal space for building dyadic relationships between incubatees based on trust and knowledge exchange, and whether this can encourage commitment in the relationship. To this end, we propose that the perception of shared values from the academic world may foster such trust. Furthermore, perceiving there may be supplementary and complementary resources encourages the exchange of knowledge, the specific resource on which UBI businesses are based. At the same time, empathy between academic incubatees leads to relational commitment being reinforced.

Corresponding author: María Redondo, University of Valladolid, Department of Business and Marketing, Valladolid, Spain, E-mail:


This work was supported by the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) [project references VA112P17 and VA085G18] and by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Spain) [project reference ECO2017-86628-P].


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Received: 2018-10-17
Accepted: 2020-03-11
Published Online: 2022-09-19

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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