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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 25, 2020

Learning, Dynamic Capabilities, and Firm Performance: The Case of Entrepreneurial Firms in the South Korean Fashion Industry

  • Kilho Shin ORCID logo , Nitin Kumar Singh and Liliana Pérez-Nordtvedt


Given their small size and young age, entrepreneurial firms are resource deprived. However, to successfully compete in dynamic environments, these firms are still required to build their dynamic capabilities. Using the ever-changing Korean retail fashion industry, we suggest that entrepreneurial firms deprived of formal marketing departments can learn from their main external repositories of market and product knowledge and develop their strategic marketing (dynamic) capabilities as routines, which, in turn, improve the entrepreneurial firms’ performance. Moreover, following the microfoundations argument of dynamic capabilities, we argue that these strategic marketing capabilities in the form of routines can be further enhanced by the entrepreneurial firm’s human resource flexibility. Our data reveals support for our arguments.

Corresponding author: Kilho Shin, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, College of Business, Niagara University, 5795 Lewiston Rd, Lewiston, NY 14109, USA, E-mail:


Survey Items Used to Measure Latent Constructs

HR Flexibility (Second-Order)

Employee Skill Flexibility (First-Order)

  1. Our firm can shift employees to different jobs when needed.

  2. Our employees can switch to new jobs in our company within a short time.

  3. Our employees are capable of putting new skills to use within a short time.

  4. We employ people with a broad variety of skills.

Employee Behavior Flexibility (First-Order)

  1. The flexibility of our employees work habits helps us to change according to market demands.

  2. People in our firm change their work habits in response to changes in the competitive environment.

  3. People in our firm readily change their work habits as demanded by changes in the working environment.

  4. People in our firm change their behavior in response to customer requirements.

HR Practice Flexibility (First-Order)

  1. Flexibility of our HR practices helps us to adjust to the changing demands of the environment.

  2. Our firm modifies its HR system to keep pace with the changing competitive environment.

  3. Our HR practice parameters are designed so that they adjust quickly to changes in business conditions.

  4. We make frequent changes in our HR practices to align the HR system with changing work requirements.

Learning from Main Customers and External Designers (In Parenthesis)

  1. New knowledge that our firm learns from our main customers (external designers) is well understood in our firm.

  2. New knowledge that our firm learns from our main customers (external designers) contributes a great deal to multiple products.

  3. Our firm is typically very satisfied with the quality of new knowledge that we learn from our main customers (external designers).

  4. New knowledge that our firm learns from our main customers (external designers) greatly helps our firm improve its firm capabilities.

Strategic Marketing Capabilities

  1. Market planning skills

  2. Ability to effectively segment and target market.

  3. Thoroughness of marketing planning process.

  4. Allocating marketing resources effectively.

  5. Translating marketing strategies into action.

  6. Executing marketing strategies quickly.

Firm Performance

  1. Return on sales (ROS).

  2. Return on investment (ROI).

  3. Reaching financial goals.

  4. Growth in sales revenue.

  5. Acquiring new customers.

  6. Increasing sales to current customers.


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Received: 2020-03-19
Accepted: 2020-12-03
Published Online: 2020-12-25

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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