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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 8, 2020

Assessing the Social Entrepreneurship Business Model: An Exploratory Case Study in the Italian Cultural Heritage Sector

  • Nicola Cucari EMAIL logo , Eugenio D’Angelo , Eduardo Esposito and Maria Vincenza Ciasullo


Social entrepreneurship (SE) has gained prominence in recent years, becoming a primary field of study and providing rich research opportunities that are both challenging and intriguing. This paper seeks to fill the knowledge gap in this field by improving the understanding of business models of SE and, more specifically, investigating how social entrepreneurs design their business models in order to create both social and economic value. Using the abductive approach method, the paper explores a single case study that enquires about the business model of the social enterprise named “La Paranza Cooperative”, located in southern Italy and operating in the cultural heritage industry. Our main theoretical contribution lies in illustrating and formalising the ambidexterity perspective through which social enterprises simultaneously pursue goals that are apparently contradictory, such as economic and social ones. Furthermore, on the practical side, we assess the win–win managerial mechanisms that benefit social enterprises through their external environment as a bundle of distinctive resources while contributing to its requalification. Finally, our explorative study opens-up for deeper and more detailed future research on the business model of SE.

Corresponding author: Nicola Cucari, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy, E-mail:

Appendix A: Interview protocol and questions

Introduce the interviewer/s and participant/s

Outline the research process

Outline the purpose of the research, including aims and objectives

Discuss potential research outcomes

Outline structure of the interview

Research themes and specific questions Aim, business model and context

  1. Please introduce yourself and describe how the project started.

  2. Who was involved in the project inception? What were their respective roles?

  3. What were the main obstacles you encountered? What kind of obstacles?

  4. What key values does your organization pursue? What type of goals have La Paranza? Are the social and economic goals pursued in equal measure?

  5. May we say that you identified a discomfort in the local area and turned it into an entrepreneurial activity?

  6. Do you think that the particular context /territory is a fundamental element for the Business Model? Do you think the relationship is win-win with the territory?

  7. Would you mind to describe the Business Model? Did it incur any change over time?

Entrepreneurial orientation

  1. Can you describe the various ways with which the Paranza can be innovative?

  2. How do the management anticipates the particularly market changes of yours?

  3. How the risk is taken under control?

Social innovations

  1. What are the main and relevant innovations goals achieved?

  2. Are the principles of social change incorporated in the organization culture?

  3. How La Paranza has favoured the social inclusion and cohesion?

Network embeddedness

  1. How has the network embeddedness influenced and met the social goals achieved?

  2. Do you think it is necessary a network governance?

  3. Will the Paranza carry on seeking alliances and cooperation?

Sustainability orientation

  1. What does sustainable value mean for your organization?

  2. How does the Paranza contribute to sustainaibility according the “triple bottom line”?

  3. To what extent is your institution involved in sustainable community work or partnerships at local or regional levels?


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Received: 2019-11-01
Accepted: 2020-04-13
Published Online: 2020-07-08

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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