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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 29, 2019

Personality Traits, Demographic Factors and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Improved Understanding from a Moderated Mediation Study

  • Tariq Ahmed EMAIL logo , Jane E Klobas and T. Ramayah


Studies with contradictory results have been published on the relationship between personality and entrepreneurial intentions. This paper examines the role of personality traits and demographic factors in the formation of business start-up intention, using a moderated mediation model derived from the theory of planned behaviour. Data were collected from 324 final year MBA students using a structured survey instrument and analysed with single and multi-group structural equation modelling (SEM). Innovativeness, risk propensity and stress tolerance had small but significant indirect effects on entrepreneurial intentions; these effects were mediated by attitudes to entrepreneurship and perceived behavioural control. Need for autonomy and stress tolerance were not significant, neither was family background nor work experience. Observation of small, indirect personality effects suggests some resolution to the contradictory results observed until now; helps career counsellors and university selection panels to identify candidates with the potential to become entrepreneurs; and provides support for calls for policy makers and university administrators to develop educational environments and socio-political infrastructure that provides opportunities for students to exploit their creative and risk-taking traits and develop positive attitudes to entrepreneurship.


A Appendix

Questionnaire items

Attitude towards entrepreneurship
AA1*will starting a business provide you independence
AA2will starting a business provide you with decision-making power
AA3will starting a business provide you with a position of authority
AA4*will starting a business provide you with the opportunity to be your own boss
AA5*will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to know about your abilities
AA6*will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to make use of your creativity
AA7will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to carry out your dreams
AA8*will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to create something new
AA9*will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to have a challenging job
AA10will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to have an exciting job
AA11will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to have an interesting job
AA12will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to have power in making your own decisions
AA13will starting a business provide you with an opportunity to have authority in making your own decisions
Subjective norm for entrepreneurship
SN1is it important to you that your closest family members think that you should start your own business
SN2is it important to you that your closest friends think that you should start your own business
SN3*is it important to you that your colleagues and people around you think that you should start your own business
SN4is it important to you that your fellow graduates of the entrepreneurship programs think that you should start your own business
SN5*is it important to you that the local business community leaders think that you should start your own business
Perceived behaviour control for entrepreneurship
PBC1would it be easy for you to become an entrepreneur
PBC2would it be easy for you to start your own business
PBC3do you believe that the number of events outside your control which could prevent you from being self-employed is numerous
PBC4*are you confident that you have the ability to successfully become self-employed
PBC5are you confident that, if you start a business, the chances of failure will be very low
Entrepreneurial intention
EI1you are ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur
EI2your professional goal is to become an entrepreneur
EI3you will make every effort to start your own business
EI4*you are determined to create a firm in the future
EI5you have very seriously thought of starting a firm
EI6*you have firm intentions to start a business
INT1you are always in the midst of launching new project
INT2you are fairly curious and continually in search of discovery
Need for autonomy
NA1starting a business provide you with Independence
NA2starting a business provide you with decision-making power
NA3starting a business provide you with position of authority
NA4starting a business provide you with opportunity be my own boss
Locus of control
LC1according to you, it’s possible to influence one’s destiny
LC2your professional goal is to become an entrepreneur
Propensity of take risks
PTR1you are prepared to invest a lot of my own capital to take a business opportunity
PTR2you believe that higher risks are worth taking for higher rewards
PTR3*for you, the best possible plan is one that is risk free
PTR4you regularly take calculated risks to gain potential advantage
Stress Tolerance
ST1you are ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur
ST2your professional goal is to become an entrepreneur
  1. Note: All item sets preceded by the text, “To what extent … ”. Items marked * were removed from the final scales.

B Appendix

Summary statistics

1Attitude toward entrepreneurship3.890.64
2Subjective norm3.120.86
3Perceived behavioural control3.490.67
4Entrepreneurial intention3.720.60
6Need for autonomy3.830.74
7Locus of control3.710.75
8Propensity to take risks3.580.85
9Stress tolerance3.530.90


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