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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 11, 2018

Sobolev inequalities for fractional Neumann Laplacians on half spaces

  • Roberta Musina ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Alexander I. Nazarov


We consider different fractional Neumann Laplacians of order s(0,1) on domains Ωn, namely, the restricted Neumann Laplacian(-ΔΩN)Rs, the semirestricted Neumann Laplacian(-ΔΩN)Srs and the spectral Neumann Laplacian(-ΔΩN)Sps. In particular, we are interested in the attainability of Sobolev constants for these operators when Ω is a half-space.

MSC 2010: 47A63; 35A23

Communicated by Luis Silvestre

Award Identifier / Grant number: 2015KB9WPT_001

Award Identifier / Grant number: 17-01-00678

Funding statement: The first author was partially supported by the PRIN project “Variational methods, with applications to problems in mathematical physics and geometry” 2015KB9WPT_001, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universitá e della Ricerca. The second author was partially supported by the grant 17-01-00678, Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

A The operator Ps

We start with few general results of independent interest about the linear operator


Let us define


Notice that

μsCn,ss(β)=|x1|2s+β+ny1-βdy|x-y|n+2s=y12s+β-n|x1|-βdx|x-y|n+2sfor all x-n and y+n.

Lemma A.1.

Let p(1,), t(-1p,2s+1p) and let α be an exponent satisfying


If uLp(R+n;|x1|-tpdx), then PsuLp(R-n;|x1|-tpdx) and



We use Hölder’s inequality and Fubini’s theorem to estimate


The proof is complete. ∎

Corollary A.2.

The linear transform Ps:Lp(R+n)Lp(R-n) is continuous for any exponent p(1,].


If p=, it trivially holds that 𝒫s:L(+n)L(-n) is nonexpansive. To handle the case p(1,), take t=0 in Lemma A.1 and conclude. ∎

Remark A.3.

The assumption p>1 is necessary. Let E+n be any bounded measurable set of positive measure. Since χELp(+n) for any p[1,], we have 𝒫sχELp(-n) for any p(1,], by Corollary A.2. Now, for x-n and R>0 large enough, we estimate


which readily implies 𝒫sχEL1(-n).

Proof of Lemma 4.2.

To check (i), note that the set

Ku={ω𝒟Srs(+n)ω|+n=u on +n}

is convex, closed and not empty. Thus, the minimization problem (4.6) has a unique solution Psu𝒟Srs(+n). Further, we have that

(A.2)(-Δ+nN)Srs(Psu),φ=0for any φ𝒟Srs(+n) such that φ0 on +n,

because the polynomial ts(Psu+tφ;2n(-n)2) attains its minimum at t=0. Take φ𝒞0(-n). Using (A.2), (4.4) and recalling that φ(x)-φ(y)0 for x,y+n, we find


Since φ was arbitrarily chosen, identity (4.5) follows.

Now we prove (ii). The operator uPsu is clearly linear. From KPsu=Ku, we infer that Ps is projector. Since

Ker(Ps)={φ𝒟Srs(+n)φ0 on +n},

we see from (A.2) that Ker(Ps)Im(Ps), thus Ps is an orthoprojector.

Finally, statement (iii) is the Pythagorean theorem for orthoprojectors. ∎

Proof of Lemma 4.3.

By Corollary A.2 and thanks to Lemma 4.1, for any u𝒟Srs(+n), we have


Thus, Ps:𝒟Srs(+n)L2s*(n) is continuous. Since Ps coincides with the identity on Srs(+n), the continuity of the embedding Srs(+n)L2s*(n) follows for free.

To prove (ii), take an exponent p[1,2s*) and a sequence uh𝒟Srs(+n) such that uh0 weakly in 𝒟Srs(+n). We have to show that Psuh0 in Lp(Br) for any r>0.

For arbitrary ρ>2r, we write


We estimate 𝒰h(x), for xBr-, as follows:


We infer that




and Corollary A.2 gives 𝒰h0Lp(Br-)c(p)uhLp(Bρ+), so we arrive at


Since uh0 weakly in 𝒟Srs(+n), we have that uh is bounded in L2s*(+n). Thus, given any ε>0, we can find a large ρ=ρ(ε)>0 such that the last term in (A.3) is smaller than ε. Hence,

lim suphPsuhLp(Br)c(p)lim suphuhLp(Bρ+)+ε=ε,

as, by Lemmata 2.1 and 4.1, we have uh0 in Lp(Bρ+). Since ε>0 was arbitrarily chosen, we are done. ∎

Proof of Lemma 4.4.

Let be the Fourier transform in n. It is well known that [(-Δ)sφ](ξ)=|ξ|2s[φ] for any φ𝒞0(n). Since uL2s*(n), we can define the distribution (-Δ)su via


Next, if φ𝒞0(+n), then φ(x)-φ(y)=0 for x,y-n, hence


which concludes the proof of (i).

Next, since u=Psu and 𝒞0(-n)𝒟Srs(+n), (A.2) gives (-Δ+nN)Srsu=0 on -n immediately. Using again u=Psu and the explicit expression for Ps in (4.5), for any x-n, we obtain


and the lemma is proved. ∎

B Limits

The well known behaviors of Cn,s as s0+ and s1- follow from the identity


Next, fix a function uH1(n). As in the proof of Lemma 4.4, we denote by the Fourier transform. Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and the classical identity


readily give


We are in position to compute the limits of the Neumann restricted and semirestricted quadratic forms on half-spaces as s(1-s)0+.

Theorem B.1 (Limits as s1-).

If uH1(Rn), then



The conclusion for the restricted quadratic form should be known, at least for bounded domains. We cite, for instance, [4] for related results. We furnish here a complete proof for the convenience of the reader.

We denote by cn any constant possibly depending on the dimension n but not on s; in particular, we have Cn,scn(1-s) for s(0,1). We start by proving that

(B.2)s(u;+n×-n)=o(1)as s1.

Note that the proof in [7, Subsection 5.1] of a similar result on bounded domains Ωn contains a defect, precisely in the proof of formula (5.5). However, the statement of [7, Proposition 5.1] is correct.

We introduce the notation Πδ={xn||x1|<δ} and estimate


We have


To handle 2, we estimate


so that


Thus, for s close to 1 and small δ, we obtain


Formula (B.2) readily follows, because for any ε>0, we can find δ=δ(ε)>0 such that cnuL2(Π2δ)2<ε, and thus

lim sups1+s(u;+n×-n)lim sups1+cn(1-s)uL2(n)2δ-2s+ε=ε.

From (B.2) we first infer that s(u;n×n)=s(u;+n×+n)+s(u;-n×-n)+o(1). Further, by replacing u by u^, the symmetric extension of u|+n, and using (B.1), we obtain


Thus, +n|u|2dx=s(u;+n×+n)+o(1). The conclusion for s(u;2n(-n)2) readily follows from (4.1) and (B.2). ∎

Now we study the limits as s0. It is convenient to discuss separately the restricted and the semirestricted cases.

Theorem B.2 (Limit as s0+, restricted Laplacian).

If uH1(Rn), then



For s(0,12), we have χ+nuHs(n), see [25, Section 2.10.2]. Thus, via (2.1), we can compute


By (B.1) we have


Next, from (2.2), we see that lims0+μs=12, and the conclusion readily follows. ∎

Theorem B.3 (Limit as s0+, semirestricted Laplacian).

If uH1(Rn), then



Identity (B.3) readily follows from (4.2) and Theorem B.2, since


To prove (B.4) we first notice that uL2(+n;x1-2sdx) for 0s<12. Choosing p=2, t=s and α=1-s in (A.1), we get that PsuL2(-n;|x1|-2sdx) and


Since Γ(1-s+2s)=1+o(1) and Γ(s)Γ(2s)=O(s), we infer that

(B.5)|x1|-sPsu0in L2(-n)

Using also (4.7), we obtain


The conclusion follows, thanks to (B.3) and (B.5). ∎


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Received: 2018-04-05
Accepted: 2018-09-11
Published Online: 2018-10-11
Published in Print: 2021-01-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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