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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 20, 2019

Convergence of Riemannian 4-manifolds with L2-curvature bounds

  • Norman Zergänge EMAIL logo


In this work we prove convergence results of sequences of Riemannian 4-manifolds with almost vanishing L2-norm of a curvature tensor and a non-collapsing bound on the volume of small balls. In Theorem 1.1 we consider a sequence of closed Riemannian 4-manifolds, whose L2-norm of the Riemannian curvature tensor tends to zero. Under the assumption of a uniform non-collapsing bound and a uniform diameter bound, we prove that there exists a subsequence that converges with respect to the Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a flat manifold. In Theorem 1.2 we consider a sequence of closed Riemannian 4-manifolds, whose L2-norm of the Riemannian curvature tensor is uniformly bounded from above, and whose L2-norm of the traceless Ricci-tensor tends to zero. Here, under the assumption of a uniform non-collapsing bound, which is very close to the Euclidean situation, and a uniform diameter bound, we show that there exists a subsequence which converges in the Gromov–Hausdorff sense to an Einstein manifold. In order to prove Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2, we use a smoothing technique, which is called L2-curvature flow. This method was introduced by Jeffrey Streets. In particular, we use his “tubular averaging technique” in order to prove distance estimates of the L2-curvature flow, which only depend on significant geometric bounds. This is the content of Theorem 1.3.

MSC 2010: 53C25; 53C44

Communicated by Frank Duzaar

A Auxiliary Results

Here we present some results which we have used in this work.

Lemma A.1.

Let (Mn,g(t))t[t1,t2] be a smooth family of Riemannian manifolds and let γ:[0,L]M be a smooth curve. Then we have the estimates:

(A.2)|log(|v|g(t2)2|v|g(t1)2)|t1t2g(t)L(M,g(t))dtfor all vTM,

on M×(t1,t2).


Using a unit-speed-parametrization of γ, we infer (A.1). Estimate (A.2) is proved in [9, Lemma 14.2, p. 279]. Estimate (A.3) is stated in [23, p. 271]. ∎

Lemma A.2.

Let M4 be a closed Riemannian manifold and let (M,g(t))t[0,T] be a solution to the L2-flow. We have the following estimates:

(A.4)Volg(t)(M)=Volg(0)(M)for all t(0,T]


(A.5)Volg(t)(U)12Volg(0)(U)12-Ct12(0tU|gradg(s)|g(s)2dVg(s)ds)12for all t(0,T] and UM open.


Equation (A.4) is a special case of the first equation in [22, p. 44]. Estimate (A.5) follows from (1.1). ∎

Lemma A.3.

Let (Mn,g) be a complete n-dimensional Ricci-flat Riemannian manifold having bounded curvature and injectivity radius bounded from below by ι>0. Then there exists a constant C(n,ι)0 such that



We argue by contradiction. Suppose this statement is not true. Then we could find a sequence of complete n-dimensional Ricci-flat manifolds (Mi,gi)i such that injgi(Mi)ι and RmgiL(Mi,gi)=Ci, where limiCi=. We construct a blow-up sequence as follows: for each i, let hi:=Cigi be such that injhi(Mi)Ciι and RmhiL(Mi,hi)=1. For each i, we choose a fixed point piMi such that |Rmhi(pi)|hi12. Using Rchi0, the first equation on [1, p. 461] or [9, Theorem 7.1, p. 274] implies ΔhiRmhi=RmhiRmhi and, consequently, ΔhiRmhiL(Mi,hi)K(n). Furthermore, from [10, Lemma 1], we obtain uniform C0-bounds on the metrics (hi)i in normal coordinates. Hence, an iterative application of the theory of linear elliptic equations of second order, following the arguments of [1, p. 478, second paragraph], we obtain uniform higher order estimates, i.e., hikRmhiL(Mi,hi)K(n,k) for all i,k. Hence, [1, Theorem 2.2, pp. 464–466] implies that there exists a subsequence (Mi,gi,pi)i that converges in the pointed Ck,α-sense, where k is arbitrary, to a smooth manifold (X,h,p) satisfying |Rmh(p)|h12 and, using [16], injh(X,p)=. An iterative application of [6, Theorem 2] implies that (X,h,p)=(n,geuc,0) which yields a contradiction. ∎


This work is a part of the author’s doctoral thesis [28], written under the supervision of Miles Simon at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.


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Received: 2017-12-02
Revised: 2018-12-11
Accepted: 2018-12-17
Published Online: 2019-01-20
Published in Print: 2021-01-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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