
Unconventional superconductivity of strongly correlated systems is centrally important in condensed matter physics, with the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter being a key issue of the field. This question appears to have reached a consensus in some notable instances. An example is the d-wave symmetry for the Cooper pairs in the well-studied Cu-based superconductors (SCs)1,2. However, the pairing symmetry remains enigmatic in other classes of strongly correlated materials. For singlet superconductivity, the long-held dichotomy is between fully-gapped s- and nodal d-wave pairing states. However, it has been increasingly recognized that multi-band/orbital systems are inherently richer for pairings3,4. A canonical setting for multiorbital spin-singlet pairings is the Fe-based superconductors5,6,7,8,9,10,11, especially for the Fe-chalcogenide cases. Here, the discovery of an orbital-selective Mott crossover in the normal state12,13 motivated the notion of orbital-selective superconductivity14. The latter opens up the possibilities for a variety of orbital-dependent pairing states, which have been studied in recent years both theoretically15,16,17,18,19,20 and experimentally21,22,23. In addition, heavy fermion SCs, a class that includes about fifty members, have emerged as another prominent setting for singlet pairing states beyond the traditional possiblities24.

Recent experiments have directly challenged the conventional s- and d-wave dichotomy. In alkaline Fe-selenides, inelastic neutron scattering25,26 revealed signatures of in-gap spin resonances, whose characteristic wavevectors qualify them as a typical indicator of sign-changing d-wave order parameters7,9,27,28,29. By contrast, ARPES studies have indicated fully-gapped superconductivity30,31,32,33, even for a Fermi pocket near the center of the two-dimensional Brillouin zone (BZ), which appears consistent with s- wave symmetry. Understanding the Fe-chalcogenide SC is crucially important, since the Fe-based superconductivity with the highest superconducting transition temperature (Tc) occurs in this category.

A similar situation has emerged in the heavy-fermion system CeCu2Si2 (Ref. 34). A host of properties, including the inelastic neutron-scattering spectrum28, have traditionally been interpreted in terms of a sign-changing d-wave pairing state, yet recent specific heat35 and London penetration depth34,36 results at very low temperatures pointed toward a fully gapped Fermi-surface (FS).

It is surprising that the SC phases exhibit s- and d-wave characters simultaneously. One possible origin is s + id pairing, which breaks the point-group (PG) and time-reversal (TR) symmetries. While TR symmetry breaking may develop in special instances in the bulk37 or on the surface38, FeSCs typically preserve TRS. Especially for the alkaline Fe-selenides, there is no evidence for either TR symmetry-breaking or two-stage phase transitions as the temperature is lowered. Thus, it is important to identify an alternate candidate pairing. For the Fe-chalcogenide SC, one candidate pairing state was named sτ317. It has the s−waveform factor, but τ3, a Pauli matrix in the xz, yz 3d-electron orbital basis, turns the pairing state into d − wave-like; indeed, in the band basis, the sτ3 pairing has the intra- and inter-band d + d form. That both intra- and inter-band pairings can play a role is to be expected in this type of model39 and other cases4,40. However, this d + d form is highly unusual, thereby raising the question of both its naturalness and generality.

With the stage set by the above, the present work makes two advances. First, we demonstrate that the d + d pairing state belongs to matrix singlet pairing order parameters with non-trivial orbital structures that are natural and likely common-place in multi- orbital/band systems. As the orbital degrees-of-freedom (DOF) transform non-trivially under PG operations, these matrices can be chosen as one of the irreducible representations of the same group.

We make a case for the matrix singlet pairing’s naturalness by presenting an in-depth analysis of the sτ3 pairing state. Written in the band basis, the sτ3 pairing has the intra- and inter-band d + d form, but it remains an irreducible B1g representation of the (tetragonal D4h) PG. The unusual d + d pairing state is to be contrasted with its more commonly discussed d + id counterpart. Nonetheless, it is well defined. We demonstrate this point by showing that the d + d singlet pairing state can be compared and contrasted with the more familiar d + id state in analogy with how, in the case of superfluid 3He, the well-defined B-phase is measured against the equally well-known A-phase. The latter are spin-triplet pairing states that have an inherent matrix structure—in spin space—even for single-band cases.

Second, we illustrate the matrix singlet pairing’s generality by constructing this type of state in other multiband systems, for the case of heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2. This is an important undertaking, given that CeCu2Si2 is the first-ever discovered unconventional SC41, and also recognizing that heavy fermion systems represent a prototype setting for strong correlations and unconventional superconductivity in general42,43,44. Using DOF that incorporate spin-orbit coupling (SOC), we introduce an sΓ3 state. This provides the theoretical basis for the excellent description of the experimental results in CeCu2Si2 in terms of the d + d pairing order parameter24,34.

We will for the most part direct our analysis towards the effect of multiple orbitals/bands on the nature of the pairing states. Therefore, the issue of what drives such pairing states in the multi-orbital/band settings will only be briefly considered. Where this is done, our emphasis is on the short-range spin exchange interactions that are themselves induced by the underlying Coulomb (Hubbard and Hund’s) interactions. What we have achieved, from these microscopic calculations, is to demonstrate the relevance of the general considerations given above. We expect that our calculation will motivate further microscopic studies that include additional microscopic physics, such as orbital fluctuations, or are based on other approaches to the electron-correlation effects.

The emphasis of the present work is on singlet pairing states. Triplet pairing already has a matrix form that transforms nontrivially in spin space, even for single-band systems such as 3He. However, candidate solid state systems for triplet pairing often involve multiple orbitals/bands and strong correlations45,46,47,48,49,50. Thus, the type of matrix pairing structure in the orbital/band space we consider here may produce triplet superconducting states51,52 and the associated excitations that are of potential interest to quantum computing.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We begin the first subsection of our results by discussing some of the most relevant general properties of non-trivial matrix pairing in the context of the Fe-based SCs. We subsequently define the sτ3 pairing, and discuss the unusual properties of this state and show how it can be stabilized in an s- to d-wave degeneracy regime. We also support our discussion with numerical results for the pertinent five-orbital models of the Fe-based SCs. Furthermore, we consider sτ3 in the band basis and illustrate how it is analogous to 3He -B. In the second subsection, we contrast the multiband d + d intra- and inter-band pairing state with the single-band d + id pairing state, and argue that these two cases are the analogs of 3He B and A. We show how they can be stabilized in a t − J1 − J2 model. In the third subsection, we extend the notion of non-trivial orbital structure beyond the Fe-based compounds by discussing a candidate analogous to sτ3 for the heavy-fermion SC CeCu2Si2. In order to clearly see these results, we also present the irreducible representations of the D4h point group in the context of CeCu2Si2. The Methods section contains additional accounts of the numerical results which support the stability of sτ3 pairing for the alkaline Fe-selenides. We also discuss the t − J model and its solutions which illustrate the case of d + id pairing. Additional important aspects of matrix pairing are discussed in the Supplementary Notes. There, for completeness, we outline the role of the matrix-pairing functions in the various phases of superfluid 3He, where spin provides the analog of the orbital DOF. We highlight the lessons we believe can be applied to the case of multiorbital pairing in unconventional SCs. In addition, we illustrate how s- and d-wave states can coexist without breaking either PG or TR-symmetries via a general Landau-Ginzburg analysis. The band-basis representation of sτ3 pairing and an illustration of the effects of damping on Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) quasiparticles are also presented in the Supplementary Notes.


d + d matrix singlet pairing as an analog of 3He -B

In solid-state systems, electrons inherit the orbital structure of the underlying ions which form the crystalline lattice. The set of local DOF must include the additional orbital structure. In turn, Cooper pairs formed out of the same electrons are naturally characterized by these additional local, orbital DOF.

Consider the concrete case of an electronic system on a lattice with D4h tetragonal point-group symmetry. Further, assume that the dominant contribution to the lowest-lying bands is due to xz and yz orbital local DOF. For simplicity, we ignore SOC. In general, the pairing interactions \(V{({\bf{k}},{\bf{k}}^{\prime} )}_{\alpha \beta ;\Gamma \delta }\) depend on the momenta as well as the orbital and spin indices of the two electrons. This two-dimensional space turns out to be relevant for Fe-based SCs 53,54,55, and we will first define the sτ3 pairing state in this space. The pairing is orbitally selective in that it is intraorbital and its amplitude is orbital dependent. We will then consider the stability of the matrix singlet pairing state in more realistic five-orbital models. Through the d + d representation in the band basis, we present an intriguing analogy of the singlet pairing state as an analog of 3He -B.

Matrix pairing in multiorbital Fe-based SCs

A spin-singlet pairing restricted in the orbital space to the xz, yz cubic harmonics will have the general form

$$\hat{{\Delta }}({\bf{k}})=\Delta \hat{g}{({\bf{k}})}_{\alpha \beta }i{\sigma }_{2}.$$

The even-parity matrix \(\hat{g}({\bf{k}})\) denotes the components of the pairing in the four-dimensional space spanned by the tensor products of the two orbital DOF. These tensor-product states are analogs to the spin-1/2 product states in triplet 3He (see Supplementary Note 1). Likewise, they depend on the relative momentum of the pair. Finally, iσ2 denotes spin-singlet pairing. We do not consider this additional structure since it plays no essential role in the subsequent discussion.

The pairing matrix can be decomposed into components which transform according to one of the five even-parity irreducible representations of the D4h point group. This allows for additional separation of the DOF as

$${\hat{g}}^{(i)}{({\bf{k}})}_{\alpha \beta }={g}^{(i)}({\bf{k}}){\hat{\tau }}_{\alpha \beta }^{(i)},$$

where i labels one of the five, even-parity A1g, A2g, B1g, B2g, and Eg irreducible representations of D4h. The functions g(i)(k) can likewise be chosen to belong to one of these representations. To illustrate, s-wave states such as \({s}_{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})\) and \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})\) both belong to A1g. Standard d-wave states such as \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})\) and dxy(k) are B1g and B2g representations, respectively. The xz, yz orbital doublet transforms as the two-component Eg representation. The \({\tau }_{\alpha \beta }^{(i)}\) identity and Pauli matrices describe linear combinations of the tensor-product states which transform according to one of four irreducible representations contained in the Eg × Eg = A1g + A2g + B1g + B2g decomposition of the tensor-product space of the two Eg orbital DOF. By analogy to the total S = 1 spin states of 3He, these matrix-elements play the role of effective Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. The τ0, τ1, and τ3 matrices transform according to A1g, B2g, and B1g, respectively. In this work, we consider parity-even spin-singlet pairings belonging to one-dimensional irreducible representations of D4h. This naturally excludes pairing states involving τ2 matrices, which would be parity-odd.

These arguments point to an important aspect. In 3He, the relative angular momentum and local (spin) DOF transform independently under separate groups. In the present case, g(i)(k) and orbital matrix parts (τ(i)) are necessarily coupled since they both transform under the same PG. In effect, this constitutes an inherent SOC-like locking of the different spatial DOF of the Cooper pair.

We note that the single-component representation pairings in Eqs. (1) and (2) are unitary such that

$${\hat{\Delta }}^{\dagger }({\bf{k}})\hat{\Delta }({\bf{k}})={\Delta }^{2}{g}^{2}({\bf{k}}){\tau }_{0}.$$

Of particular relevance to our discussion is the fact that pairing with non-trivial matrix structure in general allows for several inequivalent representations of the PG. The problem of determining the stability of the different pairings, including those with non-trivial structure, is a challenging task, which is typically treated numerically on a case-by-case basis. We illustrate this point further below in this section, within a five-orbital t-J1-J2 model.

s τ 3 pairing state

Of interest here is the sτ3 pairing. In terms of Eqs. (1) and (2), it corresponds to

$${\hat{\tau }}_{\alpha \beta }={\tau }_{3,\alpha \beta }.$$

It transforms as the B1g representation due exclusively to the τ3 matrix. Because of the orbital struture, it represents neither simple s- nor d-wave states. However, sτ3 pairing preserves both PG- and TR-symmetries of the normal state.

To illustrate the properties of the sτ3 pairing, we first consider a simplified two-orbital model53 and neglect any possible subleading channels. The TB and pairing parts of the BdG Hamiltonian in the orbital basis read39

$${\hat{H}}_{\text{TB}}({\bf{k}})=\left[\left({\xi }_{0}({\bf{k}})-\mu \right){\tau }_{0}+{\xi }_{1}({\bf{k}}){\tau }_{1}+{\xi }_{3}({\bf{k}}){\tau }_{3}\right]\otimes {\gamma }_{3}$$
$${\hat{H}}_{\text{Pair}}({\bf{k}})=\Delta (k){s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}(\hat{{\boldsymbol{k}}}){\tau }_{3}\otimes {\gamma }_{1}.$$

The γ Pauli matrices act in Nambu space. To simplify the expressions, we discuss one of the two spin-sectors. With singlet pairing, the Hamiltonian for the other sector can be obtained in straightforward fashion. Note that, from the perspective of point-group symmetry classification, sτ3 transforms in the same B1g representation as the diagonal-in-orbital-space \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) pairing, as has been discussed in this type of model39 and related settings56,57,58,59. What distinguishes the sτ3 pairing is the nontrivial commutation relation between the corresponding pairing and kinetic parts of the Hamiltonian17.

It is instructive to recognize that the ξ1τ1 and ξ3τ3 terms of \({\hat{H}}_{\text{TB}}\) play a role similar to a Rashba SOC. The bands corresponding to the normal-state dispersion are

$${\epsilon }_{\pm }({\bf{k}})={\xi }_{0}({\bf{k}})\pm \sqrt{{\xi }_{1}^{2}({\bf{k}})+{\xi }_{3}^{2}({\bf{k}})},$$

reflecting the space-group allowed varying orbital-content and splitting of the Fermi surfaces (FSs). We refer the reader to “Pairing channels of the five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model” subsection in Methods for detailed expressions of the ξ’s. The FS corresponding to this effective model has electron pockets centered at the ( ± π, 0) and (0, ± π) points of an one-Fe unit cell.

In Ref. 17, we showed that the general BdG dispersion is always gapped along the FS. Nodes away from the FS can appear for larger band splitting17,60,61, reflecting the corrections to the gap term due to the non-commuting TB and pairing parts. However, in alkaline-Fe selenides, where sτ3 pairing is competitive, the small band splitting at the center of the Brillouin zone precludes the appearance of nodes. Even in the cases when the nodes were to appear in the BdG spectrum away from the Fermi surface, it will not affect our conclusion. The point is that, in strongly correlated systems, only nodal excitations on the Fermi energy are long lived and, thus, sharply defined. For states away from the Fermi energy, any putative nodal excitations will necessarily involve a large damping caused by the underlying electron correlations, which obviates the distinction between nodal and gapped excitations. We illustrate how this can occur in Supplementary Note 5.

Another important characteristic of such a gapped sτ3 state is its sign change under a π/2 rotation. Such a sign-change leads to the formation of an in-gap spin resonance. sτ3 is then a pairing state which reconciles a fully-gapped FS with the presence of a spin-resonance, typically associated with a d − wave gapless order parameter.

Although we focus on a simplified two-orbital model in order to illustrate the salient properties of sτ3 pairing, the latter can also be stabilized in more general five-orbital models of the alkaline Fe-selenide class of SCs. The pairing matrix in the t − J1 − J2 model can be decomposed into all the symmetry-allowed channels. The complex coefficients of these components have both amplitude and phase. The illustrative results are shown in Fig. 1a, b. The zero-temperature pairing amplitudes of all symmetry-allowed pairing channels have been determined in a five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model with nearest and next-nearest exchange couplings. This model and its solution method are discussed in subsection “Five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model and solution method” in Methods section.

Fig. 1: Zero-temperature results for a five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model.
figure 1

a Dimensionless pairing amplitudes of the leading B1g channels as compared to that of the B1g sτ3 channel as functions of J1/J2 for a five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model of the alkaline Fe-selenides. The numerically-determined pairing amplitudes are the weights of each of the PG symmetry-allowed channels. 1xy denotes the trivial 1 × 1 matrix in the dxy orbital sector. See subsections “Pairing channels of the five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model” and “Five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model and solution method” in Methods for the details of the calculation. The sτ3 pairing with non-trivial orbital structure is dominant in the 0.8 ≤ J1/J2 ≤ 1.0 window. b Phases of the leading B1g channels relative to the sτ3 channel as functions of the tuning parameter. These are obtained from the difference in the phases of each symmetry-allowed channel which are determined from the self-consistent solution. In the [0.8, 1] interval where sτ3 is dominant, these relative phases are either zero or ± π. Here, the amplitudes of the coexisting B1g channels are comparable to that of sτ3. This illustrates that the sτ3 pairing which is equivalent to d + d, effectively preserves TR and PG symmetries.

The TB part and the associated FS are chosen to be consistent with LDA studies17. The dominant pairing amplitudes are intra-orbital. The pairing state is orbital selective in the sense that the pairing amplitude and its phase are orbital sensitive. We focus on the case where the pairing amplitude is largest for the xz, yz orbitals while also allowing inter-orbital pairing. This reflects orbital-selective correlation effects in the normal state. The J1/J2 ratio controls the symmetry of the dominant pairing channel with \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}}){\tau }_{0}\) and \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}}){\tau }_{0}\) states for small and large values of the ratio, respectively. The sτ3 pairing is dominant near the transition separating order-parameters belonging to A1g to B1g representations for a finite range of the control parameter about the point where J1/J2 ≈ 1. A \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) with trivial orbital structure provides the subleading pairing with comparable amplitude. See subsection “Pairing channels of the five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model” of the Methods for more details.

It is important to put the results of microscopic studies in a more general perspective. Our calculations indicate that a subleading \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) pairing of comparable amplitude is present in the regime where sτ3 is dominant. While we have focused on the properties of the dominant sτ3 pairing alone, a more realistic picture would involve coexisting sτ3 and \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) in the vicinity of s- to d-wave phase transition. This superposition of pairing states with different orbital structure which belong to the same B1g irreducible representation preserves both PG- and TR-symmetries. In Supplementary Note 3, we present a Landau-Ginzburg analysis to show that, generically, the pairing state involves a linear superposition of these two components and there is only one superconducting transition at a single Tc.

Intra- and inter-band d + d pairing and its analogy with the 3He B-phase

It is instructive to consider the sτ3 pairing in a band basis:

$${\hat{H}}_{\text{Pair}}({\bf{k}})={\Delta }_{3}({\bf{k}}){\alpha }_{3}+{\Delta }_{1}({\bf{k}}){\alpha }_{1},$$

where α1,3 are Pauli matrices in the two-band space and where the form factors Δ3,1 transform as \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) and dxy, respectively. The details of the transformation from orbital to band basis are discussed in Supplementary Note 4. There, we also show that the α3,1 matrices are equivalent to A1g and A2g representations, respectively, by applying the inverse transformation from band to orbital basis. The same conclusion can be reached by requiring that each of the two terms in Eq. (10) transforms as B1g. Because the overall pairing is in the irreducible B1g channel, it is natural that the intraband α3 part has the \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) form factor. Likewise, the interband α1 component has the dxy form factor. Thus, the sτ3 pairing is equivalent to a d + d pairing.

When the pairing matrix is squared, the intra- and inter-band d-waves add in quadrature as \({\Delta }_{1}^{2}({\bf{k}})+{\Delta }_{2}^{2}({\bf{k}})\) to produce a gap which does not close along the FSs centered on the BZ center corresponding to the two bands, as shown in Fig. 2. This is due to the anti-commuting nature of the two Pauli matrices α3 and α1 which denote intra- and inter-band pairing, respectively. As in the orbital basis, corrections to this gap are present due to the splitting of the FSs. As discussed in the previous subsection, in cases relevant to our discussion, these additional effects are typically small and consequently do not close the gap; and generically, the FS is always fully gapped.

Fig. 2: The gapping of an illustrative FS by d + d pairing.
figure 2

The blue, dashed line indicates the nodes of the intra-band component Δ3 (Eq. (10)), which transforms as a B1g representation of D4h. The red, dotted line shows the nodes of the inter-band component Δ1 (also in Eq. (10)), which transforms as a B2g representation. The two components add in quadrature to produce a nonzero gap everywhere on the FS. Note that possible nodes of a common s-wave form factor (Eqs. 28-29 of Supplementary Note 4 for sτ3) are not shown here as they are irrelevant to our argument.

The band basis reveals a pairing structure which is very similar to that in 3He -B. Referring to Supplementary Notes 1 and 2, the matrix order-parameter in that case is typically expressed as \({\hat{\Delta }}_{{\,}^{3}\text{He - B}}({\bf{k}}) \sim ({\bf{k}}\cdot {\boldsymbol{\sigma }})i{\sigma }_{2}\). This amounts to a linear superposition of p-wave states, px, py and pz, together with a matrix structure made possible due to spin-triplet pairing as represented by the σ Pauli matrices. The anti-commuting nature of these matrices ensures that three p-waves add in quadrature to produce a full gap. The situation clearly mirrors the case of sτ3 in the band basis, where two d-wave states likewise produce a finite gap. The sτ3 pairing thus provides a remarkable example where a phase which is similar to 3He -B via a structure in the band-basis is stabilized in a solid-state SC model.

Along with this similarity between the sτ3 pairing state and the B phase of 3He, it is important to also note on the ways in which they differ. The distinctions are due primarily to the continuous rotation symmetries of 3He as contrasted with the discrete nature of the PG in the inter- and intra-band d-wave case. The latter belong to a single irreducible representation of a PG involving discrete operations. As such, they break no symmetries of the normal state with the trivial exception of a global phase rotation due to pairing. By contrast, 3He -B breaks the SO(3)L × SO(3)S symmetry of the normal state down to SO(3)L+S, via a relative spin-orbit symmetry breaking62,63. Specifically, the invariance of the normal state under continuous and independent rotations of angular-momentum and spin, respectively, is broken down to simultaneous rotations in both sectors. In spite of this additional symmetry-breaking, we note that the B phase has the largest residual symmetry of all superfluid 3He phases. In this respect, it still resembles intra- and inter-band d-wave pairing which preserves both PG and TR symmetries.

d + d and d + id pairing: Analogy with 3He -B vs.3He -A

We have seen that an orbital basis is convenient for classifying the pairing states according to symmetry and for solving microscopic models. Physically, the equivalent band basis is more natural in connecting with experiments. We have also seen that the non-trivial sτ3 pairing is equivalent to simultaneous intra- and inter-band \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) and dxy pairings (Eq. (10)). These add in quadrature to produce a full gap on the FS on either of the two bands and their sign-changing factors allow for the formation of in-gap spin resonances. For simplicity, we consider only unitary pairings. The intra- and inter-band terms are consequently associated with α3 and α1 Pauli matrices, respectively. Importantly, a d + d pairing does not break either PG or TR symmetries of the Hamiltonian. This amounts to associating both d-wave components with a single irreducible representation in an orbital basis.

We have shown that the d + d pairing is a well-defined pairing state, through an analogy with the B phase of 3He. To further elucidate the naturalness of this unusual pairing state, we compare and contrast it with the more familiar d + id pairing. We show that d + dvs. d + id pairing is analogous to the B- vs. A-phases of 3He.

d + d in a multiorbital model vs. d + id in a single-orbital model

An intra-bandd + id pairing, where the two components are \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\)- and dxy-waves, respectively, is a natural competitor to the intra- and inter-band d + d. Here, we show how the intra-band d + id can be stabilized in a one-band t − J1 − J2 model in the vicinity of the J1 ≈ J2 point.

In the first subsection, we discussed how the sτ3 orbital non-trivial pairing channel becomes dominant for a finite range of the J1/J2 tuning parameter in a realistic five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model for the alkaline Fe-selenides. The details of the calculations are given in the Methods section. We showed how sτ3 pairing is equivalent to a d + d intra- and inter-band pairing. To further understand the nature of the sτ3 -dominated state, we plot the phases of the leading B1g channels relative to sτ3 as functions of J1/J2 in Fig. 1 (b). The leading B1g channels have relative phases wrt sτ3 which are closely centered around 0 or π for the entire range of the tuning parameter. In the [0.8, 1] interval where sτ3 is dominant the relative phases are either zero or ± π. Here the amplitudes of the subleading \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) and \({s}_{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{3}\)B1g channels are comparable to that of the leading sτ3. Therefore, this regime corresponds to a pairing state with non-trivial orbital structure which preserves TR and PG symmetries. We note that all A1g and B2g channels are strongly suppressed in the regime where sτ3 is dominant which we consider here (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: Zero-temperature leading pairing amplitudes (dimensionless) as functions of \({J}_{1}^{xz/yz}/{J}_{2}^{xz/yz}\) for a five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model of the alkaline Fe-selenides.
figure 3

\({J}_{2}^{xz}={J}_{2}^{yz}=1/2\) in units of the bandwidth. The exchange interactions for the dxy orbital are five times smaller while the exchange couplings for all remaining orbitals are zero. Please see Ref. 17 for a detailed account of the model and solution. For J1/J2 ≤ 0.7 A1g pairing channels are dominant with leading \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) in the xz/yz sector. This pairing has trivial orbital structure. There is a narrow region of coexistence between finite A1g and B1g channels for 0.7 ≤ J1/J2 ≤ 0.8. Beyond this range, B1g channels dominate with leading \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{3}\) in the xz/yz sector which has non-trivial orbital structure. At even larger values, an orbital-trivial \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) phase dominates.

We next discuss the orbital-trivial d + id pairing. For simplicity, we consider a single dxy orbital t − J1 − J2 model on a square lattice. We choose the tight-binding (TB) parameters and chemical potential to be consistent with a circular hole pocket at the center of the BZ. The details of the model are discussed in subsection “Single-orbital t − J1 − J2 model” of the Methods. The model is solved using a self-consistent decomposition of the exchange interactions as in the five-orbital cases discussed previously17,64. The resulting zero-temperature pairing amplitudes for J2 = 1/2 in units of the bandwidth, and for a finite range of the ratio J1/J2 are shown in Fig. 4a. For J1/J2 < 0.8, the only significant pairing occurs in the dxy, B2g channel. For higher values of J1/J2, the amplitude of a \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}},{B}_{1g}\) pairing becomes finite. These two remain finite up to J2/J1 ≈ 2.1, where the dxy component vanishes continuously. Beyond this point, two additional \({s}_{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}\) and \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}\) order-parameters emerge. A similar conclusion has been reached in a related model65.

Fig. 4: Zero-temperature results for a single-orbital t − J1 − J2 model close to half-filling.
figure 4

See subsection “Single-orbital t − J1 − J2 model” of the Methods for details of the model. (a) Dimensionless pairing amplitudes as functions of the ratio J1/J2. When the tuning parameter is less than 0.8, only the dxy, B2g channel has finite amplitude. In the 0.8 ≤ J1/J2 ≤ 2.1 interval, dxy coexists with a \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}},{B}_{1g}\) channel. For larger values of the tuning parameter, the dxy channel is suppressed and \({s}_{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}\) and \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}\)A1g channels emerge. (b) Relative phase of the two d-wave channels modulo π as a function of J1/J2. When both d-waves have finite amplitudes, a π/2 relative phase is clearly visible. When one of the two is suppressed, the relative phase is essentially arbitrary.

To illustrate that the two coexisting d-wave components are locked into a d + id state, we plot their relative phases mod π in Fig. 4b. The relative phases are obtained from the difference in the phases of each symmetry-allowed channel which are determined from the self-consistent solution. While these relative phases are essentially arbitrary whenever one of the d-waves vanishes, a π/2 relative phase is clear in the interval J1/J2 [0.8, 2.1] where both coexist. Although these results were obtained for a single-orbital model, they do demonstrate how a d + id pairing with trivial orbital structure can become stable in similar two-orbital models.

d + d pairing vs. d + id: Analogy with B- vs. A-phases of 3He superfluid

In the first subsection, we showed that the d + d pairing is closely analogous to the B phase of 3He, where the pairing is a superposition of px,y,z-waves corresponding to equal- and opposite-spin pairing as illustrated by Eqs. 2 and 3 of Supplementary Notes 1 and 2. Just like the B phase, the d + d pairing is an irreducible representation, here of the PG, and preserves the TR symmetry of the normal state by construction.

By contrast, the intra-band (d + id)α0 pairing, where α0 is the identity matrix in the band basis, is a linear superposition of two irreducible representations.

In general, the α0 matrix in band space would correspond to an identity τ0 matrix in orbital space. The d + id pairing spontaneously breaks both PG and TR symmetries. Therefore, it is a natural analog of 3He -A, which is typically described in terms of equal-spin px + ipy pairing. This phase spontaneously breaks both rotational and TR-symmetries of the normal state as illustrated by Eq. 5 of Supplementary Note 2. The band and spin matrices in the 3He -A and d + id cases are analogous.

In the first subsection, we discussed how d + d differs from 3He -B due mainly to the discrete versus continuous symmetries of the two, respectively. This kind of difference also exists between d + id and 3He -A. The latter spontaneously breaks both angular momentum and spin continuous rotational symmetries down to a \({U}_{{L}_{z}-\phi }\times {U}_{{S}_{z}}\) group of independent rotations in each sector about preferred axes (Supplementary Note 2). When dipole-dipole interactions are negligible, the directions of either axes are arbitrarily chosen. By contrast, d + id involves a superposition of pairings belonging to two irreducible representations of a discrete PG corresponding to fixed symmetry axes. Additionally, in 3He -A, the two components, px and py are exactly degenerate, and there is only a single transition temperature Tc. By contrast, in d + id, the two d-components are generically non-degenerate, and two stages of phase transitions are to be expected when the temperature is varied.

In spite of clear differences, the formal similarities between 3He -B and d + d and likewise between 3He -A and d + id, which are due to the presence of non-trivial matrix structure, are intriguing. In this sense, 3He provides both a well-established parallel and a prototype for the emergence and description of the effects of non-trivial matrix structure in unconventional singlet SCs.

Given the venerable status of superfluid 3He -B, we believe that revealing the above connections elevates the status of the d + d spin-singlet pairing state. In turn, this connection motivates the consideration of such d + d spin-singlet pairing beyond the context of Fe-based superconductors. Indeed, this leads us to the second part of our work, which is to propose a microscopic pairing state that is capable of understanding the heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2.

Matrix singlet pairing with spin-orbit coupling: CeCu2Si2

Another class of multiband superconductors arises in heavy fermion systems, in which quasi-localized f electrons hybridize with dispersive spd-conduction (c) electrons. These include CeCu2Si2, which is the first-ever discovered unconventional SC41 and one of the best-studied heavy-fermion SCs. For most of its history, this compound was believed to have a conventional d-wave order parameter. Such a conclusion has been supported by inelastic neutron scattering experiments which revealed a spin-resonance peak in the SC state28 together with angle-resolved resistivity measurements of the upper critical field Hc266, among others. Remarkably, recent measurements of the specific heat35 and London penetration depth34,36 down to lower temperatures indicated a fully-gapped SC state. The apparent contradiction between these different experimental probes is reminiscent of the situation in the Fe-chalcogenide SCs. In those cases, we argued that the fully-gapped but sign-changing sτ3 provide a natural resolution. An analogous proposal for CeCu2Si2 is clearly of great interest. Note that a d + d inter- and intra-band pairing directly inspired from the Fe-based cases provides a good fit to the the superfluid-density and specific-heat results in CeCu2Si224,34.

Objective and outline of the subsection

Here, we construct the analog of the sτ3 pairing for CeCu2Si2. For reasons that will become clear, we shall refer to this state as sΓ3 to indicate the associated non-trivial pairing matrix, as in the case of the Fe-based SCs.

We consider the pairing between the composite heavy quasiparticles in terms of simultaneous f-f, f-c, and c-c pairing in the original electron basis prior to hybridization. Of the three, f-f pairing is expected to be the strongest, reflecting the more localized nature of the heavy bands. The albeit weaker f-c and c-c pairing terms will be important, especially when they are involved in creating a pairing component that opens a gap.

In contrast to the case of the Fe-based SC, an important ingredient for constructing pairing states in a heavy fermion metal such as CeCu2Si2 is that SOC plays a 0th-order role. The local orbital and spin DOFs transform simultaneously under PG operations. This imposes additional constraints on any matrix associated with the local DOF. Due to the large SOC, the local f-electron manifold splits as a consequence of the crystal field. The resulting multiplets, which are labeled according to the irreducible representations of D4h, play a role analogous to that of the dxz/yz orbitals in the Fe-based SC case.

A number of experiments67,68 as well as LDA+DMFT studies69 have indicated that one of the Γ7 doublets of the crystal-field split 2F5/2 local electron is the dominant contribution to the heavy FS sheets. The lowest-lying excited states of the f electron are composed of a Γ6 and another Γ7 doublet. Our analysis will also involve Γ6 Wannier orbitals of the conduction electron states near the Fermi energy, and these Wannier orbitals will hybridize with the excited Γ6 f-level and thereby makes it a small but nonzero component in the ground-state manifold.

In this subsection, we will use these DOFs to advance a matrix pairing state, sΓ3, which transforms in B1g under D4h. To clarify the involved DOFs, we also discuss the character table of the D4h point group and its irreducible representations and construct the conduction-electron Γ6 Wannier orbitals from the Cu 3d orbitals.

Spin-orbital coupled local states

Our aim is to propose a minimal symmetry-allowed candidate for CeCu2Si2 which has properties similar to that of sτ3 in the Fe-based cases. By construction, such a state must belong to one of the single-component double-valued irreducible representations of D4h, as required by strong SOC. To illustrate, the even-parity double-valued irreducible representation \({\Gamma }_{1}^{+}\) is the analog of A1g, while \({\Gamma }_{3}^{+}\) is the analog of B1g. The latter is our prime candidate.

Either f or c electrons originate from an odd-spin state and therefore transform as either Γ6 or Γ7 representations of the PG. A minimal structure for combined local orbital-spin DOF is determined by a 2 × 2 matrix Σ. This matrix must belong to a non-trivial irreducible representation of the PG; e.g., it must change sign under a C4z rotation. To ensure that the rotation properties are determined exclusively by the local orbital-spin DOF, the pairing must be a product between the non-trivial orbital-spin matrix and a form-factor belonging to the identity representation. In addition to the matrix structure of the local DOF, the pairing matrix must also incorporate c, f indices.

Thus, a minimal order-parameter is a 4 × 4 matrix. We consider singlet, parity-even pairing exclusively. Hence, candidate pairing matrices must be odd under exchange and TR-invariant. For simplicity, we restrict our discussion to pairings which are even under f-c exchange. This necessarily implies that Σ is anti-symmetric. Furthermore, as the Σ matrix can transform under inversion, we only consider pairings between electrons belonging to irreducible representations of identical parity. Following the notation used previously, possible candidates are chosen to be of the form

$$\hat{\Delta }({\bf{k}})=\Delta g({\bf{k}})\hat{\Sigma }\otimes \hat{\Xi }.$$

The components of the local-DOF multiplet are determined by the 2 × 2 Σ matrix while the f, c nature of the paired electrons is given by the 2 × 2 Ξ matrix. As in the more familiar case of full spin rotational symmetry, the matrix elements of the Σ matrices are effective Clebsch–Gordan coefficients adapted to the cases of discrete PG symmetry70.

Conventional B 1g pairing

We first consider candidates on the \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\) ground-state doublet. The superscript denotes odd parity under inversion. Although these naturally correspond to f-f pairing involving the Γ7 ground-state local multiplet, they also cover possible f-c pairings with c electrons which belong to the same representation. In the latter case, the c electrons would correspond to p-type linear-superposition of Wannier orbitals. The tensor product of two such doublets decomposes into the irreducible representations of D4h as70

$${\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\times {\Gamma }_{7}^{-}={\Gamma }_{1}^{+}+{\Gamma }_{2}^{+}+{\Gamma }_{5}^{+}.$$

Here, \({\Gamma }_{1,2}^{+}\) are one-dimensional representations which are analogous to the A1g and B2g in the absence of SOC70. The two-dimensional \({\Gamma }_{5}^{+}\) is analogous to the xz, yz (Eg) doublet. Following Ref. 70, the matrices corresponding to each of the three \({\Gamma }_{1,2,5}^{+}\) representations are:

$${{{\Sigma }}}_{{\Gamma }_{1}}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\sigma }_{2}$$
$${{{\Sigma }}}_{{\Gamma }_{2}}=-\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\sigma }_{1}$$
$${{{\Sigma }}}_{{\Gamma }_{5},x}^{(5)}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\sigma }_{3}$$
$${{{\Sigma }}}_{{\Gamma }_{5},y}^{(5)}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}{\sigma }_{0}.$$

The σ’s are standard Pauli matrices. Recall that for f-f or symmetric f-c pairings, we require Σ to be anti-symmetric. The only choice is \({\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{1}}\) which transforms as the trivial representation. This matrix is the analog of simple singlet-pairing in the standard BCS case and is invariant under all PG operations. It is clear that f-f or symmetric f-c singlet pairing on the \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\) manifold does not support any non-trivial structure in the local DOF. This contrasts with the Fe-based case, where the absence of SOC allowed for all τ matrices in the xz, yz manifold.

We can construct a standard d-wave pairing belonging to the Γ3 representation which is analogous to a B1g representation without SOC. We do so by choosing \(g({\bf{k}})={d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})\) and \(\hat{\Sigma }={\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{1}}\) in Eq. (11). Likewise, \(\hat{{{\Xi }}}\) can be chosen to be proportional to either Ξ1 or (1/2)(Ξ0 − Ξ3), where Ξ0 and Ξ1,3 denote identity and Pauli matrices, respectively. The two cases correspond to f-c and f-f pairing, respectively.

Matrix B 1g pairing

We next consider pairing between electrons belonging to distinct \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\) and \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) manifolds. This can correspond to f-f pairing between electrons belonging to the \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\) ground-state and f electrons belonging to the excited \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) manifolds, respectively. Alternately, it can denote f-c pairing between \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\)f-electrons and \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction c electrons. Further below, we illustrate how intra-unit cell linear combinations of Cu 3d states in the presence of SOC can form bases for \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction electrons. The product states decompose as70

$${\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\times {\Gamma }_{7}^{-}={\Gamma }_{3}^{+}+{\Gamma }_{4}^{+}+{\Gamma }_{5}^{+}.$$

The corresponding matrices are70

$${\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{3}}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\chi }_{2}$$
$${\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{2}}=-\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\chi }_{1}$$
$${\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{5},x}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}{\chi }_{0}$$
$${\Sigma }_{{\Gamma }_{5},y}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}{\chi }_{3}.$$

The χ’s are Pauli matrices. Note however that they represent different DOF and thus transform differently under the PG. Therefore, one should not confuse the meaning of the χ Pauli matrices defined in this case with those of the Γ7 − Γ7 case discussed previously. The only anti-symmetric matrix is \({{{\Sigma }}}_{{\Gamma }_{3}}\). It transforms as the \({\Gamma }_{3}^{+}\) irrep of D4h and is an analog of the τ3 matrix in the Fe-based cases. Moreover, this matrix is invariant under TR. We conclude that a counterpart of the sτ3 pairing for CeCu2Si2 is an s-wave pairing belonging to the sign-changing Γ3representation, orsΓ3pairing:

$$\hat{\Delta }({\bf{k}})=\Delta s({\bf{k}})i{\chi }_{2}\otimes \hat{\Xi },$$

where s(k) corresponds to a s-wave form factor which transforms according to the \({\Gamma }_{1}^{+}\) trivial irrep. sΓ3 pairing, which involves electrons belonging to different irreducible representations due to the Γ3 matrix, is necessarily non-local, and thus vanishes when rRelative = 0, where rRelative is the distance between two paired electrons. Therefore, we do not restrict the s-wave form factor to be of sign-changing form. The form of the Ξ matrix differs depending on either f-f or f-c pairings. In the f-c case it can be chosen to be proportional to a Ξ1 Pauli matrix. In the f − f case, it can be made proportional to a Ξ0 − Ξ3 matrix. In either case, the gap is determined by the amplitude and form factor only similarly to what happens for sτ3. In a multiband model of CeCu2Si234, this pairing produces a full gap.

On general grounds, the non-trivial Γ76 pairing in either f-f or f-c cases is likely weaker than the Γ77 f-f pairing. However, there are cases where such Γ76 contributions can be important. Consider a dominant Γ77 f-f pairing corresponding to a d-wave state with nodes along the FS. An admixture of non-trivial pairing either from f-c or from f-f involving the excited local manifold can open a gap. While we can also consider non-trivial pairing terms in the c-c sector, these are expected to be weaker than their f-f and f-c counterparts. Likewise, other candidates with non-trivial orbital-spin structure can be obtained if we relax some of our assumptions such as the symmetry of the f-c terms under exchange. We reserve a detailed analysis of these cases for future work.

Our candidate Γ76, sΓ3 pairing represents an sτ3 analog for CeCu2Si2. As in the Fe-based cases, the structure of the local DOF allows a natural interpolation between simple s − and d − wave states. Such a pairing can in principle reconcile the difficulties in interpreting the more recent experimental results.

We note that the \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction electrons which enter the matrix B1g pairing likely originate from Cu 3d orbitals (see below). Indeed, several experiments24,71,72 have indicated that the strongest suppression of Tc occurs upon substituting Cu by non-magnetic impurities. Our matrix B1g pairing candidate, which involves \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction electrons from 3d Cu states, is naturally consistent with these findings.

Similar to the Fe-chalcogenide case, for unitary pairing we expect the sΓ3 pairing in the band basis to contain the intraband α3 and interband α1 components. Each must be in d-wave state, with the form factor of the intraband α3 being \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\). Thus, the sΓ3 pairing realizes a d + d multiband pairing. Importantly, the d + d pairing does not break either PG or TR symmetries of the Hamiltonian.

As discussed in the first subsection, we expect that the sΓ3 matrix-pairing will coexist with a conventional d-wave pairing below Tc since they both belong to the same Γ3 irreducible representation of D4h. The admixture between these will ensure that the SC state preserves both PG and TR-symmetries but also exhibits a gap which is finite everywhere along the FS.

We stress that our analysis is distinguished from the well-known symmetry-based procedure typically considered in the context of heavy-fermion SCs73. The latter does not explicitly treat possible non-trivial matrix structures associated with the local DOF. Instead, the order-parameters are generically classified according to the irreducible representations of the various PGs in the context of a LG analysis. In our case, we have focused on the non-trivial role of the local DOF.

Irreducible representations of D 4h

To expound on the local DOFs, we now turn to the character table for the double-valued representations of the tetragonal D4h point group, showing it in Table 1.

Table 1 Character table for the double-valued representations of the tetragonal D4h point group.

We follow the conventions of Ref. 70. E represents the identity, Cn are rotations about z by 2π/n, while \({C}_{2}^{\prime}\) and \({C}_{2}^{^{\prime\prime} }\) are π rotations about x, y and (−x, y), (x, y) axes, respectively. I denotes inversion. S4 indicates a C4 rotation about z followed by a reflection in the xy plane perpendicular to this axis. σh, σv, and σd are reflections through the xy, xz and yz, and diagonal-z planes, respectively.

In the presence of SOC, the double-valued, even-parity irreducible representations \({\Gamma }_{1-5}^{+}\) correspond to the single-valued A1g, A2g, B1g, B2g, and Eg representations, respectively in the absence of SOC. Likewise, the odd-parity \({\Gamma }_{1-5}^{-}\) correspond to the A1u, A2u, B1u, B2u, and Eu representations. \({\Gamma }_{6}^{+}\) and \({\Gamma }_{7}^{+}\) transform as spinors and product of spinors and linear combinations of \({\Gamma }_{1-4}^{+}\) and similarly for the odd-parity \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) and \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\).

Typical bases for representations relevant to this work are \({\Gamma }_{3}^{+}:{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}\), \({\Gamma }_{4}^{+}:xy\), \({\Gamma }_{5}^{+}:xz,yz\). For odd-parity representations we mention \({\Gamma }_{1}^{-}:({x}^{2}-{y}^{2})xyz\), \({\Gamma }_{3}^{-}:xyz\), \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}:{\Gamma }_{6}^{+}\times {\Gamma }_{1}^{-}\) and \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}:{\Gamma }_{7}^{+}\times {\Gamma }_{3}^{-}\).

\({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction electrons

Previously, we discussed matrix B1g pairing between \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\)c -electrons and \({\Gamma }_{7}^{-}\) f-electrons. In this subsection, we illustrate how linear combinations of intra-unit-cell Cu 3d orbitals in the presence of SOC provide \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) conduction electron states. We consider crystal field-split \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) Cu orbitals for simplicity although similar constructions are possible for other orbitals.

Consider one of the two Cu planes in the unit cell of CeCu2Si269. The Cu sites are located halfway along the edges of a plaquette as illustrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5: Single Cu plane in the unit cell of CeCu2Si2.
figure 5

The four sites labeled (1) − (4) correspond to Cu \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) orbitals in the plane. The dashed-line circles represent the Ce sites projected onto the Cu-plane.

The linear combinations of the four orbitals at the Cu sites


transform as an (x, y) doublet under the D4h point group. Consequently, (px, py) belong to a two-component \({\Gamma }_{5}^{-}\) irreducible representation. We further include the local spin-1/2 DOF which belongs to a \({\Gamma }_{6}^{+}\) irreducible representation70. From the direct-product states of p-orbital linear combinations and spinor states ϕ±1/2 we can construct states which belong to \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) representation70:

$${{{\Psi }}}_{{\Gamma }_{6}^{-};1/2}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}[{p}_{x}+\,\text{i}\,{p}_{y}]{\phi }_{-1/2}$$
$${{{\Psi }}}_{{\Gamma }_{6}^{-};-1/2}=\frac{\,\text{i}\,}{\sqrt{2}}[{p}_{x}-\,\text{i}\,{p}_{y}]{\phi }_{1/2},$$

where SOC was taken into account. Similar states can be constructed in the remaining Cu plane. The symmetric linear combination between \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) states in both Cu planes likewise belongs to \({\Gamma }_{6}^{-}\) doublet.


Recent experiments in multiband Fe-based and heavy-fermion SCs are inconsistent with either simple s- or d-wave pictures, with no conclusive evidence for time reversal symmetry breaking. We argued for alternatives which can interpolate between the two simple cases without breaking the PG and TR symmetries via pairings with non-trivial matrix-structure in the orbital DOF. We discussed how matrix singlet pairings can emerge in unconventional SCs.

To support our general arguments, we considered the specific context of the Fe-based SCs. We present microscopic results showing that the phase difference of the intra-band \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) and inter-band dxy pairing components to be either 0 or π. This d + d pairing is the band basis equivalent of the sτ3 form in the orbital basis, and is an irreducible B1g representation of the (tetragonal D4h) PG. We demonstrate that this d + d singlet pairing state is well defined, by showing that it can be compared and contrasted with the more familiar d + id state in a way analogous to how the well-defined B-phase in the case of superfluid 3He is measured against the equally well-known A-phase. The d + d pairing state allows for the reconcillation between seemingly contradictory experimental observations.

Non-trivial orbital structure can be relevant to unconventional SCs beyond the Fe-based family. To illustrate this, we constructed a pairing analogous to sτ3 for the heavy-fermion CeCu2Si2 using general group-theoretical arguments. This sΓ3 pairing state is also expected to have a d + d pairing structure in the band basis. It provides a natural theoretical basis to understand the striking low-temperature properties recently measured in the superconducting state of CeCu2Si2.

In these d + d pairing states, the anti-commuting nature of the two pairing components leads to their contributing to the single-particle excitation spectrum through an addition in quadrature, making it a fully-gapped superconducting state. The formation of the gap is connected to the energetic stabilization of such a state over a range of microscopic parameters. These results lead us to suggest that d − wave superconductors of strongly correlated multiorbital systems will inherently have a fully-gapped Fermi surface, even though the gap can be very small.

Note added

During the reviewing process of this manuscript, Ref. 74 appeared with the results of recent x-ray spectroscopy experiments in CeCu2Si2 that support the sΓ3 matrix pairing proposed here for CeCu2Si2. The sΓ3 pairing includes paired Γ7 f-electrons and Γ6 conduction electrons. As the latter must hybridize with the excited Γ6 f-electron states, a small but nonzero mixture of Γ6 f-electrons is expected in the ground-state manifold. This mixture was shown for CeCu2Si2 in Ref. 74.


Pairing channels of the five-orbital t − J 1 − J 2 model

We present our results for the five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model of the alkaline Fe-selenides17. The leading pairing amplitudes at zero-temperature are shown in Fig. 3 as functions of \({J}_{1}^{xz/yz}/{J}_{2}^{xz/yz}\). Exchange interactions in the xz/yz sector are identical for the two orbitals. \({J}_{2}^{xz/yz}=1/2\) in units of the band-width while the exchange interactions for dxy orbital are 5 times smaller. Interactions in the remaining orbitals are ignored. J1 and J2 refer to their values for the xz/yz sector. For small and large values of the tuning parameter, \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0},{A}_{1g}\) and \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0},{B}_{1g}\) orbital-trivial pairings are dominant. In the interval 0.8 ≤ J1/J2 ≤ 1, the \({s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{3}\) pairing with non-trivial orbital structure is dominant with sub-leading \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}{\tau }_{0}\) channel. The abrupt change around J1/J2 ≈ 0.75 is due to a transition from dominant A1g to B1g channels which become quasi-degenerate in this region. For the FS considered here, large J2 favors dominant sx2y2τ0, A1g while large J1 favors dx2−2y2τ0, B1g channels, respectively.

The form factors for the pairing terms have the standard expressions

$${s}_{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})=\frac{1}{2}\left[\cos ({k}_{x}a)+\cos ({k}_{y}a)\right]$$
$${s}_{{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})=\cos ({k}_{x}a)\cos ({k}_{y}a)$$
$${d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}({\bf{k}})=\frac{1}{2}\left[\cos ({k}_{x}a)-\cos ({k}_{y}a)\right]$$
$${d}_{xy}({\bf{k}})=\sin ({k}_{x}a)\sin ({k}_{y}a).$$

Five-orbital t − J 1 − J 2 model and solution method

The pairing instabilities in the different symmetry channels of the alkaline Fe-selenides were obtained via a five-orbital t − J1 − J2 model:

$$\begin{array}{l}H=-{\sum \limits_{i\,{<}\,j}}({t}_{ij}^{\alpha \beta }{c}_{\alpha }^{\dagger }{c}_{\beta }+\,\text{h.c.}\,)+{\sum \limits _{i,\alpha }}\left({\epsilon }_{i\alpha }-\mu \right){n}_{i}+{\sum \limits _{\left\langle ij\right\rangle ,\alpha ,\beta }}{J}_{1}^{\alpha \beta }\left({{\bf{S}}}_{i\alpha }\cdot {{\bf{S}}}_{j\beta }-\frac{1}{4}{n}_{i\alpha }{n}_{j\beta }\right)\\ +{\sum \limits _{\left\langle \left\langle ij\right\rangle \right\rangle ,\alpha ,\beta }}{J}_{2}^{\alpha \beta }\left({{\bf{S}}}_{i\alpha }\cdot {{\bf{S}}}_{j\beta }-\frac{1}{4}{n}_{i\alpha }{n}_{j\beta }\right),\end{array}$$

where i, j indices cover all of the sites of a two-dimensional square lattice and α, β {1, …5} represent the \({d}_{xz},{d}_{yz},{d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}},{d}_{xy}\), and \({d}_{{z}^{2}}\) orbitals, respectively. The parameters of the model are specified in Ref. 64. Different orbitals exhibit varying degrees of correlations, such that the exchange couplings are orbital dependent. More specifically, intra-orbital exchange couplings for the \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) and \({d}_{{z}^{2}}\) orbitals are set to zero. Both NN and next-NN (NNN) exchange couplings are equal in the dxz/yz sector and are larger by a factor of 5 than the exchange couplings in the dxy sector. Inter-orbital exchanges have a small effect17 and are neglected here.

The interactions are decoupled in the particle-particle channel and the model is solved at T = 0 within a self-consistent approach. The double-occupancy constraint is introduced via an effective band renormalization17,64.

We calculate the intra-orbital, NN and NNN pairing bonds, driven by J1 and J2 exchange couplings respectively, along \(\hat{{\bf{x}}}\), \(\hat{{\bf{y}}}\) and \(\hat{{\bf{x}}}+\hat{{\bf{y}}}\) and \(\hat{{\bf{x}}}-\hat{{\bf{y}}}\) respectively as

$${\Delta }_{{\bf{e}},\alpha \alpha }=\frac{1}{2}\left\langle {c}_{{{\bf{R}}}_{i}\alpha \uparrow }^{\dagger }{c}_{{{\bf{R}}}_{i}+{\bf{e}}\alpha \downarrow }^{\dagger }-{c}_{{{\bf{R}}}_{i}\alpha \downarrow }^{\dagger }{c}_{{{\bf{R}}}_{i}+{\bf{e}}\alpha \uparrow }^{\dagger }\right\rangle$$

where \({\bf{e}}\in \{\hat{{\bf{x}}},\hat{{\bf{y}}},\hat{{\bf{x}}}+\hat{{\bf{y}}},\hat{{\bf{x}}}-\hat{{\bf{y}}}\}\), Ri is a site vector, and α is an orbital index. The NN and NNN pairing bonds enter the pairing part of a Nambu Hamiltonian via

$${\Delta }_{{\bf{k}},\alpha \alpha }={\sum \limits_{{\bf{e}}}}{J}_{{\bf{e}}}\cos \left({\bf{k}}\cdot {\bf{e}}\right)$$

The dimensionless pairing amplitudes reported in the Results section are obtained by taking appropriate linear combinations of the NN and NNN pairing bonds. As such, the procedure does not bias towards any particular pairing channel. In addition, there are no approximations for the shape of the FS, and the pairing bonds are determined via averages where the momentum summation is over the entire Brillouin zone. The calculation is initiated with a random set of NN and NNN pairing bonds for all of the orbitals and subsequently allowed to converge. The procedure is repeated until a set of 300 converged solutions are obtained. From this set of converged solutions, we select the one which corresponds to the absolute minimum in the associated free-energy. This solution, again obtained without any superfluous conditions, corresponds to the physical solution reported in the manuscript.

Single-orbital t − J 1 − J 2 model

The Hamiltonian of the single dxy orbital t − J1 − J2 model defined on a 2D square lattice is

$$H={H}_{\text{TB}}+{J}_{1}{\sum \limits _{\left\langle ij\right\rangle }}{{\bf{S}}}_{i}\cdot {{\bf{S}}}_{j}+{J}_{2}{\sum \limits _{\left\langle \left\langle ij\right\rangle \right\rangle }}{{\bf{S}}}_{i}\cdot {{\bf{S}}}_{j},$$

where i, j label the lattice sites. The spin-density operators are defined as \({{\bf{S}}}_{i}=(1/2){\sum }_{ab}{c}_{a}^{\dagger }({{\bf{R}}}_{i}){{\boldsymbol{\sigma }}}_{ab}{c}_{b}({{\bf{R}}}_{j})\), where a, b are spin indices.

The TB part is determined by

$$\begin{array}{l}{H}_{TB}=-{t}_{1}{\sum \limits_{\left\langle ij\right\rangle }}{\sum \limits _{a}}{c}_{a}^{\dagger }({{\bf{R}}}_{i}){c}_{a}({{\bf{R}}}_{j})\\ -{t}_{3}{\sum \limits_{\left\langle \left\langle ij\right\rangle \right\rangle }}{\sum \limits_{a}}{c}_{a}^{\dagger }({{\bf{R}}}_{i}){c}_{a}({{\bf{R}}}_{j})-\mu {\sum \limits_{i}}{\sum \limits _{a}}{c}_{a}^{\dagger }({{\bf{R}}}_{i}){c}_{a}({{\bf{R}}}_{i}).\end{array}$$

The band is determined by

$$\begin{array}{l}\epsilon ({\bf{k}})=-2{t}_{1}\left[\cos ({k}_{x}a)+\cos ({k}_{y}a)\right]\\ -4{t}_{3}\cos ({k}_{x}a)\cos ({k}_{y}a)-\mu ,\end{array}$$

where a is the NN distance.

The TB coefficients are chosen as t1 = 2t3 = −0.5. The resulting band is shown in Fig. 6. Near half-filling we take μ ≈ −0.3 to obtain the FS shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6: Dispersion corresponding to Eq. (36) in units of 2t1 with t1 = 2t3 = −0.5.
figure 6

μ ≈ −0.3 ensures the FS shown in Fig. 7 near half-filling.

Fig. 7: Hole-like FS for a single-orbital dxy model.
figure 7

Here, the system is close to half-filling.

We implicitly take into account the renormalization of the bandwidth near half-filling by considering a large, fixed effective J2 = −2t1 = 1 while J1 is allowed to vary. We decouple the exchange interactions in the pairing channels. The model is solved using the methods of Refs. 17,64 near half-filling.