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An Internet-Based Intervention for the Relatives of People with Mental Illnesses

An Open Pilot Trial with Two Groups

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Abstract. Relatives of individuals with mental illness are exposed to an elevated level of burden. Consequently, it is important to provide them with coping strategies. We explored the benefits of an online skills-training intervention. This open, uncontrolled interventional pilot study included 104 relatives of individuals with a mental illness. They participated either in a face-to-face group (n = 60) or online intervention (n = 44); participants were free to choose the type of intervention. Depressive symptoms and emotion regulation were assessed before and after the interventions. The analysis was based on an intention-to-treat model. About one-third of both samples did not complete the posttest assessments. The results of a multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of the interaction between time and intervention type, F(2,101) = 11.77, p < .01. Reductions in depressive symptoms, F(1,102) = 9.41, p < .01, ε2p = .08, and emotion-regulation difficulty, F(1,102) = 8.01, p < .01, ε2p = .07, following the online intervention were greater relative to the group intervention. Despite the limitations of this study because of group differences, the results demonstrated the benefits of an online intervention for the relatives. These encouraging initial results require further confirmation using a randomized controlled trial.


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