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Abstract. This study aimed to examine the relationship between people’s self-reported wayfinding inclinations, their preference for certain navigation aids (maps vs. GPS vs. verbal directions), and their personality traits. A sample of 222 undergraduates completed questionnaires on personality traits, wayfinding inclinations and preferred navigation aids, and two spatial tasks. The results showed that spatial ability, positive wayfinding inclinations and negative wayfinding inclinations are distinct factors. Only wayfinding inclinations were related to personality traits: positive inclinations correlated positively, and negative inclinations inversely with Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Openness. Negative inclinations were only associated with poor Emotional stability. Further, Conscientiousness and Openness were correlated with a preference for map use, and Agreeableness with a preference for verbal directions. Analyzing facets of these personality traits clarified the relations. These findings are discussed within the spatial cognition domain, broadening the array of individual factors (such as spatial attitudes and personality traits) and their relation to consider in defining individual spatial profiles.


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