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Unique Risk Factors of the Co-Occurrence Between Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration

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Abstract. Recent studies found that there is considerable overlap between perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) and child maltreatment (CM), suggesting that both types of domestic violence can co-occur. However, there is a lack of consistency about the prevalence of co-occurrence, what unique risk factors and outcomes of co-occurrence are, and whether co-occurrence differs between Europe and other world regions. The aim is thus to review existing evidence and provide a framework for the study of IPV and CM co-occurrence by identifying unique risk factors and outcomes. In total, 12 European studies were identified that examined risk factors of co-occurrence between IPV and CM. Risk factors were distinguished at the individual, dyadic, and broader contextual levels, and compared between Europe and other regions of the world. Despite significant variation between studies, several general patterns were discerned, both globally and region-specific. These insights were used to develop a framework for the explanation of IPV and CM co-occurrence, which has implications for prevention and treatment. Importantly, more awareness and early signaling of risk for co-occurrence may counteract the spill-over from one type of domestic violence into the other to the benefit of children’s safety and well-being.

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