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Korean intervention effects are not a single phenomenon: Evidence from syntax-prosody interface

  • Chorong Kang EMAIL logo
From the journal The Linguistic Review


It has been observed that prosodic accents on wh-phrases improve the acceptability of Intervention Effect configurations in Korean and Japanese. However, this prosody-driven salvation effect has been studied only with the subject-intervener configuration, not with an object-intervener configuration, and surprisingly, the object-intervener configuration is actually not saved by prosody, unlike the situation with subject-interveners. Based on this new observation, the main goal of this paper is to argue that intervention effects, at least in Korean (and Japanese),do not constitute a single phenomenon which can be uniformly explained; structurally similar sentences may have different derivations, and prosody provides a clue to discern the different syntactic derivations which are involved. I crucially assume Korean has two distinct types of covert wh-movement-phrasal movement and ff-movement, as proposed in (Pesetsky, David. 2000. Phrasal movement and its Kin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). I propose the wh-phrasal movement hypothesis in Korean: when a wh-phrase undergoes phrasal movement in Korean, this movement is represented by means of prosodic accent. As a result of this, the prosody-driven salvation effects in the subject-intervener configuration are attributed to semantic intervention effects applying to ff-movement (not phrasal movement) and the lack of the prosody-driven salvation effects in the object-intervener configuration are suggested to be due to the other locality constraints (Pesetsky, David. 2000. Phrasal movement and its Kin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).


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Published Online: 2017-7-14
Published in Print: 2017-11-27

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