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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 19, 2019

Ramsey income taxation in a small open economy with trade in capital goods

  • Jenn-Hong Tang EMAIL logo


In this paper, the optimal taxation problem in a small open economy with international trade in capital or investment goods is investigated. The monopolistic power of a small open economy over the terms of trade causes distortions in consumption and investment. The results suggest that due to the external distortion in investment, the long-run optimal capital income tax could be positive under the baseline calibration, and it is increasing in the degree of investment openness and decreasing in the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods. The long-run optimal labor income tax exhibits the opposite relationships with the openness and elasticity parameters. During the course of business cycles, the fluctuations in the external distortions cause the optimal labor income tax to be more volatile and the optimal capital income tax to be less volatile than their closed-economy counterparts.

JEL Classification: E62; E63; F41


I would like to thank the editor, Davide Debortoli, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions. All errors are mine.

A Mathematical Appendix

A.1 Derivation for Section 3.1

A.1.1 Derivation of (40) and (41)

The government budget constraint (32) can be rewritten as


where the last equality is established using the labor supply condition (24) and the fact that pHt(YtGt)CtpItIt equals the net exports and the net capital outflow, that is,


Rearranging the terms and using the definition that Ξt=Γ(bft)bftΓ(bft), we can rewrite (79) as


Multiplying the last equation by UCt yields (41):


The Euler equations (25) and (26) imply


Equations (81) and (80) imply (40):


A.1.2 Derivation of the Lagrangian (43)

The Lagrangian for the Ramsey problem can be written as


The first-order condition with respect to Vt implies


Using this result and defining the pseudo-utility by


we can rewrite the Lagrangian (83) as


This Lagrangian corresponds to (43) with the last term (ΛtβVt+1Λt1Vt) being ignored.

A.1.3 The first-order conditions

By the price formula (34) and (35), we express the relative prices as functions of the real exchange rate st:


We can derive the elasticities of the above relative prices with respect to st:


Differentiating the Lagrangian (43) with respect to Ct, It, Lt, Kt, bft, and st yields


where ξtC and ξtI are the effects of a real exchange rate change on the export profits from consumption and investment; and εtC and εtI are the effects of a real exchange rate change on the expenditures of consumption and investment:


A.1.4 Derivation of (50)

Define ΦC=ηc/(ηc1). Using (86), we can rewrite ξtC as


Similarly, defining ΦI=ηi/(ηi1) and using (86), we can rewrite ξtI as


Using (85), we can obtain


Using (87) and (88), we can obtain


A.1.5 Derivation of the MRS-to-MRT ratio

As implied by the Armington function (2) and the household optimality condition (6), the MRS is given by


The MRT is given by the ratio of marginal costs (in terms of utility), i.e. MRTt=νt/μt. Thus, the MRS-to-MRT ratio can be written as MRS/MRT=(pHt/st)/(νt/μt)=pxtμt/νt.

A.2 Derivation for Section 3.2

A.2.1 Derivation of Δtc and Δtr

We can multiply (45) by pHt and divide the result by νt to obtain


where Δtc, Δtr, and Δtk are defined by


Because (34) implies that pHtd(pHt)+stm(st)=1, we can rewrite Δtc as


Using (94) to eliminate the terms involving bft and ζt, we can rewrite Δtr as


A.2.2 Derivation of WCt and WLt

The pseudo utility function is


where T~t=[Tt+stΞ(bft)/Rt]/Ct. Differentiating W(⋅) with respect to Ct and Lt yields


where HtC=ρ(1T~t), and HtL=ηl.

A.3 Proof to Proposition Proposition 1

For simplicity, we assume that foreign households do not have to pay the portfolio adjustment cost. The foreign household optimality condition for bond holding implies R¯=1/β.

Differentiating the pseudo-utility function with respect to foreign bonds bf, t and the real exchange rate st yields


Under the assumption that b¯f=0, Wbf,t=Γ(bf)=Ws,t=0 in the steady state. The above results and the steady-state version of (48) imply that ζ¯=0. Meanwhile, the first-order condition (84) implies that φt = 0 in the steady state.

In the symmetric steady state, s¯=p¯H=p¯I=1, C¯=C¯, and I¯=I¯. Meanwhile, because bf=Wb=Ws=ζ=φ=0 in the steady state, the steady-state version of (49) implies


Rearranging the terms yields


If ωc = 0, (108) implies that


If ωc = ωi and ηc = ηi, (108) also implies that


If st = 1 in the deterministic steady state,


Thus, if the steady state is symmetric and Mx is given by (109),


A.4 The Ramsey efficiency conditions

In summary, we can determine the dynamics of 17 variables, {Lt,Kt,It,Ct,st,bft,νt,Mtx,Δtc,Δti,Δtr,Δtk,μt,ζt,φt,Λt,Vt}t=0, by using the following 17 first-order conditions:


A.5 Data appendix to Section 4.2.2

This section details the sources of the data used in Section 4.2.2. McDaniel’s (2007) data set contains taxes on capital income and investment expenditure for 17 OECD countries from 1978 to 2014, after missing values removed. Because there is no investment tax in our model, the data on capital income tax used in this paper were constructed according to the rule:


where τ~kt and τIt were the taxes on capital income and investment expenditure taken from McDaniel (2007).

The degree of investment openness for a country was defined as the trade volume of durable goods relative to the GDP. The data on world trade flows were taken from Feenstra et al. (2005), and the data were only available between 1962 and 2000. The trade flows were categorized into nondurable and durables by using the method in Engel and Wang (2011). The data on GDP were taken from The World Bank (2018).

From the above sources, we obtained balanced panel data on capital income tax and degree of investment openness from 1978 to 2000 for 17 OECD countries, whose summary statistics are shown in Table 4.

Table 4:

Summary statistics.

Investment opennessCapital income tax
Mean (%)Standard deviationMean (%)Standard deviation
Korea Rep.25.454.6917.800.98

B Optimal policy problem for the case of complete markets

In this section, we briefly describe the optimal policy problem for a small open economy with a complete international asset market in Section 3.4.

B.1 The market equilibrium

Following Auray, de Blas, and Eyquem (2011), we assume that the government budget is always balanced and the domestic monopolistic distortion is eliminated. Thus, the government budget constraint corresponds to (32) with zero profit:


Given the processes of technology shock {zt}t=0 and fiscal policy {Gt,τlt,τkt}t=0, a market equilibrium of the small open economy with a complete financial market is a set of processes {Ct,Lt,Kt,It,Yt,st,wt,rt}t=0 satisfying the law of motion for capital (8), the labor supply condition (24), the Euler equation for investment (25), the aggregate version of the production technology (27), the demands for labor and capital, (30) and (31), the market-clearing condition for domestic goods (39), and the perfect risk-sharing condition (61).

B.2 Derivation of (62) and (63)

Define the value of capital by


By the definition Vt and the Euler equation (25),


where the last equality is established using the law of motion for capital (8). The government budget constraint (127) can be rewritten as


where the last equality is established using (128). Rearranging the terms and using the labor supply condition (24), we can rewrite (129) as


where the last equality is established using the fact that pHt(YtGt)CtpItIt equals the net exports, that is,


Multiplying (130) by UCt yields (62):


As shown in (128), UCtpItKt=EtβVt+1. This result and (131) imply (63):


B.3 The Lagrangian (65) and the optimality conditions

The Lagrangian for the Ramsey problem can be written as


where Λt, φt, ψt, νt, and ζt are the multipliers associated with the implementability constraint (62), the Euler equation (63), the law of motion of capital (8), the market-clearing condition for home goods (39), and the risk-sharing condition (61). The first-order condition with respect to Vt implies


Using this result and define the pseudo-utility as


we can rewrite the Lagrangian (132) as


This last Lagrangian corresponds to (65) with the term (ΛtβVt+1Λt1Vt) being ignored.

The first-order conditions with respect to Ct, Lt, It, Kt, and st are given by


where ξ~tC and ξ~tI represent the effects of a real exchange rate change on the costs of the exports of consumption and investment goods, given by ξ~tC=νtx(pxt)px(st)Ct, and ξ~tI=νtX(pxt)px(st)It; and ε~tC and ε~tI are the the effects of a real exchange rate change on the costs of the domestic sales of consumption and investment goods, given by ε~tC=νtd(pHt)pH(st)Ct, and ε~tI=νtD(qHt)qH(st)It.

B.3.1 Derivatives of the pseudo utility

The derivative of the pseudo utility with respect to Ct is given by




The derivatives of the pseudo utility with respect to Lt and It are given by


The derivative of the pseudo utility with respect to the real exchange rate is given by:


B.3.2 Derivation of elasticities

Using (85)—(88), we can rewrite ξ~tC, ξ~tI, ε~tC, and ε~tI as


B.3.3 Derivation of (71) and (73)

Multiplying (67) by pHt and dividing the result by νt, we have




Using (70) to replace ζt, we can rewrite Δ~tr as (71):


where the last equality is established using the fact from the risk-sharing condition (61) that


As in the baseline model, we define the investment externality in the current setting as Δ~ti=qHtψt/νt1. Using (68) and (140) to eliminate ψt and WIt, we can obtain (73):


where we have used the fact from (35) that qHtD(qHt)+qmtM(qmt)=1.

B.3.4 Collection of equilibrium conditions

Given Λ, the following equations constitute a system of {Ct,Lt,st,It,Kt,Δtc,Δti,Δtr,νt}t0:


B.3.5 Derivation of the effective capital income tax rate (77)

The steady-state version of the Euler equation (25) implies


By this equation, (1τke,CM)r~k=r, and r~k=(rδ)/(1τkCM)+δ, where r=1/β+δ1. Using (75) to eliminate τkCM, we have




C The optimal policy problem for the financial autarky

The financial autarky is equivalent to the baseline model with bft = 0 for all t. The pseudo utility function is


where T~t=Tt/Ct. Thus, the Lagrangian for the Ramsey problem in the case of a financial autarky can be written as


where ψt, μt, and νt are multipliers on the law of motion (8), the current-account equation (38), and the market-clearing condition (39). The first-order conditions with respect to Ct, Lt, It, Kt, and st can be written as


D The optimal policy problem for the closed economy

The closed economy is equivalent to the financial autarky with ωc=ωi=0. In this closed economy, the law of motion (8) and the market-clearing condition (39) imply


Thus, the Lagrangian for the Ramsey problem of the closed economy can be written as


where νt is the multiplier on the market-clearing condition (158). The first-order conditions with respect to Ct, Lt, and Kt can be written as




E The extended model with nontradable capital goods

In this section, we analyze the optimal policy problem in Section 5.

E.1 The model

The representative household owns capital. The stocks of structures Kst, IP products Kip, t, and equipment Ket, evolve according to


We assume that equipment is generated by bundles of home and foreign goods via the CES aggregator (9):


where IeH,t and IeF,t denote the equipment goods produced by Home and Foreign. Bundles IeH,t and IeF,t are generated by the Dixit-Stiglitz aggregator (10):


where ιet(j) is the purchase of good j ∈ [0, 1]. Therefore, by (4) and (6), the investment demand for good j ∈ [0, 1] is given by


As in (6), the demands for home and foreign equipment goods can be derived as


where Pet is the price of equipment goods given by


Analogous to the domestic demand, the foreign demand for home good j ∈ [0, n) is


and the demand for the bundle of home goods is given by


where Iet is the foreign investment in equipment, and Pet is given by


Structure capital and IP products are nontradable. Thus, we assume that they generated by the following aggregators:


where ιst(j) and ιip,t(j) are the purchases of domestic good j given by


The household budget constraint at Home can be written as


where R~st and R~et denote the rental rates on structure and equipment, respectively.

The household optimality condition for capital accumulation implies


where pet=Pet/PCt is the real price of equipment, r~st=R~st/PCt is the real rental rate on structure capital, and r~et=R~et/PCt is the real rental rate on equipment.

A typical domestic firm h[0,n) can produce yt(h) units of goods using both kinds of capital via the technology:


Given the domestic and foreign demand functions, the world demand for good h is given by


where Yt is given by


The firm optimally chooses the price pt(h) that maximizes the periodic profit flow,


subject to the world demand function and the technology constraint. The optimality condition with respect to pt(h) implies




The firm’s optimality conditions for lt(h), kst(h), and ket(h) imply that the factor demands (30) and (31) for the baseline model should be modified as


where pHt=PHt/PCt=1 due to the home bias in consumption.

Due to the distinction between tradable and nontradable capital goods, the government budget constraint (32) in the baseline model is modified as


Because only equipment is tradable, the aggregate budget constraint (38) for the baseline model is modified as


where pxt, qmt, X(pxt), and M(qmt) are defined as before. Note that X(pxt)Iet and M(qmt)Iet are the export and import of equipment goods, respectively.

Due to the above changes, the market-clearing condition for home goods (39) is modified as


where qHt and D(qHt) are defined as before. The term D(qHt)Iet is the domestic demand for equipment produced at Home.

E.2 The Ramsey problem

Modify the definition of Vt as


where Rst=(1τkt)(r~stδs)+1, Rip,t=(1τkt)(r~ip,tδip)+1, and Ret=(1τkt)(r~etpetδe)+pet. Using the techniques in Appendix A.1.1, we can show that the implementability constraint remains the same as (82):


where χt=(1τkt)(1mc).

By the definition of Rst and Ret, the Euler equations can be rewritten as


Because the capital income tax is the same for all capital goods, Rst, Rip,t, and Ret are linked by the following equation:


E.3 The Lagrangian

The government attempts to maximize the household lifetime utility subject to the implementability constraint (185), the definition of Vt (184), the laws of motion for structure and equipment (162), (163), and (164), the aggregate budget constraint (182), the market-clearing condition for home goods (183), the Euler equation for foreign bonds (26), the Euler equations for structure and equipment (186) and (187), and the relation (188) that links Rst and Ret.

Let Λt, φt, ψst, ψip, t, ψet, μt, νt, ζbt, ζst, ζet, and ζrt be the multipliers associated with (26), (162), (163), (164), (182), (183), (184), (185), (186), (187), and (188). Define the pseudo-utility by




The Lagrangian for the Ramsey problem can be written as


where the rental rates r~st and r~et in (188) are replaced by mcFKs,t and mcFKe,t according to (180).

E.4 The first-order conditions

Differentiating the Lagrangian (43) with respect to Vt, Ct, Iet, Iip, t, Ist, Lt, Ket, Kip, t, Kst, bft, st, Ret, Rst, Rip,t, and χt yields





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