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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton July 18, 2017

Negative concord in Quebec French

  • Marie Labelle EMAIL logo
From the journal Probus


It is argued that there are two types of asymmetric negative concord languages: in languages like Spanish and Italian, negative concord results from a purely formal agreement relation between the negation and a negative concord item. In Quebec French, in addition to this purely formal licensing, there is a negative dependency relation between both items, which form two segments of a discontinuous negative quantifier. This accounts for the following differences. While Spanish, Italian and Quebec French reject negative concord between a subject negative expression and the negation, in Quebec French, negative concord with the negation becomes possible when the clause contains a postverbal negative expression in addition to a preverbal one. Moreover, in Quebec French, but not in Spanish or Italian, negative concord is blocked across a quantifier meaning almost.


We gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of Elizabeth Allyn Smith, participants to presentations of previous versions of this paper, and anonymous reviewers. We also thank Anna-Maria di Sciullo and Cecilia Poletto for their judgments on Italian.


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Published Online: 2017-7-18
Published in Print: 2017-8-28

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