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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton June 8, 2018

Opera surtitling in Poland: an uncharted area of AVT?

  • Anna Maria Rędzioch-Korkuz EMAIL logo


Audiovisual translation has become a common subject of a number of scientific articles, special issues of translation journals or conferences. It may seem that this fascinating area of research has been examined thoroughly and may only be investigated further from the point of view of technological improvements in human communication. However, there are certain modalities of AVT which may appear to have been neglected from the scientific point of view. This article is aimed at discussing such a modality of AVT, namely opera surtitling. It concentrates on surtitling strategies employed by Polish opera houses, which are discussed mainly from the point of view of the semiotics of opera and AVT theory. Results of a questionnaire survey on surtitling conducted among operatic audiences are provided to support the discussion. The surtitling strategies as well as particular techniques observed in provided samples are confronted with the accepted practice, which arises from the theoretical prerequisites and seems common to most famous opera houses. It all helps to arrive at the conclusion that this particular AVT modality is a demanding task, requiring both translational and extra-linguistic expertise.

Anna Rędzioch-Korkuz, Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, Szturmowa 4, 02-678 Warsaw, Poland


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Appendix 1

Questionnaire on Surtitled Performances (translated into English by the author)



Dear Sir or Madam,

this questionnaire was developed as a scientific foundation for a doctoral dissertation on opera surtitling, i.e. the libretto translation projected on a screen above the stage during the performance. The collected data will help to determine if and to what extent surtitles serve their intended purpose.

Read the questions and provide answers whenever possible. In the part “General Information” please provide the name of the theatre/opera house and the title of the work to which the answers refer.

The questionnaire is also available online on

The questionnaire is anonymous and taking part in the research is voluntary; there are no right or wrong answers. All the information provided in the questionnaire will be used only for the purpose of the research. Please hand in filled in copies to staff members.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Anna Rędzioch-Korkuz


General Information

Name of the opera house/ theatre...............................

Title of the operatic work..............................

Seat location (the stalls, dress circle, balcony).........................

When did you watch a surtitled performance for the first time? ..................................................................

Technical Issues

  1. Is the location of the screen appropriate?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  2. Were the surtitles legible/clearly visible?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  3. Was the font size appropriate?

    1. yes, the characters were clearly visible and legible

    2. the characters were too large

    3. the characters were too small

    4. neutral

  4. Was the surtitle length appropriate?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  5. Was the exposure time appropriate?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  6. Was the cueing appropriate?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  7. Were you able to match the singing character with the relevant surtitle?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  8. Was the amount of text:

    1. too small?

    2. too large?

    3. relevant?

    Performance Reception

  9. Were you able to follow the onstage action?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  10. Does surtitling influence the way you perceive the operatic performance? Why?



  11. Do you think that surtitling should be used commonly in opera houses?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  12. Do you think that surtitling should be used in the case of operas sung in Polish as well?

    1. strongly agree

    2. agree

    3. neutral

    4. disagree

    5. strongly disagree

  13. Please provide the following information:

    1. year of birth .................

    2. sex

      1. female

      2. male

    3. level of education

      1. higher

      2. secondary

      3. middle

      4. primary

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Published Online: 2018-6-8
Published in Print: 2018-6-26

© 2018 Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

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