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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton September 6, 2017

A pragmatic analysis of L2 Spanish requests: Acquisition in three situational contexts during short-term study abroad

  • Lori Czerwionka

    Lori Czerwionka is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Purdue University. Her research addresses pragmatics, second language pragmatics, and intercultural communicative competence.

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    and Alejandro Cuza

    Alejandro Cuza is a Professor of Spanish and Linguistics in the School of Languages and Cultures at Purdue University. His research focuses on the acquisition of Spanish morphosyntax and semantics among second language learners, heritage speakers and young bilingual children.

From the journal Intercultural Pragmatics


This study examines pragmatic acquisition of requests for English-speaking learners of Spanish. This research expands upon previous work by investigating the acquisition of second language requests during a short-term immersion program (6 weeks) in Madrid, Spain and in three situational contexts: food and drink, general merchandise, and familial. Data were collected using an experimental computerized oral discourse completion task. Requests made by learners (501 requests) and native speakers (224 requests) were compared considering personal deictic orientation and directness of the requests. For learners, shifts from speaker-oriented to hearer-oriented requests indicated greater pragmatic development in food and drink and familial contexts. Results are discussed considering pragmatic developmental stages and differential results in the three contexts.

About the authors

Lori Czerwionka

Lori Czerwionka is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Purdue University. Her research addresses pragmatics, second language pragmatics, and intercultural communicative competence.

Alejandro Cuza

Alejandro Cuza is a Professor of Spanish and Linguistics in the School of Languages and Cultures at Purdue University. His research focuses on the acquisition of Spanish morphosyntax and semantics among second language learners, heritage speakers and young bilingual children.


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Published Online: 2017-9-6
Published in Print: 2017-9-26

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