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Enhancing the quality of life in lifelong learners: The influence of a meaning-order approach to pedagogical grammar on motivation and self-efficacy

  • Ryan W. Smithers EMAIL logo and James W. Gray


The purpose of this study is to outline how a practitioner puzzling over the appropriateness of grammar instruction for an English as a foreign language (EFL) class of 11 adults, aged 56 to 78, used the Exploratory Practice (EP) framework to try and enhance the quality of life for these learners learning English as a hobby in Japan. More specifically, this case study sought to come to an understanding of whether the quality of older learners’ lives could be positively influenced through grammar instruction via a meaning-order approach to pedagogical grammar (MAP Grammar). The results demonstrated that older learners benefited from grammar instruction, specifically, MAP Grammar instruction. Furthermore, the quality of their lives was enhanced because, after training in MAP Grammar, these lifelong learners developed stronger self-efficacy beliefs and became more motivated to study EFL. Therefore, teachers who teach older language learners should try incorporating MAP Grammar instruction as part of their pedagogies to see if their practices can also be positively affected.


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Published Online: 2018-11-03
Published in Print: 2020-03-26

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