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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton October 28, 2017

A dutch multiethnolect? Metalinguistic commentary from Gouda

  • Khalid Mourigh EMAIL logo


It is assumed that there exists a multiethnolect in the Netherlands that is used by Dutch youth with different heritage backgrounds. It is lexically mainly influenced by Sranan Tongo while phonetically it is mainly influenced by a Moroccan Dutch accent. In this article, I will argue, based on metalinguistic comments given in interviews, that Moroccan Dutch youth speech in the city of Gouda departs from this conception of multiethnolect. Interviews with Moroccan Dutch teenagers there reveal that, in their youth variety, Sranan Tongo lexical items are not readily accepted and used. In addition, their perception of Straattaal differs from the perception of their Indigenous Dutch peers in Gouda. In this way, a different light can be shed on multiethnolect in the Netherlands.


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Published Online: 2017-10-28
Published in Print: 2019-09-25

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