
The crucial role that fuzzy implications play in many applicable areas was our motivation to revisit the topic of them. In this paper, we apply classical logic’s laws such as De Morgan’s laws and the classical law of double negation in known formulas of fuzzy implications. These applications lead to new families of fuzzy implications. Although a duality in properties of the preliminary and induced families is expected, we will prove that this does not hold, in general. Moreover, we will prove that it is not ensured that these applications lead us to fuzzy implications, in general, without restrictions. We generate and study three induced families, the so-called -implications, -implications, and -implications. Each family is the “closest” to its preliminary-“creator” family, and they both are simulating the same (or a similar) way of classical thinking.

1. Introduction

Although, in classical logic, the implication is uniquely determined, in fuzzy logic, there are not only several formulas but also families of fuzzy implications. Moreover, among fuzzy implications, there are several properties, which a fuzzy implication satisfies or violates. The necessity of this variety had been addressed by many authors [13], and it is the election of the proper fuzzy implication to any applied problem. More specifically, Mas et al. in [1] addressed the following:

Of course, all these expressions for implications are equivalent in any Boolean algebra and consequently in classical logic. However, in fuzzy logic, these four definitions yield to distinct classes of fuzzy implications. Thus, the following question naturally arises: why so many different models to perform this kind of operation? The main reason is because they are used to represent imprecise knowledge. Note that any “if then” rule in fuzzy systems is interpreted through one of these implication functions. So, depending on the context and on the proper rule and its behaviour, different implications can be adequate in any case.

Among the families or the construction methods of fuzzy implications, there are several types. There are fuzzy implications that are constructed by generalizations of classical tautologies, such as ()-implications, QL-implications, D-implications [1, 36], and ()-implications [2, 7, 8]. All these generalizations are not always an easy process. For example, in the case of ()-implications [4, 6] and ()-implications [2, 7, 8], the generalization is smooth and direct. On the contrary, in the case of QL- and D-operations [4, 6], the generalization holds under conditions, which need investigation and remain an open problem, when a QL- (respectively, D-) operation is a fuzzy implication [4]. There are generalizations from classical set theory, such as R-implications [46]. There are fuzzy implications that are constructed by generalizations of the aforementioned generalizations, such as ()- and RU-implications [4]. There are fuzzy implications that are constructed by function generators with specific properties [4, 912]. Moreover, there are generation methods of fuzzy implications from known fuzzy implications [4, 13].

In this paper, we focus on these fuzzy implications, in which the formula contains at least a t-norm or a t-conorm. Such families are ()-implications, ()-implications, QL-implications, D-implications, and R-implications.

We have to remind that, in classical logic, there are De Morgan’s laws, which are expressed by tautologies and and the classical law of double negation, which is expressed by the tautology .

So, the central idea is to apply De Morgan’s laws and, if necessary, the classical law of double negation in known formulas of fuzzy implications and investigate the results. These are the generation of new families of fuzzy implications. As we will show in the following, each new induced family does not generally have the same properties as its preliminary-“creator” family. On the contrary, some duality in the properties is remarkable and expected, but this does not hold, in general. So, any case must be studied individually from the beginning.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 1 (see [4, 5, 14, 15]). A decreasing function is called fuzzy negation if and . Moreover, a fuzzy negation is called(i)Strict if it is continuous and strictly decreasing.(ii)Strong if it is an involution, i.e.,(iii)Nonfilling if

Remark 1 (see [4]). (i)We call the classical fuzzy negation, which is a strong negation.(ii)Moreover, we will need the following fuzzy negations:

Definition 2 (see [4]). A function is called a triangular norm (shortly t-norm) if it satisfies, for all , the following conditions:Dually, a function is called a triangular conorm (shortly t-conorm) if it satisfies, for all , conditions (4), (5), and (6), and additionally,

Definition 3 (see [4]). A t-norm (respectively, a t-conorm ) is called(i)Continuous if it is continuous in both arguments(ii)Idempotent if (respectively, ), for all (iii)Strict if it is continuous and strictly monotone, i.e., whenever and (respectively, whenever and )(iv)Positive if or (respectively, or )Tables 1 and 2 list a few of the common t-norms and t-conorms, respectively (see Tables 2.1 and 2.2 of [4]).

Definition 4 (see [4]). Let be a t-conorm and be a fuzzy negation. We say that the pair satisfies the law of excluded middle if

Definition 5 (see [4]). Let be a t-norm and be a fuzzy negation. We say that the pair satisfies the law of contradiction if

Definition 6 (see [4]). A triple , where is a strong negation, is called a De Morgan triple ifMoreover, in the first case, is called N-dual of , and in the second case, is called N-dual of .

Definition 7 (see [4, 16]). By , we denote the family of all increasing bijections from to . We say that functions are -conjugate if there exists such that , where

Remark 2 (see [4]). It is easy to prove that if and is a t-norm, is a t-conorm, and is a fuzzy negation (respectively, strict and strong), then is a t-norm, is a t-conorm, and is a fuzzy negation (respectively, strict and strong).

Definition 8 (see [4, 5]). A function is called a fuzzy implication if

Remark 3. By axioms (14) and (15), we deduce the normality conditionFurthermore, by Definition 8, it is easy to prove the left and right boundary conditions [4]:Table 3 lists a few of basic fuzzy implications (see Table 1.3 and Proposition 1.1.7 of [4]).

Definition 9 (see [4]). A fuzzy implication is said to satisfy(i)The left neutrality property if(ii)The exchange principle if

Remark 4 (see [4]). It is proved that if and is a function, which satisfies axiom (13) (respectively, (14), (15), (16), and (17)), then is a function, which also satisfies axiom (13) (respectively, (14), (15), (16), and (17)). So, if is a fuzzy implication, then is also a fuzzy implication.

Proposition 1 (see [4]). If a function satisfies (13), (15), and (17), then the function is a fuzzy negation, where

Definition 10 (see [4]). Let be a fuzzy implication. The function defined by Proposition 1 is called the natural negation of .

Definition 11 (see [4]). Let be a fuzzy negation and be a fuzzy implication. A function defined byis called the -reciprocal of . When is the classical negation , then is called the reciprocal of and is denoted by .
In Table 4, we present the known families of fuzzy implications that are generalizations from the classical logic (except R-implications that are generalizations from the classical set theory via the isomorphism that exists between classical two-valued logic and classical set theory and a set theoretic identity (see page 68 of [4])). We consider that the reader knows these families, as well as QL- and D-operations.

3. ()-Implications

()-implications are mentioned as formulas by many authors [15, 1719]. Baczyński and Jayaram in Corollary 2.5.31 of [4] related them with R-implications when the t-norm is left continuous and is a strong negation. Pradera et al. in Remark 30 of [21] mentioned the same formula, using aggregation functions, in general. Bedregal in Proposition 2.6 of [7] defined them for any t-norm and any fuzzy negation. They obtained their name in [2] and were studied by Pinheiro et al. in [2, 8] for any t-norm and any fuzzy negation.

()-implications are the “closest” to ()-implications since for strong negations, they are the same family (see p. 234 of [15], [2] Theorem 3.1 of [8]). On the contrary, for nonstrong negations, they have no common implications since unlike -implications (see Proposition 2.4.3 of [4]), -implications violate (21) (see Proposition 3.3(i) of [2]). All these results lead us to Figure 1.

The aforementioned lead us to the claim that these two families simulate the same (or a similar) way of classical thinking. Firstly, we must explain the meaning of this simulation. The meaning is that there are tautologies in the classical logic, which can be proved without using truth tables or other rules, but only De Morgan’s laws and the classical law of double negation.

So, firstly, we work on classical logic’s tautologies, and secondly, we generalize them in fuzzy logic. Unfortunately, this generalization is not always an easy process, as we will show in the following.

Let us remark that ()-implications are the generalization of the tautologyand then by applying De Morgan’s laws and the classical law of double negation, we get the following tautology:which leads us to ()-implications.

Similarly, QL-operations (respectively, implications) are the generalization of the tautology

At this point, let us make clear what is the meaning of “simulate the same (or a similar) way of classical thinking” via an example.

Example 1. Someone could claim that since ()- and QL-implications simulate the same (or a similar) way of classical thinking. This is not acceptable since we cannot prove the tautologyusing only De Morgan’s laws and maybe the classical law of double negation.

4. ′-Implications

Similarly, D-operations (respectively, implications) are the generalization of the tautologyand after the application of De Morgan’s laws and the classical law of double negation, we get the following tautology:which leads us to a new family of fuzzy operations (respectively, implications) obtained by the following formula.

Definition 12. A function is called a -operation if there exist a t-norm , a t-conorm , and a fuzzy negation such thatIf is a -operation generated by the triple , then we denote it by .

Theorem 1. Let be a -operation; then, satisfies (13)–(18) and (20), and if is a strong negation, then satisfies (21). Furthermore, , where .

Proof. Let be a -operation; then, for , ifwhich means that satisfies (13).
satisfies (15) since satisfies (16) since satisfies (17) since satisfies (18) since satisfies (20) since , it is(21) is satisfied if is a strong negation since , it isLastly, we haveBy Theorem 1, it follows that a -operation is generated by a unique negation. The reason for which we use the name -operations instead of -implications is that they do not generally satisfy (14), so they are not always increasing with respect to the second variable, as it can be seen in the next example.

Example 2. Consider the triple . The obtained -operation iswhich does not satisfy (14) sinceTherefore, the first main problem is the characterization of those -operations, which satisfy (14). In this paper, we try to characterize these triples that produce -operations, which satisfy (14). In the following, we will give only partial results as partial results are known in the literature for QL- and D-operations, too [4]. Following the terminology [8, 16], only if the -operation is a fuzzy implication, we use the term -implication. So, we have the following proposition, without proof.

Proposition 2. A function is called a -implication if it is a -operation and satisfies (14).

All the above are useful, but they do not ensure that the set of -implications is nonempty. This is ensured by the next example.

Example 3. Consider the triple . The obtained -operation iswhich is a -implication.
By Example 3, someone could automatically prove that the set of -implications is nonempty. Furthermore, it is very easy to observe and prove the following lemma. The proof is omitted due to its simplicity.

Lemma 1. Let be t-norms, be t-conorms, and be a fuzzy negation.(i)If , then (ii)If , then (iii)If and , then

Although Lemma 1 is simple, it is very useful for the following. It is , for all t-norms (see Remark 2.1.4.(ix), page 43, of [4]) and , for all t-conorms (see Remark 2.2.5.(viii), page 46, of [4]). Thus, it is easy to prove that the strongest -operation, which can be obtained by the fuzzy negation , iswhich is a -implication, too. By this result, we can conclude that is not a -implication. That is, because its natural negation is and, furthermore, there are , such that . is stronger than the strongest -implication that has as its natural negation, meaning that is not a -implication.

The formula of -operations is complicated. Moreover, we have to check every time if axiom (14) is satisfied. If we use a nonfilling negation, the following theorem will be a useful tool to overcome these difficulties.

Theorem 2. Let be a -implication and be a nonfilling negation; then, it is , that is, the pair satisfies the law of contradiction (10).

Proof. If is a -implication, then it satisfies (19), that is, for all since is a nonfilling negation. So, .

Remark 5. By Theorem 2, it is obvious that if is a nonfilling negation and the pair does not satisfy the law of contradiction (10), i.e., , for some , then the obtained -operation, for any t-conorm , is not a fuzzy implication.

Theorem 3. If and is a -operation (respectively, implication), then is a -operation (respectively, implication), and moreover,

Proof. Let be a -operation (respectively, implication); then, is a -operation (respectively, implication) according to Remark 4. Moreover, for all , we deduce thatSince we have studied some general results for -operations (respectively, implications), we are going to study some more specific cases. This family has no interest if we use strong negations. This is explained by Theorem 4 after the following Proposition 3.

Proposition 3 (see Proposition 5 of [6]). Let be a t-norm, be a t-conorm, and be a strong negation. Then, the corresponding QL-operator, , is a QL-implication if and only if the corresponding D-operator, , is a D-implication.

Theorem 4. If is a strong negation and is a -operation, then(i), where are N-dual of , respectively, is a D-operation, and is N-reciprocal of the QL-operation (ii)Moreover, if one of , , and is a fuzzy implication, then the other two are fuzzy implications, too

Proof. (i)Let be a -operation. Then,On the contrary,(ii)If one of and is a fuzzy implication, then the other one is a fuzzy implication too, according to Proposition 3. If is a fuzzy implication, then because of (i), where , we conclude that is a fuzzy implication and vice versa.

Remark 6. By Theorem 4, it is obvious that if is a De Morgan triple and is a -operation (respectively, implication), then , where is a D-operation (respectively, implication) and is N- reciprocal of the QL-operation (respectively, implication) . The N-reciprocal of the QL-operation is defined, respectively, to the N-reciprocal of the QL-implication .

So, the first question arising is whether -operations (respectively,, implications) are or not a new family of operations (respectively, implications) or they are simply D-operations (respectively, implications). Although we have mentioned so many theorems and we have presented the whole rationale of our study, this is a question that seems not to have been answered yet.

It is known that if is a D-operation (respectively, implication), then the pair must satisfy (9) (see Lemma 3 of [20]). Additionally, there does not exist any t-conorm such that the pair satisfies (9) (see Remark 2.3.10(iii) of [4]). Thus, there is no D-implication generated by any triple . Furthermore, it is easy to prove that if is a D-implication, then is its natural negation. This proof is easy and similar to the proof of Theorem 1. To sum up, there is no D-implication which has as its natural negation. On the contrary, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 4. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is (see [22]).

Proof. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, we obtain

Remark 7. The aforementioned Proposition 4 is very important, although it seems simple. Because of it, we conclude that the only -implication which has as its natural negation is . So, automatically, we conclude that , , , , and are not -implications since all of them have as their natural negation.
Proposition 4 is the answer of this first question. is a -implication, which is obviously not a D-implication since its natural negation is . So, it is proved that the family of -implications is not the same with D-implications’ family.
Furthermore, due to tautology (5) and by our intuition, we expected duality properties of -operations and D-operations. So, the second question arising is whether or not this is true. For example, we mentioned that if is a D-operation (respectively, implication), then the pair must satisfy (9). Does this imply that if is a -operation, then the pair must satisfy (10)?
The answer seems to be negative, as we show in Theorem 2, since (10) is satisfied if we have a nonfilling negation and not for sure, for any negation . Finally, the answer is negative, according to the following proposition.

Proposition 5. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any idempotent, positive, or strict t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is (see [22]).

Proof. It is known and easy to prove that the only idempotent t-conorm is (see Remark 2.2.5(ii) of [4]), which is also positive (see Table 2.2, page 46, of [4]). Therefore, anything is proved for positive t-conorms is valid and for the idempotent too. Thus, by the triple , where is any positive or strict t-conorm, we obtainAccording to Proposition 5, is a -implication, which does not satisfy (10) since for any t-norm , it is , for any . This fact is exactly the reason why we have to study any new family generated by De Morgan’s laws and, if necessary, the classical law of double negation from the beginning.
The third question arising is what is the relation between these families (D and ). The answer is given partially in Theorem 1, where we proved that if is a strong negation, then satisfies (21). Also, it is easy to prove the next proposition.

Proposition 6. Let be a -operation, which satisfies (21); then, is a strong negation.

Proof. Since the -operation satisfies (21), we haveThus, is a strong negation.
Clearly then, if is a strong negation, then the corresponding -operation (respectively, implication) is a D-operation (respectively, implication) too, and vice versa. Therefore, in this case, every property of D-implications is valid to -implications. Since the properties are similar in both families, due to the duality of , respectively, the existing theorems and propositions that have been studied so far (see [6]) are valid too, with some simple changes due to the mentioned duality.
For nonstrong negations, we have that D-operations (respectively, implications) are the operations (respectively, implications), which satisfy (21) (see Remark 1 of [6]), and on the contrary, -operations (respectively, implications) do not satisfy (21). All these results lead us to Figure 2.
In the following of this section, we present a useful theorem for the disqualification of some triples that do not generate -implications.

Theorem 5. By any triple , where is any t-conorm, is any continuous nonfilling fuzzy negation, and is any idempotent, strict, or positive t-norm, any -implication cannot be obtained.

Proof. Firstly, we have to mention that it is easy to prove that every continuous fuzzy negation has a unique fixed point (see Theorem 1.4.7, page 15, of [4]). So, for any continuous fuzzy negation , there exists exactly one such that .
Moreover, the only idempotent t- norm is (see Proposition 1.9 of [15]), and for any continuous nonfilling fuzzy negation , we have . Therefore, according to Remark 5, any -implication cannot be obtained.
Even if is a strict t-norm, then because if , a contradiction because . Therefore, according to Remark 5, any -implication cannot be obtained.
Finally, if is any positive t-norm, thenSo, , since , and again, according to Remark 5, any - implication cannot be obtained.
A very useful proposition is as follows.

Proposition 7. By a triple of the form , where is any idempotent or positive t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is .

Proof. The only idempotent t-conorm is (see Remark 2.2.5(ii) of [4]), which is also positive (see Table 2.2, page 46, of [4]). Therefore, by the triple , where is any positive t-conorm, we obtain

Remark 8. It is easy to calculate -operations, which are obtained by their natural negation . They are always two-valued of the formSo, , which has as its natural negation, is not a -implication since it is not two-valued.
At the end of this section, we present Table 5, which contains basic -implications.

5. ′-Implications

Similarly, QL-operations (respectively, implications) are the generalization of the tautologyand after the application of De Morgan’s laws and the classical law of double negation, we get the following tautology:which leads us to a new family of fuzzy operations (respectively, implications) obtained by the following formula.

Definition 13. A function is called a -operation if there exist a t-norm, a t-conorm , and a fuzzy negation such thatIf is a -operation generated by the triple , then we denote it by .

Theorem 6. Let be a -operation; then, satisfies (14), (15), (16), (17), and (18), and if is a strong negation, then satisfies (21). Furthermore, , where .

Proof. Let be a -operation; then, for , ifwhich means that satisfies (14).
satisfies (15) since satisfies (16) since satisfies (17) since satisfies (18) since(21) is satisfied if is a strong negation sinceLastly, we haveBy Theorem 6, it follows that a -operation is generated by a unique negation. Although it is not proved that satisfies (13), is obviously a fuzzy negation since . Moreover, we use the name -operations instead of -implications because they do not generally satisfy (13), so they are not always decreasing with respect to the first variable, as it can be seen in the next example.

Example 4. Consider the triple . The obtained -operation iswhich does not satisfy (13) sinceTherefore, the first main problem is the characterization of those -operations, which satisfy (13). Similar to the previous section, only partial results will be proved.

Proposition 8. A function is called a -implication if it is a -operation and satisfies (13).

Proposition 9. Let be a -operation, which satisfies (21); then, is a strong negation.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Proposition 6.

Proposition 10. Let be a -operation. satisfies (20) if the pair satisfies the law of contradiction (10).

Proof. We assume that the pair satisfies the law of contradiction (10). Hence, satisfies (20) since

Proposition 11. Let be a -operation generated by a nonfilling negation . Moreover, if satisfies (20), then the pair satisfies the law of contradiction (10).

Proof. Let be a -operation generated by a nonfilling negation and satisfy (20). Therefore, it issince is a nonfilling negation. Thus, the pair satisfies (10).
The set of -implications is nonempty. This is ensured with the next theorem and some remarks.

Theorem 7. If is a strong negation and is a -operation, then(i), where are N-dual of , respectively, is a QL-operation, and is the N-reciprocal of the QL-operation .(ii)Moreover, if one of , , , and is a fuzzy implication, then the other three are fuzzy implications, too.

Proof. (i)Let be a -operation. Then,By Theorem 4, we deduce that(ii)If one of , , and is a fuzzy implication, then the other two are also fuzzy implications, according to Theorem 4 (ii). Moreover, since , is a fuzzy implication. Vice versa, if is a fuzzy implication, then is also a fuzzy implication, so and are fuzzy implications.

Remark 9. (i)By Theorem 7, it is obvious that if is a De Morgan triple and is the corresponding -operation (respectively, implication), then(ii)By (i) and Table 5, we deduce that . Thus, the set of -implications is nonempty.

Theorem 8. Let be a -implication and be a nonfilling negation; then, it is , that is, the pair satisfies the law of contradiction (10).

Proof. If is a -implication, then it satisfies (20), and if is a nonfilling negation, then the proof is given by Proposition 10.

Remark 10. By Theorem 8, it is obvious that if is a nonfilling negation and the pair does not satisfy the law of contradiction (10), i.e., , for some , then the corresponding -operation, for any t-conorm , is not a fuzzy implication.

Theorem 9. If and is a -operation (respectively, implication), then is a -operation (respectively, implication), and moreover,

Proof. Let be a -operation (respectively, implication); then, is a -operation (respectively, implication), according to Remark 4. Moreover, for all , we deduce thatSince we have studied some general results for -operations (respectively, implications), we are going to study some more specific cases. Several questions arising are similar to those we answer for -operations (respectively, implications). Answers to many of them are given above, and they are similar to previous answers we gave for -operations (respectively, implications). Finally, we have to answer the next question. Are -operations (respectively, implications) a new family of operations (respectively, implications)? It is known that there is no QL-implication generated by . Moreover, there is no QL-implication which has as its natural negation (see Remark 2.6.6(i) of [4]). On the contrary, we have the next proposition.

Proposition 12. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is (see [22]).

Proof. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, we obtain

Remark 11. Because of Proposition 12, we conclude that the only -implication, which has as its natural negation, is . So, automatically, we conclude that , , , , and are not -implications since all of them have as their natural negation.
Although it seems simple, Proposition 12 is very important. is a -implication, which is obviously not a QL-implication since its natural negation is . So, it is proved that the family of -implications is not the same with the QL-implications’ family.

Proposition 13. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is (see [22]).

Proof. By a triple of the form , where is any t-norm and is any t-conorm, we obtain

Remark 12. Because of Proposition 13, we conclude that the only -implication, which has as its natural negation, is . So, automatically, we conclude that and are not -implications since all of them have as their natural negation.
The question we need to answer is the relation between these families (QL and ). An answer is given partially in Proposition 9 where it is proved that if satisfies (21), then is a strong negation. Clearly by Theorem 7, if is a strong negation, then the corresponding -operation (respectively, implication) is also a QL-operation (respectively, implication) and vice versa. Moreover, for nonstrong negations, the corresponding QL-operations (respectively, implications) satisfy (21) (see Proposition 2.6.2 of [4]), and the corresponding -operations (respectively, implications) do not satisfy (21). All these results lead to Figure 3.
In the following of this section, we present a useful theorem for the disqualification of some triples that do not generate -implications.

Theorem 10. By any triple , where is any t-conorm, is any continuous nonfilling fuzzy negation, and is any idempotent, strict, or positive t-norm, any -implication cannot be obtained.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 5. It results by Remark 10.
A very useful proposition is as follows.

Proposition 14. By a triple of the form , where is any idempotent or positive t-conorm, a -implication is obtained, which is .

Proof. As we mentioned before, the only idempotent t-conorm is , which is also positive. By the triple , where is any positive t-conorm, we obtainLastly, in this section, we present Table 6, which contains basic -implications.

6. ′-Implications

The obtained generalization via De Morgan’s laws of R-implications leads to the next definition, which refers to the family of -operations. This generalization is a counterexample for the fact that axioms (13)–(17) are not invariant via an application of De Morgan’s laws. To be more precise, axiom (17) is not invariant since -operations violate it, as we will show in the following. This is the reason we use the term operations, rather than implications.

Definition 14. A function is called an -operation if there exist a t-conorm and a fuzzy negation such thatIf is an -operation generated by a t-conorm and a fuzzy negation , then we denote it by .
The induced family of -operations is a special case of residual implicator of the conjuctor , where is a fuzzy negation and is a t-conorm (see [23]). Also, this formula is a special case of formula (2) in Lemma 1 of [24]. However, we will study this special family because of the crucial results we will obtain.

Theorem 11. Let be an -operation; then, satisfies (13), (14), (15), and (16).

Proof. Let be an -implication; then, for , we have to show that if , then , which is equivalent with the inequalitywhich means that we have to show the inclusionSo, for any such that , it is obvious thatTherefore, satisfies (13).
Secondly, we have to prove (14); hence, for , we have to show that if , then , which is equivalent with the inequalitywhich is obvious that it holds. Therefore, satisfies (14).
satisfies (15) since satisfies (16) sincesince .
The formula of -operations is very complicated and makes their study really difficult. Furthermore, -operations do not always satisfy (17) sinceSo, it is obvious that there does not exist any -implication generated by . All these results above lead to the next proposition without the proof because it is obvious.

Proposition 15. A function is called an -implication if it is an -operation and satisfies (17).

The question arising is when an -operation is a fuzzy implication. The next theorem is the answer.

Theorem 12. Let be an -operation. is an -implication if and only if the negation satisfies the equivalence .

Proof. If the negation satisfies the equivalence , then satisfies (17) sinceHence, by Proposition 15, we deduce that is a fuzzy implication. On the contrary, if is an -implication, then (17) is satisfied. Hence,which means .

Remark 13. By Theorem 12, we deduce one more time that there does not exist any -implication generated by since .

Proposition 16. The R′- implication genrated from and any t- conorm S is .

Proof. The R′- implication genrated from and any t- conorm S is

Remark 14. By Proposition 16, we conclude that the set of -implications is nonempty. Moreover, -implications are a different family than the family of R-implications. This happens because is an -implication. On the contrary, it is not an R-implication since it does not satisfy (21) (see Theorem 2.5.4 of [4]).

Theorem 13. Let be an -operation. If satisfies (21), then , for any .

Proof. Let be an -operation, which satisfies (21); then, we havefor any .

Theorem 14. If is a strictly decreasing nonstrong negation, then the obtained is an -implication, which does not satisfy (21).

Proof. Let be an -operation. Since is a strictly decreasing nonstrong negation, we have thatSo, by Theorem 12, we deduce that is an -implication. If we assume that satisfies (21), then by Theorem 13, we have , for any . Since is not a strong negation, there is at least one such that , so . is a strictly decreasing function, so , which means there is such that , which is a contradiction. Thus, does not satisfy (21).

Theorem 15. If is a strong negation and is an -implication, then , where the t-norm is the N-dual of t-conorm .

Proof. The proof is obvious.
Theorem 15 leads us to have no interest about -implications generated by strong negations. Moreover, we have to mention that R-implications always satisfy (21) (see Theorem 2.5.4 of [4]). So, some results are visualized in Figure 4.

Theorem 16. If and is an -implication, then is an -implication. Moreover,

Proof. Let be an -implication; then, is an -implication according to Remark 4. Now, from the continuity of the bijection , we havefor any .
Lastly, in this section, we present Table 7, which contains basic -implications. The formulas of -implications which are generated from are calculated by Theorem 15 and Table 2.6 of [4].

7. Some Results before Conclusions

According to Figures 13, we know that, for nonstrong negations, -, -, and -implications do not satisfy (21). The same result holds for -implications when we use a strictly decreasing negation according to Theorem 14. On the contrary, -, D-, QL-, and R-implications always satisfy (21).

Furthermore, there are other known families of fuzzy implications, such as(i)Yager’s -generated and -generated implications as they are defined by Yager [12] (see also [4, 9]),(ii)-implications as they are defined by Jayaram [9, 25, 26],(iii)-implications as they are defined by Massanet and Torrens [10], and(iv)Fuzzy implications through fuzzy negations as they are defined by Souliotis and Papadopoulos [11].

All these aforementioned families satisfy (21) (see Theorems 3.1.7 and 3.2.8 of [4], Theorem 9(i) of [9], Theorem 5 of [10], and Proposition 6 of [11]), so it is obvious that -, - and -implications are different families from the aforementioned.

Also, there are - and RU-implications (see [4]) and -implications as they are defined by Massanet and Torrens [10]. These families do not satisfy (21) (see Remarks 5.3.8 and 5.4.6 of [4] and Theorem 13 of [10]), unlike -, -, and -implications, which satisfy (21) when is a strong negation, according to Theorems 1, 6, and 15 (in combination with Theorem 2.5.4 of [4]). Thus, -, -, and -implications are different families from the aforementioned.

Lastly, we investigate the relation between the families of -, -, -, and -implications. As sets of operations, they are different since -implications satisfy (13)–(17), -operations do not always satisfy (14), -operations do not always satisfy (13), and -operations do not always satisfy (17).

Now, let be the Schweizer–Sklar t-conorm; then, for , it is

The obtained QL-implication by the triple iswhich is not an -implication since does not satisfy (22) (see Example 2.6.15, page 135, and Figure 4.2 of [4] ). Since the natural negation of is the strong negation , obviously, is not a -implication, and it is a -implication. More specifically, , where the t-norm is the -dual of t-conorm .

Moreover, it iswhich does not satisfy (22) sinceso the -implication is not an -implication; hence, it is not a -implication.

On the contrary, belongs to all families that are generated and defined in this paper and those that are mentioned in Table 4 since

Moreover, it is obvious that -implications are the reciprocals of -implications for strong negations since they are the same sets with their preliminary families, respectively. Surprisingly, sometimes, this property holds for nonstrong negations (for example, and in Tables 6 and 7). The exact relation of these two families needs more investigation. The same happens for the relation between R- and -implications.

Finally, some of these results are presented in Figures 57, where we can see that the intersection between -, -, -, and -implications is nonempty. Moreover, -, -, and -implications contain at least one fuzzy implication that -implications do not contain.

8. Conclusions

Many families of fuzzy implications can be produced by well-known generalizations of the notion of implication from classical to fuzzy logic. Moreover, there are fuzzy implications, which, in their formula, contain at least a t-norm (such as R-implications) or a t-conorm (such as ()-implications). De Morgan’s laws and, if necessary, the classical law of double negation are useful tools to transform these already known families of fuzzy implications. As a result, new families of fuzzy implications are arising. These new families are the “closest” of their preliminary-“creator” families. At this point, we should remark that the preliminary and the induced family of fuzzy implications are different sets, at least in any family we mention in this paper. The induced family is an expansion of its preliminary family, in a field where all these fuzzy implications simulate the same (or a similar) way of classical thinking.

In this paper, we specifically mentioned a known family, the so-called -implications, and we have studied three new families, the so-called -, -, and -implications.

The first three families give us the following results. For strong negations, the sets of - and -implications are the same set. The same result holds for the sets of QL- and -implications and for D- and -implications, respectively. However, if the negation we use is not strong, then the preliminary families -, QL-, and D-implications satisfy (21), and the corresponding induced families -, -, and -implications do not satisfy (21). Although these new families are common with their preliminary families when is strong, they have no common implications when is not strong. These families are very important since they are the “first” generalized generators from classical to fuzzy logic, where for nonstrong negations, (21) is not satisfied.

Furthermore, the last family, the so-called -implications, gives the following results. If we use a strong negation in the formula of -implications, then R- and -implications are the same set. Moreover, for strictly decreasing and nonstrong negations , the obtained -operations are fuzzy implications that do not satisfy (21), a property that R-implications always satisfy. This family is a counterexample that axioms (13)–(17) are not invariant, or, more specifically, axiom (17) is surely not invariant, via the application of De Morgan’s laws.

However, the characterization of triples , such that a -operation or a -operation is a fuzzy implication, is still unsolved. On the contrary, the condition under which an -operation is a fuzzy implication has been proved.

Another result is that the expected duality of the properties does not hold, in general, via this application of classical logic’s laws, but under some conditions.

Unfortunately, the induced families must be studied individually every time since there is no general theory that seems to hold for every induced family.

Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

D. S. G. contributed to writing the original draft. B. K. P. supervised the study and contributed to writing, reviewing, and editing. Both authors read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.