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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 10, 2020

Divisible extension of probability

  • Roman Frič EMAIL logo , Peter Eliaš and Martin Papčo
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


We outline the transition from classical probability space (Ω, A, p) to its "divisible" extension, where (as proposed by L. A. Zadeh) the σ-field A of Boolean random events is extended to the class 𝓜(A) of all measurable functions into [0,1] and the σ-additive probability measure p on A is extended to the probability integral ∫(·) dp on 𝓜(A). The resulting extension of (Ω, A,p) can be described as an epireflection reflecting A to 𝓜(A) and p to ∫(·) dp.

The transition from A to 𝓜(A), resembling the transition from whole numbers to real numbers, is characterized by the extension of two-valued Boolean logic on A to multivalued Łukasiewicz logic on 𝓜(A) and the divisibility of random events: for each random event u ∈ 𝓜(A) and each positive natural number n we have u/n ∈ 𝓜(A) and ∫(u/n) dp = (1/n) ∫u dp.

From the viewpoint of category theory, objects are of the form 𝓜(A), morphisms are observables from one object into another one and serve as channels through which stochastic information is conveyed.

We study joint random experiments and asymmetrical stochastic dependence/independence of one constituent experiment on the other one. We present a canonical construction of conditional probability so that observables can be viewed as conditional probabilities.

In the present paper we utilize various published results related to "quantum and fuzzy" generalizations of the classical theory, but our ultimate goal is to stress mathematical (categorical) aspects of the transition from classical to what we call divisible probability.

  1. (Communicated by Mirko Navara)


The authors are indebted to the referee for valuable suggestions to improve the original text.


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Received: 2019-06-28
Accepted: 2020-04-22
Published Online: 2020-12-10
Published in Print: 2020-12-16

© 2020 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences

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