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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter December 16, 2020

Nilpotence relations in products of groups

  • Giulio Francalanci EMAIL logo
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


Two subgroups A and B of a group G are said to be 𝒩-connected if, for all a in A and b in B, the subgroup generated by a and b is a nilpotent group. In this paper, we study the structure of a group G assuming that G=A⁒B and A and B are 𝒩-connected subgroups satisfying Max or Min.

1 Introduction

Let G be a group and A and B two subgroups; G is said to be the product of A and B if G={a⁒b∣a∈A,b∈B}. G is said to be factorized and A and B are said to be factors of G.

This definition gives rise to the following general structure problem.


Let G be a factorized group, G=A⁒B, with A and B subgroups, and assume that A and B satisfy some group-theoretical property P. What can be said about the structure of the whole group G?

A well-known statement of this type is, for instance, the theorem of N. ItΓ΄ [4] which says that if the group G is the product of two abelian subgroups, then G is metabelian. Other examples are the papers of O. Kegel [5] and H. Wielandt [10] where it has been proved that the product G of two finite nilpotent subgroups A and B is solvable.

More results have been obtained under additional assumptions such as, for instance, the (generalized) solvability of the group G.

Let π’ž be a non-empty class of groups; let G be a group, and consider A and B, two subgroups of G. We say that the subgroups A and B are π’ž-connected if, for all a∈A and b∈B, the subgroup γ€ˆa,b〉 belongs to π’ž. This definition was formulated for the first time by A. Carocca in [3] where he studied the product of π’ž-connected finite groups when π’ž is the class of nilpotent groups. In this paper, we prove two theorems, without the assumption of finiteness. We use 𝒩 to indicate the class of nilpotent groups.

Theorem A.

Let G be a group and A,B≀G=A⁒B, where A and B are supersolvable N-connected subgroups. Then G is supersolvable.

Theorem A has the following corollaries.

Corollary 1.1.

Let G be a group and A,B≀G=A⁒B, where A and B are finitely generated nilpotent N-connected subgroups. Then G is a finitely generated nilpotent group.

Corollary 1.2.

Let G be a group, G=G1⁒G2⁒…⁒Gn, where G1,G2,…,Gn are pairwise permutable supersolvable (finitely generated nilpotent) subgroups of G. If, for all i,j:1,…,n such that iβ‰ j, we have that Gi and Gj are N-connected, then G is supersolvable (finitely generated nilpotent).

The second theorem is the following.

Theorem B.

Let G be a group, and let A,B be two subgroups of G such that G=A⁒B. Assume that A and B are N-connected and Černikov groups. Then G is a Černikov group.

Also, in this case, we may deduce two corollaries.

Corollary 1.3.

Let G be a group, and let A,B be two subgroups of G such that G=A⁒B. Assume that A and B are N-connected solvable groups with Min. Then G is a solvable group with Min.

Corollary 1.4.

Let G be a group, G=G1⁒G2⁒…⁒Gn, where G1,G2,…,Gn are pairwise permutable Černikov (solvable with Min) subgroups of G. If, for all i,j:1,…,n such that iβ‰ j, we have that Gi and Gj are N-connected, then G is Černikov (solvable with Min).

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we collect the main definitions and results we need in the proofs of the theorems.

Lemma 2.1 ([2, 10]).

Let the group G=A⁒B be the product of two subgroups A and B. For a subgroup S of G, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. if a⁒b∈S, with a∈A and b∈B, then a∈S;

  2. S=(A∩S)⁒(B∩S) and A∩B≀S.

Definition 1 ([2, 10]).

A subgroup S of a factorized group G is said to be factorized if it satisfies one of the equivalent conditions of Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 2.2.

Let the group G=A⁒B be factorized by A,B≀G. Let the group D be such that B≀D≀G, and let a subgroup Y≀G be factorized in AD. Then it is also factorized in AB.


By Definition 1, we have Y=(A∩Y)⁒(D∩Y) and Yβ‰₯A∩D. Applying the Dedekind modular law twice, we get


and therefore


Definition 2 ([8, Chapter 3, p. 64]).

A group G is said to satisfy Max, the maximal condition on subgroups, if, for all chains H0≀H1≀H2≀⋯, there exists nβˆˆβ„• such that Hn=Hn+1=β‹― or, in other words, every ascending chain of subgroups is finite. Analogously, a group G is said to satisfy Min, the minimal condition on subgroups, if, for all chains H0β‰₯H1β‰₯H2β‰₯β‹―, there exists nβˆˆβ„• such that Hn=Hn+1=β‹― or, in other words, every descending chain of subgroups is finite.

In the rest of this paper, we deal with some classes of groups satisfying Max or Min. For this reason, we recall them.

Definition 3 ([8, Chapter 5, p. 147]).

A group is said to be polycyclic if it has a finite cyclic series.

Polycyclic groups are characterized as follows.

Proposition 2.3 ([8, Chapter 5, Proposition 5.4.12, p. 147]).

A group is polycyclic if and only if it is solvable and satisfies the maximal condition on subgroups.

Important subclasses of polycyclic groups are finitely generated nilpotent groups and supersolvable groups.

Definition 4 ([8, Chapter 5, p. 145]).

A group is said to be supersolvable if it has a finite normal cyclic series.

We summarize the main properties of those groups.

Proposition 2.4 ([8, 9]).

Let G be a polycyclic group. Then

  1. G is nilpotent if and only if every finite quotient of G is nilpotent,

  2. G is supersolvable if and only if every finite quotient of G is supersolvable;

moreover, if G is supersolvable, then

  1. Fit⁒(G) is nilpotent and G/Fit⁒(G) is finite abelian,

  2. 1β‰ N⊲G implies 1β‰ γ€ˆxγ€‰βŠ²G, for some x∈N.

A fundamental tool for our investigation is the following invariant.

Definition 5 ([8, Chapter 5, Proposition 5.4.13, p. 147]).

Let G be a polycyclic group. The number of infinite factors in a cyclic series is independent of the series; thus it is an invariant, called the Hirsch length of G, h⁒(G).

An important class of groups that satisfies the minimal conditions on subgroups is the class of Černikov groups.

Definition 6 ([8, Chapter 5, p. 151]).

A group is said to be Černikov if it is an extension of a finite direct product of quasicyclic groups by a finite group.

The following characterization holds.

Proposition 2.5 ([8, Chapter 5, Proposition 5.4.23, p. 151]).

A solvable group satisfies the minimal condition on subgroups if and only if it is a solvable Černikov group.

A class of groups that generalizes both polycyclic and Černikov groups is the class of minimax groups.

Definition 7 ([6, Chapter 5, p. 86]).

A group is said to be minimax if it has a series of finite length for which each factor satisfies Max or Min.

We introduced this class of groups to define the following invariant.

Definition 8 ([6, Chapter 5, p. 87]).

Let G be a solvable-by-finite minimax group. We know that there exists a series 1=G0⊲G1βŠ²β‹―βŠ²Gn=G in which each factor satisfies Max or Min. Clearly, it is possible to refine this series and obtain a series with cyclic factors (finite or infinite) and quasicyclic factors. By a routine application of the Schreier refinement theorem, it is possible to show that the number of infinite factors of that series is an invariant, and we call it the minimax length or minimality of G, m⁒(G). It can be thought of as a generalization of Hirsch length for polycyclic groups.

To end this section, we give the definition of formation and saturated formation, and we state the theorem of Carocca.

Definition 9 ([8, Chapter 9, p. 269]).

A class of finite groups β„± is said to be a formation if

  1. every homomorphic image of an β„±-group is an β„±-group,

  2. if GN1,GN2βˆˆβ„±, then GN1∩N2βˆˆβ„±.

Moreover, a formation β„± is said to be saturated if Gβˆˆβ„± whenever FΦ⁒(G)βˆˆβ„±

Theorem 2.6 ([3]).

Let G=G1⁒G2⁒…⁒Gr be a finite group such that G1,…,Gr are pairwise permutable subgroups of G. Let F be a saturated formation such that NβŠ†F. If, for every pair i,j∈{1,…,r}, iβ‰ j, the subgroups Gi and Gj are N-connected F-groups, then G∈F.

3 Proof of Theorem A

Lemma 3.1.

Let G be a group, and let A,B≀G be such that G=A⁒B and A,B are N-connected. If A and B are supersolvable (f.g. nilpotent), then G is polycyclic if and only if it is supersolvable (f.g. nilpotent).


If G is supersolvable (f.g. nilpotent), the result is clear. Suppose that G is polycyclic and A and B are supersolvable. Consider a normal subgroup N of finite index in G. We have


that is, a product of finite supersolvable 𝒩-connected subgroups. The class of finite supersolvable groups is a saturated formation that contains the class of finite nilpotent groups. So we can apply Carocca’s theorem, Theorem 2.6, and we get that G/N is supersolvable. Thus, we have a polycyclic group in which every finite homomorphic image is supersolvable. Applying Proposition 2.4 (2), G is supersolvable. The same holds when A and B are finitely generated nilpotent subgroups, using, in this case, Proposition 2.4 (1). ∎

Before stating the main theorem of this section, we need to point out some technical properties.

Lemma 3.2.

Let G be a group and H,K≀G such that G=γ€ˆH,K〉. If we have |G:K|<∞, then |H:H∩K|<∞

Lemma 3.3.

Let G be a finitely generated nilpotent group and H≀G such that NG⁒(H)/H is a finite group. Then |G:H|<∞

Corollary 3.4.

Let G be a supersolvable group, F=Fit⁒(G) and H≀F such that NG⁒(H)/H is a finite group. Then |G:H|<∞


Consider G and H as in the hypotheses. Clearly, |NF(H):H|<∞. Applying Lemma 3.3, |F:H|<∞, and together with the fact that |G:F|<∞ by Proposition 2.4, we have the thesis. ∎

Lemma 3.5.

Let G be a group, A,B≀G such that G=A⁒B. If A satisfies Max, then G satisfies the maximal condition on the subgroups containing B.


Consider S1≀S2≀⋯ an ascending chain of subgroups containing B. Each Si is factorized, with the following factorization:


The chain S1∩A≀S2∩A≀⋯ is an ascending chain in A, which is a group that satisfies Max. Thus, there exists tβˆˆβ„• such that St=St+j for all jβ‰₯0. Hence,


and the thesis follows. ∎

Proof of Theorem A.

We proceed by induction on h:=h(A)+h(B), where h⁒(X) is the Hirsch length of the group X. If h⁒(A)=h⁒(B)=0, then A and B are finite, and the result holds by Theorem 2.6. If h⁒(A)=0, then A is finite, so B is a subgroup of finite index in G; hence, since BG is a normal supersolvable subgroup and the factor G/BG is a supersolvable finite group, we conclude using Lemma 3.1. Thus, we can assume that both h⁒(A),h⁒(B)β‰₯1. We define the sets


We prove that either π’œ or ℬ is non-empty. In fact, if h⁒(A∩B)β‰₯1, both π’œ and ℬ are non-empty. Suppose that h⁒(A∩B)=0, i.e. A∩B is a finite group; by Proposition 2.4, we can choose a∈A, b∈B such that |a|=∞=|b| and γ€ˆaγ€‰βŠ²A, γ€ˆbγ€‰βŠ²B. By 𝒩-connection, we know that γ€ˆa,b〉 is an infinite nilpotent group, and for this reason, we have that


It is then easy to prove that at least one of NA⁒(γ€ˆb〉) and NB⁒(γ€ˆa〉) is infinite. Suppose that NA⁒(γ€ˆb〉) is infinite, and let T=NG⁒(γ€ˆb〉).

If |A:NA(γ€ˆb〉)|=∞, then observing that

T=NA⁒(γ€ˆb〉)⁒B and h⁒(NA⁒(γ€ˆb〉))<h⁒(A),

we get that T is supersolvable by the inductive hypothesis, and β„¬β‰ βˆ…. Otherwise, if |A:NA(γ€ˆb〉)|<∞, consider


Observing that h⁒(γ€ˆb〉)=1, by the inductive hypothesis we have that T/γ€ˆb〉 is supersolvable, and by Lemma 3.1, T is supersolvable. Hence, β„¬β‰ βˆ….

Clearly, by Lemma 3.5, ℬ admits a maximal element D. Stressing that every subgroup containing A or B factorizes by Lemma 2.1, we get D=(D∩A)⁒B.

We know by the definition of Hirsch length that h⁒(A∩D)≀h⁒(A). Suppose by contradiction that h⁒(A∩D)<h⁒(A), i.e. |A:D∩A|=∞. Set FA=Fit⁒(A) and FD=Fit⁒(D).

Define the following chain of subgroups:


We know that FD is nilpotent and normal in D, so there exists tβˆˆβ„• such that Mt=NFD⁒(Mt-1)=FD. Thus, we show by induction on i that the following factorization holds for all i:1⁒…⁒t:


If i=0, consider g∈NG⁒(M0); then g=a⁒b for certain a∈A and b∈D, and from M0g=M0, we deduce M0a=M0b-1≀FA∩FD=M0. Knowing that M0 is nilpotent, we get a∈NA⁒(M0), which is the thesis.

Suppose that iβ‰₯1, and consider g∈NG⁒(Mi). As before, g=a⁒b with a∈A, b∈D, and then Mia=Mib-1. It is clear that


that is, M0a≀M0, i.e. a∈NA⁒(M0). Suppose that 0≀j≀i is the greatest index such that a∈NA⁒(Mj), and suppose that j≀i-1. Knowing that


and γ€ˆa,Mj+1〉≀NG⁒(Mj), we deduce


that is, Mj+1a≀Mj+1. By inductive hypothesis, NG⁒(Mj)=NA⁒(Mj)⁒ND⁒(Mj), and by Lemma 2.2, NG⁒(Mj)=NA⁒(Mj)⁒NB⁒(Mj). Passing to the quotient,


These two factors are 𝒩-connected supersolvable, and using the properties of Hirsch length and the fact that h⁒(Mj)β‰₯h⁒(M0)β‰₯1, we can say that NG⁒(Mj)/Mj is supersolvable, and hence, by Lemma 3.1, NG⁒(Mj) is supersolvable. So we have that γ€ˆa,Mj+1〉≀NG⁒(Mj) satisfies Max, and then Mj+1a=Mj+1. This contradicts the assumption on j. Thus, i=j, and the statement is proved. Therefore, NG⁒(FD)=NA⁒(FD)⁒ND⁒(FD)=NA⁒(FD)⁒D.

Now we prove that NG⁒(FD) is supersolvable. In fact, we know that


holds; by Lemma 2.2, we have


Passing to the quotient, we see that


is a product of supersolvable 𝒩-connected subgroups. Since h⁒(FD)β‰₯1, we can apply the inductive hypothesis and use Lemma 3.1 to deduce that NG⁒(FD) is supersolvable.

The last fact we prove is that NG⁒(FD)>D. Actually, we demonstrate a stronger fact, that is, |NG(Mi):Mi+1|=∞ for all i:0,…,t-1. Proceed by induction on i. If i=0, we know by Corollary 3.4 that |NA(M0):M0|=∞. By Lemma 3.2, |NG(M0):ND(M0)|=∞, and then |NG(M0):M1|=∞. Suppose that iβ‰₯1. By the inductive hypothesis, we know that


Keeping in mind that Mi is nilpotent, we want to prove that


Let W=NG⁒(Mi-1), FW=Fit⁒(W) and K=FW∩FD. Clearly, K≀Mi. If K=Mi, then by Corollary 3.4, we get the thesis. Otherwise, consider NW⁒(K). By Corollary 3.4, we have that |NW(K):K|=∞. Since K⊲ND⁒(Mi-1), we have that NW⁒(K)β‰₯ND⁒(Mi-1). For this reason, the factorization


holds. Consider R=NA⁒(K)⁒K, S=RNW⁒(K) (the core of R in NW⁒(K)) and T=S∩FW. By construction, K≀T⊲NW⁒(K). Define L=T⁒ND⁒(Mi-1). Considering the quotient


we have that T/K is nilpotent, and by Proposition 2.4, ND⁒(Mi-1)/K is abelian.

In particular, L/K is supersolvable, and it is the product of two nilpotent 𝒩-connected subgroups; hence, by Lemma 3.1, L/K is nilpotent. We know that |L/K:Mi/K|=∞, so by Lemma 3.3, we get


which implies


and then


Thus, by Lemma 3.2,


and then the thesis |NG(Mi):Mi+1|=∞.

Gathering all these facts, we obtain NG⁒(FD)βˆˆβ„¬ and NG⁒(FD)>D. This fact contradicts the maximality of D. So h⁒(A)=h⁒(A∩D), or in other words, |G:D|<∞. Thus, DG is a supersolvable normal subgroup of G. By Theorem 2.6, G/DG is supersolvable, and by Lemma 3.1, G is supersolvable. ∎

When the factors are not supersolvable, the situation is unclear.

Problem 3.6.

Let G be a group and A,B≀G=A⁒B, where A and B are polycyclic N-connected subgroups. Is it true that G is a polycyclic group?

4 Proof of Theorem B

We introduce some technical lemmas that are needed in the sequel.

Considering a product of Černikov groups, it is possible to describe the finite residual in terms of the finite residuals of the factors.

Lemma 4.1.

Let G=A⁒B be a Černikov group. If we denote by A0, B0 and G0 the finite residuals of, respectively, A, B and G, then G0=γ€ˆA0,B0〉.


By a lemma of Amberg (see for instance [1, Lemma 1.2.5]), the group γ€ˆA0,B0〉 has finite index in G, and therefore G0β‰€γ€ˆA0,B0〉. The other inclusion is clear. ∎

Before going further, we prove the following.

Lemma 4.2.

Let G be a periodic group and 1β‰ A≀G a divisible abelian subgroup. Let a∈A and u∈CG⁒(x) for all x∈A such that aβˆˆγ€ˆx〉. Then u∈CG⁒(A).


Let h∈A, and let |h|=m. Consider a1∈A such that a1m=a. Therefore, (a1⁒h)m=a1m=a. Hence, the following holds:


which is the thesis. ∎

Notation 4.3.

Given a group G such that G=A⁒B, where A,B≀G, and an element g∈G, we set

ΠA⁒(g)={a∈A∣there exists⁒b∈B⁒such that⁒a⁒b=g},

and for any subset X of G, we set

Ξ A⁒(X)=⋃x∈XΞ A⁒(x).

We are now ready to state and prove the main theorem of this section. The proof is divided in two cases to simplify the reading: firstly the case in which we assume that A and B are p-groups and then the general case.

Theorem 4.4.

Let G be a group, and let A,B be two subgroups of G such that G=A⁒B. Assume that A and B are N-connected and Černikov p-groups, where p is a prime number. Then G is a Černikov p-group.


Since A and B are Černikov p-groups, denote by A0 and B0 the finite residuals of, respectively, A and B. We know that they are both a direct product of a finite number of copies of the Prüfer p-group. We divide the proof into 4 steps. In the first three, we assume, in addition, that A0∩B0=1.

Step 1. Consider a∈A0 and b∈B0, and let H=γ€ˆa,b〉. We prove that if CG⁒(H) is infinite, then the set CA0⁒(H)βˆͺCB0⁒(H) is infinite.

We know that H is nilpotent by 𝒩-connection. Using the notation introduced above, let Aβˆ—=Ξ A⁒(CG⁒(H)) and Bβˆ—=Ξ B⁒(CG⁒(H)). Since CG⁒(H)βŠ†Aβˆ—β’Bβˆ—, we have that Aβˆ—βˆͺBβˆ— is infinite. Without loss of generality, we can suppose that Aβˆ— is infinite. For all x∈Aβˆ—, there exists a y∈B such that x⁒y∈CG⁒(H). In particular, bx⁒y=b, from which bx=by-1∈bB, where bB is a conjugacy class in B. Since b∈B0, we have that bB is finite; thus there exists an infinite subset XβŠ†Aβˆ— such that bx=bx0 for all x∈X and for a fixed x0∈X. Consequently, {x0⁒x-1∣x∈X}βŠ†CA⁒(b) is infinite. Therefore, CA0⁒(b) is infinite too, and since a∈A0 is abelian, we can conclude by observing that


Step 2. Suppose that Z⁒(G)=1; we claim that there exist a∈A0 and b∈B0 such that CB0⁒(a)=1=CA0⁒(b).

In fact, consider the set {CB0⁒(a)∣a∈A0}; it clearly admits a minimal element. Let C=CB0⁒(a) be one such minimal element. If Cβ‰ 1, then by divisibility and minimality, we have that, for all x such that aβˆˆγ€ˆx〉, also CB0⁒(γ€ˆx〉)=CB0⁒(γ€ˆa〉). Therefore, we can apply Lemma 4.2 and conclude that CB0⁒(a)=CB0⁒(A0). So CG⁒(C)β‰₯γ€ˆA0,B0〉, and hence it has finite index. Since G is a p-group, this implies that Z⁒(G)β‰ 1. Thus, if Z⁒(G)=1, then the minimal element of the set {CB0⁒(a)∣a∈A0} is exactly {1}. The same holds for {CA0⁒(b)∣b∈B0}.

Step 3. Now our objective is to prove that Z⁒(G)β‰ 1.

Suppose that Z⁒(G)=1. Then, by step 2, there exist a∈A0 and b∈B0 such that CB0⁒(a)=1=CA0⁒(b). By step 1, CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉) is finite. Moreover, by 𝒩-connection, we can deduce that 1β‰ Z⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉)≀CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉), namely CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉) is nontrivial and finite. We can choose a and b such that |CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉)| is minimal. Let 1β‰ u∈CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉) and x∈A0, where aβˆˆγ€ˆx〉; thus CG⁒(γ€ˆx,b〉)≀CG⁒(γ€ˆa,b〉); hence equality holds, and in particular, u∈CG⁒(γ€ˆx,b〉)≀CG⁒(γ€ˆx〉). By Lemma 4.2, we have u∈CG⁒(A0). Analogously, we can show that u∈CG⁒(B0), and then CG⁒(u)β‰₯γ€ˆA0,B0〉, which implies Z⁒(G)β‰ 1.

Step 4. We claim that G is a Černikov group.

First of all, we show that G is hypercentral proving that every nontrivial quotient group of G has nontrivial center. In fact, since all the hypotheses pass to quotient groups, it is sufficient to show that Z⁒(G)β‰ 1. So if A0∩B0=1, then we obtain our thesis by step 3. Otherwise, denoting K:=A0∩B0β‰ 1, it is true that CG⁒(K)β‰₯γ€ˆA0,B0〉 has finite index. Hence, as we observed in the previous steps, Z⁒(G)β‰ 1. In conclusion, since a hypercentral p-group with Min-n is a Černikov p-group (see [7]), the theorem is proved. ∎

We can now prove Theorem B.

Proof of Theorem B.

Since A and B are Černikov groups, we know that the finite residual A0 and B0 have the following structure:


where, in A0, each Pi is a direct product of hi copies of PrΓΌfer pi-groups, in which pi are distinct primes for i:1,…,s; analogously, in B0, each Qj is the direct product of kj copies of PrΓΌfer qj-groups, in which qj are distinct primes for j:1,…,t.

In terms of minimality, this means hi=m⁒(Pi) and kj=m⁒(Qj). So we have


We proceed by induction on m⁒(A)+m⁒(B). If m⁒(A)=0 (or m⁒(B)=0), then B is a subgroup of finite index in G; hence BG is a Černikov normal subgroup of finite index in G, but clearly, a virtually Černikov group is a Černikov group, so we have the thesis. Otherwise, we can assume that m⁒(A)β‰₯1 and m⁒(B)β‰₯1. For the previous theorem, we can suppose that A0 and B0 are not both p-groups. Hence, without loss of generality, we can also assume that h1,h2β‰₯1 and k1β‰₯1. If piβ‰ qj for all i and j, then γ€ˆA0,B0〉 is abelian by 𝒩-connection, so we assume p1=q1.

Let P:=P1. Since char⁑PA0, we have that P⊲A. Consider NG⁒(P). By the Wielandt lemma (see [10]), we know that the following factorization holds:


Moreover, we know


Consider two cases.

Case (1) If Q1≀NB⁒(P), then |G:NG(P)|<∞, so we can reduce ourselves to proving that NG⁒(P) is Černikov. Now, P is Černikov, and NG⁒(P)/P is Černikov by the inductive hypothesis; hence NG⁒(P) is Černikov.

Case (2) If Q1β‰°NB⁒(P), denote Bβˆ—:=NB(P). We have that B0∩Bβˆ—<B0 and |Bβˆ—:B0∩Bβˆ—|<∞, so if B0βˆ— is the finite residual of Bβˆ—, we deduce that


Hence, B0βˆ— and B0 are both direct products of a finite number of PrΓΌfer groups and B0βˆ—<B0, and B0 has no proper subgroups of finite index; then this fact allows us to apply the inductive hypothesis on NG⁒(P) and to see that it is Černikov. By Lemma 4.1, we deduce that the finite residual of NG⁒(P) is exactly γ€ˆA0,B0βˆ—γ€‰, from which we have [Pi,Qj]=1 for all i:1,…,s and for all j:2,…,t. Now, considering P2 and repeating the same argument, if case (1) holds, the proof is done; otherwise, [Pi,Qj]=1 must hold for all i:1,…,s and for all j:1,3,…,t. Gathering all these facts, we conclude that [A0,B0]=1, from which γ€ˆA0,B0〉 is abelian and it has finite index in G.

Moreover, G is the product of two subgroups with Min; thus it satisfies Min-n, i.e. the minimal condition on normal subgroups (see [1]).

Finally, every subgroup of finite index of G satisfies Min-n (see [11]); hence γ€ˆA0,B0〉 is abelian Černikov, and then G is Černikov. ∎

Proof of Corollary 1.3.

By Proposition 2.5, A and B are Černikov groups, and by Theorem B, G is also Černikov. The solvability of G follows from the fact that if G0 is the finite residual of G, then G0 is abelian and G/G0 is solvable by Theorem 2.6. ∎

This work is dedicated to Carlo Casolo. We will always remember your brilliance, your knowledge and your humanity.

Communicated by Timothy C. Burness

Funding statement: This work has been partially funded by Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni (GNSAGA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica β€œFrancesco Severi” (INDAM).


This paper is part of the PhD thesis of the author, which was supervised by Carlo Casolo whose contribution has been fundamental. Most sincere thanks are also due to Orazio Puglisi and to the thesis referees Bernhard Amberg and Francesco de Giovanni for their accurate comments and suggestions.


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Received: 2020-09-01
Revised: 2020-11-27
Published Online: 2020-12-16
Published in Print: 2021-05-01

Β© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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