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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 23, 2020

YIrIn with ZrNiAl-type structure

  • Nataliya L. Gulay , Yaroslav M. Kalychak and Rainer Pöttgen EMAIL logo


The indide YIrIn was synthesized from the elements in a sealed tantalum ampoule in a high-frequency furnace. YIrIn adopts the ZrNiAl type. The crystal structure was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data: P6–2m, a = 750.63(6), c = 392.04(3) pm, wR = 0.0346, 308 F2 values and 16 variables. Refinement of the occupancy parameters revealed a small degree of Ir/In mixing (0.912(9) Ir2/0.088(9) In1) on the 2d site. The YIrIn structure contains two crystallographically independent iridium sites, both with tri-capped trigonal prismatic coordination: Ir1@In6Y3 and Ir2@In3Y6.

Corresponding author: Rainer Pöttgen, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 30, 48149 Münster, Germany, E-mail:


We thank Dr. R.-D. Hoffmann for the intensity data collection.

  1. Author contribution: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  2. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding this article.


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Received: 2020-11-09
Accepted: 2020-11-11
Published Online: 2020-11-23
Published in Print: 2020-12-16

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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