1 Introduction

In [1], we claim that we give a complete list of the possible degrees of a faithful transitive permutation representation of the groups of the toroidal regular maps. Indeed, the list given for type \(\{4,4\}\) is complete; however, recently we were surprised with the existence of exceptional degrees for the map \(\{3,6\}\). After, we struggled to find the reason why there were some degrees missing in our classification. The fact is that there is a gap in one proof, having consequences in two of our main theorems. Our goal is to fill in that gap.

In what follows, let G be the group of symmetries of a toroidal regular map of type \(\{4,4\}\) or \(\{3,6\}\), and suppose G is represented as a faithful transitive permutation representation group of degree n. Let T be the translation group generated by unitary independent translations of order s defining the groups of \(\{4,4\}_\mathbf{{s}}\) or \(\{3,6\}_\mathbf{{s}}\) for \(\mathbf{s}\in \{(s,0),(s,s)\}\) (see [1]). We recall the following results.

Lemma 1.1

[1] [Lemma 1.1] If T is transitive, then \(n=s^2\).

An immediate consequence of Lemma 1.1 is that if \(n\ne s^2\), T is intransitive. Note that T is a normal subgroup of G that is a direct product of two cyclic groups of order s. Consider that \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are the actions of the generators of T on a block and let \(K{:}{=}\langle \alpha ,\, \beta \rangle \). In [1], we consider the cases where K is a cyclic group or a direct product, but these cases do not cover all possibilities. In what follows, we complete all the proofs of [1] where this has any effect.

2 The size of a T-orbit

In what follows, o(x) denotes the order of x.

Lemma 2.1

If \(B{:}{=}|K:\langle \alpha \rangle |\) and \(C{:}{=}|K:\langle \beta \rangle |\), then the size of a T-orbit is \(k=ds\) where \(d=gcd(B,C)\).


Consider that \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are the actions of the generators of T on a block of size k. Then, \(K{:}{=}\langle \alpha ,\, \beta \rangle \), \(A{:}{=}o(\alpha )\), \(B{:}{=}|K:\langle \alpha \rangle |\) and \(C{:}{=}|K:\langle \beta \rangle |\). The order of K is AB and acts regularly on the block; hence, \(k=AB\). As \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) commute, we have the following.

$$\begin{aligned} K/ \langle \alpha \rangle= & {} \{\langle \alpha \rangle ,\, \langle \alpha \rangle \beta , \langle \alpha \rangle \beta ^2,\ldots , \langle \alpha \rangle \beta ^{B-1}\} \text{ and } \\ K/ \langle \beta \rangle= & {} \{\langle \beta \rangle ,\, \langle \beta \rangle \alpha , \langle \beta \rangle \alpha ^2,\ldots , \langle \beta \rangle \alpha ^{C-1}\}. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, B divides \(o(\beta )\) and C divides \(o(\alpha )=A\). Let \(D{:}{=}A/C\). As \(k=AB=o(\beta )C\), we have \(o(\beta )=DB\). Now \(s=lcm(o(\alpha ), o(\beta ))=lcm(CD,\,BD)=D\,lcm(C,B)\) and \(k=AB=DCB=D\,lcm(C,B)\,gcd(C,B)=s\,gcd(C,B)\). To conclude the proof, consider \(d= gcd(C,B)\). \(\square \)

The item (i) of the following lemma is a consequence of Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 2.2

[1] [Lemma 2.2] If \(n\ne s^2\), then G is embedded into \(S_k\wr S_m\) with \(n=km\) \((m,\,k>1)\) and

  1. (i)

    \(k=ab\) where \(s=lcm(a,b)\) and,

  2. (ii)

    m is a divisor of \(\frac{|G|}{s^2}\).

From now on, we use m for number of blocks (the T-orbits) and k size of a T-orbit.

Consider first the regular map \(\{4,4\}_{(s,0)}\). In [1], the existence of a faithful transitive permutation representation of degree \(n=mab\) was guarantied whenever \(s=lcm(a,b)\) and m is a divisor of \(\frac{|G|}{s^2}=4\). Moreover, we proved that the degrees of \(\{4,4\}_{(s,s)}\) are the degrees of \(\{4,4\}_{(s,0)}\) multiplied by 2. Consequently, there are no changes on our results for \(\{4,4\}_{(s,s)}\). Anyway we take this opportunity to restate the classification of all possible degrees for the regular maps of type \(\{4,4\}\).

Theorem 2.3

Let \(s>1\). The degrees of a faithful transitive permutation representation of a toroidal regular map of type \(\{4,4\}_\mathbf{{s}}\) are

  1. (1)

    2ds, 4ds and 8ds for any divisor d of s, for \(\mathbf{s}=(s,0)\);

  2. (2)

    4ds, 8ds and 16ds for any divisor d of s, for \(\mathbf{s}=(s,s)\).


Thus, this is a consequence of Theorems 4.2 and 4.4 of [1]. Note that if \(k=ab\) and \(s=lcm(a,b)\), then \(k=ab=gcd(a,b)s\); thus, \(k=ds\) for some divisor d of s. Conversely, if \(k=ds\) with d being a divisor of s, then \(k=ab\) for some integers a an b such that \(s=lcm(a,b)\) . \(\square \)

For the map \(\{3,6\}_{(s,0)}\), we did not find faithful transitive permutation representations of degrees 2ab and 4ab when both a and b are different from s. Indeed, the only degrees found, when T is intransitive, were \(2s^2\), \(4s^2\) and the indexes of the core-free subgroups given in the following proposition.

Proposition 2.4

[1] [Proposition 2.4] Let G be the group of \(\{3,6\}_ {(s,0)}\) (\(s\ge 2\)).

  1. (1)

    \(H=\langle u^a, v^b\rangle \) is core-free and \(|G:H|=12ab\), where \(s=lcm(a,b)\).

  2. (2)

    If \(s=lcm(a,b)\) and \(s\ne ab\) then \(H=\langle u^a, v^b\rangle \rtimes \langle \rho _0\rho _2 \rangle \) is core-free and \(|G:H|=6ab\).

  3. (3)

    If d is a divisor of s then \(H=\langle u^d \rangle \rtimes \langle \rho _0,\rho _2 \rangle \) and \(H'=\langle u^d \rangle \rtimes \langle \rho _0\rho _2 \rangle \) are core-free. Moreover, \(|G:H|= 3ds\) and \(|G:H'|= 6ds\).

Thus, for \(m\in \{3,6,12\}\) there are no gaps to be filled. We only need to consider the case \(m\in \{2,4\}\).

In Sect. 3, we consider \(m\in \{2,4\}\) for the map \(\{3,6\}_{(s,0)}\). In Sect. 4, we determine the core-free subgroups corresponding to the degrees found in the previous section. Finally, in Sect. 5, we give a classification of all possible degrees for \(\{3,6\}\), including the degrees of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\).

3 Cases \(m=2\) and \(m=4\)

Let \(\rho _0\), \(\rho _1\) and \(\rho _2\) be the distinguished generators of the group of automorphisms G of the map \(\{3,6\}_{(s,0)}\). Consider that \(T=\langle u,\, v\rangle \) with \(u=\rho _0(\rho _1\rho _2)^2\rho _1\) and \(v= u^{\rho _1}=(\rho _0\rho _1\rho _2)^2\), and let \(t=u^{-1}v\). The actions of u, v and t on the block i are denoted by \(u_i\), \(v_i\) and \(t_i\), respectively. In addition \(K=\langle u_1,\, v_1\rangle \), that is, the action of T on the block 1.

Let us first prove a result to be used in both cases, \(m=2\) and \(m=4\).

Proposition 3.1

Let q be an odd number. The modular equation

$$\begin{aligned} x^2-x+1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ q \end{aligned}$$

has a solution if and only if all prime divisors p of q are such that \(p\equiv 1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\).


Let \(2^*\) be an inverse of 2 modulo q (which exists because q is odd). Then, the equation \(x^2-x+1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ q\), which is equivalent to \((x-2^*)^2\equiv (-3)(2^*)^2\ \text {mod}\ q\), has a solution if and only if \(-3\) is a quadratic residue modulo p for every prime divisor of q [2]. In addition, \(-3\) is a quadratic residue modulo p for every prime divisor of q if and only if \(p\equiv 1 \ \text {mod}\ 3\), or, as by assumption p is odd, \(p\equiv 1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\). \(\square \)

Proposition 3.2

If \(m=2\), then \(k=sd\) where d is a divisor of s and all prime divisors p of s/d are such that \(p\equiv 1\ \text {mod}\ 6\).


Let \(m=2\). The following graphs represent all the possible block actions determined in [1].

In any of the three cases \(o(u_1)=o(u_2)=o(v_1)=o(v_2)=o(t_1)=o(t_2)=s\). Let \(d=|K:\langle u_1\rangle |=|K:\langle v_1\rangle |\), then \(k=sd\). Assume \(d\ne s\) since the degree \(2s^2\) is already known to exist.

Case 1 Let \(u_1^d=v_1^j\). Conjugating by \(\rho _0\), we obtain \(u_1^{-d}=t_1^j= u_1^{-j}v_1^{j}=u_1^{d-j} \); hence, \(j\equiv 2d\ \text {mod}\ s\). Now conjugating the equation \(u_1^d=v_1^{2d}\) by \(\rho _2\), we obtain \(u_2^d=t_2^{-2d}=u_2^{2d}v_2^{-2d}\); thus, \(u_2^d=v_2^{2d}\), which gives \(u^d=v^{2d}\), a contradiction.

Case 2 Let \(u_1^d=v_1^j\). Conjugating by \(\rho _2\), we obtain \(u_1^d=t_1^{-j}=u_1^jv_1^{-j}=u_1^{j-d}\); hence, \(j\equiv 2d\ \text {mod}\ s\). Now conjugating the equation \(u_1^d=v_1^{2d}\) by \(\rho _1\rho _0\), we obtain \(t_1^d=u_1^{-2d}\); thus, \(v_1^d=u_1^{-d}=v_1^{-2d}\). Hence, \(3d\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ s\), and therefore, \(u_1^d=v_1^{-d}\) and, conjugating by \(\rho _1\), \(v_2^d=u_2^{-d}\). Consequently, \((u_1u_2)^d=(v_1v_2)^{-d}\), a contradiction.

Case 3 Let \(u_1^d=v_1^j\). As \(|K:\langle u_1\rangle |=d\), j must be a multiple of d, say \(j=\alpha d\). From the equality \(u_1^d=v_1^{\alpha d}\) and as \(o(u_1)=o(v_1)\), we have \(gcd(\alpha , s/d)=1\). Conjugating the equation \(u_1^d=v_1^{\alpha d}\) by \(\rho _0\rho _1\), we obtain \(v_1^{-d}=t_1^{-\alpha d}=u_1^{\alpha d}v_1^{-\alpha d} \). Thus, \(u_1^{\alpha d}=v_1^{\alpha d-d}\). Consequently \(v_1^{\alpha ^2 d}=v_1^{\alpha d-d}\), which implies \(d(\alpha ^2-\alpha +1)\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ s\), or equivalently \(\alpha ^2-\alpha +1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). The rest follows from Proposition 3.1. \(\square \)

Proposition 3.3

If \(m=4\), then \(k=sd\) where d is a divisor of s and all prime divisors p of s/d are such that \(p\equiv 1\ \text {mod}\ 6\).


Using GAP [3], it can be checked that there is only one possibility for the action of G given by the following graph.

Let \(\Delta _i\) denote the block i, \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,4\}\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta _2= & {} \Delta _1\rho _0=\Delta _1\rho _1,\,\Delta _3=\Delta _1\rho _2 \text{ and } \\ \Delta _4= & {} \Delta _3\rho _0=\Delta _3\rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

We have \(o(u_i)=s\) for \(i\in \{1,\,2,\,3,\,4\}\), and the same holds for \(o(v_i)\) and \(o(t_i)\).

Let \(|K:\langle u_1\rangle |=|K:\langle v_1\rangle |=d\). Assume that \(d \ne s\). Analogously to Proposition 3.2, we may write \(u_1=v_1^{\alpha d}\) with \(gcd(\alpha , s/d)=1\). Then, conjugating by \(\rho _0\rho _1\), we get \(v_1^{(\alpha -1)d}=v_1^{\alpha ^2 d}\), which implies \(\alpha ^2 -\alpha +1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). The rest follows from Proposition 3.1. \(\square \)

4 Core-free subgroups

The following proposition gives core-free subgroups that will guaranty the existence of the degrees obtained in Propositions 3.2 and 3.3.

Proposition 4.1

Let d be a divisor of s. Suppose that there exists \(\alpha \), coprime with s/d, such that \(\alpha ^2-\alpha +1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). Then, \(\langle (v^{-\alpha }u)^{d},\, \rho _0\rho _1\rangle \) and \(\langle (v^{-\alpha }u)^{d},\, \rho _1\rho _2\rangle \) are core-free subgroups of G with indexes 4sd and 2sd, respectively.


Let us consider \(H{:}{=}\langle (v^{-\alpha }u)^{d},\, \rho _0\rho _1\rangle \). We have \((v^{-\alpha }u)^{\rho _0\rho _1}=t^{\alpha }v^{-1}=v^{\alpha -1}u^{-\alpha }=v^{\alpha ^2}u^{-\alpha }=(v^{-\alpha }u)^{-\alpha }\). Hence, \(H=\langle (v^{-\alpha }u)^{d}\rangle \rtimes \langle \rho _0\rho _1\rangle \). Furthermore, \(|H|=3s/d\), and therefore, \(|G:H|=4sd\).

Now let us prove that H is core-free. Suppose that \(H\cap H^{\rho _0}\) is nontrivial. Then, there exist \(i,\,i'\in \{0,\ldots ,\, s/d-1\}\) and \(j,\,j'\in \{0,1,2\}\) such that \((v^{-\alpha }u)^{id}(\rho _0\rho _1)^j=(t^{-\alpha }u^{-1})^{i'd}(\rho _0\rho _1)^{j'}\). Clearly, this is only possible when \(j=j'\), \(id=i'd\) and \((\alpha -1)id \equiv id\ \text {mod}\ s\), or equivalently \(\alpha ^2i\equiv i\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). As \(\alpha ^2-\alpha +1\equiv 0\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\), \(\alpha \) is a cubic root of \(-1\) modulo (s/d), \(i\equiv -\alpha i \ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). Consequently, \(i\equiv -2i\ \text {mod}\ (s/d)\). As, by Proposition 3.1, 3 does not divide (s/d), we obtain \(i=0\). Consequently, \(H\cap H^{\rho _0}\le \langle \rho _0\rho _1\rangle \). Now suppose that \(\langle \rho _0\rho _1\rangle \cap H^{\rho _2}\) is nontrivial. Then, either \((\rho _1\rho _2)^2\), \((\rho _0\rho _1\rho _2\rho _0)^2\), v or t belongs to \(\langle t^{\alpha } u\rangle \), which is not possible.

For \(H{:}{=}\langle (v^{-\alpha }u)^{d},\, \rho _1\rho _2\rangle \), the proof is analogous. \(\square \)

5 The degrees of the regular maps of type \(\{3,6\}\)

The results given previously have consequences on Theorems 5.6 and 5.7 of [1]. The correct statement of these results should be as follows:

Theorem 5.1

Let \(s\ge 2\). The degrees of a faithful transitive permutation representation of a toroidal regular map of type \(\{3,6\}_{(s,0)}\) are \(n=s^2\) and the following.

  1. (1)

    3ds, 6ds or 12ds for any divisor d of s,

  2. (2)

    2ds and 4ds if and only if d is a divisor of s and all prime divisors of s/d are equal to \(1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\).


This is a consequence of results included in the previous sections. \(\square \)

Let us now consider the map \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\). We first recall the following.

Corollary 5.2

[1] [Corollary 5.2] If n is a degree of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,0)}\) (resp. \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\)), then 3n is a degree of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) (resp. \(\{3,6\}_{(3s,0)}\));

Theorem 5.3

Let \(s\ge 2\). The degrees of a faithful transitive permutation representation of a toroidal regular map of type \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) are \(n=3s^2\) and the following.

  1. (1)

    9ds, 18ds or 36ds for any divisor d of s,

  2. (2)

    6ds and 12ds if and only if d is a divisor of s and all prime divisors of s/d are equal to \(1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\).


By Corollary 5.2, all the degrees given on Theorem 5.1 multiplied by 3 are degrees for the map \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\). Moreover, the degrees of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) multiplied by 3 are degrees of \(\{3,6\}_{(3s,0)}\). Hence, by Theorem 5.1, the set of degrees of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) must be contained in

$$\begin{aligned} \{3s^2,\,3\delta s,\,6\delta s,12\delta s\} \end{aligned}$$

with \(\delta \) being any divisor of 3s, or in

$$\begin{aligned} \{2\delta s,\, 4\delta s\}. \end{aligned}$$

if and only if \(\delta \) is a divisor of 3s and all prime divisors of \(3s/\delta \) are equal to \(1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\).

If all prime factors of \(3s/\delta \) are \(1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\), \(\delta \) must be divisible by 3. Say \(\delta =3d\), thus \(\{2\delta s,\, 4\delta s\}=\{6d s,\, 12d s\}\) where d is a divisor of s and all prime divisors of s/d are equal to \(1 \ \text {mod}\ 6\). These degrees are in (2).

Let us now prove that the degrees \(3\delta s\), \(6\delta s\) and \(12\delta s\) correspond to the ones listed in (1). We need only to prove that \(\delta \) is divisible by 3.

Consider now that G is the group of \(\{3,6\}_{(3s,0)}\) and K is the action of T on block 1, where \(T=\langle u,v\rangle \) is the translation group of order \((3s)^2\). The group of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) is a factorization of the group of \(\{3,6\}_{(3s,0)}\) by \(\langle (uv)^s\rangle \). A faithful transitive permutation representation of \(\{3,6\}_{(3s,0)}\) on n points corresponds to a permutation representation of \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) on n/3 triples of points of the form

$$\begin{aligned} \{x,x(uv)^s, x(uv)^{2s}\}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(B{:}{=}|K:\langle u_1\rangle |\) and \(C{:}{=}|K:\langle v_1\rangle |\), where \(u_1\) and \(v_1\) are the action of u and v on block 1. By Lemma 2.1, \(\delta =gcd(B,C)\).

Suppose that B divides s. Then, \((u_1v_1)^s=u_1^{is}\) for some integer \(i\in \{0,1,2\}\). In this case, the triples of points are as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \{x, xu_1^{is}, xu_1^{2is}\}, \end{aligned}$$

for x in block 1. But then both \(u^s\) and \(v^s\) fix these triples. By conjugation with \(\rho _0\), \(\rho _1\) and \(\rho _2\), we get that the order of u and v in \(\{3,6\}_{(s,s)}\) is at most s, a contradiction. Thus, B does not divide s. In particular, 3 must divide B. Analogously, 3 divides C, and therefore, \(\delta =gcd(B,C)\) is divisible by 3, as wanted. \(\square \)