Issue 1, 2021

Advances in polycyclization cascades in natural product synthesis


Cascade reactions (also known as domino reactions) are arguably the most powerful means to achieve the construction of multiple ring systems in a single step. In this Tutorial Review, highlights in cascade polycyclizations applied to natural product syntheses over the last five years are discussed, including pericyclic, ionic, metal-catalyzed, organocatalytic, and radical processes. Significant developments in each of these fields that have advanced the state-of-the-art are a particular focus, including photochemical and electrochemical methods, novel biomimetic routes, and enantioselective cascades.

Graphical abstract: Advances in polycyclization cascades in natural product synthesis

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
02 Oct 2020
First published
23 Nov 2020

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021,50, 58-71

Advances in polycyclization cascades in natural product synthesis

Y. Jiang, R. E. McNamee, P. J. Smith, A. Sozanschi, Z. Tong and E. A. Anderson, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 58 DOI: 10.1039/D0CS00768D

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