Correction to: J Therm Spray Tech (2020) 29:1525-1537

In the introduction section, the last sentence of the first paragraph should be read as follows:

“Presently, there are several modular CSAM systems on the market (Ref 4–8).”

In place of:

“Presently, there are several commercial CSAM systems on the market including modular units made by SPEE3D (Ref 4, 5) and Titomic (Ref 6–8). SPEE3D machines are geared towards freeform components, whereas Titomic machines typically produce axisymmetric components.”

In addition, the authors declare the following interests related to the work:

  • The research leading to these results received funding from Cooperative Research Centres Projects under Grant Agreement No CRC-P57355 “Breaking the Mould: Making Australian Advanced Manufacturing Portable” whose project partners are: Effusiontech Pty Ltd, Charles Darwin University and PW Baxter & Associates Pty Ltd. The research leading to these results also received funding from Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization under proposal ID 7104.

  • The Advanced Manufacturing Alliance at Charles Darwin University (CDU) is an alliance that was set up with founding member SPEE3D. Authors Rebecca Sinclair-Adamson and Rebecca Murray receive salary from CDU through grant agreement CRC-P57355.

  • Author Vladimir Luzin receives salary from Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization.

  • Author Andrew Duguid receives salary from SPEE3D.

  • Author Krishnan Kannoorpatti receives salary from CDU (not funded through CRC-P57355).

  • Author Rebecca Murray has a shareholding in SPEE3D.