Correction to: Eur J Plant Pathol.

This erratum is published as author overlooked inclusion of minor correction during proofing.

Two minor changes should be incorporated into the article:

1. In the section of Materials and Methods the following bolded sentence should be added after this paragraph: “Number of copies = (amount in nanograms × 6.022 × 1023) / (length of amplified DNA fragment in base pairs × 1 × 109× 650). The average molecular weight of a base pair is assumed to be 650 Da (g/mol) and Avogadro number is 6.022 × 1023 molecules/mol.” To obtain TYLCV genome copy numbers, data from dsDNA quantification were multiplied by two because TYLCV contains a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genome.

2. In Acknowledgements section the name of “Dr. Seyed Ali Akbar Behjatnia” should be added:

The authors would like to thank Dr. Hamed Hasanzadeh Khankahdani, Dr. Majid Siampour, Dr. Habibollah Hamzeh-Zarghani, Dr. Mohsen Amiri and Dr. Seyed Ali Akbar Behjatnia for their helpful advices on various technical issues examined in this paper.