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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter November 7, 2020

Multiple solutions for weighted Kirchhoff equations involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent

  • Zupei Shen and Jianshe Yu EMAIL logo


In this article, we consider a class of Kirchhoff equations with critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent and indefinite nonlinearity, which has not been studied in the literature. We prove very nicely that this equation has at least two solutions in ℝ3. And some known results in the literature are improved.

MSC 2010: 35J10; 35J20; 35J60

1 Introduction

The equation

a+bR3|u|2dxΔu+V(x)u=f(x,u),xR3u>0,xR3 (1.1)

is closely related to the stationary analogue of the equation


which was presented by Kirchhoff [16] in 1883. Since an abstract functional framework to the following equation


was first introduced by Lions [20] in 1978, Equation (1.1) has received much more attention, there are many results about the existence of ground state solutions, sign-changing solutions, multiplicity of solutions and concentration of solutions, we may refer to [2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27] and the references therein. The commonest method used in the existing literature is to use the mountain pass theorem, we refer to [11]. Since (∫3|∇ u|2dx)2 is homogeneous of degree 4, one usually assume that f is 4-superlinear at infinity or satisfies (AR) condition (see, for example, [17, 28]). In [22], the authors obtained two positive solutions for the following problem with singular and 4-superlinear terms

a+bΩ|u|2Δu=h(x)ur+λk(x)|u|p2u|x|s,xΩu(x)>0,xΩu=0,xΩ (1.2)

where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in ℝ3, 0 ≤ s < 1, 4 < p < 6 − 2s, 0 < r < 1 and k(x) ≥ 0. Later, Lei et al.[18] studied the critical case of (1.2) with s = 0, p = 5, λ = k(x) ≡ 1, and obtained two positive solutions by using the variational method and perturbation method. Liu et al. [21] generalized [18] form ℝ3 to ℝ4, that is,

a+bΩ|u|2Δu=ηu3+λ1|x|βuy,xΩu(x)>0,xΩu=0,xΩ (1.3)

where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in ℝ4 and η > 0. They proved (1.3) has at least two positive solutions when η, y and λ satisfied certain conditions. In all these papers, it is required that nonlinearity is positive and domain is bounded.

In [8], the author proved that the following equation

1+bR3|u|2Δu+u=k(x)|u|p2u+λh(x)u,xR3u(x)0,as|x| (1.4)

has two positive solutions, where k(x) allows changing sign . Since p > 4, one can show that v = 0 is a local minimizer of the corresponding Euler functional, and the functional would then verify the mountain pass geometry and the mountain pass theorem can be applied to produce a solution. Since (∫3|∇ u|2dx)2 is homogeneous of degree 4, it is particularly delicate situation occurs when p = 4.

Motivated by [8, 18, 21, 22] and above discussion, we are interesting in the special case where the critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent p = 4 and nonlinearity is indefinite. More precisely, we study the following equation with the form

1+bR3|u|2Δu=k(x)|u|2u|x|+λh(x)u,xR3u(x)0,as|x| (1.5)

where b > 0, h(x) > 0 and k(x) is indefinite. Compare with [8, 18, 21, 22], the main feature of (1.5) is that the nonlinearity is indefinite and critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent grown. The special case when the geometrical structure of mountain pass is not established is studied. On another hand, we concern the case p = 4, it occurs as a “critical” exponent for Hardy-Sobolev inequality ((2.1) below). So there are two possible failures of compactness of the embedding D1,2(R3)L4(R3,1|x|dx). First of all, some of mass of approximations ‘leaks out at infinity’. That is, it is possible for the family of measures is not tight. A second and rather more troublesome prospect is that the measures concentrate in the limit some of their mass onto a set of Lebesgue measure zero. Because of this, we refer to the Nehari manifold method together with concentration-compactness principle argument.

In order to state our main results, we assume the following hypotheses (H):

  1. h L32 (ℝ3), h(x) > 0 for any x ∈ ℝ3;

  2. kL(ℝ3);

  3. lim|x|→∞k(x) = k < 0, k(0) = 0.

Under hypothesis (h0), the eigenvalue problem


has the same properties as an eigenvalue problem for −Δ in a bounded domain. In particular, there exists a sequence of eigenvalues 0 < λ1 < λ2 ≤ ⋯ and each eigenvalue being of finite multiplicity [5]. The associated normalized eigenfunctions are denoted by e1, e2 ⋯, moreover, e1 > 0 in ℝ3. The main result in this paper is the following theorem.

Theorem 1

Assume that hypotheses (H) hold and R3k(x)|x|e14dx<0. Then there exists δ > 0 such that problem (1.5) has at least two solutions whenever λ1 < λ < λ1 + δ.

Remark 1

This paper considers the case with critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent and indefinite nonlinearity. This is a case excluded in [8, 22], which can be obtained in a similar argument. Compared with [8, 22], we concern the case p = 4, it occurs as a “critical” exponent for Hardy-Sobolev inequality ((2.1) below), this case does not belong to an extension of the case p > 4, since it requires substantial changes in the proofs.

Remark 2

The condition R3k(x)|x|e14dx<0 has been shown to be a necessary condition for the existence of positive solutions for semi-linear elliptic equation with indefinite nonlinearity, see[1].

2 Preliminaries

Before giving proofs of Theorem 1, we need to provide the corresponding preliminaries. Throughout this paper, D1,2(ℝ3) is the closure of C0 (ℝ3) under the Dirichlet norm ∥u∥ = |∇ u|L2. M(ℝ3) denotes the space of bounded measures in ℝ3, with the norm μm=supuC0(R3),|u|L=1|μ,u|.

2.1 Nehari manifold

A weak solutions to (1.5) correspond to critical points of the energy functional


By the Hardy-Sobolev inequality [4], there exists a constant κ such that

κR3|x|144|u|4dx24R3|u|2dx,uD1,2(R3). (2.1)

So it is no difficult to show that the functional Jλ is of class C1, moreover,


for any u, vD1,2(ℝ3). Since functional Jλ is not bounded from below on D1,2(ℝ3), a good candidate for an appropriate subset to study Jλ is the so-called Nehari manifold


It is useful to understand S in term of the stationary points of the fibering mappings, i.e.,


We now follow some ideas from the paper [3, 5]. The proof of following Lemmas is similar to that of [3], we omit them here.

Lemma 2.1

Let uD1,2(ℝ3) − {0} and t > 0. Then tuS if and only if φu (t) = 0.

A point in Sλ correspond to a stationary points of the fibering mapping φu(t) and so it is natural to divide Sλ into three parts Sλ+,SλandSλ0 corresponding to local minima, local maxima and points of inflexion of the fibering maps. Hence we define


By a simple computation, φu(t) has exactly one stationary point if and only if ∫3|∇ u|2λ h(x)u2dx and R3k(x)|u|4|x|dxbR3|u|2dx2 have the same sign. As in [3], set ∥u∥ = 1 and


then we have

Lemma 2.2

  1. A multiple of u lies in Sλ if and only if uu lies in Lλ+Bλ+.

  2. A multiple of u lies in Sλ+ if and only if uu lies in LλB.

  3. For uLλ+Bλ or uLλBλ+, no multiple of u lies in Sλ.

Lemma 2.3

Suppose that u0 is a local minimizer for Jλ on Sλ and u0 Sλ0 , then Jλ (u0) = 0.

2.2 Concentration-Compactness Principle

In order to overcome the loss of compactness, we take advantage of a version of concentration-compactness principle which is obtained in [6, Proposition 1.3], see also [7].

Theorem 2

Let {un} be a sequence in D1,2(ℝ3) such that


where M(ℝ3) denotes the space of bounded measures in3. Define the quantities

α=limRlim supn|x|>R|un|4|x|dx,β=limRlim supn|x|>R|un|2dx.

Then the measures μ and ν are concentrated at 0, moreover

lim supnR3|un|2dx=R3|u|2dx+β+μm=R3|u|2dx+β+μ0 (2.2)


lim supnR3|un|4|x|dx=R3|u|4|x|dx+α+νm=R3|u|4|x|dx+α+ν0, (2.3)

where ν0 > 0 and μ0 > 0 are constants satisfying κν012 μ0 (κ define in (2.1)).

3 Proof of Theorem 1

According to condition R3k(x)|x||e1|4dx<0, it is easy to see that e1LλBλ. Then it follows that Sλ+ is not empty. The following lemma plays an important role for establishing the existence of minimizer on Sλ.

Lemma 3.1

Suppose that R3k(x)|x||e1|4dx<0. Then there exists σ > 0 such that Lλ¯Bλ+¯= whenever λ1 < λ < λ1 + σ.


We prove the conclusion by contradiction. Assume that Lλ¯Bλ+¯, , λ1 < λ < λ1 + 1n for any n ∈ ℕ. Then there exists sequences {λn} and {un} such that ∥un∥ = 1, λn λ1+ and


Since un is bounded, we may assume that unu in D1,2(ℝ3). We claim that unu in D1,2(ℝ3). Otherwise, we have ∥u∥ < lim infn→∞un∥. This implies

R3|u|2λ1h(x)|u|2dx<lim infnR3|un|2λnh(x)|un|2dx0

which is a contradiction to λ1. Hence un → ± e1 in D1,2(ℝ3). We may assume u = e1 (the case when u = −e1 is completely similar and will be omitted here entirely). Since une1 in D1,2(ℝ3), we have


In view of inequality (2.1), the Sobolev space D1,2(ℝ3) is continuously embedded in weighted Lebesgue Space L4(R3,|x|144dx). Note that L4(R3,|x|144dx) consists of those functions u such that u|x|14 L4(ℝ3, dx), thus we have




which is a contradiction to the assumption. This complete the proof. □

If Lλ¯Bλ+¯= is satisfied, we can get more information on Sλ.

Lemma 3.2

Suppose that Lλ¯Bλ+¯=. Then

  1. Sλ0 = {0}.

  2. 0Sλ¯andSλ is closed.

  3. SλandSλ+ are separated. That is Sλ¯Sλ+¯=.

  4. Sλ+ is bounded.


We prove (i), (ii) and (iv) by contradiction. (i). Suppose that there is u Sλ0 such that u ≠ 0. Then uuLλ0Bλ0Lλ¯Bλ+¯= which is impossible.

(ii). Suppose that there exists {un} ∈ Sλ such that un → 0 in D1,2(ℝ3). Then by Lemma 2.2 (i), we have

0<R3|un|2λh(x)un2dx=R3k(x)|un|4|x|dxbR3|un|2dx20,asn. (3.1)

Let vn=unun. We observe that

0<R3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx=un2R3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxbR3|vn|2dx2. (3.2)

We may assume that vnv0 in D1,2(ℝ3). We claim that v0 ≠ 0. Indeed, By Hardy-Sobolev inequality (2.1), there exists C > 0 such that


This implies

0<R3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxbR3|vn|2dx2C. (3.3)

Hence, by (3.2) and (3.3), it follows that

limnR3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx=0, (3.4)

that is


This implies v0 ≠ 0.

To obtain a contradiction, we are ready to prove that v0v0Lλ¯Bλ+¯. By (3.4), we get


This implies v0v0Lλ¯.

On another hand, according to (3.3), it follows that

0lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxbR3|vn|2dx2lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxlim infnbR3|vn|2dx2 (3.5)

We claim that

lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dx bR3|v0|2dx2. (3.6)

We claim that

lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxR3k(x)|v0|4|x|dx+k(0)ν0+kα. (3.7)

Let ΨRC1(ℝ3) be such that ΨR(x) = 1 for |x| > R + 1, ΨR(x) = 0 for |x| < R and 0 ≤ ΨR(x) ≤ 1 on ℝ3. For every R > 1, we have

lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dx=lim supnR3ΨRk(x)|vn|4|x|dx+R3(1ΨR)k(x)|vn|4|x|dx=lim supnR3ΨRk(x)|vn|4|x|dx+R3(1ΨR)k(x)dν+R3(1ΨR)k(x)|v0|4|x|dxlim supn|x|>Rk(x)|vn|4|x|dx+R3(1ΨR)k(x)dν+R3(1ΨR)k(x)|v0|4|x|dx

When R → ∞, we obtain, by Lebesgue theorem

lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxkα+k(0)ν0+R3k(x)|v0|4|x|dx.

So our claim holds.

By (3.6) and (3.7), we get


This implies that v0v0Bλ+¯. Therefore we have proved that v0v0Bλ+¯Lλ¯, which is impossible. Hence 0Sλ¯. Finally, since Sλ¯SλSλ0=Sλ{0}and0Sλ¯, we conclude that S is closed.

(iii). By (i) and (ii), it follows that


(iv). Suppose that Sλ+ is unbounded. Then there exists a sequence {un} ⊂ Sλ+ such that ∥un∥ → ∞ as n → ∞. It follows from Lemma 2.2 (ii) that


Let vn=unun. We may assume that vnv0 in D1,2(ℝ3). By the weak lower semi-continuity of norm, we have

R3|v0|2λh(x)v02dxlim infnR3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx0. (3.8)

Since unSλ, we get

R3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx=un2R3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxbR3|vn|2dx2. (3.9)

We assert that v0 ≠ 0. Suppose v0 = 0, it is easy to see that vn → 0 in D1,2(ℝ3), which a contradiction to ∥vn∥ = 1. Indeed, using (3.8), if vn ↛ 0, we have

0=R3|v0|2λh(x)v02dx<lim infnR3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx0,

a contradiction.

By (3.8) and v0 ≠ 0, we have v0v0Lλ¯.

On the other hand, according to (3.9), it follows that


According to the definitions of α and k, then we have

R3k(x)|v0|4|x|dxbR3|v0|2dx2lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxlim infnbR3|vn|2dx2αk+k(0)ν0lim supnR3k(x)|vn|4|x|dxbR3|vn|2dx2(αk+k(0)ν0)=(αk+k(0)ν0)0.

This means v0v0Bλ+¯. Hence v0v0Lλ¯Bλ+¯, it is a contradiction to Lλ¯Bλ+¯=. Therefore Sλ+ is bounded. □

Lemma 3.3

Suppose that Lλ¯Bλ+¯=. Then

  1. Every minimizing sequence of Jλ(u) on Sλ is bounded.

  2. infuSλJλ(u)>0.

  3. There exists a minimizer of Jλ(u) on Sλ .


  1. Let {un} ∈ Sλ be a minimizing sequence for the functional Jλ(u), i.e.,


    Suppose {un} is unbounded in D1,2(ℝ3), i.e., ∥un∥ → ∞ as n → ∞. Let vn=unun. We may assume that vnv0 in D1,2(ℝ3). It is clear that

    un2R3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx4infuSJ(u),asn. (3.10)

    Together this with ∥un∥ → ∞ give us

    limnR3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx=0. (3.11)

    Suppose v0 = 0, it is easy to see that vn → 0 in D1,2(ℝ3). This, by contrary, together with (3.11) implies that

    0=R3|v0|2λh(x)v02dx<lim infnR3|vn|2λh(x)vn2dx=0,

    it is impossible. However, vn → 0 in D1,2(ℝ3) with contradicts to ∥vn∥ = 1.

    Hence, v0 ≠ 0, and v0v0Lλ¯. Similar to the one used in the proof of Lemma 3.2(iv), it is easy to prove that v0v0Bλ+¯, Hence v0v0Lλ¯Bλ+¯, it is a contradiction to Lλ¯Bλ+¯=.

  2. It is clear that Jλ(u) ≥ 0 on Sλ . Suppose infwSλJλ(w)=0. {un} be a minimizing sequence. According to Lemma 3.3(i), it follows that {un} is bounded and we may assume unu0. Clearly, we have

    limnR3|un|2λh(x)un2dx=0 (3.12)


    limnR3k(x)|un|4|x|dxbR3|un|2dx2=0. (3.13)

    Then it is easy to prove that u0u0Bλ+¯Lλ¯. Indeed, using the same argument in proof of Lemma 3.2(ii), by(3.12), it is easy to show that u0u0Lλ¯ and by (3.13), u0u0Bλ+¯ follows. This complete the proof

  3. Let {un} be a minimizing sequence. According to Lemma 3.3(i), it follows that {un} is bounded and we may assume unu0 in D1,2(ℝ3). Suppose unu0 in D1,2(ℝ3), we get

    R3|u0|2λh(x)u02dx<limnR3|un|2λh(x)un2dx=limnR3k(x)|un|4|x|dxbR3|un|2dx2lim supnR3k(x)|un|4|x|dxlim infnbR3|un|2dx2R3k(x)|u0|4|x|dxbR3|u0|2dx2+kα+k(0)ν0R3k(x)|u0|4|x|dxbR3|u0|2dx2

    So there exists a 0 < t < 1 such that tu0 Sλ . On other hand, since

    0<R3|u0|2λh(x)|u0|2dxlim infnR3|un|2λh(x)|un|2dx=4infwSJ(w)R3|tu0|2λh(x)|tu0|2dx,

    we have t ≥ 1, a contradiction. Consequently, we have unu ≠ 0 in D1,2(ℝ3). Since Sλ is closed, then we have u0 Sλ and Jλ(u0) = infwSλJλ(w).

    We are going to the investigation on Sλ+ .

Lemma 3.4

Suppose that Lλ¯Bλ+¯=. Then there exists 0 ≠ v Sλ+ such that Jλ(v)=infuSλ+Jλ(u).


Due to Lλ¯Bλ+¯=,LλBλ as well as Sλ+ must be nonempty. By Lemma 3.2(iv), there exists M > 0 such that ∥u∥ ≤ M for every u Sλ+ . This together with Sobolev inequality means that Jλ(u) is bounded from below on Sλ+ and B=infuSλ+Jλ(u)<0. Indeed, on the one hand, by Sobolev inequality, there exists C1 such that


On the other hand, since R3k(x)e14|x|dx<0, it is easy to see that there exists t1 > 0 such that t1e1S+. Therefore, B < 0.

Let {un} ∈ Sλ+ be a minimizing sequence for the functional Jλ(u), i.e.,


By Lemma 3.2(iv), we may assume unu0 in D1,2(ℝ3). Obviously,


So u0 ≠ 0 and u0u0Lλ, , which together Lλ¯Bλ+¯= implies that u0u0Bλandt(u0)u0Sλ+, where


We claim that unu0 in D1,2(ℝ3). In the contrary case, by an argument similar to the one used in the proof of Lemma 3.3 (iii), we have


this implies that t(u0) > 1. On the other hand we have


which is impossible. Hence unu0 in D1,2(ℝ3). Therefore, it is easy to see that u0 Sλ+ and


We now turn to the proof of Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1

According to Lemma 3.1 and the assumptions of Theorem 1, it follows that Lλ¯Bλ+¯=. We are ready to invoke the conclusions of Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 2.3. So, there exists u1 Sλ which is a critical point of Jλ(u). Clearly, Jλ(u1) > 0. Employing Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 2.3, there exists u2 Sλ+ which is a another critical point of Jλ(u). Clearly, Jλ(u2) < 0. We have thus proved Theorem 1.


This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11701114).


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Received: 2019-06-21
Accepted: 2020-09-13
Published Online: 2020-11-07

© 2021 Zupei Shen and Jianshe Yu, published by De Gruyter

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