“Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem” William of Ockham, 1285(?)–1347

1 Introduction

This paper provides a critical assessment of the 2016 DICE (Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy) model originally developed by Nordhaus [17], but since then continuously updated and altered (see [22]). Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are being used extensively for the analysis of climate change policy and DICE has played an important part in projecting greenhouse gas emissions and temperature under various social and economic scenarios.

The assumptions and functional forms used in DICE have been under considerable scrutiny and criticism. Among others, [8, 9, 23, 24] argue that IAMs should be made simpler and more transparent, and an editorial in Nature Climate Change [6] supports this view. DICE is complex because it employs an equation for radiative forcing, two equations (a two-box model) for the climate system, and a three-reservoir model for the carbon cycle. Some of the other IAMs (for example, the FUND and PAGE models) are somewhat less complex, as they employ a single-equation climate model (see [3]).

The purpose of this paper is to show that the temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) equations in DICE are needlessly complicated and can be much simplified. The technical reason why this simplification is possible lies in the fact that the matrix connecting the two dynamic equations describing temperature in the DICE model has one eigenvalue close to 1, and that the matrix connecting the three equations describing CO2 has one exact and one approximate unit eigenvalue. We derive the equivalent equations after differencing out the auxiliary variables and we provide simplifications.

In response to criticism that IAMs give the impression of being “black boxes” [6], one approach is to propose significant changes to IAMs such as DICE, leading to simpler IAMs with an analytical formula for the optimal carbon price; see [5, 10, 25, 29,30,31]. Among studies employing closed-form IAMs, the specifications of the climate system and the carbon cycle vary. Golosov et al. [10] specify a two-and-a-half-box carbon system consisting of a permanent component (about 20% of carbon) and a transient component. The climate system is omitted. Under assumptions such as logarithmic utility, Cobb-Douglas technology, constant saving rate, and full depreciation of capital, they derive the optimal-tax formula analytically. Rezai and Van der Ploeg [25] employ a similar two-box carbon system. They allow for a lag between temperature and atmospheric carbon in addition to more general functional forms than those assumed by [10], and they derive a simple rule for the optimal carbon price.

The omission of the climate system in [10] is justified by recent findings in climate science that the climate response to a CO2 emission is nearly instantaneous and remains almost constant over time; see [26, 27]. Based on the same findings, Dietz and Venmans [5] assume that the global mean temperature is linearly proportional to cumulative CO2 emissions, in contrast to the large thermal inertia of the climate system assumed in DICE and [16]. These differences may lead to different optimal transition paths of temperature. Thus, the optimal carbon price follows Hotelling’s rule in [5], whereas it grows more slowly in [16].

Our approach is to stay as close as possible to Nordhaus’ DICE model, but to simplify it using Ockham’s razor quoted above (“more things should not be used than are necessary”). A complex model is not necessarily better than a simple model. Leaving things out is arguably more difficult and more important than putting things in. Many statisticians believe that a more complex model will reduce the bias and increase the variance, but this is only half true. A more complex model does indeed increase the variance, but it does not necessarily reduce the bias (see [4]). Hence, simplicity matters given the large uncertainties in the exogenous variables (such as population and technical knowledge) and the parameters.

We shall not propose a completely different climate system nor do we examine climate sensitivity in the DICE model. Our purpose is more modest. We shall show that the temperature and CO2 equations in the DICE model are needlessly complicated and that they can be much simplified. We also argue that the specification of the damage function can be altered in such a way that it lends itself to experiments involving extreme risk. Finally, we briefly discuss the assumption in DICE that the abatement fraction for CO2 is allowed to become larger than 1, which implies that emissions can become negative.

In Section 2, we present the Nordhaus DICE 2016R model. In Sections 3 and 4, we discuss and simplify the DICE equations for temperature and CO2 concentration. In Section 5, we provide an alternative to the DICE damage function. Section 6 presents and optimizes the S-DICE (simplified DICE) model and concludes.

2 Nordhaus’ DICE 2016R Model

The following equations are the equations from the beta version of DICE-2016R [20, 21], a version with the identification DICE-2016R-091916ap.gms. A number of equations are redundant and have been deleted. A new variable ωt has been introduced, some equations have been combined, and the equations have been reordered; see [14] for the details. Still, this is precisely the same model as Nordhaus’ 2016R model.

Everybody works. In period t, the labor force Lt together with the capital stock Kt generates GDP Yt through a Cobb-Douglas production function:

$$ Y_{t}=A_{t}K_{t}^{\gamma}L_{t}^{1-\gamma} \qquad (0<\gamma<1), $$

where At represents technological efficiency and γ is the elasticity of capital. Capital is accumulated through

$$ K_{t+1}=(1-\delta)K_{t}+I_{t} \qquad (0<\delta<1), $$

where It denotes investment and δ is the depreciation rate of capital.

CO2 emissions consist of industrial and non-industrial (“land-use”) emissions. We denote the latter type by \({E_{t}^{0}}\) and consider it to be exogenous to our model. Total CO2 emissions Et are then given by:

$$ E_{t}=\sigma_{t}(1-\mu_{t})Y_{t} + {E_{t}^{0}}, $$

where σt denotes the emissions-to-output ratio for CO2 and μt is the abatement fraction for CO2. The associated CO2 concentration increase Mt in the atmosphere (GtC from 1750) accumulates through:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} M_{t+1} &=& (1-b_{0})M_{t} + b_{1}X_{1,t} + E_{t}, \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} X_{1,t+1} &=& b_{0}M_{t} + (1-b_{1}-b_{3})X_{1,t} + b_{2}X_{2,t}, \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} X_{2,t+1} &=& b_{3}X_{1,t} + (1-b_{2})X_{2,t}, \end{array} $$

where X1,t and X2,t are auxiliary variables representing CO2 concentration increases in shallow and lower oceans, respectively, also measured in GtC from 1750.

Temperature increase Ht (degrees Celsius from 1900) develops according to:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} H_{t+1} &=& (1-a_{0}) H_{t} + a_{1} \log(M_{t+1}) + a_{2} Z_{t} + F_{t+1}, \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Z_{t+1} &=& (1-a_{3})Z_{t} + a_{3}H_{t}, \end{array} $$

where Zt is an auxiliary variable representing the temperature increase of the lower oceans, also measured in degrees Celsius from 1900, and Ft+ 1 is exogenous radiative forcing.

In each period t, the fraction of GDP not spent on abatement or “damage” is either consumed (Ct) or invested (It) along the budget constraint:

$$ \left( 1 - \omega_{t} - \xi {H_{t}^{2}}\right) Y_{t} = C_{t} + I_{t}. $$

A fraction ωt of Yt is spent on abatement, and we specify the abatement cost fraction as:

$$ \omega_{t}=\psi_{t}\mu_{t}^{\theta} \qquad (\theta>1). $$

When μt increases then so does ωt, and a larger fraction of GDP will be spent on abatement.

Damage is represented by a fraction \(\xi {H_{t}^{2}}\) of Yt and it depends only on temperature. The optimal temperature is Ht = 0, the temperature in 1900. Deviations from the optimal temperature cause damage. For very high and very low temperatures, the fraction becomes large, but (given the value of ξ) it will still be a fraction between 0 and 1, unless in truly catastrophic cases.

As in [20, 21], one period is 5 years. Period 1 refers to the time interval 2015–2019, period 2 to 2020–2024, and so on. Stock variables are measured at the beginning of the period; for example, K1 denotes capital in the year 2015. We choose the exogenous variables such that Lt > 0, At > 0, \({E_{t}^{0}}>0\), σt > 0, and 0 < ψt < 1. The policy variables must satisfy

$$ C_{t}\geq0,\quad I_{t}\geq0,\quad \mu_{t}\geq0. $$

Nordhaus [21, 22] allows negative-emission technologies by setting an upper bound on μt of 1.2 (rather than 1.0) from period 30 onwards (year 2160), which implies that emissions can become negative by Eq. 3, and in fact this upper bound is reached in the DICE output from period 46 onwards (year 2240). The idea of negative emissions is controversial. Anderson and Peters [2] state that negative-emission technologies are unjust and a high-stakes gamble, while a recent editorial in Nature ([7]) discusses the enormous effort required to carry out such technologies—an effort which would lead to a deterioration of the environment.

Given a utility function U, we define welfare in period t as

$$ W_{t}=L_{t} U(C_{t}/L_{t}). $$

The policy maker has a finite horizon and maximizes total discounted welfare:

$$ W=\sum\limits_{t=1}^{T}\frac{W_{t}}{(1+\rho)^{t}} \qquad (0<\rho<1), $$

where ρ denotes the discount rate and T = 100 (500 years). Letting x denote per capita consumption, the utility function U(x) is assumed to be defined and strictly concave for all x > 0. There are many such functions, but a popular choice is

$$ U(x)=\frac{x^{1-\alpha}-1}{1-\alpha} \qquad (\alpha>0), $$

where α denotes the elasticity of marginal utility of consumption. This is the so-called power function. Many authors, including Nordhaus, select this function. In earlier versions of the DICE model, Nordhaus [18] chooses α = 2 in which case U(x) = 1 − 1/x. Also popular is α = 1 in which case \(U(x)=\log (x)\); see [15, 28]. In the 2016 version of the DICE model, α = 1.45.

3 Temperature

The DICE model thus consists of the seven Eqs. 17. Four of these, Eqs. 13 and 7, are not controversial. In the next three sections, we shall discuss the CO2 equation (4c), the temperature equation (5a), and the budget constraint (6).

We start with the temperature equations in Eq. 5a, which we now write in matrix form as

$$ x_{t+1}=A x_{t} + a_{t+1}, $$


$$ A= \begin{pmatrix} 1-a_{0} & a_{2} \\ a_{3} & 1-a_{3} \end{pmatrix} $$


$$ x_{t}= \begin{pmatrix} H_{t} \\ Z_{t} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad a_{t}= \begin{pmatrix} a_{1} \log(M_{t}) + F_{t} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}. $$

The matrix A has two eigenvalues given by

$$ 1 - \frac{1-\eta_{1}}{2}\pm \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{(1-\eta_{1})^{2} - 4\eta_{2}}, $$

where η1 = 1 − a0a3 = 0.8468 and η2 = (a0a2)a3 = 0.0030, so that the eigenvalues are 0.9771 and 0.8697, respectively. The largest eigenvalue is thus close to 1 and it would be equal to 1 if (and only if) η2 = 0.

We can “difference out” the auxiliary variable Z and this gives

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} H_{t+1} &=&(1+\eta_{1})H_{t}-(\eta_{1}+\eta_{2})H_{t-1} \\ &&+ \eta_{3}\log(M_{t+1})-(\eta_{3}-\eta_{4})\log(M_{t})+ \eta_{0t}, \end{array} $$

where η3 = a1 = 0.5338, η4 = a1a3 = 0.0133, and η0t = Ft+ 1 − (1 − a3)Ft. Equation 13 does not contain Z but, compared to Eq. 5a, it contains an additional lag in both H and \(\log (M)\). Note that Eq. 13 is not invariant to scaling in M.

Letting Δ be the (backward) difference operator defined by Δxt+ 1 = xt+ 1xt, we can write Eq. 13 alternatively as

$$ \varDelta H_{t+1} = \eta_{1} \varDelta H_{t} + \eta_{3}\varDelta\log(M_{t+1}) + \eta^{*}_{0t}, $$

where \(\eta ^{*}_{0t}=-\eta _{2} H_{t-1} + \eta _{4}\log (M_{t}) + \eta _{0t}\). This equation in first differences can in turn be integrated to

$$ H_{t+1} = \eta_{0} + \eta_{1} H_{t} + \eta_{3} \log(M_{t+1}) + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}\eta^{*}_{0j}, $$

where η0 = − 3.3291 is an integration constant. Notice that Ht+ 1 in Eq. 14 depends on Ht but that the effect of Ht− 1 (through \(\eta ^{*}_{0t}\)) is negligible, which is another way of saying that the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A in Eq. 12 is close to 1. Both are caused by the fact that η2 is small. We emphasize that Eqs. 1213, and 14 are equivalent descriptions of the DICE temperature equations. No approximation has yet taken place.

Given the DICE parameter values, in particular the fact that η2 and η4 are small, the partial sums \({\sum }_{j}\eta ^{*}_{0j}\) are well approximated by a linear trend with slope 0.025. This implies that if we run a regression on the equation:

$$ H_{t+1} = \eta^{*}_{0} + \eta^{*}_{1} H_{t} + \eta^{*}_{2} \log(M_{t+1}) + \eta^{*}_{3} t $$

we will get a good fit. If we leave out the linear trend, then the estimate of \(\eta ^{*}_{1}\) increases somewhat and the estimate of \(\eta ^{*}_{2}\) decreases somewhat.

More precisely, we obtain the results in Table 1, where we note that in all regressions, figures, and numerical experiments that follow, Ht (and similarly Mt and other variables) takes the optimal values as obtained from the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) routine which optimizes welfare (10) in the DICE system.

Table 1 Simplified temperature equations

Under (a), we report the estimated coefficients and standard errors from a regression of Ht+ 1 on a constant, Ht, \(\log (M_{t+1})\), and a time trend, as in Eq. 15. The fit is very good. In particular, letting e denote the vector of residuals and \(\hat {H}_{t}\) the predicted value of Ht from the regression, and defining the regression variance s2 and the relative deviations Qt as

$$ s^{2}=e'e/(n-k), \qquad Q_{t}=100(\hat{H}_{t}-H_{t})/H_{t}, $$

we find that s = 0.0032 and \(\max \limits _{t} |Q_{t}|=0.43\) with n = 99 and k = 4. This shows that for a temperature increase of, say, 3 °C the maximum error will be 0.013°.

If we leave out the linear trend, we obtain (b) which is almost as good, except that the error in the first few periods is somewhat higher. This is illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. In Fig. 1, the time paths of temperature in DICE and the two models (a) and (b) are indistinguishable, reaching a maximum of 7.2 in 2270. The relative deviations Qt are graphed in Fig. 2. They are all below 0.5% except the first four periods in model (b). Even though the estimated coefficient on the time trend is “significant,” it is not important, and the fit is essentially the same.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Temperature—Time path for DICE 2016R and two simplified models. Model (a) is based on Eq. 15. Model (b) is based on Eq. 15 without a time trend

Fig. 2
figure 2

Temperature—Deviations (%) of two simplified models relative to DICE 2016R. Model (a) is based on Eq. 15. Model (b) is based on Eq. 15 without a time trend

Summarizing, the simplified equation (15) provides a good approximation because (a) the coefficients in Eq. 13 correspond approximately to a first-order difference equation; and (b) the omitted variable is essentially constant. The second approximation (without trend) is almost as good as the approximation in Eq. 15, and suffices for practical applications.

4 CO2 Concentration

Next, we consider the CO2 equations in Eq. 4c, which we also write in matrix form as:

$$ x_{t+1}=A x_{t} + a_{t}, $$

where now

$$ A= \begin{pmatrix} 1-b_{0} & b_{1} & 0 \\ b_{0} & 1-b_{1}-b_{3} & b_{2} \\ 0 & b_{3} & 1-b_{2} \end{pmatrix} $$


$$ x_{t}= \begin{pmatrix} M_{t} \\ X_{1,t} \\ X_{2,t} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad a_{t}= \begin{pmatrix} E_{t} \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}. $$

One of the three eigenvalues of A equals 1, and the two remaining eigenvalues are given by

$$ 1 - \frac{1-\phi_{1}}{2}\pm \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{(1-\phi_{1})^{2} - 4\phi_{2}}, $$

where ϕ1 = 1 − b0b1b2b3 = 0.675535 and ϕ2 = b0b2 + b0b3 + b1b2 = 0.001303, so that the two remaining eigenvalues take the values 0.995933 and 0.679602, respectively. The largest eigenvalue is thus equal to 1 and the next eigenvalue is close to 1; it would be equal to 1 if (and only if) ϕ2 = 0. This suggests that we should difference not once (as in the previous section) but twice, and this is precisely what we shall do.

As in the previous section, we can “difference out” the auxiliary variables X1 and X2, and this gives:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} M_{t+1} &=& (\phi_{1}+2)M_{t} - (1+2\phi_{1}+\phi_{2})M_{t-1} \\ &&+ (\phi_{1}+\phi_{2})M_{t-2}+E_{t}^{*}, \end{array} $$


$$ E_{t}^{*}=E_{t} - (1+\lambda_{1})E_{t-1} + (\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}) E_{t-2}. $$

This equation does not contain X1 and X2 but it contains two additional lags in both M and E. We can write Eq. 18 alternatively as

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \varDelta M_{t+1} &=(\phi_{1}+1)\varDelta M_{t}-(\phi_{1}+\phi_{2})\varDelta M_{t-1} + E_{t}^{*}, \end{array} $$

where we notice that there is no remainder term in Mt− 2 because the largest eigenvalue of A equals 1 exactly given the DICE parameters. This leads to

$$ M_{t+1} =\phi_{0} + (\phi_{1}+1)M_{t}-(\phi_{1}+\phi_{2})M_{t-1}+ E_{t}^{**}, $$

where \(E_{t}^{**}={\sum }_{j=1}^{t} E_{j}^{*}\) and ϕ0 = 0.8761 is an integration constant. This, in turn, can be written as

$$ \varDelta M_{t+1} = \phi_{0} + \phi_{1} \varDelta M_{t} -\phi_{2} M_{t-1} + E_{t}^{**}, $$

so that

$$ M_{t+1} = \phi_{00} + \phi_{0} t + \phi_{1} M_{t} - \phi_{2}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t-1}M_{j} + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}w_{tj}E_{j}, $$

where ϕ00 = 263.2837 is an integration constant and

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}w_{tj}E_{j} &=&\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}E_{j}^{**} =\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{j} E_{i}^{*} =\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t}(t-j+1)E_{j}^{*}\\ &=&E_{t} + (1 - \lambda_{1})\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t-1}E_{j} +\lambda_{2}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t-2}(t - j - 1)E_{j}, \end{array} $$

so that wtt = 1 and

$$ w_{tj}=1-\lambda_{1} + (t-j-1)\lambda_{2} \qquad (j=1,\dots,t-1). $$

The DICE weights wtj are thus slightly increasing rather than decreasing, which is a little awkward. Notice that Eqs. 1720 are equivalent descriptions of the DICE CO2 equations. No approximation has yet taken place.

Since ϕ2 = 0.0013 and λ2 = 0.0003 are close to 0, Eq. 20 will be well approximated by

$$ M_{t+1} \approx \phi_{00} + \phi_{0} t + \phi_{1} M_{t} + E_{t} + (1-\lambda_{1})\sum\limits_{j=1}^{t-1}E_{j}. $$

In fact, we will run regressions on the equation

$$ M_{t+1} = \phi^{*}_{0} + \phi^{*}_{1} M_{t} + \phi^{*}_{2} E_{t} + \phi^{*}_{3} t $$

and simplifications thereof.

This leads to the results in Table 2. Under (a), we regress Mt+ 1 on all four variables; under (b), we delete the trend; under (c), we also delete the constant term; and under (d), we restrict the coefficient of Et to be 1. The last model is the simplest and mirrors capital accumulation in Eq. 2. The fit is very good in all cases, as can be seen from the values of s and \({\max \limits } |Q_{t}|\), and also from Figs. 3 and 4.

Table 2 Simplified CO2 equations
Fig. 3
figure 3

CO2 concentration—Time path for DICE 2016R and four simplified models. Model (a) is based on Eq. 21. Model (b) is based on Eq. 21 without a time trend. Model (c) is based on Eq. 21 without both a time trend and a constant term. Model (d) additionally restricts the coefficient of Et to be 1

Fig. 4
figure 4

CO2 concentration—Deviations (%) of four simplified models relative to DICE 2016R. Model (a) is based on Eq. 21. Model (b) is based on Eq. 21 without a time trend. Model (c) is based on Eq. 21 without both a time trend and a constant term. Model (d) additionally restricts the coefficient of Et to be 1

In Fig. 3, the time paths of CO2 of DICE and the four models (a)–(d) are indistinguishable, reaching a maximum of 2707 in 2230. The relative deviations Qt are graphed in Fig. 4. In models (a) and (b), the relative deviations are all below 0.4% in absolute value. In model (c), the relative deviations are all below 0.6% in absolute value, except in the first three periods. In model (d), the relative deviations are larger than 0.6% up to period 36 (year 2190) and smaller than 0.6% afterwards, with a maximum of 1.7% in period 12 (year 2070) where Mt = 1402 (the DICE output) and \(\hat {M}_{t}=1425\) (the predicted value of Mt from the regression).

The simplified equation (21) thus provides an excellent approximation to the DICE results because the coefficients in Eq. 18 correspond approximately to a second-order difference equation. Model (b) is possibly the preferred approximation although the simplest model (d) will suffice for most practical applications.

5 Damage and Abatement

The damage-abatement function in DICE specifies two fractions, ωt (abatement) and \(\xi {H_{t}^{2}}\) (damage), of Yt which reduce Yt so that less money is available for investment and consumption along the budget constraint. In DICE, this fraction is specified as:

$$ 1 - \omega_{t} - \xi {H_{t}^{2}}. $$

For very high and very low temperatures, the fraction becomes large, but (given the value of ξ) it will still be a fraction between 0 and 1, unless in truly catastrophic cases when Ht > 20.58, that is, when the temperature in period t is more than 20 °C higher than in 1900. Of course, other forms of the damage function are possible; see [1, 19, 28, 32]. Howard and Sterner [11] emphasize the importance of the damage function in accurately estimating coefficient and standard error bias.

In Fig. 5, the graph labeled DICE 2016R contains the time path of this fraction. Models (a) and (b) use an alternative specification, namely

$$ \frac{1 - \omega_{t}}{1+ \xi {H_{t}^{2}}}, $$

based on the fact that the difference

$$ \left( 1-\omega_{t}-\xi {H_{t}^{2}}\right) - \frac{1-\omega_{t}}{1+\xi {H_{t}^{2}}} = \frac{-(\omega_{t}+\xi {H_{t}^{2}})(\xi {H_{t}^{2}})}{1+\xi {H_{t}^{2}}} $$

is small, about 1% in relative terms.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Damage-abatement functions. Model (a) uses the DICE value of ξ. Model (b) uses the optimal value of ξ

The alternative specification is of interest because we may wish to randomize ξ, as in [14]; see also [12, 13]. This is difficult under the DICE specification because \(1 - \omega _{t} - \xi {H_{t}^{2}}\) could become negative (under extreme circumstances), while the alternative specification is always positive provided ξ > 0.

In model (a), we use the same value for ξ as in the DICE model, while in model (b) we use an “optimal” value ξ = 0.00265 which brings the lines closer together; in fact, DICE and model (b) are indistinguishable in the figure. The value ξ is obtained by minimizing the sum of squares:

$$ \sum\limits_{t=1}^{T}\left( 1 - \omega_{t} - \xi {H_{t}^{2}} -\frac{1 - \omega_{t}}{1+ \xi^{*} {H_{t}^{2}}}\right)^{2}. $$

with respect to ξ. In summary, for a suitable choice of ξ, we obtain an alternative for the DICE damage function which lends itself better to studying situations of uncertainty or catastrophe.

6 The S-DICE Model

We summarize our proposed S-DICE (simplified DICE) model with the relevant parameters. The S-DICE model is the DICE model, but with the temperature equation replaced by the new (simplest) temperature equation:

$$ H_{t+1} = \eta^{*}_{0} + \eta^{*}_{1} H_{t} + \eta^{*}_{2} \log(M_{t+1}) $$


$$ \eta^{*}_{0}=-2.8672, \quad \eta^{*}_{1}=0.8954, \quad \eta^{*}_{2}=0.4622, $$

and the CO2 equation replaced by

$$ M_{t+1} = \phi^{*}_{1} M_{t} + E_{t}, \qquad \phi^{*}_{1}=0.9942. $$

For the damage-abatement equation, we propose:

$$ \frac{1 - \omega_{t}}{1+ \xi^{*} {H_{t}^{2}}}, \quad \xi^{*}=0.00265, $$

instead of the DICE specification

$$ 1 - \omega_{t} - \xi {H_{t}^{2}}, \quad \xi=0.00236. $$

In addition, one may wish to set μ ≤ 1.0 instead of the upper bound μ ≤ 1.2 as used in DICE. Thus, there are four differences between DICE and S-DICE.

So far, we have worked within the framework of the optimized DICE model (to be precise, the baseline version with ifopt = 0), so that variables such as Ht and Mt take their optimal values as obtained from the DICE GAMS routine, as emphasized in Section 3.

To judge how the S-DICE model compares to DICE, we should optimize S-DICE itself. In Table 3, we compare three scenarios: DICE and two scenarios of S-DICE, namely (a) where we use the new temperature equation (22) and the CO2 equation (23), but not the new damage-abatement equation, while also keeping the 1.2 bound for μ as in DICE; and (b) where we use the full S-DICE model with all four changes. We present these results for the short term (up to 40 years) and the longer term (100–200 years).

Table 3 DICE versus S-DICE (a) and (b)

The most important conclusion from Table 3 is that the difference between DICE and version (a) of S-DICE is small. This is true for the short and “longer” term (up to 200 years) and remains true for the very long term (up to 500 years), as the three figures below will demonstrate. Hence, the idea that simplifications of DICE tend to have poor long-term properties is not true, at least when we consider simplifications of the temperature and CO2 equations, which is the main topic of the current paper. In fact, the comparisons we report here give an upper bound on the approximation error of S-DICE to DICE: we could have further reduced the approximation error by calibrating the S-DICE parameters so that optimal S-DICE is as close as possible to optimal DICE.

When we add two further changes, namely the damage-abatement function and the upper bound on μ, then we obtain version (b) of S-DICE. Here, the CO2 concentration and hence the temperature is much lower than in DICE and S-DICE(a) because the new damage-abatement function of scenario (b) leads to a rapid increase in μ. In order to better understand the reason behind this difference, we study below not only versions (a) and (b) but also the two intermediate versions where only one of the additional changes is implemented.

We denote by μDMH the scenario where all four changes have been implemented: μ for the 1.0 upper bound on μ, D for the damage-abatement function, M for the CO2 concentration equation, and H for the temperature equation. A 0 indicates that this change has not been implemented. Hence, DICE is 0000, model (a) is 00MH and model (b) is μDMH. To these three scenarios, we now add the intermediate scenarios μ0MH and 0DMH.

In Fig. 6, we present the time paths of consumption of the five scenarios. Consumption (and, similarly, capital accumulation) is not much affected by the different scenarios. The simplified model 00MH with the original damage-abatement function and constraint on μ yields similar time paths to DICE, and even the full S-DICE model μDMH remains close to the DICE results, even in the long run. The consumption paths with a positive emissions constraint are lower than the paths without the constraint. This is because the resource allocation to abatement is larger when negative emissions are not allowed.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Consumption—DICE and S-DICE compared. Refer to the main text for the meaning of scenario acronyms such as μDMH

In the full S-DICE scenario, the new damage-abatement function causes a rapid reduction of CO2 in the short term. In fact, μ reaches its maximum (μ = 1) in 2100 when CO2 concentration, and hence temperature, reaches its highest value. After 2100, CO2 concentration and temperature gradually decline. Although μ reaches its maximum, consumption becomes larger than under the original damage- abatement function, due to smaller damage.

In Fig. 7, we present the time paths of temperature. With the old damage-abatement function, the time paths are close. Hence, the different behavior is not caused by the constraint on μ but by the form of the damage-abatement fraction. If we include the new damage-abatement fraction but keep the constraint on μ at 1.2 (0DMH), so that we allow negative emissions, then the difference with DICE is much larger than if we include all four changes (μDMH). When the modified damage-abatement function and the constraint of positive emissions are both used, then the positivity constraint on temperature increase imposed by Nordhaus’ GAMS code is binding from the year 2400 onwards, which affects emissions and causes a higher abatement rate and a lower level of CO2 emissions in the short term. The figure for CO2 concentration is similar to temperature.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Temperature—DICE and S-DICE compared. Refer to the main text for the meaning of scenario acronyms such as μDMH

Finally, we present the social cost of carbon (SCC), which attempts to answer the question how much we should be willing to pay to avert future climate damages. More precisely, the SCC tries to add up all the quantifiable costs and benefits of emitting one additional tonne of CO2. This value can then be used to weigh the benefits of reduced warming against the costs of cutting emissions. In Fig. 8, we present the SCC for the same five scenarios as before. We see that when negative emissions are allowed the social cost of carbon is lower than when negative emissions are not allowed. With the original damage-abatement function and the simplified temperature and CO2 equations, the SCC paths are similar to DICE, but the new damage-abatement function leads to a higher SCC in the short run so as to reduce CO2 rapidly. Thus, when negative emissions are not allowed, the social cost of carbon becomes much higher.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Social cost of carbon—DICE and S-DICE compared. Refer to the main text for the meaning of scenario acronyms such as μDMH

From the tables and figures, we draw the following general conclusions. First, replacing the temperature and CO2 equations by two simpler, more transparent, more robust, and easier to interpret equations does not much affect the DICE output, not even in the long run. Second, the optimized results are sensitive to the form of the damage-abatement function, especially if we allow for negative emissions. Third, the full S-DICE model leads to optimized values that are different from DICE, but within the bounds of reason. After all, there is no reason to believe that the DICE model is the truth. If S-DICE deviates from DICE then this does not necessarily mean that S-DICE is further from the truth than DICE or is less useful as a policy instrument. As noted in the “Introduction,” there is value in simplicity. Models should be, as Einstein put it, “as simple as possible but not simpler.”