Correction to: Nature Physics, published online 25 May 2020.

In Extended Data Table IV originally published for this Article, the values for P11(2π) and \(P_{11}^T\left( {2\pi } \right)\) were incorrectly reported as 0.992(2) and 0.987(2), respectively; they should have been 0.989(2) and 0.985(2), respectively. The originally reported values were actually those of 1 – P{10}(2π) and 1 – \(P_{\left\{ {10} \right\}}^T\left( {2\pi } \right)\), respectively. This error propagated into the calculation of the Bell state fidelities reported in the Article: in the sentence beginning “Finally, using a conservative lower-bound procedure...”, ‘≥0.983(2)’ and ‘≥0.995(3)’ should have been ‘≥0.980(3)’ and ‘≥0.991(4)’, respectively; in the sentence beginning “With this approach...”, ‘0.983(2)’ and ‘0.995(3)’ should have been ‘0.980(3)’ and ‘0.991(4)’, respectively; in the sentence beginning “Furthermore, we estimate a lower bound...”, ‘≥0.978(2)’ and ‘≥0.990(3)’ should have been ‘≥0.975(3)’ and ‘≥0.987(4)’, respectively. Moreover, in Table 1, in the row ‘Bell state fidelity, the uncorrected and SPAM-corrected values of ‘≥0.983(2)’ and ‘≥0.995(3)’ should have been ‘≥0.980(3)’ and ‘≥0.991(4)’, and in the row ‘Bell state fidelity, T’, the uncorrected and SPAM-corrected values ‘≥0.978(2)’ and ‘≥0.990(3)’ should have been ‘≥0.975(3)’ and ‘≥0.987(4)’. The online versions of the Article have been amended and the Supplementary Information file has been replaced.