Analysis of non-conforming DPG methods on polyhedral meshes using fractional Sobolev norms rights and content


  • Variational formulations in fractional spaces of a model problem are analyzed.

  • Well-posedness of the broken ultraweak formulation in fractional spaces is proven.

  • A DPG finite element discretization of the latter is shown to be stable.

  • A-priori error estimates for this DPG method on polyhedral meshes are derived.

  • Numerical results with polyhedral meshes and high-order approximation are provided.


The work is concerned with two problems: (a) analysis of a discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) method set up in fractional energy spaces, (b) use of the results to investigate a non-conforming version of the DPG method for general polyhedral meshes. We use the ultraweak variational formulation for the model Laplace equation. The theoretical estimates are supported with 3D numerical experiments.


The presented work is concerned with the analysis of a non-conforming version of the Discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) Method with Optimal Test Functions based on the Ultraweak (UW) variational formulation. We shall focus on the model Poisson problem, Δu=fin Ωu=0on Γwhere ΩRN is a Lipschitz domain with boundary Γ, and N=2,3. The UW formulation derives from the equivalent system of first order equations, σu=0in Ωdivσ=fin Ωu=0on Γwhich can be represented concisely in the operator form Au=f.Here u(σ,u) is a group variable, f=(0,f), and Au=A(σ,u)=(σu,divσ).More precisely, A:L2(Ω)D(A)L2(Ω)is a closed operator with D(A){(σ,u)L2(Ω);A(σ,u)L2(Ω),u=0 on Γ}=H(div,Ω)×H01(Ω),where L2(Ω)L2(Ω)N×L2(Ω). The UW variational formulation is obtained by multiplying both equations with test functions τ,v and integrating by parts both equations. We obtain uL2(Ω)(u,Av)=(f,v)vD(A).Here A is the L2-adjoint of operator A, A:L2(Ω)D(A)L2(Ω),Av=A(τ,v)=(τ+v,divτ)L2(Ω),D(A)=D(A).The broken UW formulation is obtained by testing with test functions from a larger space of broken test functions V(Th)H(div,Th)×H1(Th) where H(div,Th){τL2(Ω)N:τ|KH(div,K)KTh},H1(Th){vL2(Ω):v|KH1(K)KTh}. The symbol Th denotes an open partition of Ω into Lipschitz finite elements of maximum size h>0, whose set of interfaces (or skeleton) is Γh. This formulation necessitates introducing additional unknowns — the Lagrange multipliers (σˆn,uˆ), called traces, uL2(Ω),uˆ(σˆn,uˆ)H12(Γh)×H˜12(Γh)(u,Ahv)uˆ,vΓh=(f,v)vV(Th). Here the operator Ah:V(Th)L2(Ω) is the extension of the adjoint operator A, defined elementwise by (Ah(τ,v))|K(τ|K+(v|K),div(τ|K)).The duality pairing on the skeleton present in (1.2) is given by uˆ,vΓh=KThσˆn,vK+uˆ,τnK.Trace σˆn is defined by taking a function from H(div,Ω), restricting it to each element KTh, and taking its normal trace on element boundary K. Similarly, trace uˆ is obtained by taking a function from H01(Ω), restricting it to every KTh, and taking its trace on K. The “tilde” over H˜12(Γh) hides the boundary condition on uˆ, that is, H˜12(Γh){uˆH12(Γh):uˆ=0 on Γ}.It has been shown in [1] that problem (1.2) is well-posed.

The broken UW formulation is perhaps the least demanding formulation in terms of global conformity for a finite element (FE) method. The L2 space is discretized with discontinuous functions, and so are the broken test spaces. The trace space H12(Γh) may be discretized with discontinuous functions over faces in the mesh skeleton Γh. Only the discretization of uˆ, done with traces of H1-conforming elements, requires global continuity over Γh.

If Th consists of general polyhedral elements, instead of the standard element shapes, the conforming discretization of uˆ becomes really challenging, because we need to have basis functions that are continuous over a skeleton of general polygonal faces. One alternative is to drop the continuity requirement, and discretize that variable with discontinuous polynomials, thus getting an easier way to discretize at the expense of losing H12-conformity. The good news is that, just by perturbing our Sobolev spaces by ϵ>0, these discontinuous trace functions become conforming. More precisely, if w:RN1R is bounded, of compact support, and piecewise smooth – possibly discontinuous – then wH12ϵ(RN1) (for illustrative examples see [2, Exercise 3.22] and [3, Exercise 1.39]).

The goal of this paper is to carry out the stability analysis and derive a-priori error estimates for a non-conforming version of both the ideal and practical DPG methods for the Poisson problem set up in fractional Sobolev spaces, in which the discretization of trace uˆ is done with discontinuous polynomials.

A series of numerical experiments involving various polyhedral meshes constitute a substantial part of the work. Given the complexity of a computational implementation of fractional norms, all numerical results reported below correspond to the original functional setting, which can be interpreted as the limit case of the fractional setting considered in our theoretical framework.

In order to avoid an excessive length in the document, some information related to this work has been left out. We believe nonetheless that the present version remains self-contained. As a supplement to this paper, a more extensive set of numerical results, along with an Appendix dealing with Fortin operators and a more thorough literature review can be found in the technical report [4].

The numerical approximation to the solution of (1.2) requires a non-symmetric functional setting and answering the question of whether the discrete version of the problem is well posed and stable. To this end, the DPG method, originally introduced in [5], offers a framework to solve this model problem. The starting point is an infinite-dimensional variational problem that satisfies the inf–sup condition. For a given discrete trial space, the DPG machinery provides the optimal test subspace that preserves that inf–sup condition, making the discrete problem automatically stable. All of these details are not presented here for the sake of the document length, but we encourage those readers still unfamiliar with DPG to refer to [6], Chapter 5. All the necessary concepts that we apply below are well explained therein, especially the differences between the ideal and practical versions of DPG, the implications of the so-called Fortin operator, and the role of the test norm and Gram matrix in the computational implementation.

The solution of boundary value problems through numerical methods that support polygonal or polyhedral meshes has attracted rising attention over the last two decades. By generalizing those methods to non-standard element shapes, it may be possible to enable rapid engineering analysis through the use of novel meshing approaches, while circumventing some common issues of standard meshing [7]. Such interest is also often motivated by specific applications, for which the use of such meshes is more recommended than that of standard meshes, or has delivered better results. To have a glance on a few of those applications and the existing methods that support polytopal meshes, please refer to the brief overview on the subject presented in the introduction of [4], [8].

In view of the many possibilities that can be enabled through polytopal meshes, DPG has been recently introduced into the family of polygonal methods by Vaziri, Fuentes, Mora and Demkowicz [8]. In 2D, this methodology, labeled as PolyDPG, has been enabled by the broken UW formulation. In particular, the trace uˆ can be discretized with continuous functions over the skeleton of a 2D mesh. The highlights of PolyDPG in 2D, in contrast to other methods, are that it is a high-order and stable polygonal FE method, whose ultraweak-conforming discrete spaces are constructed with polynomials only.

On general polyhedral meshes in 3D, as mentioned above, opting for a discontinuous basis is a practical but non-conforming way to discretize the space for unknown uˆ. For this reason, we must study the effect on the stability and approximability of the PolyDPG method when choosing this discontinuous alternative. In the literature there are results concerning this situation in DPG with standard elements, but when the element is an arbitrary polyhedron the analysis turns more complicated, starting with the fact that there is no unique reference element or face, so that we need to argue that the error estimates can be independent of the element shape.

The first computational results concerning a non-conforming DPG method are found in an early technical report by Demkowicz and Gopalakrishnan [9]. An analysis on why this implementation works has been developed by Heuer, Karkulik and Sayas in [10]. The abstract procedure therein outlined is followed by us to obtain a-priori error estimates (see Section 5). Another relevant development in non-conforming DPG is that by Ernesti and Wieners on space–time DPG for linear wave problems [11]. For a more complete review on these previous works please see [4].

We now explain the organization of the article. In Section 2, we start by analyzing the infinite-dimensional scenario of the Poisson model problem formulated in fractional spaces. Firstly, we show that the classical variational formulation is well-posed, which in turn helps proving that the UW variational formulation is well-posed too, as derived in Section 3. In Section 4, the idea of localization of norms leads to both the inf–sup condition of the broken UW formulation, and the stability for the ideal DPG with fractional norms. Section 5 deals with the implications of the present analysis on the practical non-conforming DPG. This is followed by the study on approximability of the discrete trace spaces (Section 6). The ultimate a-priori error estimates herein developed are found in Section 7. A collection of numerical results of PolyDPG with discontinuous traces is presented in Section 8. The conclusions are summarized in Section 9.

Section snippets

Equivalence of different fractional norms

We will move rather freely between different definitions of fractional Sobolev spaces and the corresponding norms. Let ΩRN be a Lipschitz domain. For any sR, we define the space Hs(Ω) as the space of restrictions from Hs(RN) with the minimum energy extension norm. Spaces Hs(RN) are defined using Bessel potentials, see [2, p. 77], or [12, Section 3.1].

For s=m+μ,mN,μ(0,1), we define the space Ws(Ω){uWm(Ω):|Dαu|μ,Ω<,|α|=m}where Wm(Ω)=Wm,2(Ω) is the Sobolev space of integral order m and ||μ

Ultraweak variational formulation

The well-posedness analysis of various variational formulations presented in [20] extends easily to fractional spaces. Let ϵ[0,12). Operator A corresponding to the strong formulation is defined as follows: u=(σ,u)Hϵ(Ω)=Hϵ(Ω)N×Hϵ(Ω)D(A)Hϵ(div,Ω)×H01ϵ(Ω)Hϵ(Ω)A:Hϵ(Ω)D(A)Hϵ(Ω)Au(σu,divσ)Its topological transpose is defined on the dual space: v=(τ,v)Hϵ(Ω)=Hϵ(Ω)N×Hϵ(Ω)D(A)Hϵ(div,Ω)×H01+ϵ(Ω)Hϵ(Ω)A:Hϵ(Ω)D(A)Hϵ(Ω)Av(τ+v,divτ)We assume that fL2(Ω), which guarantees the

Broken UW variational formulation

From here on, we need to introduce quasi-uniformity and shape-regularity assumptions for the mesh. It is well known how the two conditions are defined for standard FE. For more general polyhedral elements, the quasi-uniformity assumption on the mesh remains unaltered. However, the shape regularity needs to be understood differently. For the sake of Lemma 2, what matters is to have a uniform bound on the number of immediate neighbors an element can have. An effective way to bound such a quantity

Implications for the non-conforming DPG method

In the preceding sections we have developed a theory for a DPG method formulated in fractional spaces. By weakening the trial norm and strengthening the test norm, we have been able to employ the discontinuous discretization of traces which, in the relaxed energy setting, has become conforming. The discussed results require computations with the stronger, fractional test norm which is not attractive at all from the practical point of view.

In this section, we show how one can combine arguments

Best approximation error estimates for polyhedral elements

In this section we develop best approximation error estimates corresponding to the discrete spaces with which we are discretizing the trial variables. We work with piecewise polynomial spaces defined at every element in Th or face in Γh, without any requirement of global continuity. Let us fix an integer p1. Thus, for field variables (σh,uh), at every element we use polynomials of degree p1, while for the traces we define the polynomials over each face, having degree p1 for σˆn,h and degree p

Polyhedra with triangular or quadrilateral faces.

We recall first the standard way to approximate the best approximation error for traces in the minimum energy extension norms under the assumption that trace uˆ is discretized with trace wˆh of standard, H1-conforming finite element function wh. For the H12-traces we have: infwˆhuwhˆH12(K)uwhH1(K)(definition of minimum energy extension norm)uΠhgraduH1(K)ChpuHp+1(K),with C independent of element K and function u.

A similar argument holds for the H12 normal trace: inftˆhσnthˆ

About the implementation

This section exclusively considers the three-dimensional case (N=3). A modified version of the hp-adaptive finite element code hp3D by Demkowicz et al. (see [24]) has been implemented in order to support high-order approximation with (simple) polyhedral elements of arbitrary number of vertices and (flat) faces. The new code is able to obtain the practical DPG solution of any well-posed broken ultraweak variational formulation, but with discontinuous discrete traces. However, when all faces in


We have presented a stability and convergence analysis for a class of DPG methods based on the ultraweak (UW) variational formulation for general polyhedral meshes (PolyDPG) for a model Poisson problem in 3D. The DPG methodology based on the UW formulation offers the most relaxed setting in terms of conformity. Only one variable - the H12 trace, defined on the mesh skeleton, needs to be continuous in order to guarantee a fully conforming discretization based on the standard energy spaces

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Constantin Bacuta: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. Leszek Demkowicz: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Jaime Mora: Conceptualization, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Christos Xenophontos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing.


L. Demkowicz and J. Mora were partially supported with National Science Foundation grant No. 1819101 and the Sandia National Laboratory exploratory LDRD project No. 19-1038, whose PI was Dr. Mohamed Ebeida, to whom we are deeply thankful. The first and last authors are grateful for an Oden Institute fellowship which allowed them to visit UT Austin in the Fall of 2019. C. Bacuta’s work was also supported by National Science Fourndation grant No. 2011615.

The authors appreciate the detailed

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