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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access October 20, 2020

Effect of isovalent substitution on the crystal structure and properties of two-slab indates BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7

  • Yuri Titov , Nadezhda Belyavina , Mykola Slobodyanik , Olesya Nakonechna EMAIL logo , Nataliia Strutynska and Mariana Tymoshenko
From the journal Open Chemistry


Exploring the effect of isomorphic substitution of atoms on crystal structure and features of oxide compounds is one of the main tasks of modern materials science. This paper deals with the La/Sm isovalent substitution in a two-slab perovskite-like BaLa2In2O7 structure and its effect on the structural features and magnetic properties of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates synthesized. A complete characterization including data of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), structural calculations (Rietveld method), second optical harmonic generation of the laser radiation, calculations of valence bond sums (VBS), and magnetic susceptibility data of phases obtained is presented. The existence region of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 solid solutions with a two-slab perovskite-like structure (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.8) was established, and their coordinate parameters were refined. The character of barium and RE atoms distribution in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 structure has determined, and the correlation between substitution degree of lanthanum atoms and the length of Ln–O2 interblock distance has revealed. The magnetic properties of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 were considered in terms of the crystal field effect.

1 Introduction

Compounds of An+1BnO3n+1 family (A = Sr, Ba, Ca, Ln, Na, K; B = Al, Ga, Fe, Ni, Cr, Sc, In, Ti, Sn, Zr, Hf, Pb, Mn; n is the amount of BO6 octahedra slabs in a block, n = 1–3) with a slab perovskite-like structure (SPS) find a number of practically important electrophysical, optical, and catalytic properties [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. In particular, representatives of this family of compounds may find an application as humidity sensor materials with high sensitivities and fast response time [3], as oxygen sensors and solid electrolytes in solid-state fuel cells, showing a high degree of flexibility in controlling electrical and transport properties [4,5]. Thus, Ba8In6O17 (with An+1BnO3n+1-type structure) exhibits high oxide ion conductivity comparable to stabilized zirconia, which is commercially used as a solid electrolyte [6]. Compounds of An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit photocatalytic activity of water decomposition into H2 and O2 under UV light [7,8] and luminescent parameters of the doped An+1BnO3n+1 compounds indicate the prospect of their use as matrices for luminophore and laser materials [9,10,11,12,13,14]. However, it should be noted that, unlike the Mn-, Co- or Fe-containing An+1BnO3n+1 compounds [15,16,17,18], the magnetic properties of Sm-containing An+1BnO3n+1 compounds with SPS have not been studied yet.

It is known that isomorphic substitution A/B of atoms in the crystallographic positions is one of the common ways of controlling the characteristics of oxides and oxide-based materials [5,7,16,19,20]. Note that the effect of isomorphic substitution is well studied for Sr-containing An+1BnO3n+1 phases with n = 1 and n = 2 [21,22,23,24,25,26]. However, the composition/structure relationship in Ba-containing An+1BnO3n+1 phases with n = 2 was only defined for Ba/Sr substitution [27] in Ba1−xSrxLa2In2O7 phases. At the same time, there is no data on the effect of isovalent substitution of RE atoms in BaLn2In2O7 indates (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) on their structure and properties.

The aim of present research was to study the conditions of La/Sm isovalent substitution in a two-slab BaLa2In2O7 SPS and to determine its effect on the structural features and magnetic properties of isovalently substituted BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates synthesized. To completely characterize this system, the present paper includes a systematic study of conditions of polymorphous substitution, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 samples. The study of the Ln/LnI substitution is a venture into the theory of the formation of Ba-containing An+1BnO3n+1 compounds with SPS and is of apparent interest for understanding the composition/structure/features correlation for other representatives of oxide compounds with perovskite structure.

2 Experimental details

2.1 Reagents

Chemically pure Ba(CH3COO)2 (≥99 wt%) was purchased from Ostchem (Ukraine), and chemically pure La(NO3)3·6H2O (≥99 wt%), Sm(NO3)3·6H2O (≥99 wt%), and In(NO3)3·4.5H2O (≥99.9 wt%) were purchased from Rare Metals Plant (Novosibirsk, Russia) and used for the synthesis of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 samples.

2.2 Fabrication of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7

Preparation of the initial charge of co-crystallized salts for the subsequent synthesis of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 polycrystalline indates was carried out by co-crystallization (evaporation at intensive mixing) of the mixture of barium acetate, lanthanum, samarium, and indium nitrates aqueous solution (the ratio is equal to Ba:La:Sm:In = 1:2 – x:x:2 (increment x = 0.1)) with further thermal treatment of the product obtained with a gas–jet to remove the main part of the nitrogen oxides. The powder obtained was ground and pressed (under pressure p = 3 × 108 Pa) as the tablets with further heat treatment up to 1,570 K. Maximum heating temperature was reached in 2 h (heating rate didn’t exceed 15 K/min), the cooling proceeded spontaneously together with the oven for 10 h. A two-stage (2 + 2 h) mode of tablet roasting at 1,570 K with intermediate grinding and repressing after the first stage was used. This procedure ensured the completeness of components interaction (according to XRD and SEM data).

2.3 Characterization

Morphology of the mechanically ground BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 ceramic tablets was studied by the scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM, JEOL JAMP-9500F, Japan). JEOL JAMP-9500F is a field emission auger microprobe operated at 10 kV, which offers the flexibility of optional analysis functions such as energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). EDS mappings of O, In, Ba, Sm, and La elements were performed on 15.3 μm × 10.2 μm areas of as-prepared powder sample, which was placed on a carbon film and put into apparatus.

The X-ray powder diffraction data of the samples were collected with Shimadzu XRD-6000 diffractometer (CuKα radiation) in a discrete mode: the scanning interval 2θ was (20–75)°, the step scan of 0.02°, counting time per step was 5 s. The peak positions and integrated intensities of the reflections observed were determined by full profile analysis.

To fulfill the preliminary data processing, as well as to carry out analysis and interpretation of the XRD data obtained, an original software package was applied, which includes a complete set of standard Rietveld procedures, namely, phase analysis of diffraction patterns using set of working base data, refinement of unit cell parameters, testing of the structure models proposed and crystal structure parameters refinement (including coordinates of atoms, atomic position filling, texture, etc.) [28].

Tests for generation of the second I2ω were performed on polycrystalline samples using the Nd:YAG laser (λω = 1.064 μm and λ2ω = 0.532 μm). The powder of four-slab La4Ti4O14 ferroelectric was used as a standard material for estimating the non-centrosymmetric structure.

Temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility χ(T) of the indates synthesized were measured by the Faraday technique (using ABГ-5 magnetometer) in a temperature range of 300–900 K in a purified argon atmosphere. To improve the quality of the experimental curve a set of magnetometric measurements was carried out for each sample, and the data obtained were averaged. An error of χ determination did not exceed 5%.

  1. Ethical approval: The conducted research is not related to either human or animal use.

3 Results and discussion

SEM micrographs (Figure 1a) showed that mechanically dispersed BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 ceramic consists of irregularly shaped particles up to 10 μm in diameter with a smooth surface. Corresponding EDS maps showing the element’s distribution have revealed the homogeneous composition of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.8) particles (Figure 1b).

Figure 1 SEM micrographs of BaLa0,5Sm1,5In2O7 powder ceramic: ×1000 (a); corresponding EDS maps showing the element’s distribution (b).
Figure 1

SEM micrographs of BaLa0,5Sm1,5In2O7 powder ceramic: ×1000 (a); corresponding EDS maps showing the element’s distribution (b).

X-ray diffraction patterns of the heat-treated samples of co-crystallized salts have revealed the that existence range of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases with SPS is 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.8 also. Powder diffraction data and the results of Rietveld refinement are shown in Figure 2. Their diffraction patterns are similar to those for the unsubstituted BaLa2In2O7 compound [29] and are indexing well in the tetragonal system.

Figure 2 Diffraction pattern (points), Rietveld refinement results (solid line) for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 with x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.8 (P42/mnm) and diffraction pattern of “BaSm2In2O7” (CuKα radiation).
Figure 2

Diffraction pattern (points), Rietveld refinement results (solid line) for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 with x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.8 (P42/mnm) and diffraction pattern of “BaSm2In2O7” (CuKα radiation).

Destruction of two-slab BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates with SPS takes place if the substitution degree x is higher than 1.8. Besides, if x = 2, this failure is accompanied by a formation of the two-phase system consisting of SmInO3 with a perovskite-type structure and BaSmInO4 indate with CaFe2O4-type structure. It should be noted that B-positions of the BaSmInO4 phase are occupied by Sm and In atoms simultaneously [30].

The lattice parameters (a and c values) of the tetragonal BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases with SPS decrease monotonically within the existence range of the BaLa2In2O7-based solid solutions (Figure 3). Such dependence of the unit cell parameters is caused by the smaller size of the samarium atom and is typical for other solid solutions of the An+1BnO3n+1 compound with SPS [21,22,23,24,25,26,27].

Figure 3 Dependences of lattice parameters for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases on the degree of lanthanum atoms substitution (x).
Figure 3

Dependences of lattice parameters for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases on the degree of lanthanum atoms substitution (x).

Systematic extinction of the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 with SPS diffraction pattern indicates the following possible space groups: one centrosymmetric P42/mnm and two noncentrosymmetric P42nm or [31]. Results of the second optical harmonic generation of the laser radiation for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 (І2ω) were compared Pn2d with those for the noncentrosymmetric La4Ti4O14 phase with SPS I2ω and showed that the relative intensity of signal does not exceed 0.01I2ω. According to ref. [32], insignificant І2ω value unambiguously indicates that BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases (as well as the initial BaLa2In2O7 phase) belong to the centrosymmetric space group P42/mnm.

Taking into account the centrosymmetry of both BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates (0 < x ≤ 1.8) synthesized here and their prototype BaLa2In2O7 indate [29], the atomic parameters of this indate-prototype were chosen as starting values for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 structures. Crystallographic data for BaLa2In2O7 indate according to ref. [29] are as follows: P42/mnm space group, a = 0.5915(2) nm, c = 2.086(1) nm, 4Ba atoms are placed in 4f x x 0 with x = 0.249; 8La atoms are placed in 8j x x z with x = 0.269, z = 0.185; 8 In atoms are placed in 8j x x z with x = 0.260, z = 0.400; 4O(1) atoms are placed in 4g xx¯ 0 with x = 0.806; 8O(2) atoms are placed in 8j x x z with x = 0.816, z = 0.290; 8O(3) atoms are placed in 8h 0 0.5 z with z = 0.096; 4O(4) atoms are placed in 4e 0 0 z with z = 0.126; 4O(5) atoms are placed in 4e 0 0 z with z = 0.383. Relevant structural calculations carried out using BaLa2In2O7 as initial trial model led to a satisfactory agreement between the experimental and calculated intensities of reflections for each of the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases studied (the reliability factors RB are about 0.04). Crystallographic data for the structures of several BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases (with x = 0.5, 1.0, 1.6, and 1.8) obtained as a result of these calculations are listed in Table 1. Interatomic distances in each BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phase have been calculated based on the refined coordinate parameters of the atom. Moreover, a distortion degree (Δ) of the MeOn polyhedra was calculated as Δ=1/nΣ[(RiR¯)/R¯]2 (where Ri is the Me–O distance, R¯ is the Me–O average distance, n is the coordination number for Me atom) [33] (Table 2).

Table 1

Crystal data for BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases (P42/mnm space group)

Lattice parameters, a, c, nm0.59129(3); 2.0732(1)0.59028(5); 2.0614(2)0.5888(1); 2.0413(1)0.5883(1); 2.0358(1)
Total isotropic B factor, nm20.69(4) × 10−20.48(4) × 10−20.12(5) × 10−20.11(6) × 10−2
Reliability factor, RB0.040.0390.0470.037
Table 2

Selected interatomic distance (d) and degree of distortion (Δ) of MeOn polyhedra in the crystal structure of BaLa2In2O7 compound and BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases

x = 0 [29]x = 0.5x = 1x = 1.6x = 1.8
d, nmd, nmd, nmd, nmd, nm
Polyhedron BaO12
Ba–2 O(1)0.264(2)0.266(1)0.268(1)0.274(1)0.272(2)
Ba–4 O(3)0.290(1)0.289(1)0.286(1)0.289(1)0.288(1)
Ba–2 O(5)0.322(2)0.319(2)0.306(1)0.297(2)0.289(1)
Ba–2 O(1)0.331(1)0.329(1)0.326(2)0.317(2)0.319(1)
Ba–2 O(4)0.335(1)0.342(2)0.350(2)0.364(1)0.361(2)
Δ72 × 10−474 × 10−482 × 10−493 × 10−495 × 10−4
Polyhedron LnO9
Ln–1 O(2)*0.230(2)0.229(1)0.226(1)0.217(2)0.214(1)
Ln–1 O(5)0.240(1)0.237(2)0.243(2)0.246(1)0.252(2)
Ln–2 O(2)0.252(2)0.250(1)0.249(1)0.253(2)0.253(2)
Ln–1 O(4)0.257(1)0.255(1)0.253(1)0.247(1)0.248(1)
Ln–2 O(3)0.281(2)0.280(2)0.281(2)0.275(2)0.275(2)
Ln–2 O(2)0.351(1)0.352(2)0.352(2)0.348(1)0.349(1)
Δ234 × 10−4249 × 10−4250 × 10−4246 × 10−4250 × 10−4
Polyhedron InO6
In–1 O(4)0.209(1)0.209(1)0.211(2)0.216(2)0.214(1)
In–2 O(3)0.209(2)0.210(2)0.209(1)0.209(1)0.209(1)
In–1 O(1)0.212(1)0.214(1)0.214(1)0.213(1)0.213(1)
In–1 O(5)0.220(2)0.220(2)0.218(1)0.218(2)0.218(2)
In–1 O(2)0.238(1)0.233(2)0.232(2)0.232(1)0.232(2)
Δ24 × 10−415 × 10−414 × 10−413 × 10−413 × 10−4

* – intrablock distance (O(2) atom is placed in the neighbor perovskite-like block).

Unfortunately, it was impossible to determine correctly the localization of Ba, La, and Sm atoms in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases from XRD data due to the proximity of their atomic scattering factors. Therefore, the distribution of barium, lanthanum, and samarium atoms within the 4f and 8j crystallographic positions of the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 SPS structures was established by analyzing the valence bond sums (VBS) of these atoms in BaO9, BaO12, (La2−xSmx)O9, and (La2−xSmx)O12 polyhedron (Table 3). Moreover, the Me–O bond valency (s) was calculated as s = exp((R0R)/B) [34], where R0 is the tabulated length of the monovalent bond, R is the experimental value of the bond length, and B is the tabulated value of the dispersion of the bond length, which is equal to 0.037 nm and was applied to find R0. VBS was found from the valency of all bonds: VBS = Σs·n, where n is the number of bonds of this type. In the case of simultaneous filling of the position with lanthanum and samarium atoms, the above formula was applied to calculate VBS, while the standard value of R0 was refined by the equation:


where R0(La) and R0(Sm) are the tabulated lengths of the monovalent bond, K(La) and K(Sm) are the occupancy of this position. As can be seen from the data listed in Table 3, the VBS values of barium and RE atoms in the hypothetical BaO9 and LnO12 polyhedron are significantly different from their chemical valences, while VBS values of these elements are much closer to their valences for the location of barium atoms in position 4f and RE atoms in position 8j.

Table 3

Valence bonds sum (VBS) calculated for Ba and Ln atoms in the MeOn polyhedra of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 with SPS

xR0 (La2−xSmx), nmVBS
Site 4fSite 8j
0 [29]0.21721.921.423.772.78
R0, nmBond [34]

Thus, the results of our calculations unambiguously indicate an ordered distribution of barium and RE atoms in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phase with localization of barium atoms in the intrablock of cubo-octahedral voids of the perovskite-like block only and with localization of the RE atoms just in the LnO9 polyhedron. Previously, such an atom arrangement was observed for unsubstituted BaLa2In2O7 compound [29]. The likely reason for such character of distribution of barium and RE atoms in the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 of two-slab SPS is the tendency of relatively smaller RE atoms to occupy small MeO9 polyhedra.

It was shown that the main structural units of the synthesized BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indate with SPS are the directly unrelated two-dimensional (infinite in both X and Y axes) perovskite-like blocks, each of which consists of two slabs connected by vertices of the deformed InO6 octahedra (Figure 4a). Adjacent blocks are shifted by a half of the perovskite cube edge and alternate with each other in a direction of the XY plane diagonal. Neighboring perovskite-like blocks are separated by a slab of LnO9 polyhedra and are held together by means of interblock bonds –O–Ln–O.

Figure 4 Crystal structure of BaLaSmIn2O7 as an arrangement of InO6 octahedra and Ba (black circles) and La, Sm atoms (gray circles) (a); interblock boundary pattern for BaLa0,2Sm1,8In2O7 (La,Sm) atoms – gray circles) (b).
Figure 4

Crystal structure of BaLaSmIn2O7 as an arrangement of InO6 octahedra and Ba (black circles) and La, Sm atoms (gray circles) (a); interblock boundary pattern for BaLa0,2Sm1,8In2O7 (La,Sm) atoms – gray circles) (b).

Eight oxygen atoms (four O(2), two O(3), one O(4), and one O(5)) of the LnO9 polyhedron belong to the same block as Ln atoms, while the ninth oxygen atom (O(2)) refers to the neighboring block (Figure 4b). This Ln–O(2) interblock bond is the shortest (0.230(2)–0.214(1) nm) among all the bonds of LnO9 polyhedron (Table 2). Moreover, its length approaches the minimum known for the (La,Sm)–O distances. This confirms a conclusion made on the base of VBS data on the impossibility of arrangement barium atoms, which are much larger than lanthanum and samarium atoms, in the 8j position in the MeO9 polyhedron between perovskite-like blocks. It also indicates Ba atom localization in 4f position in intrablock voids of the perovskite-like block only, where its coordination polyhedron is a deformed BaO12 cuboctahedron. It should be noted that the two O(2) atoms are located at significantly higher distances (0.352(2)–0.348(1) nm) from the RE atom among nine oxygen atoms of the LnO9 polyhedron (Table 2); therefore, the coordination number of RE atoms could be considered as 7 + 2.

Analysis of the (La,Sm)–O(2) interblock bond length in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 SPS indicates that the replacement of lanthanum atoms by smaller samarium atoms leads to a significant decrease in the length of the (La,Sm)–O(2) interblock bond (from 0.230(2) nm to 0.214(1) nm) (Figure 5 and Table 2). This approaches the structure of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indate to the structure of three-dimensional perovskite, and it is one of the main restrictive factors for these phases’ existence region and the absence of BaSm2In2O7 compound.

Figure 5 Dependence of Ln–O interblock distance (d) in LnO9 external block polyhedra on the of substitution of La atoms in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases with SPS.
Figure 5

Dependence of Ln–O interblock distance (d) in LnO9 external block polyhedra on the of substitution of La atoms in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases with SPS.

An increase in the number of small samarium atoms in the (La,Sm)O9 interblock polyhedra affects the structure of perovskite-like block with SPS also. In particular, it slightly increases the deformation of the BaO12 intra-block polyhedra (Table 2).

It should be noted that the structure features of SPS revealed here for the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases are similar to those for the unsubstituted BaLn2In2O7 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd). In particular, a decrease in the crystalline ionic radius of RE atoms in BaLn2In2O7 indates results in a gradual decrease of the Ln–O(2) interblock bond length [29].

To study the effect of La3+/Sm3+ substitution on magnetic properties of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 with SPS, we analyzed the temperature dependences of magnetic susceptibility χ(T) for samples with x = 1 and x = 1.8 (Figure 6). The χ(T) curves exhibited a moderately weak temperature dependence in temperature range (300–600) K, suggesting the presence of Van Vleck paramagnetism as usually observed for Sm3+ oxides [35,36,37,38,39,40]. The electronic configuration of Sm3+ (4f5), which has the ground J-multiplet (J = 5/2), on the site symmetry of C2v indicates the ground state is a Kramers doublet [35]. For fitting the χ vs T curve at higher temperatures (up to 600 K), we thus used the Curie–Weiss law accompanied by a temperature-independent term χconst is given as follows:


where C is the Curie constant and θ is the Curie temperature [35].

Figure 6 Temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7.
Figure 6

Temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7.

Besides, the χ(T) curves presented in Figure 6 clearly demonstrate a change in magnetic characteristics of the phases studied. In particular, one can see a change of χ(T) slope at 630, 770, and 810 K (Figure 6a). Processing the obtained χ(T) curves in (χ·T; T) coordinates (Figure 6b) and (χ−1; T) (Figure 6c) reveals linear dependences of (χ·T)(T) curve in the temperature range 300–630 K, while χ−1(T) curve demonstrates linear sections at higher temperatures.

The effective magnetic moments per samarium atom μeff were calculated taking into account the experimentally obtained C values, which are unchanged within a certain temperature range. The values calculated are listed in Table 4 and are much smaller (0.35–0.56) μB than the free-ion value of 0.83 µB, indicating that the Sm magnetic moment is under the influence of crystal electric field (CEF) of the perovskite structure. Note that a small μeff was often observed for Sm3+ oxides such as 0.44 µB for KBaSm(BO3)2 [39], 0.53 µB for Sm3Sb3Mg2O14 [38], 0.53 µB for Sm2Zr2O7 [40], and 0.15 µB for Sm2Ti2O7 [40]. The negative θ (Table 4) may indicate that the dominant magnetic interaction is antiferromagnetic even though it is very small and has to be interpreted carefully with the presence of CEF effects.

Table 4

Effective magnetic moment and parameter θ of Sm3+ ion in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phase

Temperature range (K)x = 1x = 1.8
μeff (μB)θ (K)μeff (μB)θ (K)

The data obtained allow us to speculate about the crystal filed effects in the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates. It was shown that the temperature increase leads to a change in the effective magnetic moment of the Sm3+ ion, as it is listed in Table 4. In our opinion, such alternation of the μeff magnetic moment may indicate not only the rearrangement of magnetic sublattices of the solid solution studied but also the prerequisite to the existence of polymorphic structural transformation of the phases close by structure [35,37].

4 Conclusions

In this work, the effect of isovalent substitution of lanthanum by samarium atoms in BaLn2In2O7 indate with the formation of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 solid solution (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.8) and features of this SPS are defined. The ordered distribution of barium and REM atoms in BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 SPS has been revealed. It has been shown that the isovalent substitution degree increasing leads to the convergence of two perovskite-like slabs of InO6 octahedra connected by vertices. This feature rearranges the two-slab perovskite-like structure of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 indates to the structure of three-dimensional perovskite and is one of the main factors limiting their existence field. The magnetism of these compounds is understood by the localized 4f electrons of Sm3+ BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 showed the reduced magnetic moment because of the crystal field effect and strong Van Vleck paramagnetism.

Analysis of the data obtained made it possible to establish the relationship between the composition, structure, and magnetic characteristics of the BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 phases. All this information creates a background for the control of BaLa2−xSmxIn2O7 structural characteristics by consequent isovalent substitution of atoms in A position of SPS.

tel: +380-44-526-2367

  1. Conflict of interest: Authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Received: 2020-04-22
Revised: 2020-09-01
Accepted: 2020-09-02
Published Online: 2020-10-20

© 2020 Yuri Titov et al., published by De Gruyter

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