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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter October 24, 2020

On a theorem of Ito and Szép

  • Zhenfeng Wu EMAIL logo and Wenbin Guo
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


A subgroup H of a group G is said to be conditionally permutable (or c-permutable for short) in G if, for every subgroup T of G, there exists an element xG such that HTx=TxH. A subgroup H of a group G is said to be completely c-permutable in G if, for every subgroup T of G, the subgroups H and T are c-permutable in H,T. In this paper, we prove that H/HG is nilpotent if H is a completely c-permutable subnormal subgroup of G. This result generalizes a well-known theorem of Ito and Szép, and gives a positive answer to an open problem in [W. Guo, Structure Theory for Canonical Classes of Finite Groups, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015]. We also use complete c-permutability to determine the p-supersolubility of a group G.

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, all groups considered are finite, G always denotes a group, π denotes a set of primes and p denotes a prime. All unexplained notation and terminology are standard, as in [11, 5].

Recall that two subgroups H and K of G are called permutable if HK=KH. A subgroup H of G is said to be permutable [5] or quasinormal [18] in G if it is permutable with all subgroups of G. The permutable subgroups have many interesting properties and applications (see for example [5, 18, 3, 21, 17, 12]). In particular, Ore [18] proved that every permutable subgroup H of a finite group G is subnormal. Ito and Szép [12] proved that if H is quasinormal in G, then H/HG is nilpotent, where HG is the largest normal subgroup of G contained in H. Recall also that a subgroup H of G is said to be s-permutable [2] (or π-quasinormal [13]) in G if H is permutable with all Sylow subgroups of G. In [13], Kegel proved that every s-permutable subgroup H in G is subnormal in G (see also [10, Lemma 2.2 (3)]). In [4], Deskins generalized the above result of Ito and Szép and obtained that H/HG is nilpotent if H is s-permutable in G. After the papers of Kegel [13, 14] and Deskins [4], many authors investigated s-permutable subgroups (see for example [20, 19, 1, 16]).

In [8, 9], the authors introduced the following concepts of c-permutable subgroup and completely c-permutable subgroup.

Definition 1.1 ([8, Definition 1.1]).

Let H,T be subgroups of G.

  1. H and T are said to be conditionally permutable (or in brevity, c-permutable) in G if, for some xG, we have HTx=TxH.

  2. H is said to be c-permutable in G if H is c-permutable with all subgroups of G.

Definition 1.2 ([8, Definition 1.2]).

Let H,T be subgroups of G.

  1. H and T are said to be completely c-permutable in G if H and T are c-permutable in H,T.

  2. H is said to be completely c-permutable in G if, for every subgroup T of G, the subgroups H and T are c-permutable in H,T.

From [8, 9], we have known that the condition of permutability is somewhat stronger than the condition of c-permutability (and even stronger than the condition of complete c-permutability). But [8, Example 2.10] shows that a c-permutable subgroup is not necessarily s-permutable. In the symmetric group S3 of degree 3, clearly, every Sylow 2-subgroup is completely c-permutable, but it is not s-permutable. In the group D8=x,yx4=y2=1,xy=x-1, all subgroups are clearly s-permutable, but the subgroup y is not c-permutable with the subgroup xy in y,xy. This example shows that an s-permutable subgroup is also not necessarily completely c-permutable.

Considering the generalization of the Ito–Szép theorem, Guo [7] posed the following open problem.

Problem ([7, Chapter 2, Problem 6.5]).

Let H be a completely c-permutable subnormal subgroup of a group G. Is H/HG nilpotent then?

In this paper, we give a positive answer to the above open problem, that is, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 1.3.

Let H be a completely c-permutable subnormal subgroup of G. Then H/HG is nilpotent.

From the above theorem, we can directly obtain the well-known result of Ito and Szép [12], that is, the following.

Corollary 1.4 ([12, Theorem 1]).

If H is a quasinormal subgroup of G, then H/HG is nilpotent.

Recall that a subgroup T of G is said to have a composite index in G if

|G:T|pαfor all primespand allα.

A subgroup H of G is called 2-maximal in G if H is a maximal subgroup of some maximal subgroup of G.

Now we also give a criterion for p-supersolubility of a group G by using the complete c-permutability of 2-maximal subgroups with a composite index in G, that is, the following theorem.

Theorem 1.5.

If G is p-soluble and every 2-maximal subgroup having a composite index in G which is divisible by p is completely c-permutable in G, then G is p-supersoluble.

The following result is straightforward from Theorem 1.5.

Corollary 1.6 ([8, Theorem 3.10]).

If G is soluble and every 2-maximal subgroup having a composite index in G is completely c-permutable in G, then G is supersoluble.

2 Preliminaries

Lemma 2.1.

Let KG and HG. Then the following statements hold:

  1. if H is completely c-permutable in G, then HK/K is completely c-permutable in G/K;

  2. if TMG, HM and H is completely c-permutable with T in G, then H is completely c-permutable with T in M;

  3. if HM and H is completely c-permutable in G, then H is completely c-permutable in M.


(1) is from [8, Corollary 2.2 (i)], and (2) is [8, Lemma 2.1 (iii)]. Clearly, (3) directly follows from (2). ∎

Recall that Op(G) is the subgroup of G generated by all p-subgroups of G. The following known results about subnormal subgroups will be used in the paper several times.

Lemma 2.2.

Let AKG, BG.

  1. Suppose that A is normal in G. Then K/A is subnormal in G/A if and only if K is subnormal in G (see [5, Chapter A, Lemma 14.1]).

  2. If A is subnormal in G, then AB is subnormal in B (see [5, Chapter A, Lemma 14.1]).

  3. If A is subnormal in G and B is a Hall π -subgroup of G, then AB is a Hall π -subgroup of A (see [22]).

  4. If A is subnormal in G and the index |G:A| is a p-number, then A contains all Sylow p-subgroups of G (see [22]).

  5. If A and B are subnormal in G, then A,B is subnormal in G (see [5, Chapter A, Lemma 14.4]).

  6. If A is subnormal in G and |G:A| is a p-number, then Op(G)A (see [6, VIII, Proposition 1.2 (2)]).

Lemma 2.3 (see [7, Chapter 1, Lemma 4.14]).

Let A and B be proper subgroups of G such that G=AB.

  1. Gp=ApBp for some Sylow p-subgroups Gp, Ap and Bp of G, A,B, respectively.

  2. G=AxB and GAAx for all xG.

Lemma 2.4 (see [5, Chapter A, Lemma 1.6]).

Let H, K and N be subgroups of G. If HK=KH and HN=NH, then HK,N=K,NH.

Lemma 2.5 (see [15, Lemma 5]).

If H, K and N are pairwise permutable subgroups of G and H is a Hall subgroup of G, then NHK=(NH)(NK).

3 The proof of Theorem 1.3


Assume that this theorem is false, and let (G,H) be a counterexample with |G|+|H| as small as possible. Then, clearly, H<G. Let R=H𝔑 be the nilpotent residual subgroup of H, that is, R is the intersection of all normal subgroups N of H such that H/N is nilpotent. We proceed the proof by the following steps.

(1) HG=1. If HG1, then, by Lemma 2.1 (1), H/HG is completely c-permutable in G/HG, and by Lemma 2.2 (1), H/HG is subnormal in G/HG. So we have that (G/HG,H/HG) satisfies the hypothesis. The choice of (G,H) implies that H/HG is nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence (1) holds.

(2) There exists an element xG such that G=H,x. Assume that this is false. Then, for every element x of G, we have that M=H,x<G. Hence, by Lemma 2.1 (3), we know that H is completely c-permutable in M, and by Lemma 2.2 (2), we have that H is also subnormal in M. This shows that (M,H) satisfies the hypothesis. The choice of (G,H) implies that H/HM is nilpotent. Hence RHMH, which shows that RxHMx=HMH. Consequently, RG=RxxGH. Hence, by (1), we have that R=1, and so H is nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence (2) holds.

Let X=x.

(3) If there exists an element g of G such that HXg=G, then H is nilpotent. Since G=HXg and clearly H and Xg are all proper subgroups of G, we have that G=HX by Lemma 2.3 (2). Let π(G)={p1,p2,,pn}. Then we claim that π(X)={p1,p2,,pn}. In fact, if pi|X| for some i, then the Sylow pi-subgroup Hpi of H is also a Sylow pi-subgroup of G. Since H is subnormal in G, we have that, for every element g of G, HpigH is also a Sylow pi-subgroup of H by Lemma 2.2 (3). This shows that HpigH, and so HpiGH, which contradicts (1). Hence π(X)={p1,p2,,pn}. Now let Xpi be the Sylow pi-subgroup of X, where i=1,2,,n, and Ki=HXpi.

(a) For every subgroup X1 of X, we have that HX1 is a subgroup of G, and so Ki is a subgroup of G for every i=1,2,,n. Let X1 be any subgroup of X. Since H is completely c-permutable in G, there exists an element y=ah such that HX1y=X1yH, where aX and hH. It follows from the fact that X=x is cyclic that HX1=X1H, that is, HX1 is a subgroup of G for every subgroup X1 of X. Hence (a) holds.

(b) KiKj=KjKi for every 1i,jn. If i=j, then this is clear. If ij, then KiKj=HXpiHXpj=HXpiXpj=HXpjXpi=HXpjHXpi=KjKi. So (b) holds.

Let Li=K1K2Ki-1Ki+1Kn, where i=1,2,,n. Then, by (b), Li is a subgroup of G, and clearly, |G:Li| is a pi-number.

(c) L1L2Ln=H. First we claim that KiLi=H. Note that


where X1 is the Hall pi-subgroup of X. By the Dedekind identity,




divides |HX1:H|, we have that |XpiHX1:XpiH| is a pi-number. But, as XpiHX1 is a pi-group, this implies that XpiHX1=XpiH. Then we have KiLi=H(XpiHX1)=H.





we have that L1L2Ln-1=Kn by induction. So


Hence (c) holds.

(d) Li is subnormal in G for every i=1,2,,n. Since H is subnormal in G, there exists a subnormal subgroup chain


But, as G=HX, we get Hi=H(HiX). We claim that HiXp is a subgroup of G, where Xp is the Sylow p-subgroup of X, p{p1,,pn}, i=0,1,,m. In fact, since XpH=HXp by (a) and X is cyclic, Xp(HiX)=(HiX)Xp. So, by Lemma 2.4, we know that XpHi=HiXp, that is, HiXp is a subgroup of G.

Next we claim that Hi-1Xp is normal in HiXp, where i=1,2,,m. Since Hi=H(HiX), we have that g=hy for any element gHi, where hH and yHiX. From HHi-1, it follows that HNG(Hi-1Xp). Hence (Hi-1Xp)g=(Hi-1Xp)hy=(Hi-1Xp)y=Hi-1yXp. But Hi-1 is normal in Hi, and yHiX, so (Hi-1Xp)g=Hi-1yXp=Hi-1Xp. This implies that Hi-1Xp is normal in HiXp. Thus G has a subnormal subgroup chain


This shows that Ki is subnormal in G. Therefore, by Lemma 2.2 (5), Li is subnormal in G for every i=1,2,,n.

(e) H is nilpotent. Since |G:Li| is a pi-number and Li is subnormal in G by (d), we have that Opi(G)Li by Lemma 2.2 (6). Hence


by (c), so, by (1), Op1(G)Op2(G)Opn(G)=1. Since Ki=HXpi, H is subnormal in Ki by Lemma 2.2 (2). Then, by Lemma 2.2 (6), we get that Opi(Ki)H, which shows that H/Opi(Ki) is a pi-subgroup, and so is nilpotent. Hence ROpi(Ki), where i=1,2,,n. It follows that


and so H is nilpotent. Hence (3) holds.

(4) If there exists an element g of G such that T=HXg=XgH is a proper subgroup of G, then H is nilpotent. Let Y=Xg.

First we assume that Y is a p-group. By Lemma 2.2 (2), H is subnormal in T, also by Lemma 2.1 (3), we have that H is completely c-permutable in T. This implies that (T,H) satisfies the hypothesis. Then, as T=HY is a proper subgroup of G, H/HT is nilpotent by the choice of (G,H), so RHT. Since H is subnormal in G, there exists a proper normal subgroup M of G such that HM. Then, by (2), G=H,x=MX, and so G=MY by Lemma 2.3. Also, by Lemma 2.1 (3), we know that H is completely c-permutable in M, and by Lemma 2.2 (2), H is subnormal in M. Hence (M,H) satisfies the hypothesis, which shows that H/HM is nilpotent by the choice of (G,H). It follows that RHM. If HM=1 or HT=1, then R=1, which implies that H is nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence HM1 and HT1. Since


we have HMTG. By Lemma 2.2 (6), Op(TG)Op(T)H. Then, by (1), Op(TG)=1, so TG is a p-group. It follows from HMTG that HM is a p-group, and so Hp is normal in H for H/HM is nilpotent, where Hp is a Sylow p-subgroup of H. Let R1 be the nilpotent residual subgroup of HT. Then R1 is a characteristic subgroup of HT, and so YNG(HT)NG(R1). Since RHT, HT/R is nilpotent, and so R1R. Note that


Hence R1=1 by (1). This implies that HT is nilpotent. Let q be any prime divisor of |H|, which is different from p, and let Q be a Sylow q-subgroup of H. Since T=HY and Y is a p-group, Q is also a Sylow q-subgroup of T. Now, since H is subnormal in T, for any element t of T, QtH is also a Sylow q-subgroup of H by Lemma 2.2 (3). Hence QtH for any tT. It follows that QTH, and so QTHT. Consequently, Q is also a Sylow q-subgroup of HT. But, since HT is nilpotent, Q is normal in HT, and so Q is normal in H. This shows that every Sylow subgroup of H is normal in H. Therefore, H is nilpotent.

Now we assume that Y is not a p-group. Since H is subnormal in G, there exists a proper normal subgroup K of G such that HK, and so G=KX=KY by (2). Then G/KY/(YK) is abelian, so GK. Therefore, there exists a proper normal subgroup M of G such that HKM and G=MGp, where Gp is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Since H is completely c-permutable in G, there exists an element gH,Gp such that HGpg=GpgH. Let P=Gpg. Then, by Lemma 2.3 (2), G=MGp=MP. Let T=HP. If T=G, then, because H is subnormal in G and |G:H|=|T:H|=|P:PH| is a p-number, we get Op(G)H by Lemma 2.2 (6). By (1), Op(G)=1, that is, G is a p-group, and so H is nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence we can assume that T is a proper subgroup of G. Then, by the same discussion as above, we can obtain that H is nilpotent.

(5) The final contradiction. Since H is completely c-permutable in G, there exists an element gH,X=G such that HXg=XgH. If G=HXg, then, by (3), H is nilpotent. If HXg is a proper subgroup of G, then, by (4), H is also nilpotent. The contradiction completes the proof. ∎

4 The proof of Theorem 1.5


Assume that the assertion is false, and let G be a counterexample of minimal order. We proceed the proof by the following steps.

(1) If N is a minimal normal subgroup of G, then G/N is p-supersoluble, and so N is noncyclic. This is clear by Lemma 2.1 (1) and the choice of G.

(2) Op(G)=1. If Op(G)1, then, by (1), we know that G/Op(G) is p-supersoluble, and so G is p-supersoluble, a contradiction. Hence we have (2).

(3) G has a unique minimal normal subgroup, say N,


Since G is p-soluble, from the choice of G, we know that G is not a simple group. Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then, by (2) and the fact that G is p-soluble, we have that N is an elementary abelian p-group, so NOp(G). Clearly, N is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and NΦ(G) by (1). Then there exists a maximal subgroup M of G such that G=NM. It is easy to see that NMG and CG(N)MG. Hence NM=CG(N)M=1, and so CG(N)=CG(N)NM=N(CG(N)M)=N. Hence we have (3).

(4) Final contradiction. From (1) and (3), we see that there exists a maximal subgroup M of G such that G=NM and MG/N is p-supersoluble. Now let T be a maximal subgroup of M such that p|M:T|. Then


and so T is a 2-maximal subgroup of G and has a composite index in G which is divisible by p. Hence, by hypothesis, T is completely c-permutable in G. Let N1 be a maximal subgroup of N. Then, by (1) and (3), we know that N11 and |N:N1|=p.

If T=1, then M is a cyclic subgroup of order q for some prime qp. It follows that N is a maximal subgroup of G. Hence N1 is a 2-maximal subgroup of G and |G:N1|=|G:N||N:N1|=pq. Then, by hypothesis, N1 is completely c-permutable in G. Thus there exists an element xG such that N1xM=MN1x. Since M is a maximal subgroup of G, we have that N1xM=M or G=N1xM. If N1xM=M, then N1xMN=1, a contradiction. If G=N1xM, then we have N=N1x(NM)=N1x, also a contradiction. This contradiction shows that T1.

Since T is completely c-permutable in G, there is an element xG such that TN1x=N1xT. Let D=TN1x. Since


we have that |G:D|=|N:N1x||M:T|=p|M:T|. This shows that D has a composite index in G that is divisible by p. We claim that D is a 2-maximal subgroup of G. In fact, clearly, D=TN1X<TN and |TN:D|=p, so D is a maximal subgroup of TN. On the other hand, since G=NM and T is a maximal subgroup of M, TN<G. If there exists a subgroup K of G such that TN<K<G, then K=N(KM) and TKMM. Hence T=KM or KM=M. In the former case, TN=(KM)N=K, a contradiction. In the latter case, M=K, and it follows that NK=M, also a contradiction. The contradiction shows that TN is a maximal subgroup of G. Therefore, D=TN1x is a 2-maximal subgroup of G and has a composite index in G which is divisible by p. Thus, by hypothesis, D is completely c-permutable in G.

Let q be any prime divisor of |M| with qp, and let Mq be a Sylow q-subgroup of M. Then there exists an element yD,Mq such that DMqy=MqyD. Since Mq is also a Sylow q-subgroup of G,


by Lemma 2.5. From this, we can see that MqyNG(N1x), i.e., q|G:NG(N1x)|. But q was arbitrarily chosen, so we have that |G:NG(N1x)| is a p-number. Since p|M:T|, there exists a Sylow p-subgroup Mp of M such that MpT. Clearly, NMp is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Since


we have that TDNG(N1x). Hence NMpNG(N1x) for N abelian. Therefore, NG(N1x)=G, that is, N1x is normal in G. The minimal normality of N implies that N1x=1. This final contradiction completes the proof. ∎

Communicated by Evgenii I. Khukhro

Award Identifier / Grant number: 11771409

Funding statement: Research was supported by the NNSF of China (11771409) and Wu Wen-Tsun Key Laboratory of Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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Received: 2020-06-03
Revised: 2020-09-22
Published Online: 2020-10-24
Published in Print: 2021-03-01

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