Correction to: Nature Machine Intelligence, published online 13 October 2020.

In the version of this Article originally published, in the Methods section, some of the mathematics formatting was incorrect. In the subsection ‘Graph-theoretical formulation’, ‘ \(\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} V \\ 2 \end{array}} \right)\)’ was twice given incorrectly as ‘(0.0ptV2)’; in Lemma 1, ‘G = (V, E)’ was incorrectly given as ‘g = (v, e)’, and ‘G’ as ‘g’; in Lemma 2, ‘O(|V(c)| + deg(u) + deg(v))’ was incorrectly given as ‘O(+ deg(u) + deg(v))’. All versions of the Article have been corrected.