Anisotropic eigenvalues upper bounds for hypersurfaces in weighted Euclidean spaces rights and content


We prove anisotropic Reilly-type upper bounds for divergence-type operators on hypersurfaces of the Euclidean space in presence of a weighted measure.


Let (Mn,g) be a n-dimensional (n2) compact, connected, oriented manifold without boundary, isometrically immersed by X into the (n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space Rn+1. The spectrum of Laplacian of (M,g) is an increasing sequence of real numbers0=λ0(M)<λ1(M)λ2(M)λk(M)+. The eigenvalue 0 (corresponding to constant functions) is simple and λ1(M) is the first positive eigenvalue. In [15], Reilly proved the following well-known upper bound for λ1(M)λ1(M)nV(M)MH2dvg, where H is the mean curvature of the immersion. He also proved an analogous inequality involving the higher order mean curvatures. Namely, for r{1,,n}λ1(M)(MHr1dvg)2V(M)MHr2dvg, where Hk is the k-th mean curvature, defined by the k-th symmetric polynomial of the principal curvatures. Moreover, Reilly studied the equality cases and proved that equality in (1) as in (2) is attained if and only if X(M) is a geodesic sphere.

Later, Alias and Malacarné [2] gave analogues of Reilly inequality of the operators Lr arising in the stability of hypersurfaces with constant higher order mean curvatures, i.e.,λ1(Lr)(MHs1dvg)2c(r)(MHrdvg)(MHs2dvg). For r=s, they recover the classical inequality proved by Alencar, do Carmo and Rosenberg [1].

On the other hand, a weighted manifold (M¯,g¯,μ¯f) is a Riemannian manifold (M¯,g¯) endowed with a weighted volume form μ¯f=efdvg¯, where f is a real-valued smooth function on M¯ and dvg¯ is the Riemannian volume form associated with the metric g¯. In the present note, we will focus on the case where (M¯,g¯) is the Euclidean space (RN,can) with its canonical flat metric and we will consider isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds (Mn,g) into (RN,can). For such an immersion, we define the weighted mean curvature vector Hf=H+(¯f), where H is the mean curvature vector of the immersion and (¯f) is the projection of ¯f on the normal bundle TM.

We can define on M a divergence and a Laplace operator associated with the volume form μf=efdvg bydivfY=divYf,YandΔfu=divf(u)=Δu+f,u, where ∇ is the gradient on M, that is the projection on TM of ¯. We call them the f-divergence and the f-Laplacian; it is often called Bakry-Émery Laplacian, Witten Laplacian or drifting Laplacian in the literature. It is a classical fact that Δf has a discrete spectrum composed of an infinite sequence of non-negative real numbers. The first eigenvalue is 0, has multiplicity one and corresponds to constant functions.

In [4], Batista, Cavalcante and Pyo proved the following upper bound for the first positive eigenvalue of Δfλ1(Δf)M||Hf¯f||2μfnVf(M)=M(||H||2+||f||2)μfnVf(M), where Vf(M)=Mμf is the f-volume of M. This inequality is a weighted version of the classical Reilly inequality (1).

More recently, Domingo-Juan and Miquel [6] obtained the same inequality with a more complete characterization of the equality case by the use of mean curvature flow. In [17], the first author extended Batista-Cavalcante-Pyo's result for the operators LT,f=divf(T). Namely, he proved the following Reilly-type upper boundλ1(LT,f)(Mtr(S)μf)2(Mtr(T)μf)M(||HS||2+||Sf||2)μf, where S and T are two symmetric and divergence-free (1,1)-tensors and T is positive definite and HS and HT are defined by tr(AS) and tr(AT) respectively with A the shape operator of the immersion. For S and T the tensors respectively associated with the higher order mean curvature Hs and Hr, this inequality is a weighted extension of (3).

Finally, over the past years, many authors considered geometric problems involving anisotropic mean curvature and higher order mean curvatures (see [9], [10], [13] for instance). The setting is the following. Let F:SnR+ be a smooth function satisfying the following convexity assumptionAF=(dF+FId|TxSn)x>0, for all xSn, where ∇dF is the Hessian of F. Here, >0 mean positive definite in the sense of quadratic forms. Now, we consider the following mapϕ:SnRn+1xF(x)x+(grad|SnF)x. The image WF=ϕ(Sn) is called the Wulff shape of F and is a smooth hypersurface of Rn+1. Moreover, from the so-called convexity condition (5), WF is convex. Note that if F is a positive constant c, the Wulff shape is nothing else but the sphere of radius c. In [8], He obtained upper bounds for the anisotropic operators Lr,F which are the anisotropic version of the operators Lr. Namely, he proved under the assumption that Hr+1F>0,λ1(Lr,F)(MHs1FF(N)dvg)2αc(r)(MHrFF(N)dvg)(M(HsF)2F(N)dvg), where α is constant greater than 1 defined from F and HkF is the k-th anisotropic mean curvature. Both definitions is given in the next section. This estimate is the anisotropic generalization of Alias-Malacarné inequality (3).

The main result of the present note is to obtain upper bounds generalizing both inequalities (4) and (6) for a wide class of anisotropic and weighted operators LT,f,F (defined in Section 2). Namely, we have proved the following.

Theorem 1.1

Let (Mn,g) be a closed oriented manifold isometrically immersed into the Euclidean space Rn+1 endowed with the density ef and let F:SnR+ be a smooth function satisfying the convexity assumption (5). Let S and T be two F-symmetric (1,1)-tensors with vanishing F-divergence. Assume moreover that T is positive definite. Then, the first eigenvalue of the operator LT,F,f satisfiesλ1(LT,F,f)(Mtr(S)μF,f)2nα(Mtr(T)μF,f)(M((HSF)2+||S(Ff)||ν2)μF,f), where μ is the measure defined by μF,f=F(N)efdvg.

Note that the constant α in the statement is the same as Inequality (6) and will be defined below (see relation (9)).

Section snippets


First, we recall some facts about the anisotropic Gauss map and second fundamental form. We do not give all the details which can be found in many references ([8], [9], [10], [11], [13], [14] for instance).

Consider F, AF and WF as the ones defined in the introduction. We define the map F:Rn+1R byF(x)=sup{x,yF(y)|yRn+1{0}}. It is a classical fact (see [11, Prop. 2.4, 2.5]) that F is a Minkowski norm and that the Wulff shape WF is the set of all yRn+1 so that F(y)=1. Moreover, for any x

Proof of Theorem 1.1

Before giving the proof, we need two elementary lemmas. The first one extends the classical Hsiung-Minkowski formula [12] in the weighted and anisotropic setting. In fact, this extends simultaneously the weighted version proved in [18] and the anisotropic version in [8]. The proof of [8, Lemma 4.1] adapts to our situation. For this, we recall that the tensor HTF is defined byHTF=tr(SFT), where SF=dν is the anisotropic shape operator, that is, the (1,1)-tensor associated with the anisotropic

Anisotropic upper bounds for LT,f operators

In this section, we give upper bounds for the first eigenvalue of the operators LT,f (without anisotropy in the definition of the operator) in terms of anisotropic mean curvatures. This extends the results of the first author [16] and of da Silva, de Lima, dos Santos and Velasquèz [5].

Theorem 4.1

Let (Mn,g) be a connected and oriented closed Riemannian manifold isometrically immersed into the Euclidean space RN endowed with a density ef and let F:SnR+ be a smooth function satisfying the convexity

Estimates without weight

We finish this note by giving two results in the non-weighted case generalizing previous results of Grosjean [7] and the first author [16] when a higher order anisotropic mean curvature is constant. We have this first result for the operators Lr,F.

Corollary 5.1

Let (Mn,g) be a n-dimensional (n2) compact, connected, oriented manifold without boundary, isometrically immersed by X into Rn+1, F:SnR+ a function satisfying (5) and r,s{1,,n}. Assume that Hr+1F>0 and that HsF is a positive constant, then the

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