Correction to: Communications Physics, published online 5 August 2020.

The abstract in the original version of this Article included a sentence that read “Silica glass, being the most widely used optical material, has so far evaded all laser cooling attempts”. This sentence has now been removed.

The original version of this Article contained two sentences in the first paragraph of the Introduction, which read: “However, attempts to cool silica glass, which is arguably the most versatile optical material, have so far been unsuccessful16,17. Here, we report the first laser cooling of Yb-doped silica glass”. The new version replaces these sentences with “However, attempts to cool silica glass, which is arguably the most versatile optical material, have been unsuccessful16,17 until very recently47,48. Here, we report laser cooling of Yb-doped silica glass”.

Also, the final sentence of the first paragraph of the Discussion originally read “We note that this is the first reported measurement of the external quantum efficiency of Yb-doped silica glass, the determination of which is critical to laser cooling experiments”. This has been updated to “We note that this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first reported measurement of the external quantum efficiency of Yb-doped silica glass, the determination of which is critical to laser cooling experiments”.

The note at the end of the Discussion read “While this paper was under review…”. This has been modified to “While this paper was under review in another Nature Research journal, …”

Finally, two additional references are added:

47. Mobini, E. et al. Observation of anti-Stokes fluorescence cooling of ytterbium-doped silica glass. In Proc. SPIE 11298, Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications II, 112980G (2020).

48. Knall, J. M. et al. Experimental observation of cooling in Yb-doped silica fibers. In Proc. SPIE 11298, Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications II, 112980F (2020).

The above have been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.