Local times and sample path properties of the Rosenblatt process

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spa.2020.09.018Get rights and content


Let Z=(Zt)t0 be the Rosenblatt process with Hurst index H(12,1). We prove joint continuity for the local time of Z, and establish Hölder conditions for the local time. These results are then used to study the irregularity of the sample paths of Z. Based on analogy with similar known results in the case of fractional Brownian motion, we believe our results are sharp. A main ingredient of our proof is a rather delicate spectral analysis of arbitrary linear combinations of integral operators, which arise from the representation of the Rosenblatt process as an element in the second chaos.


The Rosenblatt process Z=(Zt)t0 is a self-similar stochastic process with long-range dependence and heavier tails than those of the normal distribution. It depends on a parameter H(12,1) which is fixed in what follows. The process Z belongs to the family of Hermite processes that naturally arise as limits of normalized sums of long-range dependent random variables [8]. The first Hermite process is the fractional Brownian motion, which is Gaussian and thus satisfies many desirable properties. The Rosenblatt process is the second Hermite process: it is no longer Gaussian and was introduced by Rosenblatt in [20]. Although less popular than fractional Brownian motion, the Rosenblatt process is attracting increasing interest in the literature, mainly due to its self-similarity, stationarity of increments, and long-range dependence properties. See for example [1], [6], [15], [18] for recent studies on different aspects of this process.

The Rosenblatt process (Zt)t0 admits the following stochastic representation, also known as the spectral representation: Zt=R2Ht(x,y)ZG(dx)ZG(dy).In (1.1), the double Wiener–Itô integral is taken over x±y and ZG(dx) is a complex-valued random white noise with control measure G satisfying G(dx)=|x|Hdx. The kernel Ht(x,y) is given by Ht(x,y)=eit(x+y)1i(x+y),and is a complex valued Hilbert–Schmidt kernel satisfying Ht(x,y)=Ht(y,x)=Ht(x,y)¯ and R2|Ht(x,y)|2G(dx)G(dy)<. In particular, the spectral theorem applies, see [8], and allows one to write Zt=dk=1λk(Xk21),where (Xk)k1 is a sequence of independent standard Gaussian random variables and (λk)k1 are the eigenvalues1 (repeated according to the possible multiplicity) of the self-adjoint operator A:LG2(R)LG2(R), given by (Af)(x)RHt(x,y)f(y)G(dy)=RHt(x,y)f(y)|y|Hdy.Furthermore, k1λk2< and thus (1.3) converges.

The goal of the present paper is to study the occupation density (also known as the local time) L(x,I) of Z, where xR and I(0,) is a finite closed interval. Recall that for a deterministic function f:R+R, the occupation measure of f is defined by ν(A,B)=μ(Bf1(A)),where AR and BR+ are Borel sets and μ is the Lebesgue measure on R+. Observe that ν(A,B) represents the amount of time during a period B where f takes value in A. Then, when ν(,B) is absolutely continuous with respect to μ, the occupation density (or local time) is given by the Radon–Nikodym derivative L(x,B)=dνdμ(x,B).We study the local time via the analytic approach initiated by Berman [4]. The idea is to relate properties of L(x,B) with the integrability properties of the Fourier transform of f. Recall the following key result [10]:

Proposition 1.1

The function f has an occupation density L(x,B) for xR,BB([u,U]) which is square integrable in x for every fixed B iff R|uUexp(iξf(t))dt|2dξ<.Moreover, in this case, the occupation density can be represented as L(x,B)=12πRBexp(iξ(xf(s)))dξds.

The deterministic function f(t) can be chosen to be the single path of a stochastic process (Xt)t0. To show almost sure existence and square integrability of L(x,B) in that case, it will be enough to show that ER|uUexp(iξXt)dt|2dξ<,or equivalently RuUuUE[exp(iξ(XsXt))]dsdtdξ<.If (Xt)t0 is Gaussian, then one can evaluate E[exp(iξ(XsXt))] explicitly to establish (1.4). It leads to the well-known Gaussian criterion:

Proposition 1.2 Lemma 19 in [10]

Suppose that X is Gaussian and centered, and satisfies [u,U]2Δ(s,t)12dsdt<,where Δ(s,t)=E[(XsXt)2]. Then (Xt)t0 has an occupation density L=L(x,B,ω) which, for any BB([u,U]), is square integrable, in particular (1.4) holds.

In our setting (Xt)t0=(Zt)t0 is the Rosenblatt process which is not Gaussian. Nevertheless, a careful analysis of E[exp(iξ(ZsZt))] via (1.3) yields (1.4). This is the approach in [21] where existence of the local time of the Rosenblatt process was first established. In this paper we show a considerably more involved bound on the Fourier transform which in turn will yield deeper results regarding the irregularity properties of the sample paths. The following is the key result of our paper:

Proposition 1.3

Let nN and 0η<1H2H. Then, for any times 0u<U, the Rosenblatt process satisfies [u,U]nRnj=1n|ξj|η|Eexpij=1nξjZtj|dξdtCnn2nH(1+η)(Uu)(1H(1+η))n,where the constant C>0 depends only on H and η.

Proposition 1.3 can be applied to obtain the following Hölder conditions on L(x,B).

Theorem 1.4

Let (Zt)t0 be a Rosenblatt process with H12,1. The local time (x,t)L(x,[0,t]) is almost surely jointly continuous and has finite moments. For a finite closed interval I(0,), let L(I)=supxRL(x,I). There exist deterministic constants C1 and C2 such that, almost surely, lim supr0L([sr,s+r])r1H(loglogr1)2HC1,for any sI and lim supr0supsIL([sr,s+r])r1H(logr1)2HC2.

In particular, the local time L(x,I) is well defined for any fixed x and interval I(0,). Explicit estimates for the moments of the local time are provided in Theorem 3.1. As a direct corollary we obtain:

Corollary 1.5

For any finite closed interval I(0,) there exist deterministic constants C1 and C2, independent of x and t, such that, almost surely, for every tI and every xR lim supr0L(x,[tr,t+r])r1H(loglogr1)2HC1,and for every xR lim supr0suptIL(x,[tr,t+r])r1H(logr1)2HC2.

Moreover, we get the following for a particular Hausdorff measure:

Corollary 1.6

Let I(0,) be a finite closed interval. There exists a deterministic constant C such that for every xR we have Hϕ(Z1(x)I)CL(x,I), a.s., where Hϕ denotes ϕ-Hausdorff measure with ϕ(r)=r1H(loglogr1)2H.

Furthermore, we can quantify the behavior of the trajectories of Z. We also point the reader to the recent paper [2] for a similar result obtained with a different approach.

Corollary 1.7

Let I(0,) be a finite closed interval. There exists a deterministic constant C>0 such that for every sI we have, almost surely, lim infr0supsr<t<s+r|ZtZs|rH(loglogr1)2HC,and lim infr0infsIsupsr<t<s+r|ZtZs|rH(logr1)2HC.In particular, Z is almost surely nowhere differentiable.

In Section 2 we establish our main result Proposition 1.3. As we are dealing with a second order Hermite process, we are forced to control from below singular values of somewhat unwieldy operators (see Remark 5.3). For this purpose we need to introduce several technical lemmas exhibiting tools from operator theory and harmonic analysis, including the theory of weighted integrals. Their proofs are postponed into Section 5. Section 3 is dedicated to some results regarding the existence and joint continuity of the local time. In particular, bounds on the moments of L(x,B) are obtained. Finally, in Section 4, Theorem 1.4 and Corollary 1.5, Corollary 1.6, Corollary 1.7 are established.

Section snippets

Integrability of the Fourier transform

The purpose of this section is to provide a proof of Proposition 1.3. We first outline the main steps as Lemma 2.1, Lemma 2.2, Lemma 2.3, Lemma 2.4 and then we establish (1.5). The proofs of the lemmas are carried out in Section 5.

We use the following normalization for the Fourier transform f̂(ξ)Reiξxf(x)dx,for ξR and fC0(R). The norm in the weighted space LG2 is defined as fLG22R|f(x)|2G(dx).

First, we obtain a representation of the left-hand side of (1.5) using the eigenvalues of an

Joint continuity of the local times and moment estimates

In the present section we apply Proposition 1.3 to produce moment estimates for the local time, that are of some independent interest.

Let t>0 and xR. We recall from [21] that the local time L(x,t)L(x,[0,t]) for the Rosenblatt process Z exists and admits the representation3

Proofs of main theorems

In this section we present proofs to our main results, namely Theorem 1.4 and Corollary 1.5, Corollary 1.6, Corollary 1.7. We start with two auxiliary lemmas.

Lemma 4.1

There exists η>0 such that Eeη|Z1|<.


This follows by observing that by Lemma 2.1 the characteristic function of Z1 has a bounded analytic extension to a strip {|Imθ|<δ0} for some δ0>0.  

Proposition 4.2

Let (Zt)t0 be the Rosenblatt process and set I=[sh,s+h], where h1 and s>0. Then, P(suptI|ZtZs|u)Cexpuc1hH,where c1 and C are constants that depend

Spectral estimates

Proof of Lemma 2.1

Note that by (1.1), (1.2), j=1nξjZtj=R2Ht(x,y)ZG(dx)ZG(dy),where the integral is taken over x±y, t=(t1,,tn)R+n and Ht(x,y)=j=1nξjeitj(x+y)1i(x+y),is a Hilbert–Schmidt kernel. Then the operator At,ξ satisfies (At,ξf)(x)=RHt(x,y)f(y)G(dy)=Rj=1nξjeitj(xy)1i(xy)f(y)|y|Hdy.Similarly to (1.3), for all ξRn, j=1nξjZtj=dk=1λk(Xk21),where (Xk)k1 is a sequence of independent Gaussian random variables and (λk)k1 are the eigenvalues of the operator At,ξ. Then, the characteristic

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The authors are grateful to two referees for their valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the presentation of the paper. G. Kerchev and I. Nourdin are supported by the FNR, Luxembourg OPEN grant APOGee at Luxembourg University.

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