Correction to: Int J Theor Phys (2020)

The author found a mistake in his published article that somehow crept in after the author corrected proofs.

In page-3 of the published article, the last line of the first paragraph from bottom of the page and the second paragraph from bottom of the page should be modified as shown in Table below:

In Page-3


(in the published article)


In second Para from bottom of the Page-3

The combined state of the qubits a, δ, A1, B1, B2 is

The combined state of the qubits a, δ, A1, A2, B1, B2 is given in Eq. (6) in which |Ψ±⟩| and |ϕ±⟩ are four Bell-states given by \( \left|\left.{\varPsi}^{\pm}\right\rangle =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\left|\left.00\right\rangle \pm \left|11\right\rangle \right.\right]\right., \) \( \left|\left.{\phi}^{\pm}\right\rangle =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\left|\left.01\right\rangle \pm \left|10\right\rangle \right.\right].\right. \)


Here \( \left|\left.{\phi}^{\pm}\right\rangle =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\left|\left.00\right\rangle \pm \right|\left.11\right\rangle \right]\right|\mathrm{and} \) \( \left|\left.{\varphi}^{\pm}\right\rangle =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[\left|\left.01\right\rangle \pm \right|\left.10\right\rangle \right]\right| \) are four Bell-state.


In Last line of the first Para from bottom of the Page-3

After BSM, the collapsed states of qubits (A2, B1) are

After BSM, the collapsed states of qubits (A2, B1) are given in Eq. (7)