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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 27, 2020

Integration with respect to deficient topological measures on locally compact spaces

  • Svetlana V. Butler EMAIL logo
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


Topological measures and deficient topological measures generalize Borel measures and correspond to certain non-linear functionals. We study integration with respect to deficient topological measures on locally compact spaces. Such an integration over sets yields a new deficient topological measure if we integrate a nonnegative continuous vanishing at infinity function; and it produces a signed deficient topological measure if we integrate a continuous function on a compact space. We present many properties of these resulting deficient topological measures and of signed deficient topological measures. In particular, they are absolutely continuous with respect to the original deficient topological measure, and their corresponding non-linear functionals are Lipschitz continuous. Deficient topological measures obtained by integration over sets can also be obtained from non-linear functionals. We show that for a deficient topological measure μ that assumes finitely many values, there is a function f such that Xf dμ = 0, but X (–f) dμ ≠ 0. We present different criteria for Xf dμ = 0. We also prove some convergence results, including a Monotone convergence theorem.

MSC 2010: 28A25; 28C05; 28C15; 46T99; 46F99
  1. (Communicated by David Buhagiar)


The author would like to thank the Department of Mathematics at the University of California Santa Barbara for its supportive environment. The author would also like to thank the anonymous reviewer for valuable comments.


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Received: 2019-05-22
Accepted: 2020-02-21
Published Online: 2020-09-27
Published in Print: 2020-10-27

© 2020 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences

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