
Annals of Physics

Volume 422, November 2020, 168313
Annals of Physics

Bicoherent-state path integral quantization of a non-hermitian hamiltonian

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2020.168313Get rights and content


  • Path integral quantization of non-hermitian systems.

  • Novel bicoherent state path integration.

  • Feynman path integrals for non-hermitian systems.

  • Generalization of conventional coherent state path integration.

  • Pseudo-boson and bicoherent state quantization of Swanson’s model.


We introduce, for the first time, bicoherent-state path integration as a method for quantizing non-hermitian systems. Bicoherent-state path integrals arise as a natural generalization of ordinary coherent-state path integrals, familiar from hermitian quantum physics. We do all this by working out a concrete example, namely, computation of the propagator of a certain quasi-hermitian variant of Swanson’s model, which is not invariant under conventional PT-transformation. The resulting propagator coincides with that of the propagator of the standard harmonic oscillator, which is isospectral with the model under consideration by virtue of a similarity transformation relating the corresponding hamiltonians. We also compute the propagator of this model in position space by means of Feynman path integration and verify the consistency of the two results.


In this paper we focus on the quantum-mechanical oscillator described by the non-self-adjoint hamiltonian Hθ=12p2+x2i2(tan2θ)p2x2.acting on wave-functions in the standard Hilbert space H=L2(R). Here θ is a real parameter restricted to the range π4<θ<π4and x and p are the usual (hermitian) canonical position and momentum operators satisfying3 4 [x,p]=i1.

For our paper to be self-contained, and for the sake of pedagogical clarity, in this section we shall review in some detail all the relevant facts about (1.1) and the dynamics associated with it, which are necessary for path-integral quantization of this system.

The hamiltonian (1.1) is a variant [1] of Swanson’s model [2], which unlike the latter, is not invariant under conventional PT-symmetry [3]. In fact, under PT-transformation, HθHθ=Hθ. Note, however, that the canonical transformation xp,px, transforms Hθ to Hθ. Thus, Hθ and Hθ are isospectral.

We can rewrite Hθ in yet a different form as Hθ=12cos2θeiθp2+eiθx2.Thus, Hθ is obtained from the standard harmonic oscillator Hθ=0 (with spectrum En=n+12) by a complex canonical transformation xXθ=eiθx,pPθ=eiθp,such that [Xθ,Pθ]=i1,followed by multiplication by an overall scale factor ωθ=1cos2θ.(Note that ωθ is well defined for all θ in the range (1.2).) We thus conclude that the eigenvalues of Hθ are En=ωθn+12n=0,1,2,.This spectrum is an even function of θ. Consequently, once again, we see that the spectrum of Hθ is invariant under PT-transformation. It obviously coincides with the spectrum of the conventional hermitian harmonic oscillator hθ=ωθaa+121,where a=12(x+ip) and a=12(xip) are the standard annihilation and creation operators. In fact, Hθ and hθ are isospectral because they are related by the similarity transformation [4] Hθ=TθhθTθ1,where Tθ=eiθ2(a2a2)is an unbounded, self-adjoint positive-definite operator, which we readily recognize as the squeezing operator [5] with imaginary squeezing parameter iθ.Consistency of (1.3), (1.9) then requires that Xθ=TθxTθ1andPθ=TθpTθ1,as well. This is indeed the case, because (1.4) is nothing but the result of the non-unitary squeezing transformation with Tθ.

For the benefit of readers not familiar with squeezed coherent states, we note that in the position representation Tθ=eθ2(xp+px)=eiθ2eiθddlogx.Thus, Tθ acting on any sensible function ψ(x) shifts logx by iθ, followed by a multiplication by an overall phase: Tθψ(x)=eiθ2ψ(eiθx). Using this representation of Tθ and the fact that Tθ1=Tθ, we can prove that TθxTθ1ψ(x)=eiθxψ(x) in a straightforward manner. In a similar way, we can prove that Pθψ(x)=eiθpψ(x)=ieiθdψ(x)dx.

The similarity transformation (1.11) implies that Xθ and Pθ are isospectral to x and p. That is, Xθ and Pθ are diagonalizable with purely real spectra. At the same time, (1.4) tells us that they are also proportional to x and p, up to complex phases. However, this does not lead to a contradiction, because the similarity transformation (1.11) maps H onto the Hilbert space Hθ defined following Eq. (1.14) below. The relations (1.4) are only valid in Hθ, where x and p are not hermitian. On the other hand, the operators x and p which appear on the right-hand sides of the two equations in (1.11), do operate on H, where they are hermitian.

It follows from (1.9) that Hθ=Tθ1hθTθ=Tθ2HθTθ2. That is, Hθ and Hθ are also related by a similarity transformation, or equivalently, satisfy the intertwining relation5 Hθgθ=gθHθ,with gθ=Tθ2=eiθ(a2a2)=eθ(xp+px).The intertwining relation (1.13) means that Hθ is actually hermitian with respect to the metric gθ, namely, in the Hilbert space Hθ equipped with inner product ψ1|ψ2θ=ψ1|gθ|ψ2.That is, Hθψ1|ψ2θ=ψ1|Hθψ2θ,by virtue of (1.13). As θ0, this Hilbert space turns, of course, into the standard Hilbert space Hθ=0H(L2(R)) with metric g0=1.

Clearly, Hθ is an observable in our theory, as are Xθ and Pθ. More generally, any operator A in this theory, which is hermitian with respect to gθ, that is, satisfies the intertwining relation Agθ=gθA,is an observable. Such observables are sometimes referred to as a quasi-hermitian operators [6], because A is related to a hermitian operator by a similarity transformation, in a manner analogous to (1.9), (1.11).

The Swanson model [2] mentioned above, namely, the PTsymmetric relative of (1.1), offers yet another example of a quasi-hermitian hamiltonian. This well-studied model also demonstrates the fact that given the hamiltonian H, the metric g is not unique [2], [6], [7], [8]. Various choices of g lead to different quantizations of the system, with different irreducible sets of observables, in different Hilbert spaces.

More generally, the hamiltonian of any PTsymmetric quantum mechanical system, with unbroken PT symmetry, is hermitian with respect to the CPT-inner product of that system [3], and therefore possesses real spectrum.

Path integration is a method for computing matrix elements of the time evolution operator (or propagator) eiHθt, which governs dynamics of the system. Thus, a few words are in order concerning dynamics of observables in our model.

Time evolution in the Hilbert space Hθ is unitary, namely, eiHθtgθeiHθt=gθ,which is a trivial consequence of (1.13).

Consequently, Quantum Mechanics formulated in Hθ is essentially not different from conventional hermitian Quantum Mechanics. To start with, the inner product of any two states |ψ1,2(t)=eiHθt|ψ1,2(0), which evolve in time according to the Schrödinger equation, is time-independent: ψ1(t)|ψ2(t)θ=ψ1(0)|ψ2(0)θ. This implies, of course, probability conservation in the case of identical states.

By forming matrix elements of an observable A=A(0) in the Schrödinger picture, we immediately deduce from (1.17) that its Heisenberg picture counterpart A(t) evolves according to A(t)=eiHθtA(0)eiHθt.Equivalently, the Heisenberg equation of motion resulting from (1.19) is iȦ(t)=[A(t),Hθ].Thus, observables which commute with Hθ are conserved in time.

It is trivial to verify that A(t) fulfills the intertwining relation (1.17) at all times, and is therefore an observable. This is consistent with the fact that the spectrum of A(t) is conserved in time, because formally, (1.19) is a similarity transformation.6

The Heisenberg equations of motion (1.20) for Xθ and Pθ, Ẋθ=ωθPθandṖθ=ωθXθare similar in form to the corresponding equations of motion in the hermitian problem. We can readily solve them and find Xθ(t)=eiHθtXθ(0)eiHθt=Xθ(0)cosωθt+Pθ(0)sinωθtPθ(t)=eiHθtPθ(0)eiHθt=Pθ(0)cosωθtXθ(0)sinωθt. These solutions preserve the equal-time canonical commutation relation [Xθ(t),Pθ(t)]=i1at all times.

Formally, by invoking the similarity transformations (1.9), (1.11) to the middle term in each of the equations in (1.22), we can easily show that Xθ(t)=Tθeihθtx(0)eihθtTθ1=Tθx(t)Tθ1Pθ(t)=Tθeihθtp(0)eihθtTθ1=Tθp(t)Tθ1. Thus, (1.11) holds for operators in the Heisenberg representation as well. Xθ(t) and Pθ(t) are (formally) similar to their hermitian counterparts x(t) and p(t). They are therefore diagonalizable, and their spectra are real as well.

We shall now derive the spectral decompositions of Xˆθ(t) and Pˆθ(t) in terms of complete biorthogonal bases of right- and left-eigenvectors.7 To this end, we start by substituting the standard spectral decompositions xˆ(0)=dxx|xx|,dx|xx|=1,x|x=δ(xx)pˆ(0)=dpp|pp|,dp|pp|=1,p|p=δ(pp) of xˆ(0) and pˆ(0), valid in the Hilbert space H, in (1.24). Therefore, Xˆθ(t)=dxxTθeihθt|xx|eihθtTθ1Pˆθ(t)=dppTθeihθt|pp|eihθtTθ1. From this equation we can read-off the desired spectral decompositions in terms of complete biorthogonal bases of right- and left-eigenvectors for the time-dependent operators as follows. For Xˆθ(t) we obtain Xˆθ(t)=dxx|x;tRLx;t||x;tR=Tθ|x;t=Tθeihθt|x=eiHθtTθ|x|x;tL=Tθ1|x;t=Tθ1eihθt|x=gθeiHθtTθ|x=gθ|x;tR, where we used (1.9), (1.14), and invoked hermiticity of (1.10). Completeness and biorthogonality follow immediately: dx|x;tRLx;t|=1,Lx;t|x;tR=δ(xx).Similarly, for Pˆθ(t) we obtain Pˆθ(t)=dpp|p;tRLp;t||p;tR=Tθ|p;t=Tθeihθt|p=eiHθtTθ|p|p;tL=Tθ1|p;t=Tθ1eihθt|p=gθeiHθtTθ|p=gθ|p;tR, and dp|p;tRLp;t|=1,Lp;t|p;tR=δ(pp).These spectral decompositions, into eigenstates with purely real eigenvalues x and p, will be crucial for us in constructing the Feynman path integral for this system in Section 5.

The classical counterparts of the operators Xθ(t) and Pθ(t) in (1.22) are real variables, corresponding to their parent quantum observables with their real spectra. This, together with the classical limit of (1.4), means that eiθx and eiθp should be taken as real variables as well. That is, in the classical limit of the system originally defined in Hθ, the particle actually moves along the line in the complex x-plane making an angle θ with the real axis. (This is precisely the anti-Stokes line mentioned in Section 2.1.1 below.)

The classical variables Xθ(t) and Pθ(t) obviously have canonical Poisson brackets, and any function A(Xθ(t),Pθ(t)) of these phase-space variables satisfies the canonical Hamiltonian equation of motion Ȧ={A,Hθ}=AXθHθPθAPθHθXθ,obtained from (1.20) in the classical limit.

The main objective of this paper is to compute the propagator associated with (1.1) by means of path integration based on bicoherent states [9]. Bicoherent states are a powerful tool in studying non-hermitian systems such as (1.1), and the present paper is the first application of bicoherent states to path integration. We shall also compute the transition amplitude of (1.1) in position space, by means of Feynman path integration, and verify the consistency of the two results. As a byproduct of this computation, we shall gain insight into what Feynman path integrals of non-hermitian quantum systems really mean.

The object of main interest in this paper is the probability amplitude Afi(t)=ψf|eiHθt|ψiθ=ψf|gθeiHθt|ψifor unitary time evolution of an initial state |ψi into a final state |ψf. Time evolution is unitary, because (1.32) is defined in the Hilbert space Hθ. In this evolution, the metric gθ acts as a boundary term, at the end of the process. Its sole function is to ensure unitarity of the process, so that |Afi(t)|2 is the probability to start from |ψi and end up at |ψf after time t. Now, imagine sandwiching the propagator eiHθt between two resolutions of unity associated with the position operator, as in the first equation in (1.25): Afi(t)=ψf|gθdx1|x1x1|eiHθtdx2|x2x2|ψi=dx1dx2ψf|gθ|x1x1|eiHθt|x2x2|ψi The factors ψf|gθ|x1 and x2|ψi are fixed position-dependent wave-functions, determined by the initial and final states. The interesting term, encoding the dynamics of our system, is the matrix element G(x1,x2;t)=x1|eiHθt|x2of the propagator. It is this object (or its analog, with |x1,2 replaced by a pair of bicoherent states to be defined below) which we shall derive path-integral representations for. As it stands, we can think of it simply as a matrix element of a non-hermitian operator acting on the standard Hilbert space H. This is the approach we shall adopt henceforth throughout the rest of this paper.

In contrast to the hermitian case, (1.34) by itself is of course not a probability amplitude, but this should not prevent us from representing it as a path integral. After computing (1.34) by what-ever method we choose, we can plug it back into (1.33) and compute the relevant probability amplitude.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is devoted to a pedagogical review of the application of pseudo-bosons and the bicoherent states associated with them to studying the non-hermitian oscillator (1.1). In Section 3 we compute the matrix elements of the propagator eiHθt both in the basis of bicoherent states and between position eigenstates, and verify the consistency of these matrix elements. Sections 4 The bicoherent-state path integral, 5 The Feynman path integral lie at the heart of this paper and contain our main results: In Section 4, based on the detailed expositions of all the preceding sections, we derive, for the first time ever, the bicoherent-state path integral for the bicoherent propagation amplitude derived in Section 3. Similarly, Section 5 is devoted to deriving the corresponding Feynman path integral. We draw our conclusions and give brief outlook in Section 6. Some technical details are relegated to the Appendix.

Section snippets

Pseudo-boson operator analysis of Hθ

We use the standard annihilation and creation operators a=12(x+ip), a=12(xip) to form the linear combinations [4] Aθ=TθaTθ1=acosθ+iasinθ=12eiθx+eiθddx,Bθ=TθaTθ1=acosθ+iasinθ=12eiθxeiθddx.It is clear that (for θ0) AθBθ and also that [Aθ,Bθ]=1.Moreover, [Aθ,Aθ]=[Bθ,Bθ]=1cos2θ.For these reasons, we shall refer to Aθ,Bθ and their hermitian adjoints as pseudo-boson operators. For further details and mathematical discussion of these operators, see [4], [10].

We can use these

The propagation amplitude

In this section we derive explicitly the matrix elements of the propagator eiHθt in position space and in terms of bicoherent states.

The bicoherent-state path integral

The main objective of the present work is derivation of the bicoherent-state path integral representation for the propagator (3.4). Surely enough, the path integral derivation of (3.4) which follows is not as simple and straightforward as the direct derivation in Section 3.1. For simple systems such as (1.1), path integration techniques are evidently an over-kill. Moreover, since (3.4) (and consequently (4.8) below) are identical to the analogous quantities for the conventional hermitian

The Feynman path integral

We have derived in Section 3.2 the position matrix element (3.9) of the propagator by transforming its bicoherent-state matrix element (3.4) to the position basis. In this section we shall derive (3.9) directly from the Feynman path integral representation of the propagator. We shall do so by applying the Gelfand–Yaglom–Montroll method [19], [20], following Chapter 6 of [17].

Before delving into Feynman path integration, let us present a quick way to compute this matrix element directly from

Conclusions and outlook

In this paper we have introduced, for the first time, bicoherent-state path integration as a method for quantizing non-hermitian systems. We have applied it to the concrete and very simple system given by (1.1), and used it to obtain its propagator. We have verified the consistency of our bicoherent-state results with direct Feynman path integration. On the way, we have elucidated the type of paths summed over in the Feynman path integral. The bicoherent-state and Feynman path integrals for the

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This collaboration was initiated when the authors met at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) during a visit for participating in the program ‘Non-Hermitian Physics - PHHQP XVIII’ (Code: ICTS/nhp2018/06). This work was partially supported by the University of Palermo and by the Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica of Indam, and by the Israel Science Foundation (grant No. 2040/17). J.F. also thanks the University of Palermo for financial support via CORI.

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