Small models, large cardinals, and induced ideals rights and content


We show that many large cardinal notions up to measurability can be characterized through the existence of certain filters for small models of set theory. This correspondence will allow us to obtain a canonical way in which to assign ideals to many large cardinal notions. This assignment coincides with classical large cardinal ideals whenever such ideals had been defined before. Moreover, in many important cases, relations between these ideals reflect the ordering of the corresponding large cardinal properties both under direct implication and consistency strength.


The work presented in this paper is motivated by the aim to develop general frameworks for large cardinal properties and their ordering under both direct implication and consistency strength. We develop such a framework for large cardinal notions up to measurability, that is based on the existence of set-sized models and ultrafilters for these models satisfying certain degrees of amenability and normality. This will cover several classical large cardinal concepts like inaccessibility, weak compactness, ineffability, Ramseyness and measurability, and also many of the Ramsey-like cardinals that are an increasingly popular subject of recent set-theoretic research (see, for example, [4], [5], [6], [9], [10], [16], [27], and [29]), but in addition, it canonically yields a number of new large cardinal notions. We then use these large cardinal characterizations to canonically assign ideals to large cardinal notions, in a way that generalizes all such assignments previously considered in the set-theoretic literature, like the classical definition of the weakly compact ideal, the ineffable ideal, the completely ineffable ideal and the Ramsey ideal. In a great number of cases, we can show that the ordering of these ideals under inclusion directly corresponds to the ordering of the underlying large cardinal notions under direct implication. Similarly, the ordering of these large cardinal notions under consistency strength can usually be read off these ideals in a simple and canonical way. In combination, these results show that the framework developed in this paper provides a natural setting to study the lower reaches of the large cardinal hierarchy.

Starting from measurability upwards, many important large cardinal notions are defined through the existence of certain ultrafilters that can be used in ultrapower constructions in order to produce elementary embeddings j:VM of the set-theoretic universe V into some transitive class M with the large cardinal in question as their critical point. A great variety of results shows that many prominent large cardinal properties below measurability can be characterized through the existence of filters that only measure sets contained in set-sized models M of set theory.1 For example, the equivalence of weak compactness to the filter property (see [1, Theorem 1.1.3]) implies that an uncountable cardinal κ is weakly compact if and only if for every model M of ZFC of cardinality at most κ that contains κ, there exists an uniform2 M-ultrafilter U on κ that is <κ-complete in V.3 Isolating what was implicit in folklore results (see, for example, [26]), Gitman, Sharpe and Welch showed that Ramseyness can be characterized through the existence of countably complete ultrafilters for transitive ZFC-models of cardinality κ (see [9, Theorem 1.3] or [29, Theorem 5.1]). More examples of such characterizations are provided by results of Kunen [24], Kleinberg [23] and Abramson–Harrington–Kleinberg–Zwicker [1]. Their characterizations can be formulated through the following scheme, which is hinted at in the paragraph before [1, Lemma 3.5.1]: An uncountable cardinal κ has the large cardinal property Φ(κ) if and only if for some (equivalently, for all) sufficiently large regular cardinal(s) θ and for some (equivalently, for all) countable MH(θ) with κM, there exists a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ with the property that the statement Ψ(M,U) holds. Their results show that this scheme holds true in the following cases:

  • [1] Φ(κ)κis inaccessible and Ψ(M,U)Uis<κ-amenable and<κ-complete forM.4

  • [24] Φ(κ)κis weakly compact and Ψ(M,U)Uisκ-amenable and<κ-complete forM.

  • [23] Φ(κ)κis completely ineffable and Ψ(M,U)Uisκ-amenable forMandM-normal.

Generalizing the above scheme, our large cardinal characterizations will be based on three schemes that are introduced below. In order to phrase these schemes in a compact way, we introduce some terminology. As usual, we say that some statement φ(β) holds for sufficiently large ordinals β if there is an αOrd such that φ(β) holds for all αβOrd. Given infinite cardinals λκ, a ZFC-model M is a (λ,κ)-model if it has cardinality λ and (λ+1){κ}M. A (κ,κ)-model is called a weak κ-model. A κ-model is a weak κ-model that is closed under <κ-sequences.5 Moreover, given an infinite cardinal θ and a class S of elementary submodels of H(θ), we say that some statement ψ(M) holds for many models in S if for every xH(θ), there exists an M in S with xM for which ψ(M) holds. Finally, we say that a statement ψ(M) holds for many transitive weak κ-models M if for every xκ, there exists a transitive weak κ-model M with xM for which ψ(M) holds.

Scheme A

An uncountable cardinal κ has the large cardinal property Φ(κ) if and only if for all sufficiently large regular cardinals θ and all infinite cardinals λ<κ, there are many (λ,κ)-models MH(θ) for which there exists a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ with Ψ(M,U).

Scheme B

An uncountable cardinal κ has the large cardinal property Φ(κ) if and only if for many transitive weak κ-models M there exists a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ with Ψ(M,U).

Scheme C

An uncountable cardinal κ has the large cardinal property Φ(κ) if and only if for all sufficiently large regular cardinals θ, there are many weak κ-models MH(θ) for which there exists a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ with Ψ(M,U).

Trivial examples of valid instances of the Scheme A, Scheme C can be obtained by considering the properties Φ(κ)Φms(κ)κis measurable andΨ(M,U)Ψms(M,U)U is M-normal and U=FM for some FM. In contrast, Scheme B cannot provably hold true for Φ(κ)Φms(κ) and a property Ψ(M,U) of models M and M-ultrafilters U whose restriction to κ-models and filters on κ is definable by a Π12-formula over Vκ, because the statement that for many transitive weak κ-models M there exists a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ with Ψ(M,U) could then again be formulated by a Π12-sentence over Vκ, and measurable cardinals are Π12-indescribable (see [22, Proposition 6.5]). Since the measurability of κ can be expressed by a Σ12-formula over Vκ, this shows that there is no reasonable6 characterization of measurability through Scheme B. In order to have a trivial example for a valid instance of Scheme B available, we make the following definition:

Definition 1.1

An uncountable cardinal κ is locally measurable if and only if for many transitive weak κ-models M there exists a uniform M-normal M-ultrafilter U on κ with UM.

By the transitivity of the models M involved, Scheme B then holds true for the propertiesΦ(κ)Φlms(κ)κ is locally measurable and Ψ(M,U)Ψms(M,U). Standard arguments show that measurable cardinals are locally measurable limits of locally measurable cardinals. In addition, we will show that consistency-wise, locally measurable cardinals are strictly above all other large cardinal notions discussed in this paper. We will also show that locally measurable cardinals are Ramsey. In contrast, they are not necessarily ineffable, for ineffable cardinals are known to be Π21-indescribable, while local measurability is a Π21-property of κ.

In combination with existing results, the work presented in this paper will yield a complete list of large cardinal properties that can be characterized through the above schemes by considering filters possessing various degrees of amenability and normality. In order to present these results in a compact way (and also for later usage), we introduce abbreviations for the relevant properties of cardinals, models and filters. All relevant definitions will be provided in the later sections of our paper.

  • Φia(κ)κis inaccessible, Ψia(M,U)Uis<κ-amenable and<κ-complete forM.

  • Φwc(κ)κis weakly compact, Ψwc(M,U)Uisκ-amenable and<κ-complete forM.

  • Ψδ(M,U)UisM-normal.

  • ΨWC(M,U)Uis<κ-amenable forMandM-normal.

  • Φie(κ)κis ineffable, Ψie(M,U)Uis normal.

  • Φcie(κ)κis completely ineffable, Ψcie(M,U)Uisκ-amenable forMandM-normal.

  • ΦwR(κ)κis weakly Ramsey,

    ΨwR(M,U) U is κ-amenable for M, M-normal, and Ult(M,U) is well-founded ”.

  • ΦωR(κ)κisω-Ramsey.

  • ΦR(κ)κis Ramsey,

    ΨR(M,U)Uisκ-amenable forM,M-normal and countably complete.

  • ΦiR(κ)κis ineffably Ramsey,

    ΨiR(M,U) U is κ-amenable for M, M-normal and stationary-complete ”.

  • ΦnR(κ)κ is Δω-Ramsey, ΨnR(M,U)Uisκ-amenable forMand normal.

  • ΦstR(κ)κis strongly Ramsey,

    ΨstR(M,U)Mis aκ-model,Uisκ-amenable forMandM-normal.

  • ΦsuR(κ)κis super Ramsey,

    ΨsuR(M,U)MH(κ+)is aκ-model,Uisκ-amenable forMandM-normal.

First, note that some of the large cardinal properties appearing in the above list are already defined through one of the above schemes, yielding the following trivial correspondences:

  • Scheme B holds true in the following cases:

    • Φ(κ)ΦstR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨstR(M,U).

    • Φ(κ)ΦsuR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨsuR(M,U).

  • Scheme C holds true in the following cases:

    • Φ(κ)ΦωR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨwR(M,U).

    • Φ(κ)ΦnR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨnR(M,U).

The following theorem summarizes our results, together with a number of known results. Items (1), (2a) and (4(b)i) extend the classical results of Kunen, Kleinberg, and Abramson–Harrington–Kleinberg–Zwicker from [1] mentioned above.7 Item (3a) is the result from Gitman, Sharpe and Welch mentioned above (in [9], M-normality is not mentioned, however this is easily seen to be irrelevant – see also our Corollary 3.9). Both Item (3a) and Item (3b) are special cases of a result of Sharpe and Welch ([29, Theorem 3.3]). Item (5b) is due to Abramson, Harrington, Kleinberg and Zwicker ([1, Corollary 1.3.1]).

Theorem 1.2

  • (1)

    Scheme A, Scheme B, Scheme C hold true in case Φ(κ)Φwc(κ) and Ψ(M,U)Ψwc(M,U).

  • (2)

    Scheme A, Scheme C both hold true in the following cases:

    • (a)

      Φ(κ)Φcie(κ) and Ψ(M,U)Ψcie(M,U).

    • (b)

      Φ(κ)ΦωR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨwR(M,U).

    • (c)

      Φ(κ)ΦnR(κ) and either

      • (i)

        Ψ(M,U)ΨiR(M,U), or

      • (ii)


  • (3)

    Scheme B holds true in the following cases:

    • (a)

      Φ(κ)ΦR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨR(M,U).

    • (b)

      Φ(κ)ΦiR(κ) and Ψ(M,U)ΨiR(M,U).

  • (4)

    Scheme A holds true in the following cases:

    • (a)

      Φ(κ)κis regular and either

      • (i)

        Ψ(M,U)Uis<κ-complete forM, or

      • (ii)


    • (b)

      Φ(κ)Φia(κ) and either

      • (i)

        Ψ(M,U)Ψia(M,U), or

      • (ii)

        Ψ(M,U)Uis<κ-amenable forMand normal.

  • (5)

    Scheme B, Scheme C hold true in the following cases:

    • (a)

      Φ(κ)Φwc(κ) and either

      • (i)

        Ψ(M,U)Ψia(M,U), or

      • (ii)

        Ψ(M,U)Uis stationary-complete,M-normal and<κ-amenable forM.

    • (b)

      Φ(κ)Φie(κ) and either

      • (i)

        Ψ(M,U)Ψie(M,U), or

      • (ii)

        Ψ(M,U)Ψie(M,U)andUis<κ-amenable forM.

The above results are summarized in abbreviated form in Table 1, Table 2 on the next page.8 The meaning of the tables should be clear to the reader when compared with the results presented in Theorem 1.2.

All entries in Table 1, Table 2 that are not mentioned within the statement of Theorem 1.2 will be immediate consequences of the definitions of the large cardinal notions that will be introduced later in our paper. Furthermore, let us remark that our results (some of which are mentioned already within Theorem 1.2) will show that the size of the models considered is irrelevant once we consider elementary submodels of (sufficiently large) H(θ)'s together with κ-amenability as in Table 2.9

We next want to study the large cardinal ideals that are canonically induced by our characterizations.

Definition 1.3

Let Ψ(M,U) be a property of models M and filters U, and let κ be an uncountable cardinal.

  • (1)

    We define IΨ<κ to be the collection of all Aκ with the property that for all sufficiently large regular cardinals θ, there exists a set xH(θ) such that for all infinite cardinals λ<κ, if MH(θ) is a (λ,κ)-model with xM and U is a uniform M-ultrafilter on κ with Ψ(M,U), then AU.

  • (2)

    We define IΨκ to be the collection of all Aκ with the property that there exists xκ such that if M is a transitive weak κ-model with xM and U is a uniform M-ultrafilter on κ with Ψ(M,U), then AU.

  • (3)

    We define IΨκ to be the collection of all Aκ with the property that for all sufficiently large regular cardinals θ, there exists a set xH(θ) such that if MH(θ) is a weak κ-model with xM and U is a uniform M-ultrafilter on κ with Ψ(M,U), then AU.

It is easy to see that the collections IΨ<κ, IΨκ and IΨκ always form ideals on κ. Moreover, if Scheme A, Scheme B or C holds for some large cardinal property Φ(κ) and some property Ψ(M,U) of models M and filters U, then the statement that Φ(κ) holds for some uncountable cardinal κ implies the properness of the ideal IΨ<κ, IΨκ, or IΨκ respectively. In addition, in all cases covered by Theorem 1.2 (and also in most other natural situations), the converse of this implication also holds true. This is trivial for instances of Scheme B. For instances of Scheme A, Scheme C, this is an easy consequence of the observation that all properties Ψ listed in the theorem are restrictable, i.e. given uncountable cardinals θ¯<θ, if MH(θ) with θ¯M, κMθ¯ is a cardinal and U is a uniform M-ultrafilter on κ with Ψ(M,U), then Ψ(M¯,U) holds, where M¯=MH(θ¯)H(θ¯). Moreover, in Lemma 2.2 below, we will see that in most cases these ideals are in fact normal ideals.

The above definitions provide uniform ways to assign ideals to large cardinal properties. The next theorem shows that, in the cases where such canonical ideals were already defined, these assignments turn out to coincide with the known notions. In the following, given an abbreviation Ψ for a property of models and filters from the above list, we will write I<κ instead of IΨ<κ, Iκ instead of IΨκ, and Iκ instead of IΨκ. Item (3) below is essentially due to Baumgartner (see [3, Section 2]). The ineffable ideal was introduced by Baumgartner in [2]. The completely ineffable ideal was introduced by Johnson in [20]. Item (5) below is a generalization of a result for countable models by Kleinberg mentioned in [23] after the proof of its Theorem 2. The Ramsey ideal and the ineffably Ramsey ideal were introduced by Baumgartner in [3]. Item (6) is essentially due to Mitchell (see for example [5, Theorem 2.10]), and both Item (6) and Item (7) are special cases of [29, Theorem 3.3].

Theorem 1.4

  • (1)

    If κ is inaccessible, then Iia<κ is the bounded ideal on κ.

  • (2)

    If κ is a regular and uncountable cardinal, then Iδ<κ is the non-stationary ideal on κ.

  • (3)

    If κ is a weakly compact cardinal, then IWCκ is the weakly compact ideal on κ.

  • (4)

    If κ is an ineffable cardinal, then Iieκ is the ineffable ideal on κ.

  • (5)

    If κ is a completely ineffable cardinal, then Icieκ is the completely ineffable ideal on κ.

  • (6)

    If κ is a Ramsey cardinal, then IRκ is the Ramsey ideal on κ.

  • (7)

    If κ is an ineffably Ramsey cardinal, then IiRκ is the ineffably Ramsey ideal on κ.

  • (8)

    If κ is a measurable cardinal, then the complement of Imsκ is the union of all normal ultrafilters on κ.

We show that many aspects of the relationship between different large cardinal notions are reflected in the relationship of their corresponding ideals.

First, our results will show that, for many important examples, the ordering of large cardinal properties under direct implication turns out to be identical to the ordering of their corresponding ideals under inclusion.

Next, our approach to show that the ordering of large cardinal properties by their consistency strength can also be read off from the corresponding ideals is motivated by the fact that the well-foundedness of the Mitchell order (see [17, Lemma 19.32]) implies that for every measurable cardinal κ, there is a normal ultrafilter U on κ with the property that κ is not measurable in Ult(V,U). Translated into the context of our paper (using Theorem 1.4.(8)) this shows that the set of all non-measurables below κ is not contained in the ideal Imsκ.10 To generalize this to other large cardinal properties Φ, if κ is a cardinal, we letNΦκ={α<κ|¬Φ(α)}. If Φ is an abbreviation for a large cardinal property, then we write Nκ instead of NΦκ. We show that the above result for measurable cardinals can be generalized to many other important large cardinal notions.11 More precisely, for various instances of our characterization schemes, we will show that the above set of ordinals without the given large cardinal property is not contained in the corresponding ideal. These results can be seen as indicators that the derived characterization and the associated ideal canonically describe the given large cardinal property, as one would expect these cardinals to lose some of their large cardinal properties in their ultrapowers. Moreover, our results also show that, in many important cases, the fact that some large cardinal property Φ has a strictly higher consistency strength than some other large cardinal property Φ is equivalent to the fact that Φ(κ) implies that the set NΦκ is an element of the ideal on κ corresponding to Φ. This allows us to reconstruct the consistency strength ordering of these properties from structural properties of their corresponding ideals. Together with the correspondence described in the last paragraph, it also shows that, in many cases, the fact that some large cardinal property Φ provably implies a large cardinal property Φ of strictly lower consistency strength yields that Φ(κ) implies the ideal on κ corresponding to Φ to be a proper subset of the ideal on κ corresponding to Φ.

Finally, we consider the question whether there are fundamental differences between the ideal Imsκ induced by measurability and the ideals induced by weaker large cardinal notions. By classical results of Kunen (see [22, Theorem 20.10]), it is possible that there is a unique normal measure on a measurable cardinal κ. In this case, the ideal Imsκ is equal to the complement of this measure and hence the induced partial order P(κ)/Imsκ is trivial, hence in particular atomic. We study the question whether the partial orders induced by other large cardinal ideals can also be atomic, conjecturing that the possible atomicity of the quotient partial order is a property that separates measurability from all weaker large cardinal properties (this is motivated by Lemma 16.3 below). This conjecture turns out to be closely related to the previous topics, and we will verify it for many prominent large cardinal properties.

The following theorem provides selected instances of our results, namely those concerning large cardinal notions that had already been introduced in the set theoretic literature. Item (1) and the statement that Iia<κIWCκ in Item (2) below are of course trivial consequences of Theorem 1.4. The statement that Niaκ belongs to the weakly compact ideal in Item (2) has been shown by Baumgartner in [3, Theorem 2.8]. That NieκIcieκ in Item (4) was shown by Johnson in [19, Corollary 4], however we will also provide an easy self-contained argument of this result later on for the benefit of our readers. Gitman has shown that weakly Ramsey cardinals (which are also known under the name of 1-iterable cardinals) are weakly compact limits of completely ineffable cardinals (see [9, Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 3.7]). Her arguments in the proof of [9, Theorem 3.7] actually show that if κ is a weakly Ramsey cardinal, then NcieκIwRκ, as in Item (5). That IwRκIRκ in Item (6) is already immediate from our above definitions. The proof of [10, Theorem 4.1] shows that NwRκIRκ, as in Item (6). That NRκIRκ in Item (6), and IRκ{NRκ}IiRκ and NiRκIiRκ in Item (7) are due to Feng (see [8, Corollary 4.4 and Theorem 4.5]). Moreover, Theorem 1.4 directly shows that IieκIiRκ holds for ineffably Ramsey cardinals κ. That NstRκIstRκ in Item (8) and that NsuRκIsuRκ in Item (9) follows easily from the results of [4], and these statements will also be immediate consequences of fairly general results from our paper. That IcieκIsuRκ in Item (9) was brought to our attention by Gitman, after we had posed this as an open question in an early version of this paper. The final statement of Item (11) is an immediate consequence of the above-mentioned result of Kunen.

Theorem 1.5

  • (1)

    If κ is an inaccessible cardinal, then NiaκIia<κ, and P(κ)/Iia<κ is not atomic.

  • (2)

    If κ is a weakly compact cardinal, then Iia<κ{Niaκ}IWCκ, NwcκIWCκ, and P(κ)/IWCκ is not atomic.

  • (3)

    If κ is an ineffable cardinal, then IWCκ{Nwcκ}Iieκ, NieκIieκ, and P(κ)/Iieκ is not atomic.

  • (4)

    If κ is a completely ineffable cardinal, then Iieκ{Nieκ}Icieκ, NcieκIcieκ, and P(κ)/Icieκ is not atomic.

  • (5)

    If κ is a weakly Ramsey cardinal, then IWCκ{Ncieκ}IwRκ, NwRκIwRκ, IieκIwRκ, and P(κ)/IwRκ is not atomic.

  • (6)

    If κ is a Ramsey cardinal, then IwRκ{NwRκ}IRκ, NRκIRκ, IieκIRκ, and P(κ)/IRκ is not atomic.

  • (7)

    If κ is an ineffably Ramsey cardinal, then IieκIRκ{NRκ}IiRκ, NiRκIiRκ, IcieκIiRκ, and P(κ)/IiRκ is not atomic.

  • (8)

    If κ is strongly Ramsey, then IRκ{NiRκ}IstRκ, NstRκIstRκ, IieκIstRκ, and P(κ)/IstRκ is not atomic.

  • (9)

    If κ is super Ramsey, then IiRκIstRκ{NstRκ}IsuRκ, NsuRκIsuRκ, IcieκIsuRκ, and P(κ)/IsuRκ is not atomic.

  • (10)

    If κ is locally measurable, then IstRκ{NsuRκ}Imsκ, NlmsκImsκ, IieκImsκ, and P(κ)/Imsκ is not atomic.

  • (11)

    If κ is measurable, then IcieκIsuRκImsκ{Nlmsκ}Imsκ, NmsκImsκ, and P(κ)/Imsκ may be atomic.

Note that the above statements show that the linear ordering of the mentioned large cardinal properties by their consistency strength can be read off from the containedness of sets of the form NΦκ in the induced ideals. Moreover, all provable implications and consistent non-implications can be read of from the ordering of the corresponding ideals under inclusion. For example, the fact that ineffability and Ramseyness do not provably imply each other corresponds to the fact that IieκIRκIieκ holds whenever κ is both ineffable and Ramsey, where the second non-inclusion is a consequence of NieκNcieκIwRκIRκ and NieκIieκ.

Fig. 1 summarizes the structural statements listed in Theorem 1.5. In this diagram, a provable inclusion I1I0 of large cardinal ideals is represented by a solid arrow

. Moreover, if I1 is an ideal induced by a large cardinal property Φ, then a dashed arrow
represents the statement that NΦκI0 provably holds.

Section snippets

Some basic notions

A key ingredient for our results will be the generalization of a number of standard notions to the context of non-transitive models, and, in the case of elementary embeddings, also to possibly non-wellfounded target models. While most of these definitions are very much standard, we will take some care in order to present them in a way that makes them applicable also in these generalized settings. They clearly correspond to their usual counterparts in the case of transitive models M. In the

Correspondences between ultrapowers and elementary embeddings

The results of this section will allow us to interchangeably talk about ultrafilters or about embeddings for models of ZFC. If M is a class that is a Σ0-correct model of ZFC, κ is a cardinal of M, and U is an M-ultrafilter on κ, then we can use the Σ0-correctness of M15 to define the induced ultrapower

Inaccessible cardinals and the bounded ideal

In this section, we characterize inaccessible limits of certain types of ordinals through the existence of <κ-amenable filters for small models M. We then use these characterizations to determine the corresponding ideals, which turn out to be the bounded ideals on the corresponding cardinals. The following direct consequence of Proposition 2.6 will be crucial for these characterizations.

Corollary 4.1

Let κ be an inaccessible cardinal and let j:MN,ϵN be an elementary embedding with crit(j)=κ. If M is a Σ0

Regular stationary limits and the non-stationary ideal

In this section, we characterize Mahlo-like cardinals, that is regular stationary limits of certain ordinals,19 through the existence of M-normal filters for small models M. We then use these characterizations to define the corresponding ideals, which turn out to be the non-stationary ideal below the considered set of ordinals. We start by proving the corresponding statement of Theorem 1.4 with the help of Lemma

Weakly compact cardinals and κ-amenability

In this section, we extend Kunen's results from [24] and we characterize weakly compact cardinals κ through the existence of κ-amenable ultrafilters for models of size at most κ. For this, we need a classical result on weakly compact cardinals, which we present using the notions introduced in Definition 4.2.

Lemma 6.1

[1, Corollary 1.1.4], see also [16, Proposition 2.9]

An uncountable cardinal κ is weakly compact if and only if it has the filter extension property, i.e. whenever F is a uniform <κ-complete filter on κ of size at most κ, and X is a collection

Weakly compact cardinals without κ-amenability

In order to find a characterization of weak compactness that is connected to a canonical ideal, we now consider characterization using models of the same cardinality as the given cardinal. We start by recalling the definition of the weakly compact ideal, which is due to Lévy.

Definition 7.1

Let κ be a weakly compact cardinal. The weakly compact ideal on κ consists of all Aκ for which there exists a Π11-formula φ(v1) and QVκ with Vκφ(Q) and Vα¬φ(QVα) for all αA.

It is well-known that the weakly compact

Weakly ineffable and ineffable cardinals

Remember that, given a set A, an A-list is a sequence da|aA with daa for all aA. Given an uncountable regular cardinal κ, a set Aκ is then called ineffable (respectively, weakly ineffable) if for every A-list dα|αA, there is Dκ such that the set {αA|Dα=dα} is stationary (respectively, unbounded) in κ. The ineffable (respectively, weakly ineffable) ideal on κ is the collection of all subsets of κ that are not ineffable (respectively, weakly ineffable). These ideals were introduced by

A formal notion of Ramsey-like cardinals

In this section, we generalize the α-Ramsey cardinals from [16] to the class of Ψ-α-Ramsey cardinals, and verify analogous results for this larger class of large cardinal notions. We start by introducing a number of generalizations of notions from [16]. In the later sections of our paper, we will consider a number of special cases of these fairly general concepts. Our generalizations will be based on games that are similar to those from [16], which however allow for quite general extra winning

The bottom of the Ramsey-like hierarchy

The weakest principles that can be extracted from the general definitions of the previous section are the Tωκ-Ramsey and the Tωκ+-Ramsey cardinals. It already follows from Theorem 6.5 that if κ is Tωκ-Ramsey, then κ is weakly compact. Moreover, it is trivial to check that whenever κ is a Tωκ-Ramsey cardinal, then ITωκ(κ), the smallest of our Ramsey-like ideals, is a superset of the ideal Iδκ.

Lemma 10.1

If κ is a Tωκ-Ramsey cardinal, then Iwieκ{Nieκ}ITωκ(κ), NTωκ(κ)ITωκ(κ) and IieκITωκ(κ).


First, let Aκ

Completely ineffable cardinals

We start by recalling the definition of complete ineffability.

Definition 11.1

Let κ be an uncountable regular cardinal.

  • (1)

    A nonempty collection SP(κ) is a stationary class if the following statements hold:

    • (a)

      Every AS is a stationary subset of κ.

    • (b)

      If AS and ABκ, then BS.

  • (2)

    A subset A of κ is completely ineffable if there is a stationary class SP(κ) with AS and the property that for every SS and every function c:[S]22, there is HS that is homogeneous for c.

  • (3)

    The cardinal κ is completely ineffable if the set κ is

Weakly Ramsey cardinals, Ramsey cardinals and ineffably Ramsey cardinals

We start this section by proving several statements from Theorem 1.5 (5).

Lemma 12.1

If κ is a weakly Ramsey cardinal, then IWCκ{Ncieκ}IwRκ, NwRκIwRκ and IieκIwRκ.


First, note that, since the properties T and wf remain true under restrictions, we can combine Lemma 8.2, Proposition 9.11 and Lemma 10.1 to conclude thatIWCκIwieκITωκ(κ)Iwfωκ(κ)=I.wRκ Moreover, the proof of [9, Theorem 3.7] directly shows that NcieκIwRκ. In addition, Corollary 9.16.(2) directly implies thatNwRκ=Nwfωκ(κ)Iwfωκ(κ)=I.wRκ

Δω-Ramsey cardinals

In this short section, we provide the short and easy proof that – perhaps somewhat surprisingly – the notions of scω-Ramsey and Δω-Ramsey cardinals are equivalent.24 Together with Theorem 9.9, this result shows why Δω-Ramseyness appears twice in Table 2, yielding Theorem 1.2 (2c), and in particular completes the tables presented in our introductory section.

Proposition 13.1

Let κ be a cardinal. Then κ is scω-Ramsey if

Strongly Ramsey and super Ramsey cardinals

In this section, we prove several statements about strong and super Ramsey cardinals contained in Theorem 1.5 (8) and (9). We start by using ideals similar to the ones used in the proof of Lemma 9.13 to derive the following result.

Proposition 14.1

If κ is a strongly Ramsey cardinal, then NTακ+(κ)ITκκ(κ) for all regular α<κ.


Pick a κ-model M and a uniform M-ultrafilter U on κ that is M-normal and κ-amenable for M. Then Ult(M,U) is well-founded and H(κ+)M=H(κ+)Ult(M,U)Ult(M,U). Fix xP(κ)M. Using the closure

Locally measurable cardinals

In this section, we prove a few results about locally measurable cardinals that allow us to compare these cardinals and their ideals to the ones studied above, yielding several statements from Theorem 1.5 (10).

Proposition 15.1

If κ is locally measurable, then NlmsκImsκ and IieκImsκ.


As noted in Section 9, if we set ΨΨms, then local measurability coincides with Ψωκ-Ramseyness and hence N=lmsκNΨωκ(κ) as well as I=msκIΨωκ(κ). Since Ψ satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 9.15, we can use the lemma to conclude that N

The measurable ideal

We close our paper with the investigation of the ideal induced by the property Ψms(M,U) with respect to Scheme A and Scheme C, and its relations with the ideals studied above. We start by verifying Theorem 1.4 (8) and Theorem 1.5 (11), and then make some further observations concerning this ideal and its induced partial order P(κ)/Imsκ.

Lemma 16.1

If κ is a measurable cardinal, then I=ms<κImsκ and this ideal is equal to the complement of the union of all normal ultrafilters on κ.


First, if Aκ with AIms<

Concluding remarks and open questions

A further property of ultrafilters for small models that has been considered in the literature (see [27]) before, and also in an earlier version of the present paper, is that of genuinity. However, it turned out that for weak κ-models, by quite a short argument, this property is already equivalent to normality.

Definition 17.1

Under the assumptions of Definition 4.2, an M-ultrafilter U is genuine if either |U|=κ and Δα<κUα is unbounded in κ for every sequence Uα|α<κ of elements of U, or |U|<κ and ⋂U is

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    The first author would like to thank Niels Ranosch and Philipp Schlicht for discussing material related to some of the contents of this paper at an early stage. Both authors would like to thank Victoria Gitman for some helpful comments on an early version of this paper. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referee for a number of helpful comments on the paper. During the revision of this paper, the research of the first author was supported by the Italian PRIN 2017 Grant Mathematical Logic: models, sets, computability. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 842082 of the second author (Project SAIFIA: Strong Axioms of Infinity – Frameworks, Interactions and Applications). During the preparation of this paper, both authors were partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC-2047/1 – 390685813.

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