
A prominent virtue of the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) bonded materials is that they could be exfoliated into multi- or single layer, thus making them useful in various novel heterostructures and devices. Moreover, the vdW materials in the 2D limit exhibit extraordinary physical properties, such as those observed in the intensively studied graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides1,2,3,4,5,6, etc. Known as the Merin-Wagner theorem7, intrinsic long-range magnetic order can not appear in the isotropic magnetic 2D limit because the strong thermal fluctuations in such case prohibit the spontaneous symmetry breaking and hence the long-range magnetic ordering. Nevertheless, a small anisotropy is sufficient to open up a sizable gap in the magnon spectra and consequently stabilizes the magnetic order against finite temperature. This picture has been realized by the observation of long-range ferromagnetic (FM) order in mono- or few-layer CrI38, Cr2Ge2Te69, Cr2Si2Te610, VSe211, and MnSe212, etc. The vdW magnets in the 2D limit host rich magneto-electrical, magneto-optical, or spin–lattice coupling effects that are capable of producing intriguing properties which are scarcely observed in bulk. Very recently, current-induced magnetic switch was observed in the few-layer Fe3GeTe213, demonstrating the vdW magnets a versatile platform for nanoelctronics. Moreover, heterostructures constructed by using vdW magnets have profound valleytronics and spintronics device applications14,15. For example, the tunneling magnetoresistance (MR) in spin-filter magnetic vdW CrI3 heterostructures even approaches 1.9 × 104%, remarkably superior to that constructed by using conventional magnetic thin films16. The easy exfoliation, weak interlayer coupling, and tunability of magnetic properties make the vdW magnets a model family of materials for exploring exotic phenomena and finding novel applications.

In the handful FM vdW magnets, the physical properties in the 2D limit differ from each other due to rather complex magnetic interactions. The semiconducting monolayer CrI3 is an Ising ferromagnet with very low Curie temperature (TC) of about 45 K due to the weak superexchange interaction along the Cr-I-Cr pathway8,17. The similar weak FM superexchange in the Heisenberg magnet bilayer Cr2Ge2Te3 also results in a low TC of ~ 30 K, and FM order is even not present in the monolayer9. As a contrast, the FM exchange with an itinerant character mediated by carriers in metallic Fe3GeTe2 monolayer is much stronger than the superexchange in CrI3 and Cr2Ge2Te6, thus yielding a remarkably higher TC of about ~ 130 K, which can be raised even above room temperature by using the ionic gating technique18,19.

The tremendous efforts in perusing high TC magnets more recently led to the discovery of a TC of ~ 130–230 K in the bulk quasi-2D vdW Fe3-xGeTe2, which can even be enhanced up to room temperature18. Interestingly, similar as Fe3-xGeTe2, bulk Fe5-xGeTe2 shows a tunable TC ranging from ~ 270 to ~ 363 K by controlling the Fe deficiency content x or by substituting Co for Fe, suggesting the detrimental role of Fe in the magnetic exchange20,21,56. A reversible magnetoelastic coupled first-order transition near 100 K was detected by neutron powder diffraction20. Considering the exotic physical properties in exfoliated Fe3GeTe2 nanoflakes and its heterostructures, such as the extremely large anomalous Hall effect22, planar topological Hall effect23, Kondo lattice physics24, anisotropic magnetostriction effect25, spin filtered tunneling effect16, magnetic skyrmions26, etc., Fe5GeTe2 would also be expected to provide extraordinary opportunities to explore intriguing physical properties. To well understand the physical properties of Fe5GeTe2, the magnetic exchange model should be established first. However, the direct measurements on the magnetic structure are absent yet. Alternatively, study on the magnetic critical behavior and analysis of the critical exponents in vicinity of the paramagnetic (PM) to FM transition region could yield valuable insights into the magnetic exchange and properties. For example, the method has established the magnetic exchange models for CrI327, VI328, Fe3GeTe229,30, Co2TiSe31, and Fe0.26TaS232, etc. In this work, we have reported the investigation on the critical behavior of Fe5GeTe2, which finds that the obtained set of critical exponents are close to those calculated from the renormalization group approach for a long-range 3D Heisenberg model with the magnetic exchange distance decaying as J(r) ≈ r−4.916.

Result and discussion

Chracterizations on the crystal structure, quality and compositions are presented in the supplementary materials (SI). Figure 1a depicts the temperature dependence of magnetization M(T) for Fe5GeTe2 measured with zero-field-cooling (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) mode under the applied magnetic field H = 1 kOe along the ab-plane of the crystal. The magnetization displays an abrupt PM to FM transition at ~ 270 K and no clear separation between the ZFC and FC curves. The inset of Fig. 1a is the inverse temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility χ-1(T) with the dotted straight line representing the Curie–Weiss law fitting. It shows a deviation of \({\chi }^{-1}(T)\) from the straight line near 295 K which is much higher than TC. The obtained Weiss temperature is 283 K, which is also higher than TC, indicating a strong FM interaction. The effective moment as μeff = 6.659 μB/Fe is also obtained. Considering the varied effective magnetic moment of Fe2+ with the values raging from 4.90 to 6.70 μB in various materials including sphalerite and monoclinic pyroxenes obtained from magnetic susceptibility analysis33 and the Fe deficiency in our crystals, the value we obtained from the Curie–Weiss law fitting is reasonable. The FM ground state can also be demonstrated by the isothermal magnetization M(H) shown in Fig. 1b measured at 2 K. The low coercive field indicates a soft ferromagnetism in Fe5GeTe2, which is similar as that of Fe3GeTe229,30. The saturation magnetic moment along the c-axis is about 2.4 μB/Fe, likely unveiling the magnetic anisotropy at low temperature. The initial isothermal magnetizations in the temperature range of 261–285 K measured with H//c-axis were shown in Fig. 1c and the Arrott plot34, that is, M2 vs. H//M, is shown in Fig. 1d. The positive slope of all M2 vs. H/M curves, according to the Banerjee’s criterion35, indicates that the PM to FM transition has a second-order in nature. The Arrott plot was initially tried to for the analysis of the measured magnetizations, so the mean Landau mean-field theory with the critical exponents β = 0.5 and γ = 1.0 is involved. If it works, the M2 vs. H//M curves should be straight and parallel to each other in the high magnetic field region, and additionally, the isothermal magnetization at TC should pass through the origin. However, seen in Fig. 1d M2 vs. H//M curves are clearly nonlinear with a downward curvature, suggesting that the fit does not work for Fe5GeTe2. The failure of the Arrott plot within the framework of Landau mean-field theory lies in that the itinerant ferromagnetism in Fe5GeTe2 should have significant electronic correlations and spin fluctuations, which however are neglected in the Landau mean-field theory.

Figure 1
figure 1

(a) Temperature dependence of magnetization M(T) for Fe5GeTe2 under H = 1 kOe. The inset shows the inverse susceptibility plotted against temperature and the straight dotted line is Curie–Weiss law fitting. (b) Isothermal magnetization M(H) measured at 2 K. (c) Typical initial magnetization M(H) curves measured from 261 to 285 K with an interval of 1 K. (d) Arrott plots in the form of M2 vs. H/M (mean field model) around TC.

The second-order PM to FM phase transition in Fe5GeTe2 can be described by the magnetic equation of state and is characterized by critical exponents β, γ and δ that are mutually related. According to the scaling hypothesis, for a second-order phase transition, the spontaneous magnetization MS(T) below TC, the inverse initial susceptibility χ0–1(T) above TC and the magnetization M at TC can be used to obtain β, γ and δ by using the equations36:

$${M}_{S}\left(T\right)={M}_{0}{\left(-\varepsilon \right)}^{\beta },\varepsilon <0,T<{T}_{C},$$
$${\chi }_{0}^{-1}\left(T\right)=\left({h}_{0}/{m}_{0}\right){\varepsilon }^{\gamma },\varepsilon >0,T>{T}_{C},$$
$$\mathrm{and }\;\;M=D{H}^{1/\delta }, \varepsilon =0,T={T}_{C},$$

where ε = (TTC)/TC is the reduced temperature, and M0, h0/m0, and D are the critical amplitudes. Though the Landau mean-field theory can not be used, the critical isothermal magnetizations, alternatively, can be analyzed with the Arrott-Noakes equation of state37:

$${(H/M)}^{1/\gamma }=a\upvarepsilon +b{M}^{1/\beta },$$

where a and b are the fitting constants. Five different models including the 2D Ising model (β = 0.125, γ = 1.75)38, the 3D Heisenberg model (β = 0.365, γ = 1.386)38, the 3D Ising model (β = 0.325, γ = 1.24)38, the 3D XY model (β = 0.345, γ = 1.316)39 and the tricritical mean-field model (β = 0.25, γ = 1.0)40 were used for the modified Arrott plots, which are shown in Fig. 2a–e. One can see that the lines in Fig. 2d,e are not parallel to each other, thus excluding the tricritical mean-field and 2D Ising models. In Fig. 2a–c, all lines in each figure are almost parallel to each other in the high magnetic field region, thus making the choice of an appropriate model for Fe5GeTe2 impossible in this step. As we mentioned above, the modified Arrott plot should be a set of parallel lines in the high magnetic field region with the same slope of S(T) = dM1/d(H/M)1/γ. The normalized slope NS is defined by NS = S(T)/S(TC), which enables us an easy comparison of the NS of different models and to select out the most appropriate one with the ideal value of unity. The NS values versus the temperature for different models are plotted in Fig. 2f, which clearly show that the NS of the 2D Ising model has the largest deviation from unity. One can see that when T > TC, NS of the 3D Ising model is close to unity, while when T < TC the 3D XY model seems as the best. This indicates that the critical behavior of Fe5GeTe2 may not belong to a single universality class. The fact also likely indicates that the magnetic character of Fe5GeTe2 is nearly isotropic above TC and the enhancement of the anisotropic exchange below TC.

Figure 2
figure 2

The isotherms of M1/β versus (H/M)1/γ with (a) 3D Heisenberg model, (b) 3D Ising model, (c) 3D XY model, (d) Tricritical mean-field model and (e) 2D Ising model. (f) Normalized slope versus temperature curves for six sets of critical exponents.

To achieve in-depth insights into the nature of the PM to FM transition in Fe5GeTe2, the precise critical exponents and critical temperature should be obtained. In the modified Arrott plot, the linear extrapolation of the nearly straight curves from the high magnetic field region intercepting the M1/β and (H/M)1/γ axes yields reliable values of MS(T) and χ0–1(T), respectively. The extracted MS(T) and χ0–1(T) can be used to fit the β and γ by using Eqs. (1) and (2). The thus obtained β and γ are thereafter used to reconstruct a modified Arrott plot. Consequently, new MS(T) and χ0–1(T) are generated from the linear extrapolation in the high field region, and a new set of β and γ will be acquired. This procedure should be repeated until β and γ are convergent. The obtained critical exponents from this method are independent on the initial parameters, thus guaranteeing the reliability of the analysis and that the obtained critical exponents are intrinsic. The final modified Arrott plot with β = 0.351(1) and γ = 1.413(5) is presented in Fig. 3, which shows that the isotherms in the high magnetic field region are actually a set of parallel straight lines. In addition, the final MS(T) and χ0–1(T) with solid fitting curves are depicted in Fig. 4a, which yield the critical exponents β = 0.344(5) with TC = 273.76(3) K and γ = 1.406(1) with TC = 273.88(4) K.

Figure 3
figure 3

Modified Arrott plot of isotherms with β = 0.351(1) and γ = 1.413(5) for Fe5GeTe2.

Figure 4
figure 4

(a) Temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization MS (left) and the inverse initial susceptibility \({\chi }_{0}^{-1}\left(T\right)\) (right) with solid fitting curves for Fe5GeTe2. (b) Kouvel-Fisher plots of MS(T)/(dMS(T)/dT) (left) and χ0–1(T)/(0–1(T)/dT) (right) with solid fitting curves for Fe5GeTe2. (c) Isotherm M(H) collected at TC = 274 K for Fe5GeTe2. Inset: the same plot in log–log scale with a solid fitting curve.

It is necessary to check the accuracy of above analysis. The Kouvel-Fisher (K-F) method can also be employed to fit the critical exponents and critical temperature, which is expressed as40:

$$\frac{{M}_{S}(T)}{d{M}_{S}(T)/dT}=\frac{T-{T}_{C}}{\beta }$$
$$\mathrm{and }\frac{{\chi }_{0}^{-1}\left(T\right)}{d{\chi }_{0}^{-1}\left(T\right)/dT}=\frac{T-{T}_{C}}{\gamma },$$

where MS(T)/(dMS(T)/dT) and χ0–1(T)/(0–1(T)/dT) are linearly dependent on temperature with the slopes of 1/β and 1/γ, respectively. As is shown in Fig. 4b, the linear fits give β = 0.346(4) with TC = 273.75(7) K and γ = 1.364(9) with TC = 273.97(9) K, respectively, which are consistent with those obtained from the iterative modified Arrott plot, thus confirming the reliability of the above analysis.

The iterative modified Arrott plot gives the critical exponents β and γ, while the critical exponent δ can be obtained by using Eq. (3). Figure 4c shows the isothermal magnetization M(H) at a critical temperature TC = 274 K and the inset shows the plot at a log–log scale. According to Eq. (3), the M(H) at TC should be a straight line in the log–log scale with the slope of 1/δ, thus giving δ = 5.02(1). To check the reliability of such analysis, δ was also calculated by using the Widom scaling relation41:

$$\delta =1+\frac{\gamma }{\beta },$$

which gives δ = 5.02(6) and δ = 4.94(0) by using the β and γ obtained with modified Arrott plot and Kouvel-Fisher plot, respectively, which are consistent with those fitted by using Eq. (3).

From above analysis, a set of critical exponents are obtained, which are actually self consistent. It is of essential importance to check whether the obtained critical exponents and TC can generate a scaling equation of state for Fe5GeTe2, i.e., to examine the reliability of these critical exponents again by using the scaling analysis. According to the scaling hypothesis, for a magnetic system in the critical asymptotic region, the scaling equation of state can be expressed as42:

$$M\left(H,\varepsilon \right)={\varepsilon }^{\beta }{f}_{\pm }(\frac{H}{{\varepsilon }^{\beta +\gamma }})$$

where M(H, ε), H, and T are variables; f+ for T > TC and f˗ for T < TC are the regular functions. Equation (8) can also be written as:

$$m={f}_{\pm }(h),$$

where \(m\equiv {\varepsilon }^{-\beta }M(H,\varepsilon )\) and \(h\equiv {\varepsilon }^{-(\beta +\gamma )}\). If the critical exponents β, γ and δ could be properly chosen, the scaled m(h) plot will fall onto two universal curves for T > TC and T < TC, respectively. In such case, the interactions are believed to be properly renormalized in the critical regime following the scaling equation of state. The scaled m and h curves are plotted in Fig. 5a, which actually show two branches below and above TC, thus guarantying the reliability of the obtained critical exponents. The two branches are much clear when the same data are plotted in a log–log form, seen by the inset of Fig. 5a. To support the analysis, we used a more rigorous method by plotting m2 against h/m, seen in Fig. 5b in which all data apparently separate into two curves below and above TC. The reliability of the obtained critical exponents and TC can also be examined by checking the scaling of the magnetization curves. The scaling state equation of magnetic systems is42:

Figure 5
figure 5

(a) The \(m\equiv {\varepsilon }^{-\beta }M(H,\varepsilon )\) as a function of the \(h\equiv {\varepsilon }^{-(\beta +\gamma )}\) below and above TC for Fe5GeTe2. Inset is the same m(h) data in log–log scale. (b) Plot in the form of m2(h/m) for Fe5GeTe2. Inset shows the plot of εH−(βδ) vs. MH−1/δ below and above TC.

$$\frac{H}{{M}^{\delta }}=h \left(\frac{\varepsilon }{{H}^{1/\beta }}\right),$$

where h(x) is a scaling function. From Eq. (10), the εH−(βδ) vs. MH−1/δshould fall on one universal curve43, as seen by the inset of Fig. 5b. The TC lies on the zero point of εH-(βδ) axis. As a result, the well rescaled curves further confirm that the obtained critical exponents and TC are reliable and consistent with the scaling hypothesis.

It is valuable to compare the critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2 with those of other layered vdW magnets and those predicted by various models. The critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2 obtained by using different analysis techniques and different theoretical models are summarized in Table 1, together with those of other several FM vdW magnets including Fe3-xGeTe2 (x = 0, 0.15, and 0.36), Cr2Si2Te6, and Cr2Ge2Te6. The previous comprehensive study reached a conclusion that the critical exponent β for a 2D magnets lies in the range of ~ 0.1 ≤ β ≤ 0.2544. It is apparent that the β values of Cr2Si2Te6 and Cr2Ge2Te6, which were verified as 2D Ising magnets45,46, are actually within the window, while those of Fe3-xGeTe2 and Fe5GeTe2 are apparently larger than 0.25, thus excluding the 2D Ising model for them29,30. Moreover, the γ values of Fe3-xGeTe2 and Fe5GeTe2 are much larger than those for the tricritical mean-field and 3D Ising models38,39, suggesting the two models are not appropriate. Combining the β and γ values, the magnetic critical behavior in Fe5GeTe2 should have a 3D nature, indicating that the interlayer magnetic exchange can not be neglected. It was suggested that Fe3-xGeTe2 has a smaller vdW gap and hence a stronger interlayer magnetic exchange than that in Cr2(Si,Ge)2Te617. It is therefore a natural hypothesis that the vdW gap in Fe5GeTe2 is also very small. To achieve more insights, the critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2 should be compared with the several 3D models more carefully. The β of Fe5GeTe2 is much closer to that of the 3D XY model39 while the γ is closer to that of the 3D Heisenberg model38, likely implying that the obtained critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2 can not be simply categorized into any conventional universality classes.

Table 1 A summary of the critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2, Fe3-xGeTe2, Cr2Si2Te6, Cr2Ge2Te6 and those predicted by different models (MAP: Modified Arrott plot; KF: Kouvel-Fisher method; CI: critical isotherm analysis).

For a homogenous magnet, it is essential to use the magnetic exchange distance J(r) to further determine the universality class of the magnetic phase transition. Within the framework of to the renormalization group theory, the magnetic exchange decays with the distance r in a form J(r) ~ er/b for the short-range magnetic exchange and J(r) ~ r–(d+σ) for the long-range exchange, where r is the exchange distance, b is the spatial scaling factor, d is the dimensionality of the system, and the positive constant σ denotes the range of exchange interaction47,48. Moreover, within this theory model the magnetic susceptibility exponent γ is defined as47:

$$\gamma =1+\frac{4}{d}\left(\frac{n+2}{n+8}\right)\Delta \sigma +\frac{8(n+2)(n-4)}{{d}^{2}{(n+8)}^{2}}\left[1+\frac{2G(\frac{d}{2})(7n+20)}{(n-4)(n+8)}\right]{\Delta \sigma }^{2},$$

where n is the spin dimensionality, Δσ = (σd/2) and \(G\left(\frac{d}{2}\right)=3-\frac{1}{4}{(\frac{d}{2})}^{2}\). For 3D materials (d = 3) with 3/2 ≤ σ ≤ 2, the magnetic exchange decays relatively slowly as J(r) ~ r –(d+σ) due to a long-range magnetic exchange. For σ > 2, the 3D Heisenberg model is valid for 3D isotropic magnets, where J(r) decreases faster than r -5 due to the short-range magnetic exchange, while when σ ≤ 3/2, the mean-field model works and J(r) decreases slower than r-4.547,48. To obtain the values of d, n, and σ for Fe5GeTe2, a method similar to that in Ref.47. was adopted. In this method, σ is initially adjusted according to Eq. (11) with several sets of {d : n} to get a proper γ that is close to the experimental value (~ 1.364). The obtained σ is then used to calculate other critical exponents by the following equations: ν = γ/σ, α = 2 − νd, β = (2 − α − γ), and δ = 1 + γ/β. Several sets of {d : n} will be tried, with the typical results being summarized Table 2, which finally achieved the critical exponents of β = 0.3851, γ = 1.3613 and δ = 4.5351, which match well with the experimental values, when {d: n} = {3: 3} and σ = 1.916. Such a result indicates that the 3D Heisenberg type magnetic exchange with long-range interaction decaying as J(r) ≈ r–4.916 can account for the magnetic properties of Fe5GeTe2, which is consistent with our analysis presented above.

Table 2 Critical exponents calculated by the renormalization group theory.

The magnetic exchange in quasi-2D vdW magnets has been subjected to immense investigations. For Cr2Si2Te6, the magnetic critical behavior analysis and neutron scattering studies consistently suggest the universality class of 2D Ising model accounting for its magnetic properties26,49. Because of the smaller vdW gap and hence an enhanced interlayer exchange in Cr2Ge2Te6, its critical behavior shows a transition from the 2D Ising-type to a 3D tricritical mean-field type50. It is useful to compare the magnetic critical behavior of Fe5GeTe2 with that of Fe3GeTe2. The mean distance between the two adjacent Te layers that across the vdW gap in Fe3GeTe2 is 0.423 nm51, which is rather close to that of CrGeTe3, 0.377 nm49, which presumably can account for the 3D Heisenberg characteristics of the critical behavior. Previous studies on Fe5GeTe2 indicate small magnetic anisotropy at high temperature20, so the 3D magnetism for the critical behavior in Fe5GeTe2 is reasonable. Moreover, it is found that the magnetic anisotropy in Fe3-xGeTe2 strongly depends on the Fe deficiency52, which can be largely suppressed with increasing the deficiency content x. If we pay a close attention to the critical exponents of Fe5GeTe2, it is easily found that they are much closer to those of Fe deficient Fe3-xGeTe229, likely further demonstrating the weak magnetic anisotropy in Fe5GeTe2. However, the possible transition between different universality classes of models of the critical behavior should be carefully checked, if we recall into our mind that a critical phase transition between 3 and 2D at the temperature of ~ 0.9TC in NiPS3 and an anisotropic 2D to 3D magnetism below TC in MnPS3 were experimentally confirmed53,54. Though such possibility has not been examined yet in Fe3-xGeTe2, considering that Fe3-xGeTe2 indeed shares similarities as MPS3 (M = Mn, Fe, and Ni) in that they all have 2D antiferromagnetic ground state with the ferromagnetic layers in them order antiferromagnetically along the c-axis at low temperature, as well as the 3D critical behavior near TC, the critical phase transition definitely need to be checked in Fe3-xGeTe2. For Fe5GeTe2, it is somewhat different from MPS3 and Fe3-xGeTe2, which behaves as an easy-axis vdW ferromagnet with the magnetic moments preferring to align along the c-axis but with weak anisotropy at high temperature due to the easy polarization of moments and the interaction between the FM layers is still FM. However, the magnetism of Fe5GeTe2 is somewhat complex due to the multiple Fe sublattices and composition tunable TC. It is revealed that the magnetic moments on Fe(1) sublattice order below ~ 100–120 K while the majority of the moments order at TC21. Short-range order associated with occupations of split sites of Fe(1) is also present. Additionally, the magnetic anisotropy is enhanced at low temperature. Regarding these, more studies to establish the precise spin structure at low temperature are extremely desired.


In summary, we have investigated the magnetic critical behavior in vicinity of the PM to FM phase transition in the quasi-2D van der Waals ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2 which has a near room temperature TC of approximately 270 K. The estimated critical exponents β, γ and δ values from the various techniques and theoretical models show nice consistence with each other and follow the scaling behavior well. The critical exponents suggest a second order phase transition and they do not belong to any single universality class of model, just lying between the 3D Heisenberg model and the 3D XY model. The magnetic exchange distance is found to decay as J(r) ≈ r–4.916, which is close to that of 3D Heisenberg model with long-range exchange. The critical phenomena indicate weak magnetic anisotropy of Fe5GeTe2 at high temperature, possibly due to its small vdW gap. The very recent calculations indicate that monolayer formation energy of Fe5GeTe2 lies inside the energy range of other 2D materials55, and the synthesis of the monolayer is therefore highly expected. Moreover, considering the tunable TC which can even to be ~ 350 K20,21,56, the investigation on the precise magnetic structure of Fe5GeTe2 would find extraordinary opportunities for applications in next-generation spintronic devices.


Single crystals were grown from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique by using iodine as the transport agent, similar as the method described previously20,21. The crystal used in this experiment is flat with a typical dimension of 2 mm * 2 mm * 0.1 mm. The crystallographic phase and crystal quality were examined on a Bruker D8 single crystal X-ray diffractometer (SXRD) with Mo Kα (λ = 0.71073 Å) at 300 K. The chemical compositions and uniformity of stoichiometry were checked by the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) at several spots on the crystals. The direct current (dc) magnetization was measured on the Quantum Design magnetic properties measurement system (MPMS-3) with the magnetic field applied parallel to c-axis of the crystal. Isothermal magnetizations were collected at a temperature interval of 1 K in the temperature range of 261–285 K, which is just around TC (~ 270 K). It should be noted that each curve was initially magnetized. The applied magnetic field was corrected by considering the demagnetization factor, which was used for the analysis of critical behavior. The demagnetization factor is roughly estimated to be ~ 0.88 with considering the crystal size57.