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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter September 9, 2020

Finite 𝑝-groups all of whose 𝓐2-subgroups are generated by two elements

  • Lihua Zhang and Junqiang Zhang EMAIL logo
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


Assume G is a finite p-group. We prove that if all 𝒜2-subgroups of G are generated by two elements, then so are all non-abelian subgroups of G. By using this result, we classify the p-groups which have at least two 𝒜1-subgroups and in which the intersection of every pair of distinct 𝒜1-subgroups equals the intersection of all the 𝒜1-subgroups. It turns out that such p-groups are the finite p-groups all of whose non-abelian subgroups are generated by two elements, and the converse also almost holds.

1 Introduction

In this paper, p is always a prime, all groups considered are finite p-groups (in brief, p-groups), where p-groups is the groups of prime-power order. We use


to denote the lower central series of a p-group G, where c(G) denotes the nilpotent class of G. The other terminology and notations are standard, as in [7].

A finite group G is said to be minimal non-abelian if G is non-abelian but all its proper subgroups are abelian. Berkovich and Janko in their long paper [3] introduced a more general concept than that of minimal non-abelian p-groups. A non-abelian p-group is said to be an 𝒜t-group, t, if it has a non-abelian subgroup of index pt-1 but all its subgroups of index pt are abelian. Obviously, an 𝒜1-group is a minimal non-abelian p-group. Given a non-abelian p-group G, there is a t such that G is an 𝒜t-group. Hence, in a sense, the study of non-abelian p-groups can be regarded as that of 𝒜t-groups for some t. For convenience, an abelian p-group is called an 𝒜0-group. We also use G𝒜t to denote that G is an 𝒜t-group. 𝒜t-groups were classified up to isomorphism for t3 in [11, 16, 17].

As numerous results show, the structure of a p-group depends essentially on its 𝒜1-subgroups. Indeed, the structure of a p-group also depends essentially on the 𝒜2-subgroups contained there; however, little is known about such dependence. The first results in this direction are given by Berkovich and Zhang in [4]. They proved that if all 𝒜2-subgroups of a non-abelian p-group G are metacyclic, then G is metacyclic. Notice that metacyclic p-groups are generated by two elements. A natural question is: if all 𝒜2-subgroups of a non-abelian p-group G are generated by two elements, then is it true that all non-abelian subgroups of G are also generated by two elements? We will prove in this paper that it is true. It should be mentioned that the motivation which spurs us to prove that it is true originates from the fact that it is true for 𝒜3-groups.

Let 𝒫1 be the set of p-groups which have at least two 𝒜1-subgroups and in which the intersection of every pair of distinct 𝒜1-subgroups equals the intersection of all the 𝒜1-subgroups. Let 𝒫2 be the set of finite non-abelian p-groups in which every non-abelian subgroup can be generated by two elements. We use the above result to prove 𝒫1𝒫2.

For i=1,2, if G𝒫i, we say that G is a 𝒫i-group. Fortunately, 𝒫2-groups are classified by Xu, An and Zhang in [12]. However, it is not easy to pick out 𝒫1-groups from the list of 𝒫2-groups by using the conditions of 𝒫1. Here we establish some criteria for a 𝒫2-group to be a 𝒫1-group. Based on the criteria and the classification of 𝒫2-groups, the 𝒫1-groups are determined. It turns out that 𝒫1 is almost equal to 𝒫2.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce the following lemmas which are used in this paper.

Lemma 2.1 ([12, Lemma 2.2]).

Suppose that G is a non-abelian p-group. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. G is minimal non-abelian;

  2. d(G)=2 and |G|=p;

  3. d(G)=2 and Φ(G)=Z(G).

Lemma 2.2 ([6, Theorem 3.1]).

Suppose that G is a p-group, p is an odd prime, d(G)>2. If d(H)2 for all maximal subgroups H of G, then G has an abelian maximal subgroup.

Lemma 2.3 ([5, Theorem 4]).

Let G be a p-group. If both G and G can be generated by two elements, then G is abelian.

Lemma 2.4 ([6, Theorem 5.1]).

Let G be a group of order 2n, where n5. Suppose, for some integer r with 5rn, that all subgroups of order 2r-1 and 2r have two generators. Then G is metacyclic.

Lemma 2.5 ([6, Theorem 4.2]).

Suppose that G is a group of order pn, where p is odd and n6, and that all maximal subgroups of G have two generators. Then either G is metacyclic or G/G3 is of order p3 and 1(G)=G3.

Lemma 2.6 ([14, Lemma 2.8]).

Let G be a non-abelian p-group. If d(G)=2, then H<G for each H<G.

Lemma 2.7 ([9]).

Let G be a non-abelian p-group. Then the number of abelian subgroups of index p in G is 0, 1 or 1+p.

Lemma 2.8 ([1, Proposition 72.1]).

Let G be a metacyclic p-group. Then G is an At-group if and only if |G|=pt.

3 Proving that 𝒫1𝒫2

Lemma 3.1.

Let G be a non-abelian p-group all of whose non-abelian proper subgroups are generated by two elements. If d(G)=3, then GA2 and c(G)=2.


We complete the proof in three steps.

Step 1. If c(G)=2, then exp(G)=p.

Let G=a,b,c be a minimal counterexample. Then we have GCp2. Assume G=[a,b] without loss of generality. Then [a,c],[b,c][a,b]. Let [a,c]=[a,b]i and [b,c]=[a,b]j. Then


Let c1=cb-iaj. Then G=a,b,c1 is the central product of a,b and c1. Now ap,b,c1 is a non-abelian proper subgroup generated by three elements. This is a contradiction.

Step 2.c(G)=2.

Let G=a,b,c be a minimal counterexample. Then we have c(G)=3 and |G3|=p. We will prove this is a contradiction by considering two cases.

Case 1.G has an abelian subgroup of index p.

Without loss of generality, assume a,b,Φ(G) is abelian. Since c(G)=3, [a,c]G3 or [b,c]G3. Assume [a,c]G3 without loss of generality. Since [a,c]Φ(G),


It follows that [a,c,c]1. Thus G3=[a,c,c]. Let


Then [ba-i,c,c]=1. Therefore, we may assume without loss of generality that [b,c,c]=1. Since [b,c]Φ(G),


It follows that [b,c]Z(G). Since cpΦ(G), [b,cp]=1. It follows that


If [b,c]G3, then G/[b,c] is another counterexample, which contradicts the minimality of G. Thus [b,c]G3. Let [b,c]=[a,c,c]k and b1=b[a,c]-k. Then [b1,c]=1. Notice that b1,c,Φ(G) is maximal in G. We get that b1,c,Φ(G) is another abelian subgroup of index p of G. It follows that |G|p, which contradicts c(G)=3.

Case 2.G has no abelian subgroup of index p.

In this case, all subgroups of index p are generated by two elements. By Lemma 2.2, we get p=2. Since c(G)=3, G is abelian. Since c(G/G3)=2 and G/G3 satisfies the hypothesis, exp(G2/G3)=2 by step 1. It follows that


If G2/G3C2×C2×C2, then d(G2,a)=d(G2,a/G3)3, so G2,a is abelian. Similarly, we get that G2,b and G2,c are also abelian. It follows that G2Z(G), which contradicts the fact that c(G)=3.

If G2/G3C2×C2, then assume [a,b]G3 without loss of generality. If [a,b]=1, then a,b,Φ(G) is an abelian subgroup of index 2 of G, which contradicts the fact that G has no abelian subgroup of index p. Thus G3=[a,b]1. It follows that a,b,Φ(G)=a,b is minimal non-abelian, and so




Notice that


Hence one of [a,c,c],[b,c,c] and [ab,c,c] is 1. Without loss of generality, assume [a,c,c]=1. Then [a,c]2=1. If [a,c]G3, letting [a,c]=[a,b]j and c1=cb-j, then [a,c1]=1, and so a,c1,Φ(G) is an abelian subgroup of index p of G, which contradicts the fact that G has no abelian subgroup of index p. Thus [a,c]G2G3. Since [a,c]Φ(G)=Z(a,b), [a,c,a]=[a,c,b]=1. It follows that [a,c]Z(G). Now G/[a,c] is another counterexample, which contradicts the minimality of G.

Step 3. We prove G𝒜2.

For any non-abelian subgroup M of index p of G, we have d(M)=2. Let M=x,y. By step 1 and step 2, we have c(G)=2 and exp(G)=p. It follows that M=[x,y] and |M|=p. By Lemma 2.1, we get M𝒜1. Thus G𝒜2. ∎

Remark 1.

Notice that non-abelian p-groups all of whose non-abelian proper subgroups are generated by two elements have been classified; see [12, main theorem]. By Lemma 3.1, one of the p-groups listed in [12, main theorem] is either a 𝒫2-group or is an 𝒜2-group with three generators.

Theorem 3.2.

Let G be a non-abelian p-group. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. all non-abelian subgroups of G are generated by two elements;

  2. all subgroups of class 2 of G are generated by two elements;

  3. all 𝒜2-subgroups of G are generated by two elements.


Obviously, it is enough to show that (2) (1) and (3) (1).

(2) (1): This follows from [8, Theorem 3.1 (1)].

(3) (1): Without loss of generality, assume G is an 𝒜t-group with t3. Notice that the condition in (3) is inherited by subgroups. We use induction on t. If t=3, then a non-abelian proper subgroup of G is an 𝒜1- or 𝒜2-subgroup. Now an 𝒜1-subgroup is generated by two elements by Lemma 2.1 and so is an 𝒜2-subgroup by hypothesis. Thus all non-abelian proper subgroups of G are generated by two elements. If d(G)=3, then G𝒜2 by Lemma 3.1. This contradicts t=3. It follows that d(G)=2. That is, the conclusion holds for t=3. Assume the conclusion holds for any positive integer k with k<t. Let H be a non-abelian proper subgroup of G. Then there exists a positive integer k<t such that H𝒜k by the definition of 𝒜t-groups. By the inductive hypothesis, we have d(H)=2. That is, all non-abelian proper subgroups of G are generated by two elements. Notice t3. It follows by Lemma 3.1 that d(G)=2. So the conclusion holds. ∎

Following the notation of [15], the intersection of all 𝒜1-subgroups of a p-group G is denoted by I𝒜1(G).

Theorem 3.3.



Assume G𝒫1. It is enough by Theorem 3.2 to show that all 𝒜2-subgroups of G are generated by two elements. We prove this by contradiction. Assume G has an 𝒜2-subgroup K such that d(K)>2. Then the number of maximal subgroups of K is at least 1+p+p2. On the other hand, the number of abelian maximal subgroups of K is at most 1+p by Lemma 2.7. Thus K has at least two distinct non-abelian maximal subgroups H1 and H2. It follows from K𝒜2 that H1,H2𝒜1. Now we have |K:H1H2|=p2. We will prove |K:I𝒜1(G)|p3. This contradicts the hypothesis.

Since K𝒜2, non-abelian maximal subgroups of K are exactly 𝒜1-subgroups of K. Thus Φ(K)I𝒜1(K), and hence K/I𝒜1(K) is elementary abelian. Since d(K)3, the number of 𝒜1-subgroups of K is at least p2. By the correspondence theorem, K/I𝒜1(K) has at least p2 maximal subgroups. If |K:I𝒜1(G)|p2, then K/I𝒜1(K)Cp or Cp×Cp. This contradicts the fact that K/I𝒜1(K) has at least p2 maximal subgroups. Therefore, |K:I𝒜1(G)||K:I𝒜1(K)|p3. ∎

4 Determining 𝒫1

In this section, we always assume the p-groups considered are neither abelian nor minimal non-abelian. Hence, by [2, Proposition 10.28], such p-groups have at least two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups. In Section 3, we have proved 𝒫1𝒫2. In order to determine 𝒫1-groups, we establish some criteria for a 𝒫2-group to be a 𝒫1-group. Based on the criteria and the classification of 𝒫2-groups, 𝒫1-groups are classified. It turns out that 𝒫1-groups coincide with 𝒫2-groups except for 𝒜1-groups and some metacyclic p-groups.

Theorem 4.1.

Let G be a p-group with an abelian subgroup of index p. Then GP2 if and only if GP1.


By Theorem 3.3, it is enough to show that if G𝒫2, then G𝒫1. Assume M0 is an abelian subgroup of index p of G. Let G=M0,x, and Hi are two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups of G for i=1,2. Then HiM0 is maximal in Hi, and so Hi=HiM0,xai for some aiM0, where i=1,2. Let


Since M0 is abelian,


It follows that KH1H2. Notice that G=H1,M0=H2,M0. We have HiZ(G). Thus KZ(G) and exp(K)=p. Since G𝒫2, d(K)=2, and so |K|=p. It follows by Lemma 2.1 that K is an 𝒜1-subgroup of G. Notice that H1K. We get K=H1, and so H2M0KM0=H1M0. Symmetrically, H1M0H2M0, and so H1M0=H2M0. It follows that H1M0H1H2. By the arbitrariness of H2, we have H1M0I𝒜1(G). Notice that H1M0 is maximal in H1 and H1H2<H1. We get


It follows that


Hence H1H2=I𝒜1(G). The conclusion holds. ∎

From the argument of Theorem 4.1, we have |K|=p, H1K and H2K. Thus H1=H2=K. It follows by the arbitrariness of Hi that Hi is characteristic in G. Hence we have the following.

Corollary 4.2.

Suppose that G is a p-group with an abelian subgroup of index p. If GP2, then H is characteristic in G for any A1-subgroup H of G.

Theorem 4.3.

Let G be a finite p-group with an A1-subgroup of index p. Then GP2 if and only if GP1.


By Theorem 3.3, it is enough to show that if G𝒫2, then G𝒫1. Assume M is an 𝒜1-subgroup of index p of G. Since G𝒫2, there exist a,bG such that M=Φ(G),b and G=a,b. Take two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups H1 and H2 of G such that H1,H2⩽̸M. Then HiMi for some maximal subgroup Mi of G, and so HiMMiM=Φ(G). Thus HiM=HiΦ(G). Since M is maximal in G, HiM is maximal in Hi. It follows that HiΦ(G) is maximal in Hi. Thus


where ϕiΦ(G) and ti{0,1,,p-1}. Let


Then H1=H1Φ(G),abt1ϕ1K. Notice that




We have KH1H2M. By Corollary 4.2, we get that Hi is characteristic in MiG. Thus HiG, and so HiZ(G). Since M is an 𝒜1-subgroup of index p of G, |M|=p, and so MZ(G). It follows that KZ(G) and exp(K)=p. Since G𝒫2, d(K)=2, so |K|=p. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that K is an 𝒜1-subgroup of G. Thus K=H1, and so


Symmetrically, we get H1MH2M, and so H1M=H2M. It follows that H1MH1H2. By the arbitrariness of H2, we have


Notice that H1M is maximal in H1 and H1H2<H1. We get


It follows that


Hence H1H2=I𝒜1(G). The conclusion holds. ∎

Theorem 4.4.

Let G be a non-abelian p-group with neither A0-subgroups of index p nor A1-subgroups of index p.

  1. If G is metacyclic, then G𝒫2 and G𝒫1.

  2. If G is non-metacyclic, then G𝒫2 if and only if G𝒫1.


The proof of (1): Obviously, G𝒫2. Let G=a,b. Assume without loss of generality Ga. Take two maximal subgroups M=ap,b, N=a,bp of G. Let |M|=pt1 and |N|=pt2. By Lemma 2.8, we have M𝒜t1 and N𝒜t2. By the hypothesis, we get t1,t22. It follows that


Let M1=apt1-1,b and N1=apt2-2,bp. Notice that GaCG(a). We have


Thus M1 and N1 are two 𝒜2-subgroups of G by Lemma 2.8. Now M1 has two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups apt1,b and apt1,bapt1-1, and their intersection is


However, N1 has two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups apt2-1,bp and apt2-1,bpapt2-2, and their intersection is


Thus G𝒫1. The results hold.

The proof of (2): By Theorem 3.3, it is enough to show that if G𝒫2, then G𝒫1 and |G|=p6.

Assume G𝒫2. Since G has no 𝒜0-subgroups of index p, d(G)=d(M)=2 for all maximal subgroups M of G. In the following, we will prove G𝒫1 and |G|=p6 in six steps.

Step 1.|G|p6, where p>2.

Notice that every group of order p4 has 𝒜0-subgroup of index p. We get |G|p5. If |G|=p5, then |G/N|=p4 for a normal subgroup N of order p. Then G/N has an 𝒜0-subgroup A/N of index p. It follows that A is maximal in G and |A|=|N|=p. By Lemma 2.1, we get A is an 𝒜1-subgroup. This contradicts the fact that G has no 𝒜1-subgroup of index p. Hence |G|p6. Moreover, it follows by Lemma 2.4 that p>2.

Step 2.|G/G3|=p3, 1(G)=G3=Φ(M) for any maximal subgroup M of G, Φ(G) is abelian, Gi/Gi+1 is elementary abelian for i=2,3,,c(G).

Since G is not metacyclic, by Lemma 2.5, we get G/G3 is of order p3 and 1(G)=G3. Thus G=Φ(G) and M/G3Cp×Cp for any maximal subgroup M of G. It follows from d(M)=2 that Φ(M)=G3. Moreover, G is abelian by Lemma 2.3, and so Φ(G) is abelian. For any gG and giGi, we have gp,giΦ(G), and so [gi,gp]=1. It follows that


Hence Gi/Gi+1 is elementary abelian.

Step 3.G3/G4Cp×Cp.

Notice that d(G)=2. Let G=x,y and [x,y]=c. Then G2=c,G3 and G3=[c,x],[c,y],G4. Notice that |G|p6 by step 1 and |G/G3|=p3 by step 2. We have G3>G4, so either [c,x]G4 or [c,y]G4. Without loss of generality, let [c,x]G4.

If |G3/G4|=p, then G3=[c,x],G4. Let




Thus we may let [c,y]G4 without loss of generality. Notice that G is abelian by step 2. We have [c,x,y]=[c,y,x]G5. It follows that G4=[c,x,x],G5, and so G4/G5 is cyclic. Notice that Gi/Gi+1 is elementary abelian by step 2. We get |G4/G5|=p. Similarly, we can get


and so |Gi/Gi+1|=p. That is, G is of maximal class. However, G is not of maximal class by [12, Lemma 5.1]. This is a contradiction. Thus


By step 2, G3/G4Cp×Cp.

Step 4.|G4/G5|=p.

We recall c=[x,y]. Then we have [c,x,y]=[c,y,x] by step 2. Notice that G3=[c,x],[c,y],G4. By step 3, we get


If all [c,x,x], [c,y,y] and [c,xy,xy] are in G5, then


Notice that p>2 by step 1. We get [c,x,y]G5. It follows that G4=G5, and so G4=1. By step 2 and step 3, we get


On the other hand, |G|p6 by step 1. This is a contradiction. Hence at least one of [c,x,x], [c,y,y] and [c,xy,xy] is not in G5. Without loss of generality, assume [c,x,x]G5.

Take M=Φ(G),x. Then M is maximal in G. Notice that


by steps 2 and 3. We have M=c,x,G3=c,x. It follows that


Since G is abelian by step 2 and cG, [c,x,c]=1. It follows that


Notice that Φ(G) is abelian by step 2. Since c and xpΦ(G), [c,xp]=1. It follows that [c,x]p[c,xp]1(modM3), so |M/M3|=p. Thus [M,G]M3. In particular,


Similarly, we get [c,y,x][c,y,y],G5 by taking M=Φ(G),y.

If |G4/G5|p, then [c,y,y][c,x,x],G5, and so


Notice that [c,x,y]=[c,y,x]. We get


It follows that


Now, taking M=Φ(G),xy, by the same argument as in the previous paragraph, we get


It follows that [c,x,x],[c,y,y][c,xy,xy],G5, and so


This contradicts the fact that [c,y,y][c,x,x],G5. Thus |G4/G5|=p, and so G4=[c,x,x],G5.

Step 5.G5=1 and |G|=p6.

Since cG2, [c,x,y]G4. By step 4, we get [c,x,y][c,x,x],G5. Let


Then [x,y1]=c and [c,x,y1][c,x,x]-i[c,x,y]1(modG5). Thus we may assume [c,x,y]G5 without loss of generality.

Notice that Φ(G) is abelian by step 2. If [c,y,y]=1, then [c,y]p=[c,yp]=1. It follows that |c,y|=p. By Lemma 2.1, we get c,y is an 𝒜1-subgroup. Notice that c,y=Φ(G),y is maximal in G. This contradicts the hypothesis. Thus [c,y,y]1. Let


If [c,y,y]G5, then [b,y]G5. Let K=a,b,y,u. Notice that


We get K¯=K/G5 is abelian. Notice that


We get G3=a,b,u,G5, so G3/G5=a¯,b¯,u¯K¯. Since p>2 and Φ(G) is abelian,


That is, a¯p=1¯. Similarly, we can get b¯p=u¯p=1¯, and so G3/G5 is elementary abelian. By step 3 and step 4, we get


It follows that G3/G5 is elementary abelian of order p3, and so d(G3/G5)=3. Thus d(K¯)d(G3/G5)=3. On the other hand, since [b,y]=[c,y,y]1, K=a,b,y,u is a non-abelian subgroup of G. It follows that d(K)=2, and so d(K/G5)2, a contradiction. Thus [c,y,y]G5.

Let [c,y,y]=ui(modG5), where (i,p)=1. Notice that G is abelian by step 2 and [c,x,y]=[c,y,x]G5. We get


Since G4=u,G5, G5=[G4,G]G6. Thus G5=1. Now, by steps 2, 3 and 4, we have


Step 6.G𝒫1.

For any maximal subgroup M of G, we have Φ(M)=G3 by step 2. It follows that cΦ(M). Notice that M is maximal in G and d(G)=d(M)=2. We get M=c,x1 for some x1GΦ(G). Since G is abelian by step 2 and G5=1 by step 5, M=[c,x1],[c,x1,x1]. If [c,x1,x1]=1, then M=[c,x1] and [c,x1]p=[c,(x1)p]=1. It follows that |M|=p. By Lemma 2.1, we get M is an 𝒜1-subgroup, which contradicts the hypothesis. Thus [c,x1,x1]1. It follows that |M|=p2. By Lemma 2.6, we get |H|p for any maximal subgroup H of M. By Lemma 2.1, we get all non-abelian maximal subgroups of M are 𝒜1-subgroups. Thus M is an 𝒜2-group. By the arbitrariness of M, all maximal subgroups of G are 𝒜2-subgroups. It follows that |G:I𝒜1(G)|p3. By step 2, we get Φ(M)=G3, and so G3I𝒜1(G). Notice that |G/G3|=p3 by step 2. We get I𝒜1(G)=G3. Since all maximal subgroups of G are 𝒜2-subgroups, for any two distinct 𝒜1-subgroups H1 and H2 of G, we have |G:Hi|=p2, and so |G:HiH2|p3. It follows that


Thus H1H2=I𝒜1(G), and so G𝒫1. The results hold. ∎

By Theorems 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4, now the remaining work for classifying 𝒫1-groups is to pick out metacyclic p-groups with an 𝒜0- or 𝒜1-subgroup of index p. Fortunately, metacyclic p-groups were classified by Newman, Xu and Zhang in [10, 13].

Lemma 4.5 ([10, 13]).

Let G be a metacyclic p-group. Then G is one of the following groups:

  1. p>2 and


    where r,s,t,u are non-negative integers with r1 and ur,

  2. ordinary metacyclic 2 -group:


    where r,s,t,u are non-negative integers with r2 and ur,

  3. exceptional metacyclic 2 -group:


    where r,s,v,t,t,u are non-negative integers with r2, tr, u1, tt=sv=tv=0, and if tr-1, then u=0,

  4. 2 -group with a cyclic maximal subgroup:


    where v,t,t,u are non-negative integers with u1, t1, tt=tv=ut=0, and if t+u+v=0, then t=0.

Groups of different types or of the same type with different values of parameters are not isomorphic to each other.

Theorem 4.6.

Let G be a metacyclic p-group. Then GP1 if and only if G is one of the following groups, where r,s,u,v,t are the same as in Lemma 4.5:

  1. odd order metacyclic p-group with s+u=2, in this case, G𝒜2,

  2. ordinary metacyclic 2 -group with s+u=2, in this case, G𝒜2,

  3. exceptional metacyclic 2 -groups with s+t+u2, r+s+v+t+u3, in particular, G𝒜2 if r+s+v+t+u=3,

  4. 2 -group with a cyclic subgroup of index p and v+t+u2, in particular, G𝒜2 if v+t+u=2.


: Assume G𝒫1. Then G has an 𝒜0- or 𝒜1-subgroup of index p by Theorem 4.4 (1). Since G is metacyclic, G is one of Lemma 4.5.

Assume that G is (I) or (II) of Lemma 4.5. Then all maximal subgroups are bp,a and ap,bai, where i=0,1,,p-1.

If ap,bai𝒜0 or 𝒜1 for some i, then |ap,bai|p. It follows that


Thus s+u2. If bp,a𝒜0 or 𝒜1, then [a,bp]p=1. By computation, we get


and so


It follows that apr+2=1. Thus s+u2 in either case.

Since G is neither abelian nor minimal non-abelian, |G|p2. Notice that G=apr. It follows that |G|=ps+u, so s+u2. Now we get s+u=2, and G is group (1) or (2). Moreover, |G|=p2. It follows by Lemma 2.8 that G𝒜2.

Assume that G is (III) of Lemma 4.5. Then all maximal subgroups are b2,a and a2,bai, where i=0,1.

If a2,bai𝒜0 or 𝒜1 for some i, then |a2,bai|2. It follows that


Thus r+s+v+t+u3. Notice that r2. We get


If b2,a𝒜0 or 𝒜1, then [b22,a]=1. It follows that b22Z(G). By computation, we get


Thus s+t+u2 in either case.

Notice that G=a2. It follows that |G|=2r+s+v+t+u-1. Since G is neither abelian nor minimal non-abelian, |G|22. It follows that


so G is a group of type (3). Moreover, if r+s+v+t+u=3, then |G|=22. By Lemma 2.8, G𝒜2.

Assume that G is of type (IV) of Lemma 4.5. Then G=a2. It follows that |G|=2v+t+u. By an argument similar to the above case, we get that G is a group of type (4), and if v+t+u=2, then G𝒜2.

: If G is a group of type (1) or (2), then G𝒜2. Since an 𝒜2-group must have an 𝒜1-subgroup of index p, G𝒫1 by Theorem 4.3.

If G is a group of type (3), then


and so


Since s+t+u2, [a,b2]2=1. It follows that |a,b2|2, and so a,b2 is an 𝒜0- or 𝒜1-group by Lemma 2.8. Thus, in either case, G𝒫1 by Theorem 4.1 or 4.3.

For a group G of type (4), G𝒫1 by Theorem 4.1. ∎

Since an 𝒜2-group must have an 𝒜1-subgroup of index p, a metacyclic 𝒜2-group must be a 𝒫1-group. A direct consequence of Theorem 4.6 is the following.

Corollary 4.7.

Let G be a metacyclic At-group with t3. Then GP1 if and only if G is one of the following groups:

  1. exceptional metacyclic 2 -groups with s+t+u2, r+s+v+t+u4,

  2. 2 -group with a cyclic subgroup of index p and v+t+u3,

where r,s,u,v,t are the same as in Lemma 4.5.

Now, combining Theorems 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, Corollary 4.7, Remark 1 and the classification of 𝒫2-groups given in [12, main theorem], we have

Theorem 4.8.

Assume G is neither abelian nor a minimal non-abelian p-group. Then G is a P1-group if and only if G is one of the following groups:

  1. the groups (3)(7) listed in [12, main theorem],

  2. the groups in Corollary 4.7,

  3. 𝒜2-groups with two generators.

Communicated by Timothy C. Burness

Award Identifier / Grant number: 11771258

Award Identifier / Grant number: 11971280

Funding statement: This work was supported by NSFC (No. 11771258 & 11971280).


We owe our sincere gratitude to the referee. She/He read our paper very carefully and put forward a lot of suggestions. These suggestions are quite valuable and helpful for improving our paper.


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Received: 2019-11-01
Revised: 2020-08-13
Published Online: 2020-09-09
Published in Print: 2021-01-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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