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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 9, 2020

Instanton bundles on two Fano threefolds of index 1

  • Gianfranco Casnati ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Ozhan Genc ORCID logo
From the journal Forum Mathematicum


We deal with instanton bundles on the product 1×2 and the blow up of 3 along a line. We give an explicit construction leading to instanton bundles. Moreover, we also show that they correspond to smooth points of a unique irreducible component of their moduli space.

Communicated by Shigeharu Takayama

Award Identifier / Grant number: E11G18000350001

Funding source: Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Award Identifier / Grant number: 2018/30/E/ST1/00530

Funding statement: The first author is a member of GNSAGA group of INdAM, of PRIN 2015 “Geometry of Algebraic Varieties”, cofinanced by MIUR and is supported by the framework of the MIUR grant Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018–2022 (E11G18000350001). The second author is supported by Narodowe Centrum Nauki 2018/30/E/ST1/00530.


The authors would like to express their thanks to the referee for her/his criticisms, questions, remarks and suggestions which have considerably improved the whole exposition.


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Received: 2019-07-22
Revised: 2020-02-18
Published Online: 2020-05-09
Published in Print: 2020-09-01

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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