Issue 38, 2020

Novel perspectives of laser ablation in liquids: the formation of a high-pressure orthorhombic FeS phase and absorption of FeS-derived colloids on a porous surface for solar-light photocatalytic wastewater cleaning


A pulsed Nd : YAG laser ablation of FeS in water and ethanol produces FeS-derived colloidal nanoparticles that absorb onto immersed porous ceramic substrates and create solar-light photocatalytic surfaces. The stability, size distribution and zeta potential of the nanoparticles were assessed by dynamic light scattering. Raman, UV-Vis and XP spectroscopy and electron microscopy reveal that the sol nanoparticles have their outmost layer composed of ferrous and ferric sulphates and those produced in water are made of high-pressure orthorhombic FeS, cubic magnetite Fe3O4 and tetragonal maghemite γ-Fe2O3, while those formed in ethanol contain hexagonal FeS and cubic magnetite Fe3O4. Both colloids absorb solar light and their adsorption to porous ceramic surfaces creates functionalized ceramic surfaces that induce methylene blue degradation by daylight. The laser induced process thus offers an easy and efficient way for the functionalization of porous surfaces by photocatalytic nanoparticles that avoids aggregation in the liquid phase. The formation of an orthorhombic high-pressure FeS phase stable under ambient conditions is the first example of high-pressure structures produced by laser ablation in liquid without the assistance of an electric field.

Graphical abstract: Novel perspectives of laser ablation in liquids: the formation of a high-pressure orthorhombic FeS phase and absorption of FeS-derived colloids on a porous surface for solar-light photocatalytic wastewater cleaning

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Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2020
31 Aug 2020
First published
31 Aug 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 13262-13275

Novel perspectives of laser ablation in liquids: the formation of a high-pressure orthorhombic FeS phase and absorption of FeS-derived colloids on a porous surface for solar-light photocatalytic wastewater cleaning

T. Křenek, L. Vála, T. Kovářík, R. Medlín, R. Fajgar, J. Pola, V. Jandová, V. Vavruňková, M. Pola and M. Koštejn, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 13262 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01999B

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